314angelic · 4 days
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314angelic · 4 days
damn your blood tastes sooo good. What are your pronouns
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314angelic · 4 days
if she's your girl why is she breaking open my ribcage and devouring me like an animal?
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314angelic · 4 days
dracula sleeping in his dracula position with hands crossed but he’s holding his boobs
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314angelic · 4 days
dear god please take all of yuji’s pain and give it to my ex
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314angelic · 1 month
game of thrones is pro sex abuse
Never forget the sins of G. R. R. Martin's writing.
Martin wrote a novel series with many instances of rape towards children. He wrote a series wherein the longest running relationship with the most depth is an incestuous pairing.
Martin, across his books, has written more than 210 rape scenes, leaving around 110 rape survivors. All of these are women.
Martin thinks that sexual violence against women and children is entertainment, "realistic", and intriguing. He confines most of his female characters in some way, giving them less interesting things to do, while his male characters fight and tackle the world head on. Next to his male characters, his female characters have no agency.
He doesn't portray the rapists as evil or cast their actions in anything other than a completely impersonal and neutral light. Not a single rapist sees consequences specifically for their rape. If they die, it is for an unrelated reason, with the rape never brought up again.
I am a published author. I can tell you that writing is not random, it is based on the writer's experiences, philosophical thoughts, their ideals and personal sense of justice. It is a reflection of how we see the world, sometimes it is a reflection of how we wish the world was. There is also a fair amount of sexual fantasy in works that include that element. The things in our novels personally relate to us. We fixate on these ideas we eventually write down for years.
This shows that Martin sees the world this way. His sense of justice is no justice. He fixates on violence towards women. He thinks that rape is a form of plot intrigue. He thinks incest is normal as he never portrays any kind of trauma or negative effect from the pairing and treats it like a regular relationship. The women in his novels do not have anywhere near the same agency as men. Martin thinks that the rape of underage characters is "realistic".
Martin's own stated defense of his toxic writing boils down to his sense of realism. He says this amount of rape is realistic.
You know, realistic like all the dragons and ice zombies he wrote into his novels. Since he's so consistently dedicated to realism, you know.
I think he does really believe that though, that gratuitous violence towards women is realistic. That women are helpless and do less interesting/meaningful things than their male counterparts.
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314angelic · 1 month
When people are saying that rape is worse for male victims than for female victims, I feel like the quiet part is "because women are used to it."
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314angelic · 1 month
When your "friends" still talk to your rapist.
TW ! Sexual abuse, grooming, victim blaming, hurtful comments.
I've been wanting to make a post like this for a while now, on any platform at all, because I have the need to talk it about.
When I was around 2018, I moved to Germany with my parents, I suppose I was around 10. To my surprise, my male cousin, who was very good friends with my older sister (mind you they are almost the same age and when this whole thing was happening he was around 25), moved in with us because my dad had mercy for him, wanting to earn some money and such. I wasn't exactly against it but a few months ago before I moved, it was the first time he put his hands on me. And this whole cycle just continued actually. From when I was 10 until I was 12, and finally, they cut all contacts and it was just me and my parents.
He practically groomed me. Always telling me how talented I am and such, I was a very big fan of writing and all. I fell for it, of course, since I was a child. I didn't tell anybody until I was 14 because I was that scared. He'd always tell me that I'd get in trouble if anyone would find out, all of us. I believed him.
The first person to ever find out was my best friend. She was shocked, since, it was her cousin as well. She refused to talk to him from what I heard but it was a pity since he was literally her neighbour. She even slapped him. But then, me and my mother made the mistake to move to the city where he and many of my relatives were living. I didn't care at first, I just wanted to see both of my best friends, but it affected me more than it should.
Slowly, it for sure ruined me completely. I couldn't eat well or go to school normally without this whole thing completely haunting me and not leaving me alone one second. And that's when me and best friends stopped talking as well.
Only for me to learn that all of my close friends (let's call them Stacy, Stacy's brother and Ivy) were still talking to my rapist. Even if they knew what he did to me. It obviously broke me because I felt very betrayed. They couldn't forgive any of my little mistakes, but they were talking to someone who groomed and raped a child without a second thought. Stacy's brother was the one who threw unnecessary comments such as like (feat Ivy) :
"I'm not a little girl, that's why I keep talking to him" after I told him I feel uncomfortable for him to hang out with him.
"He's not a bad person, he still has some good in him" he yelled at me in my own home, but then his face dropping when Stacey said something like "what if he rap3d me?" Which was only a lie to test him.
"What do you want me to do? I can't just ignore him!" Said Ivy.
And it kept going on like that unfortunately. I am still somewhat friends with Ivy since she apologised to me over some things, but she didn't stopped to talk to him completely unfortunately, occasionally telling me how she watches Nana with him and such, and complaining about him which honestly, it just hurts.
I don't think it's normal to stay friends with someone who's a rapist, and you know it as well. It just shows how little morality you have and how you wouldn't care less until it's your own blood. I never understood why they gave up so much on me, especially Ivy since he only knew him for a few years while me and her knew each other since we were kids because our moms were best friends. With Stacey and her brother I somewhat understood, since they grew up with him because it's their cousin as well, but I still didn't fully understood it.
I had the courage to tell my mom about what happened when I was 14 and I got a "...I kinda knew about it but I wasn't sure" which obviously, was like a dagger in my own heart, because not even my own mother intertwined in some way or another. To this day, not many know of it unfortunately. I always wanted to report him and such but I was too scared. And I still am. Because my mom kept on telling me that she doesn't want problems and for people to slut shame me. Next year I am turning 18 next year, and well, from what I know, I don't have any chances to get him locked or anything because it was years ago anyways.
Now I am constantly living with the fear that he'll groom Ivy next since Ivy is a little younger than me, and he's very generous and friendly as always, always buying her stuff and you name it.
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314angelic · 1 month
Reiji: Can anyone give me an example of something that's useless?
Shu: *Raises hand*
Reiji: Excellent, any other examples?
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314angelic · 1 month
i cannot believe its 2024 and there’s people that think cordelia did nothing wrong 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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i apologize for the rant but
i read the original ‘argument’ and well
personally, i think its kinda insulting to the triplets as characters to just diminish everything they experienced as children and say that cordelia was a good mother. to say that “cordelia never had sex with laito and never had sex in front of kanato!” and that it was just blood drinking is like … insane to me.
like. just use your brain. i really don’t wanna go into a long rant about this, but im prettttty sure laito wouldn’t be attempting to ruin all people that still have their purity by forcing them into sexual intimacy and having such a bad perspective of love if he was just asked by cordelia to drink his blood. like seriously, in MB laito even uses the word “love” to get sex with some of the maids, since thats his understanding of love. and who would’ve taught him that? maybe the person he continuously has conversations about love with in his flashbacks. like his mom.
and im prettttty sure kanato wouldn’t be so traumatized by just seeing his mom drink blood in front of him. kanato even learned how to pleasure girls BY what he witnessed crim cordelia. please correct me if im wrong, but im pretty sure kanato said in dc that cordelia even made him sing until his voice cords bled. kanato was neglected, ignored even when cordelia was doing something intimate with another — which made him the character he is. bratty, angry, always needing to fight for attention. even in cordelias death, kanato took her ashes and stuffed them into teddy so that he finally could have ALL the attention and all of her that he never could have. even eating them when he felt alone.
im not going to touch on ayato since i think his abuse is the most known, and my point about this is just more on the sexual abuse anyways.
theres no denying ALL of them were abused in their own ways.
my point is, if you say laito never engaged sexually with cordelia and kanato never witnessed cordelia having sex with other men, their character development would literally make no sense. flashbacks appear for a reason in DL, and its to give an explanation on how they developed into the diabolical characters we know and love. if cordelia was such a good mother she would not be shown so often in the triplets routes. i mean, look at shu’s. beatrix hardly makes an appearance in his in comparison to the other brothers, since his explanation on his character development comes from what happened with edgar more than his mothers authoritarian parenting.
i also think people get confused of the difference of liking a well written character and completely justifying what they’ve done. cordelia has gone through her own share of trauma, so it makes sense how she came to be the mother we know, which is an abusive one. but its not an excuse, its just an explanation for her actions. i love her as she’s a great antagonist, but just because i do doesn’t mean i love what she’s done. you can do both.
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314angelic · 2 months
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314angelic · 2 months
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kurumi and eiji in kimi ni todoke special ~ soulmate ~
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314angelic · 2 months
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More EijUme!
Some colors from 9-12 chapters of Kimi ni Todoke Unmei no Hito
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314angelic · 2 months
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314angelic · 4 months
Me & who
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Pics not mine 💗
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314angelic · 4 months
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As a Blair's fan it was frustrating watching the show (I stopped watching it in s3 and came back because of these two) because the writers mostly showed us the worst parts of her thanks to the horrible way she was treated by the people who were supposed to be her best friend and her bf. The only time we could see glimpses of her true personality was when she was with Dan. And it was so refreshing to see her so happy during the time they were together. Leighton really gave her all to show how happy and loved she felt with him.
Same goes with Dan. As Penn said, when he was with her he was brighter.
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314angelic · 4 months
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A Blairena Moodboard
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