3ddi3-daydreamer · 11 months
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This photoshoot was simply made for drawing.
I'm sure that this is exactly how would Eddie look as a jock, and I would love him just the same â™„đŸ˜Œ
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3ddi3-daydreamer · 11 months
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3ddi3-daydreamer · 11 months
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There is something in this fanart that feels like a Renaissance sculpture of a biblical representation and I am not even sorry
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3ddi3-daydreamer · 11 months
It had started out as a joke.
Okay, well Steve is pretty sure it started out as a joke to alleviate some of the anxiety before facing Vecna.
It was an innocent joke, too. Or somewhat innocent considering it was made right before they were just going to kill Vecna and maybe die in the process.
Eddie had said, "Hey, Steve?" And when he turned around, Eddie asked with a teasing smile, "A kiss for good luck?"
And Steve, in front of Robin, Nancy, and Dustin with an axe on his back, had just shrugged and walked up to him, planting a kiss right on his lips and lingering for a few seconds before pulling away. He whispered, "Good luck." Ignoring Dustin's whispered what the fuck.
"Make him pay," Eddie had kind of mumbled out in shock, and Steve just nodded, turning back to find Robin's jaw dropped. He just gave her a look that said What? It could be the end of the world. Sue me.
She had just raised her hands in defense while Nancy tried to hide a wide smile.
Later when Steve found Eddie's lifeless body in Dustin's arms, he didn't hesitate to press his lips against his again, trying to breathe life into him. When Dustin shouted something about feeling a pulse, Steve lifted Eddie up like he weighed nothing, and marched him to the gate, determined to save him.
After he was placed in a hospital bed next to Eddie, he was chastised a bit for working through the adrenaline and straining his own wounds while carrying Eddie. But Steve didn't care that it meant it would take a few more weeks for him to completely recover because Eddie was alive. And that's all that really mattered.
The first time Eddie went to physical therapy, Steve smiled at him and asked, "A kiss for good luck?"
Eddie laughed but reached out for Steve who bent over and pressed a soft kiss on his lips. It felt different this time. Less like the world was ending and more like a promise that everything would be okay.
Even after Steve was discharged from the hospital, he would come back for Eddie's physical therapy, offering a kiss for good luck before waiting for him to come back and tell him about the progress he was making.
But as his physical therapy sessions decrease as he gets used to his scars and new limitations, Steve finds himself still lingering around him.
He thinks Eddie notices. With the way he lingers around Steve as well, sneaking glances at him every so often, eyes dipping down to Steve's lips more often as he talks, he's sure Eddie knows what's on his mind.
So, it's really not a surprise when one day Steve, Robin, and Eddie are hanging out and Robin backs up with a piece of popcorn in her hand, she says, "Go long," to Steve, and Eddie asks, "A kiss for good luck?"
Steve doesn't hesitate to give him a quick peck before turning back to Robin and gesturing for her to toss him the piece. She frowns momentarily before tossing it.
Steve is almost upset when it lands in his mouth because it means no more chances of a good luck kiss.
But Eddie just smiles and says, "Maybe our kisses really do bring good luck."
Steve can't help but laugh a bit and nudge his shoulder as he grabs a piece of popcorn out of the bucket and leans back to toss it in Eddie's mouth.
Eddie leans forward this time, and Steve kisses him sweetly before pulling back and asking, "Ready?"
Eddie nods and opens his mouth, catching the popcorn easily.
Steve thinks that maybe their kisses really do bring good luck.
When Steve turns to Robin with another kernel, she jokes, "As long as you don't kiss me." But there's something in her tone that lets Steve know that they're talking about this later.
And soon, Eddie is leaving, and Steve can't help but kiss him again saying it's just good luck for the drive back to his new trailer. And of course, it's dark out, so maybe Steve puts a little more into this kiss than usual before they're both pulling away, breathing heavily into the small shared space between them. Eddie says, "Good luck here," before kissing Steve again and turning quickly to leave.
Steve lingers for a moment in the doorway, making sure Eddie drives off safely before closing the door.
"What the hell was that?"
"Jesus, Robin, how long have you been standing there?"
Robin crosses her arms. "I literally hugged him goodbye right before you two decided to make out in front of me. And since when has that been happening, dingus?" The hurt in her tone is loud and clear.
Steve leans back against the door with a sigh. "We've been doing the good luck kiss before all his physical therapy sessions. It's not a big deal though. It's just good luck. And tonight was the first time we've kissed for something other than physical therapy."
Robin's eyebrows furrow. "Steve, at one point he had PT three days a week. And how many sessions did you miss?"
"None," Steve confesses quietly.
"Oh my gosh," Robin says and walks to the living room.
"It's not like that!" Steve argues, following her.
Robin turns around and says, "Yes, it's not like you two have kissed multiple times for the past few weeks just for 'good luck' and nothing else."
Steve sighs and crosses his arms. "It's exactly like that." He pauses and looks away. "Okay, maybe I'm a little kiss-starved, but it doesn't mean anything!"
Robin worries her bottom lip as she stares at Steve looking conflicted. "Have you ever thought that maybe it might mean more to Eddie?"
Steve freezes before shaking his head. "It doesn't."
"It's just not like that between us, okay?"
Robin stares at him for a few more seconds and quietly says, "You know that it's okay if it is, right?"
Steve nods, not really taking the words to heart. He doesn't feel that way about Eddie. Sure, he likes kissing him and seeing the way he lights up right before they kiss and the way he lingers after but...
It's just not like that.
Steve sighs and looks down. "I'll let you know if anything changes though, okay?"
"Okay," Robin says, sounding a little more satisfied with his answer. "Now you have to help me with my romance problems."
Steve sits back as he listens to Robin rant, trying to ignore the way she still associates him and Eddie with something romantic. And really the kisses are... they're just for good luck... Right?
Steve thinks that maybe the kisses are less for good luck the next week after he starts hanging out more and more with Eddie. They've started asking, "A kiss for good luck?" for just about everything - Eddie getting up to get him and Steve two Cokes, Steve grabbing a blanket for them to share, every time they say goodbye, when one of them shifts on the couch or bed to get more comfortable. Anything really.
But now the good luck kisses are no longer verbally prompted. Sometimes, Eddie will look at Steve, and he'll just know he needs the good luck. Or sometimes Steve will look at Eddie, feeling a random need for good luck.
Usually, it never goes beyond the intensity of their first goodbye-good-luck kiss. And they have a mutual silent agreement to have no good luck kisses in front of the kids. Robin is fine - although that comes with a question about his feelings and whatnot which Steve actively likes to avoid.
It's not like he's in denial about the fact he enjoys kissing Eddie. He's just very much in denial about how much he likes kissing Eddie, and he would like to keep it that way until Eddie finds someone else or ends this... whatever they have.
Unfortunately for him, he's forced to think about it when he gets a little too careless during a movie night with The Party.
Everything was going fine really. Steve had even managed to slip three good luck kisses to Eddie when the kids were away from them. And really, they both needed it because dealing with the kids was sometimes hell.
But Steve really had no excuse when he sat down next to Eddie and openly kissed him in front of all the kids. He only realized his mistake when he pulled back and noticed Eddie staring at him with wide eyes.
"Uh, what was that?" Max asks, looking somewhat delighted at the new development.
Steve quickly explains, "It was a good luck kiss."
"See! I told you guys I wasn't lying!" Dustin shouts excitedly at everyone.
Steve and Eddie turn to give him an unimpressed look at the same time.
Dustin holds his hands up as his voice gets a little higher. "What? They didn't believe me when I told them about it before."
"Okay, now we believe you, but what was this good luck kiss even for?" Will asks.
Eddie shifts next to Steve uncomfortably, but Steve easily answers, "Good luck with dealing with you guys. Plus, I needed good luck getting comfortable."
"Good luck getting comfortable?" Lucas clarifies slowly, not even trying to hide his smile.
"Yes," Steve says exasperatedly. "Now can we watch this movie?"
"Are you two dating?" El asks.
Steve tenses up and glances at Eddie.
"No," Mike says, tone dripping with sarcasm. "Friends kiss each other all the time for good luck."
Will shoots him a look. "When we were just friends, didn't you literally ask me for a good luck-"
"Hey," Mike says with wide eyes as he turns red. "Not helping."
"We're not dating," Eddie states and starts the movie, "But we are watching this movie."
Steve feels his heart sink at the confirmation. Why the hell is he so upset about Eddie telling the truth? Because that's exactly what it is. The truth. They're not dating so Steve isn't allowed to get upset.
For the rest of the movie, Steve tries to get into the plot, but he can't when Eddie is sitting right next to him, reminding him of what he said.
When the movie ends, Steve immediately gets up and starts cleaning up the mess left by the kids and hurries off to the kitchen to work on the mess in there too. He needs to call Robin.
He scrubs at the countertops and half-heartedly waves at the kids when they yell their goodbyes and rush out the door. He gets stuck at one spot on the counter that won't give and scrubs at it harshly until a hand rests over his.
"Hey," Eddie says softly. "You okay?"
Steve slowly turns to face him and lies, "Yeah. I'm fine."
Eddie's eyes lower to his lips momentarily, but he doesn't lean in. "Are you sure?"
Steve nods in response and turns back to the counter.
"Um, good luck with this."
"I'm going to need it," Steve says, leaning in to stare at whatever is stuck on the counter. He pauses when he realizes what Eddie just said and turns around. "Good luck with the kids."
"I'm definitely going to need it," Eddie says dramatically huffing.
"I could take half of them, you know."
Eddie shrugs and moves closer to him. "Or you could do something else for me."
"Yeah?" Steve asks with a smile, "And what's that?"
"Give me some extra good luck."
Steve snorts as Eddie smiles brightly at him. But he wraps his arms around his shoulders and says, "Extra good luck coming right up."
And this kiss... it feels... different.
It starts out sweet and slow like usual, just a soft press of their lips together before they readjust to get a better angle. But Steve remembers the extra Eddie requested and runs a hand through Eddie's hair, pressing in closer. Eddie's hands wrap around his waist as he turns and presses his back against the counter.
Steve breaks the kiss with a gasp, needing more air and filled with slight shock as all his feelings for Eddie suddenly rise to the surface. He pulls back to look at Eddie for a second, taking in his blown pupils and pink cheeks as he whispers, "Jesus H. Christ."
Steve doesn't waste a second before he kisses Eddie again, immediately deepening the kiss but cradling Eddie's face in his hands, trying to offset the desperation of the kiss with the gentleness of the touch. He wants to let him know we have more time now. Unlike their first kiss, and unlike any of the other ones that Steve couldn't suck it up and admit were real, this is the start of something new. Something-
A loud car horn goes off outside causing Steve and Eddie to break apart, but they linger in each other's arms, both staring, knowing they have more to say but not the time in this moment.
"I have to go," Eddie whispers.
Steve nods, but neither of them moves.
The horn goes off again, and Steve reluctantly moves away, grabbing Eddie's hand to drag him to the front door. He waits a second and says, "Eddie..."
"I know," Eddie says and leans in to kiss him gently. "I'll be back, okay? As soon as I drop the little demons off."
The car horn goes off multiple times in an obnoxious rhythm that Steve guesses is Dustin's own creation. He kisses Eddie on the forehead and opens the door. "Good luck."
"God, I'm going to need it."
Steve watches as Eddie jogs to the van yelling, "I'm coming! I'm coming! It's not like you guys are near your curfew so zip it!"
Steve smiles as the van takes off and Eddie blows him a dramatic kiss.
As soon as they're out of sight, Steve races to the phone and calls Robin.
"Robin speaking," she answers, sounding as if she wants nothing to do with the call.
"Hey," Steve sighs with relief.
"Thank god. I thought you were going to be some telemarketer or something. What's going on?"
"I have feelings for Eddie," Steve confesses immediately.
There's a rustling sound and Robin sighs, "You finally realized it."
"Shut up."
"You know I'm right."
It's true, but Steve isn't going to admit it.
"So, what made you realize?" Robin asks.
Steve leans back against the counter. "He told the kids we weren't dating which I couldn't let go because it hurt so damn much. Then, I kind of figured out when I basically stuck my tongue down his throat."
"Gross. You know I hate that phrase," Robin complains.
"And that's why I say it," Steve says with a smile that slowly turns into a softer one as he thinks about Eddie. "I think I'm going to ask him out."
"I wonder if he'll say yes," Robin jokes. At least, Steve hopes she's joking.
"That's a joke, right?"
"Yes, dingus. I'm pretty sure you guys have been sort of dating in the form of excuses this whole time."
"Don't make fun of us."
Robin snorts. "I'm not, I'm just stating the facts."
Steve sighs, trying not to give away again that she's right.
"I'm happy for you guys," Robin says with an obvious smile that Steve can hear. "And thank you."
"Realizing it before I had to knock some sense into you."
Steve rolls his eyes affectionately, knowing she can probably tell even over the phone.
"And for telling me. Which hey, how are you feeling about it?"
Steve shrugs. "I mean, I'm scared, you know? None of my relationships work out, and I need this one to be different."
"I think it will be, but I was more asking about how you're dealing with the knowledge that you like guys."
Steve huffs, "Yeah, I'm not dumb. I knew I was attracted to Eddie, I just didn't want to get emotions involved. I thought you knew this."
"Hello, I'm the same person who couldn't tell that Vickie was into girls as well."
"That's true," he shifts the phone to his other ear and says, "God, I can't believe we're having this conversation over the phone."
"I prefer it to the dirty Starcourt bathroom floors."
"I don't," Steve says with a fond smile.
"Eliminate all the trauma before that moment, and yeah, maybe I do prefer it. Even on the floor."
"I can drag you into the Family Video bathr-"
"Not a chance, dingus," Robin says immediately.
Steve laughs and pauses before saying, "Thanks for letting me take my time to figure it out. Sorry that I was kind of an asshole before."
"You're always kind of an asshole. It's part of the charm."
Steve smiles and says, "Well, then I'm going to be an asshole and tell you I have to hang up, so I can prepare for this life-altering moment."
"Gosh, you two are both so dramatic. You're absolutely perfect for each other."
“Goodbye, Robin,” Steve sighs.
“I would wish you good luck, but I’m not there to kiss you!”
Steve groans as Robin laughs. “I’m hanging up.” He does just that after he hears Robin shriek with more laughter.
She’s never going to let him live this down. (Not that he minds really.)
When Eddie comes back later, the first thing Steve says is, “I need a major good luck kiss.”
“For what?” Eddie asks with a small smile.
“So this really amazing guy will say yes when I ask him out.”
Eddie smiles and wraps his arms around his waist. “You think I’m amazing?”
“So presumptuous of you, assuming I’m talking about you,” Steve jokes.
Eddie raises his eyebrows.
“Okay, yes. I’m talking about you.”
Eddie smiles and says, “Well, I don’t think you need any good luck then.”
“Yeah?” Steve asks with a smile so wide it almost hurts.
“Definitely. But I’m going to give you some extra good luck just in case.”
Steve kisses him with a smile, pulling back immediately to ask, “You’re saying yes, right?”
“I thought I said I was giving you extra good luck first.”
“Yes,” Eddie replies and frowns. “But now what am I giving you extra good luck for?”
“Us? Or maybe we could just call it making out.”
Eddie makes a face and sticks his tongue out. “Bleh, no. No making out in this relationship. Just extra good luck giving.”
Steve laughs and leans in. Giving his boyfriend as much good luck as he can.
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3ddi3-daydreamer · 11 months
Secretly braiding Eddies hair ♄
((a/n: thought this was just the cutest idea when I saw similar things posted on some other blogs so I took a crack at it too. Came out so cute lol)))
{Small, fluffy post} {Eddie Munson x F! Reader}
Sitting behind Eddie in 1st period wasnt so bad. He usually arrived late and then promptly fell asleep in his chair.
Today, his thick long hair is all over your desk so you take that as an opportunity to braid a tiny piece of it. You even take a bead out of one of your own little braids and put it in his hair. You giggle at the thought of him not finding it for hours and the bell rings, scaring him awake.
It is now lunch and he has STILL not noticed the braid & bead in his hair. People keep giggling and pointing at him though. He would be surprised if he didn't have the "freak" reputation already so he just kind of ignores it the best he can. Until Mike points at his hair and says "dude what the hell is that" smiling stupidly. Eddie quickly grabs at the back of his head and feels it. One small perfect braid, with a tiny red bead on the end of it.
His cheeks go red immediately. How long as this been here?! Is this why everyone has been giggling at him all morning?! He scans the cafeteria until he sees you at the next table over. Grinning widely right at him, a matching red bead placed in one of your own equally perfect braids. He chokes on his own breath as he let's out a loud laugh.
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3ddi3-daydreamer · 11 months
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đŸ˜¶ 😧 đŸ˜©
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3ddi3-daydreamer · 11 months
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haunted house time
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3ddi3-daydreamer · 11 months
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3ddi3-daydreamer · 1 year
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Cute metalhead collage... What can I say, I'm in love with him đŸ„°
And I'm in love with this "charcoal" brush as well (anyone who has seen my slashers art knows, that I like to draw with it)
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3ddi3-daydreamer · 1 year
Harrington!reader, Steve’s little sister. Popular, a cheerleader, first time senior and Chrissy’s best friend. But she has a secret that only her best friend knows. She’s had a crush on Eddie Munson since middle school. She’s afraid to tell him, thinking there’s no way he’d be into her. Until one day in the cafeteria, Jason Carver calls Eddie a freak. She confronts him, and punches him in the face, breaking or spraining her hand/wrist. Guess her little secret is out, and she may never be popular again.
OF COURSE MY DEAR ANON! I am so sorry it took forever to address this request! I have just started my final year of Uni, and with four seminars and graduate applications, I have not had any time to write consistently! But this idea was too enticing to pass up, so thank you very much for sharing it! For those waiting on other fics, I am slowly but surely getting back into the groove of writing more consistently so it should all come out sooner rather than later (hopefully) and I always welcome more fics or one shot ideas! Thank you to y'all for bearing with me, I APPRECIATE ALL OF YOU SO SO MUCH ❀❀❀
No warnings excpet for some violence (against Jason Carver so thats fine I think) and some heavy make out session
Word Count: 5.3K
Hit Me Baby One More Time
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You had gotten your first taste of popularity on your very first day of middle school, a couple of years ago. That entire week leading up to it had been filled with fear and stress about what people would think of you. Overwhelmed, you had spent the last few days of your summer agonizing over your outfit choice, turning your daily fashion show into a reluctant performance for your big brother, Steve. Despite his huffs and puffs, he had reassured you that everything would go smoothly, but you couldn't help to worry. Eventually, you ended up settling on a cute white dress that reached just above your knees, paired with a soft baby pink cardigan. You had hoped it would be enough to get some of the right kind of attention that Steve always talked about.
In hindsight, you realized that you might have been a tad dramatic as when lunchtime had rolled around, a group of girls had approached you, giggling with excitement. "Are you Steve Harrington's sister?" they had asked-whispered with bright envious eyes. You slowly nodded, and with elated giggles, they ushered you over to their table, where the popular crowd was hanging out. It turned out your brother had quite the reputation, and while you knew he was popular, you hadn't fully grasped the extent to which the name Harrington would impact your social life. For you, Steve was just the idiot older brother who used Farah Fawcet's hairspray to keep his dumb hair in place – But to everyone else, it seemed that Steve was a pretty big deal. So, you were, it seemed, a legacy, and the rest, as they say, was history. And that very day, you also ended up meeting your future best friend, Chrissy Cunningham, who you would grow to love with all your heart.
Five years had come and gone, and now, you were finally well-established into your senior year, ready to graduate in the spring. And while it was true that your older brother might have facilitated your initial entry into the realm of popularity, you had since etched out a distinctive name for yourself. As your brother moved on to new chapters in his life (namely an underpaid job at family video), your own journey through high school took a markedly different path. In fact, your popularity had continued to ascend, like a rising star in the night sky.
Though the Harrington name may have laid the foundation, you had meticulously built upon it, brick by brick. You had cultivated your own unique persona, and it had become a force to be reckoned with in the hallways of your school. No longer living in the shadow of your brother's glory days, you had emerged as a charismatic figure in your own right.
You had become The Harrington sibling who truly counted, especially after the dramatic showdown between Steve and Billy Hargrove during his own senior year. In the aftermath of that clash, your brother's social standing had taken a considerable hit, with much of his social credit being seized by the mullet-wearing bad-boy. The Harrington name, which had once been associated with Steve's swagger, now conjured images of a radiant, saccharine smile, cheerleading outfits, and a personality as pinky-sweet as bubblegum.
While Chrissy indisputably reigned as the queen of Hawkins High, some believed it was only because you had no desire to claim that throne—a belief rooted in truth as you had no interest of being the queen of anything, especially Hawkins High as beyond Chrissy, you harboured little affection for the other members of the popular clique. Whether it was Jason Carver and his cronies or the remainder of the cheer squad, you couldn't help but find them increasingly vapid.
Nestled at the popular table right in the heart of the bustling cafeteria, always donning Hawkins’ green cheer outfit, a nagging sensation of inauthenticity always clung to you. Hitching deep into your soul, making you feel like the fraud you’ve always believed yourself to be as although your elevated social status had smoothed your journey through high school, ensuring a constant stream of party invitations, a steadfast companion, and even a few favors from teachers who were drawn to your preppy smile and sunny disposition, it all felt like a facade, far removed from your true self.
You’ve always known how deep inside, there were facets of who you really were that you couldn't openly share with anyone but Chrissy. She alone knew of your profound love for fantasy and science fiction novels. Nothing brought you more joy than retreating home to dive headlong into the mystical realms crafted by H.P. Lovecraft or to lose yourself once more in the pages of your well-worn copy of "Frankenstein." Yet, these passions remained concealed beneath the veneer you projected: the princess of Hawkins High, painted in shades of pink, sweet, and deceptively perfect.
The idea of letting those hidden, nerdy passions of yours see the light of day felt like a risky bet, one that could potentially leave you feeling incredibly alone at Hawkins High. The thought of losing friends and having nowhere to sit during lunch was a constant source of worry. You had faith in Chrissy's unwavering support, regardless of your social standing, but you couldn't bear the idea of burdening her. She was just so kind, always forgiving even to those who didn't deserve it, and you didn't want to be the one responsible for pulling her down.
As a result, the decision to keep these aspects of your identity hidden weighed heavily on your heart. It felt like an unspoken loneliness, a sacrifice you were making to preserve the fragile balance of the life you'd carefully constructed in high school. Hawkins High had its own intricate ecosystem, and you were very much a part of it. Your place within that system was delicate, and you couldn't afford to disrupt it, fearing that it might set off a chain reaction that could destabilize everything. You had no intention of being the one to upset the frail high school biome of Hawkins High.
Now, however, your situation was far from ideal as you found yourself sandwiched between Carly and Tina during lunch, and today, they were even more exasperating than usual. There seemed to be some sort of fallout from Tina's last party, something involving a boy, and now the two girls communicated exclusively through snarky remarks, making the tension rise with every snip from either girl. A brewing headache was beginning to claw at your temples as you were waiting for the explosion to erupt sooner rather than later.
What was happening in front of you wasn’t any better as you were given a front-row seat to the somewhat uncomfortable sight of Jason Carver deeply engrossed in a passionate kiss with Chrissy. She appeared to be on the brink of embarrassment, her attempts to gently push Jason away carried out with shy reluctance. "Jason, please," she implored, her manicured hand finding its way to his chest, a plea in her eyes. "Not in front of everyone..."
In response, Jason merely rolled his eyes dismissively. "Come on, baby," he insisted, his voice low and unconcerned. "No one's even paying attention to us."
You couldn't help but scowl, unhappiness etching your delicate features as you watched the uncomfortable display unfold before you. Finally, you couldn't take it any longer. You cleared your throat and loudly exclaimed, "Hey, Chrissy?" All eyes turned to you, and you continued, "Do you think we could slip away from lunch a bit early to go over the routine we've been practicing for the upcoming game? I really want to make sure I've got it down perfectly before tonight's match."
Chrissy's sigh of relief was almost audible, and you could sense her gratitude. In contrast, Jason huffed unhappily, clearly irritated by the interruption. He muttered something about leaving you girls to your conversation before he got up and headed to chat with one of his buddies at the far end of the table.
You and Chrissy shared a quick, wordless girl-to-girl conversation. All the words you needed were conveyed through a bombastic side-eye from you and a subtle nod of your head toward Jason. Chrissy responded with a playful roll of her eyes and a slight shake of her shoulder, silently agreeing with your sentiment.
As your eyes shifted away from Chrissy, they unexpectedly locked onto the deep brown ones of Eddie Munson. Two distinct emotions surged from deep within you. One was a rush of excitement as the warmth of your crush enveloped you, causing your face to flush as red as a ripe apple under his gaze. But in an instant, that crush felt almost crushing when you realized that it wasn't you that Eddie was looking at, but rather Chrissy's high ponytail that had captured his attention.
Eddie and Chrissy. Chrissy and Eddie. ChrissyandEddie. It was an undeniable fact that the guy you had the most enormous crush on happened to be utterly smitten with your best friend. It felt almost tragically comical, if you were being honest with yourself. Throughout high school, countless guys had mustered the courage to ask you out, but you had dismissed them all without a second thought. Football jocks, band nerds, potheads, music fanatics – none of them could hold a candle to Eddie Munson in your eyes.From the very moment you first crossed paths with Eddie during your freshman year, your heart had been irreversibly, completely, and utterly captivated by the charismatic and outspoken boy. You were utterly unprepared for it, not like you were out there seeking Cupid's arrow to pierce your heart. You had simply been an unsuspecting victim of one of its whims, but the exquisite pain that followed was worth it. At least, you hoped so.
Thanks to Eddie's recurring attempts at redoing his senior year and your placement in advanced classes, your worlds intersected more than once. One particularly unforgettable encounter unfolded in Mrs. Allen's math class, where the teacher had a peculiar notion that pairing the class's worst student (Eddie) with its best (you) would somehow work magic. You were left a bit shy and entirely tongue-tied in his presence, but Eddie had an uncanny talent for leaning in close and delivering a barrage of side-splitting, utterly inappropriate observations about Mrs. Allen that left you snorting with laughter. For a glorious three months, Eddie was your math partner in crime, and during that time, you dared to believe that something more could evolve from your interactions. If only you could string together coherent sentences without tripping over your words.
However, as fate would have it, the teacher eventually grew tired of her seating arrangement, deciding it was high time to shake things up. This twist in your high school narrative resulted in you and Eddie being separated, an alteration you weren't particularly thrilled about. The new arrangement effectively put a damper on your burgeoning connection.
It was in the midst of this seating shuffle that Eddie tossed a rather loaded question your way, catching you off guard. "Your friend Chrissy," he began, as you felt yourself shrink under his gaze. "Is she still with that Carver douche?" Your gaze faltered as you met his, a nod escaping your lips as a wave of disappointment surged within you. Inwardly grappling with the sting of unspoken heartache, you found yourself clutching the hem of your cheer skirt almost desperately. Without another word, you retreated to your newly assigned seat, a sense of melancholy lingering like a shadow and bitter disappointment coating your tongue.
Even now, your gaze would involuntarily flicker to Eddie whenever you found yourself in the same room. Often, he'd be engrossed in conversations with his bandmates or his D&D group, leaving you on the outside looking in. It was a conflicting sensation, feeling his presence so near yet so far away. If only you could gather the nerve to strike up a conversation with him, but you hesitated. After all, you were the popular girl, the one who played by the rules, and good girls weren't supposed to mix with people like Eddie, no matter how much you desperately longed for it. Perhaps during math class today, you thought, you might find a plausible excuse to approach him. Maybe something as simple as asking about the homework or...
"And what the hell do you think you're staring at, Freak!?" The sudden hush that swept over the cafeteria was palpable as every head turned toward Jason, who had abandoned your table and was now striding purposefully toward the one where Eddie and his friends were seated. A chill coursed through your veins, causing your face to pale. You couldn't tear your eyes away from the unfolding drama as Eddie rose from his seat. While he appeared outwardly confident, the telltale clenching and unclenching of his hand betrayed the nervousness bubbling beneath the surface. It was clear to you that what he was displaying might just be a facade of bravado.
"Did you dribble that orange ball a few too many times, Carver?" Eddie sarcastically chimed in. His words hung in the air, an open challenge that seemed to stoke the flames of Jason's anger. In a fit of rage, Jason lunged forward, grabbing Eddie by the front of his well-worn jeans jacket. The cafeteria held its breath, anticipation hanging heavy in.
 A gasp escaped your lips, a sharp, involuntary intake of breath as the dramatic confrontation unfolded before your eyes. Abruptly, you shot up from your seat, causing Chrissy to turn around in surprise. She sent you an uncertain look as you started to stride toward the two boys. It was as if you were possessed by a force stronger than yourself, you couldn’t let whatever was happening continue – you had to do something!
"Don't try to bullshit me, freak!" Jason's voice reverberated through the cafeteria, anger and scorn dripping from his words. "I saw you looking at Chrissy. You think you can just lay your eyes on her, you freak? She isn't yours; you're nothing but trailer trash! Don't you ever dare to look at her again, alright? Or I'll teach you a lesson you won't forget!" Jason was so close to Eddie's face that his spittle sprayed across the other boy's features. He shoved Eddie backward, and it was at that moment, as you were making your way between the mass of students that had clustered around Jason and Eddie that you felt a surge of red-hot anger like nothing you had ever felt before.
"Do I make myself clear, freak?" Jason continued, his voice dripping with malice. "Or do I need to send my boys to deal with you and your pathetic group of losers?" Eddie looked incensed, but he cowered under Jason's menacing threat.
"I...wasn't...looking," Eddie enunciated each word through gritted teeth, avoiding Jason's eyes. Jason burst into fake laughter, glancing around at the onlookers.
"Does the freak have a crush?" he taunted, his voice cruel and derisive. "That's hilarious. You honestly think you'd have a chance with Chrissy? Be realistic, freak. What is it now, twice repeating your senior year?" Eddie's face turned a deep shade of pink, shame washing over him as Jason's taunts struck at his insecurities. His shoulders sagged with each insult, and he struggled to maintain his composure.
"Everyone knows anyway that the only way a freak like you could ever get close to a girl is when you and your little cult of Satan practice some sacrifices," Jason continued, his words laced with venom. "I'm even surprised they let people like you in here. Everyone knows what kind of trash your dad was, it ain't surprising that the apple didn’t fall too far from the tree
You pushed your way through the crowd, determination propelling you forward. Without a second thought, you strode purposefully toward the back of Jason. Eddie's surprised gaze locked onto you as you confidently approached them.
You extended your arm and lightly tapped Jason on the shoulder, effectively cutting off his rant mid-sentence. The abruptness of your action prompted Jason to whirl around to face you, his typically handsome features now contorted into a repulsive mask of anger. It was a stark contrast to the carefully cultivated "cool-guy" image he often projected. But deep down, you knew this enraged countenance was his true face, hidden behind the facade. In fight or flight mode, you recalled your brother Steve's advice about fighting, which you had stored away in your memory, "Sis," Steve's voice echoed in your mind, "when you throw a punch, put your entire body behind it."
And that's precisely what you did. With every ounce of your body weight, you thrust your fist forward directly into Jason's face. The cafeteria was filled with a sharp crack, echoing through the room, followed by a collective gasp from everyone present. An eerie silence descended upon the cafeteria.
Jason lay sprawled on the floor, a violent stream of blood gushing from his nose, while you clutched your hand close to your chest. Tears welled up at the corners of your eyes. No one had ever warned you that hitting someone would hurt like an absolute nightmare! It ] wasn’t like that in the movies!
Your gaze landed on Eddie, and you noticed a peculiar expression take over the young metalhead’s face –  His brown gaze held something unfamiliar, a look you had never seen throughout the time you had been admiring him from afar. I was as though he were seeing you – like he was attempting to decipher the mechanics of your very being. It caught you off guard, this intensity in his stare, and you couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking.
“YOU BITCH! WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM!!!” Jason roared from his sprawled position on the ground.
Reluctantly tearing your gaze away from Eddie, you redirected it toward the fallen boy who cut a rather pathetic figure at your feet. Curling your lip in disdain, you adopted your most haughty tone and huffed, "You, Jason Carver, are the problem here!"
Jason, still sprawled on the floor with a nosebleed, glared up at you, his anger palpable, "You little—"
Before he could finish his sentence, you cut him off with a stern gesture. "Save it, Jason. You had this coming."
A stunned silence blanketed the cafeteria, every eye fixed on the unfolding confrontation. It was as if time had frozen, and the entire room held its breath in rapt attention as Hawkins' princess unleashed her verbal assault on the school's reigning king.
In that moment, you felt like you had the entire cafeteria in a chokehold, and you were determined not to let this opportunity slip away, not after what Jason had put Eddie through. Gathering your resolve, you continued, your voice dripping with disdain, "Do you honestly believe you can bully and belittle people just because they don't conform to your narrow definition of 'normal'? Well, I've had enough of your toxic attitude! You, my dear Jason, are the most insufferable idiot I've ever had the displeasure of encountering in my entire life! And I am done catering to whatever you and your dumb friends say!”
Jason struggled to get up, wiping the blood from his nose with the back of his hand. Turning back to Jason, you crossed your arms and delivered your final message with authority. "Consider this a warning, Jason. Mess with Eddie or anyone else again, and you'll have me to answer to."
"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!" Principal Higgins' thunderous voice pierced through the otherwise eerily silent cafeteria. In an instant, your confidence evaporated, leaving you feeling pale and exposed. You were caught off guard, unable to process what to do or say.
Before you could even react, a familiar, warm hand firmly grabbed yours, yanking you along as they sprinted in the opposite direction, forcefully pushing people out of the way. It was a grip you knew well, and you didn't hesitate to follow Eddie as he practically dragged you toward the exit of the cafeteria.
The scene you left behind was nothing short of chaotic. The entire school stood in a collective stupor, mouths agape in disbelief. Jason Carver, his face an alarming shade of red, appeared on the brink of an aneurysm as he struggled to regain his composure. Principal Higgins, in his authoritative fury, barked orders at the bewildered students, demanding answers and an immediate end to the commotion.
As you reached the exit and the clamor of the cafeteria began to fade, you couldn't help but let out a giggle of exhilaration. Eddie continued to lead you, now behind the school building and into the dense woods that bordered the campus. The farther you ventured into the secluded forest, the more you appreciated the sudden escape from the madness. Eventually, Eddie brought you to a worn-out picnic table, the wood weathered by years of exposure to the elements. Eddie finally managed to catch his breath. He exhaled heavily and asked, "What the hell... hfff... was that?!"
You leaned against the picnic table, still catching your own breath, and grinned at Eddie. "That, Eddie, was me finally giving Jason Carver a taste of his own medicine. That douchebag had it coming!"
Eddie let out a loud surprised laugh while still trying to catch his breath, his eyes still wide from the unexpected turn of events. "Well, I've gotta say, sweetheart, that was quite the show back there. You really let him have it, you got a mean hook princess." A warm flush of pride swept over you as you soaked in Eddie's praises. How long had you waited to hear him say something like that—to acknowledge you and gaze at you as if you were the most wonderful girl in the world? It was a feeling you had been yearning for so long, and if you were to die right now, you would die happy!
Eddie's warm, chocolate-coloured gaze landed on you, and it felt as though it softly swept over every inch of your being. He spoke, his voice filled with curiosity, "I don't think anyone was expecting Hawkins' princess to come to the defence of the 'freak.' You know they won't let you forget this, right? Why would you risk all that for little old me, Harrington?"
You let out a sigh, the weight of his inquisitive gaze pressing on you. As you closed your eyes briefly, you grappled with the emotions that had been swirling within you since the first time you had laid eyes on Eddie. A small smile crept onto your lips as you slowly opened your eyes, fixing them on the boy of your dreams. "You're worth it, Munson."
Eddie drew in a sharp breath, taking three steps closer to you. His large, warm hands, bearing tiny scars from playing the guitar, gently swept across your cheeks as he gazed intently into your eyes. "Do you mean that, Harrington? Because there's no going back if I kiss you right now—it's you and me, the princess and the 'freak.' You won’t climb back from that fall.”
You glanced at your right hand, the knuckles scraped and the skin raw, with a slight swelling on your wrist. "I think it's a little too late for that anyway," you sheepishly admitted. Eddie smiled warmly, his eyes filled with admiration, before gently taking your hand in his two larger ones. He slowly brought your bruised knuckles to his mouth, planting a soft kiss on each of them, causing your breath to hitch.
"Who knew that the princess of Hawkins High was Indiana’s future boxing champion," Eddie softly joked, his voice laced with affection. "I just feel bad for this pretty, soft hand – all bruised and battered to protect me, like the prettiest knight in pink armor coming to my rescue." You couldn't help but swoon at his words as Eddie continued to softly kiss your hand, his gaze slowly lifting to meet yours, his eyes filled with
 Love? Tenderness? A girl could dream.
A warm smile curved across Eddie's lips, and he leaned in, capturing your mouth with his in a searing kiss. As you both savored each other, Eddie's hand slowly wrapped around the base of your neck, holding you close to him. As you were trying not to faint from the sheer pleasure this moment was bringing you, a flash of remembrance rushed through you, snapping you back from your trance and causing you to break the kiss and catch your breath. You whispered softly against Eddie's lips, "What about Chrissy?"
Eddie nuzzled your face with his nose, his lips brushing lightly against your skin. "What about her?" he retorted playfully. "I mean... I thought... I thought you had a thing for her," you admitted meekly.
Eddie smirked against your cheek. "If I did, I wouldn't be kissing you right now, right?" His voice held a teasing edge as he continued to shower your neck with tender kisses.
You closed your eyes, feeling a mix of contradicting emotions – wanting to keep going to feel more of him, wishing him to stop playing with your heart because you weren’t sure you could take it anymore. "I mean it, Eddie... I don't want to be your second choice."
Eddie stopped his ministrations and returned to your face, holding your gaze with his. "You were always my first choice, Eddie," you confessed, tears gathering at the corner of your eyes. "And I don't think I could handle being your backup plan."
Eddie's whispers were tender as he wiped away the tears that had begun to roll down your cheeks. "Nononono, sweetheart. Don't cry, please," he implored softly. "You were always my first choice." His words held a reassuring sincerity that began to soothe your racing heart. But you wouldn’t be so easily swayed, as much as you loathed Jason Carver, you had witnessed first hand how Eddie seemed enraptured with Chrissy.
You huffed in disbelief, but Eddie insisted, urging you to meet his gaze. "No, it's true. Hey, look at me," he gently encouraged. "I never thought I would ever have a chance with a girl like you. You know, you're like my dream girl, right?" You gave him an uncertain look, still wrestling with your doubts. "You always stare at Chrissy, though. And you did ask me if she was still with Jason, remember?"
Eddie released your cheeks and took a step back, embarrassment tinging his cheeks as he used a piece of his shaggy hair to shield himself from you. "I wasn't looking at Chrissy. You're always with Chrissy, so I was looking at you," he admitted, his voice tinged with shyness. "And I only asked you that because I panicked. I was going to ask you out, but the guys had been teasing me for weeks, telling me I was too much of a coward to do it. I guess they were right because I chickened out."
As Eddie continued, his embarrassment grew, and he took another step back. He held the piece of hair in front of his face, as if to hide himself from you. "I've actually had a crush on you since last year," he confessed, his words shocking you.
"Are you joking?!" you blurted out, astonished.
He shook his head, his warm brown eyes holding your gaze. "Not at all, princess," he began with a soft smile. "It was last year. You were on your way back from cheer practice, and you were in a hurry, holding a huge backpack. It happened so fast that you didn't even realize a book had fallen out."
His eyes sparkled as he continued, his tone becoming more animated. "I saw it lying there, and curiosity got the best of me – I picked it up, and to my surprise, it was a copy of 'The Hobbit.’” He grinned as if sharing a secret. "I was planning to return it to you, honestly, but then, when I opened it, I saw that there was a bunch of notes in the margins." Eddie started grinning even more as he continued “All there in the margins, notes, thoughts, musings. It was like reading your mind with every turn of the page. Your insights, your emotions, your laughter, and even your frustrations were all there in the margins. I knew I had stumbled upon the most precious treasure in the universe – it was a private window into you."
Your breath hitched at his words, and as Eddie spoke, you felt a warmth spreading through you, "It felt like we were close," Eddie continued, his gaze never leaving yours. "I couldn't put the book down. It was like having a conversation with you, even when you weren't around. I realized how much we had in common, how you saw the world, and it fascinated me.”
The thought that Eddie had held onto that copy of 'The Hobbit,' with your notes and thoughts, all this time was both surprising and heartwarming. Damn, he was perfect.
"Fuck, I sound so creepy," Eddie confessed, breaking your reverie. He scratched the back of his head, looking sheepish.
But you weren’t creeped out, far from it. For the first time in your life, you felt completely understood by someone – inside and out. "No, Eddie," you whispered softly, your heart swelling with love. "You don't sound creepy at all. You sound... perfect." A sweet cocky grin got etched on Eddie’s lips “Perfect, eh?”
Getting overwhelmed by his stare, you tried to play it cool and diverted his question by teasingly asking, "So you’ve had a big fat crush on me for a while, right?"
Eddie chuckled, taking a step closer to you, his gaze locked on yours. "Don't get too high and mighty, princess," he said with a warm smile, his voice laced with adoration. "From the looks of it, you've got a pretty big crush on little old me too
Your heart skipped a beat at his words, and you let out a soft giggle, feeling a delightful warmth in the pit of your stomach. "I can neither confirm nor deny that," you replied in a sing-song voice, your eyes never leaving his.
Eddie's smile deepened, his gaze filled with affection. With a tender touch, he placed his hands on your waist, and before you knew it, he had spun you around. You couldn't help but let out a joyful squeak as you twirled together in a sweet, romantic dance. As he gently lowered you back to the ground, his strong arms remained securely wrapped around your back, pulling you close.
In that intimate moment, it felt as though the world had faded away, leaving just the two of you entwined in each other's embrace. Your breaths synchronized, and you lost yourselves in each other's eyes, the unspoken promise of a beautiful future passing between you.
"Hey, Eddie," you whispered, your voice barely above a breath but filled with affection and longing.
Eddie's gaze softened even more, his eyes filled with tenderness as he held you close. "Yeah, princess?"
With a radiant smile, you leaned in closer to him, your heart singing with love. "I've got a big fat crush on you too."
A soft, contented sigh escaped Eddie's lips, and he held you even tighter as if he never wanted to let you go. "Good." And without another word, he pressed his lips to yours in a bruising kiss. Nothing ever tasted sweeter.
“You gonna be alright sitting with the freaks now?” “As long as I sit with you Eddie, I could not care less.”
The fallen princess and the freak," you thought contentedly, "that has the ringing of a love story for the ages.” And all it took was that punch you threw at Jason Carver's face for you and Eddie to find your way to each other.
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3ddi3-daydreamer · 1 year
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beginning of volume 2 inspired sketches heh🚐🌀
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3ddi3-daydreamer · 1 year
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My seasonal depression is already beating my ass, so I’m diving back into the thing that brought me the most joy this summer :,) Pls enjoy fall festivities flannel bf Eddie, maybe Steve next? This took 10 hours but I’m open to ideas and requests, I need to draw more outside of work for myself
AU where you get sat next to Eddie Munson your senior year history class and become best buds and he not so smoothly asks you to go to the local pumpkin patch with him but you’re an oblivious b and you have to pretend you don’t have big stupid crushes on each other the whole time
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3ddi3-daydreamer · 1 year
personal heat pack - eddie munson x fem!reader
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this is very self indulgent cause i’m on my period oops and if there’s errors no there’s not
warnings: reader is on her period, fingering, period sex, protected penetrative sex, praise kink, dirty talk, eddie is a very good boyfriend, all characters are 18+!
You weren’t in class that day.
Any other occasion it wouldn’t have alarmed your boyfriend, but today was important to you. It was tryouts for the spring musical, something you didn’t want to miss out on. But mother nature seemed to be against you, your period coming earlier than you expected. You tried to push through the pain, but the heat pack, tylenol, even eating almonds did nothing to dull the pain radiating through your body.
So you stayed home, curled in a ball in your twin sized bed. Your parents were both at work, leaving you with the house to yourself. So when you heard a tap on your window you were startled, a small smile appearing once you saw the dark curls on the other side. Eddie easily slipped open your window, having done it countless times already. The male stumbled in, causing you to giggle at his not so graceful landing.
Eddie just chuckled, kicking off his sneakers before crawling into bed with you. It was always a snug fit, but it just meant he got to keep you closer to him. You buried your face in the crook of his neck, sighing as his signature scent of citrus and a faint tinge of tobacco filled your senses.
“Now why in the world is my princess not in school today? Playing hooky?”
He lightly teased, but he knew you wouldn’t have missed try outs for no reason. And being the good boyfriend he was, he had to make sure you were alright. His warm hands curved around your back, the feeling making you sigh happily. Eddie’s touch was something you always craved, even more so now in this vulnerable state.
 I got my period.”
You sigh, embarrassment lacing your tone. This isn’t Eddie’s first time taking care of you through your monthly cycle, but it still made you feel self conscious nonetheless. You feel his lips press against the top of your head, his hands now rubbing soothing circles into the skin of your back. It always made him feel a little helpless, wishing he could somehow take on the pain for you.
“I knew something was up, why didn’t you call me this morning?”
Now repeating his senior year for the second time you knew he shouldn’t miss school, especially because of you. Which was your reasoning for not giving him the heads up. You knew he would most likely worry, but you didn’t expect him to leave halfway through the school day to check on you.
“Eds I didn’t want you to miss the whole day because of me
 especially for something so silly.”
He gently coaxes you out from your hiding place within his neck, his eyebrows furrowed. Of course this wasn’t silly to him, he’d do anything for you.
“Hey, don’t do that. You’re in pain, that’s not silly.”
You nod, as his hands begin to drift to the front of your t-shirt, slipping underneath the fabric. The warmth feels nice, slightly helping the cramps that were ravaging your insides. But as comforting as his touch was, it was starting to ignite some other feelings in you
 ones you’d be too embarrassed to admit.
“That feel any better?”
You nod your head, shifting slightly under his doe eyed gaze. Your cheeks are tinged with pink as your mind begins to wander
 thinking of all the other things his hands could do to you. There was a confused look that crossed his features for a moment, as you continued to slightly squirm in his arms. You really wished you had a better poker face, as a look of recognition fell over him.
“Hmm, you feeling needy sweetheart?”
You let out a noise close to a whimper, fully intending to hide your face in his neck again. But Eddie wouldn’t allow it, gently grasping your chin to keep your gazes locked. You would have thought he would’ve been grossed out, but the lustful look in his eyes told you the opposite.
“I— I’m sorry. It’s hard not to when you’re touching me like this.”
You whisper, feeling incredibly embarrassed but turned on all at the same time. The pink on your cheeks has only darkened, as he presses a kiss to each one.
“There’s no need to feel embarrassed baby, it’s natural. Besides
 I’ve heard orgasming can do wonders for your cramps.”
Eddie wiggles his eyebrows at you, causing you to giggle and lightly smack his chest. You’re still feeling nervous though, biting your lower lip.
“It doesn’t gross you out?”
That’s really your main concern, as you’ve heard the way guys talk about periods. Like it was some nasty thing, which didn’t help make you feel much better. The metalhead shakes his head, his curls tickling the skin of your cheek.
“Nah, it’s just a little blood baby
 we can just put a towel down. My main concern is that you want it. I won’t do anything that you aren’t comfortable with.”
Eddie’s words make relief bloom in your chest, smiling shyly up at him. He returns your look, his hands now ghosting over your hips as he presses your lips together again. His digits move lower, cupping you through your underwear making you moan softly. You were already so worked up just by the thought of his fingers inside you, you really didn’t need much more foreplay.
“Eds please
 I need you.”
You whined against his lips, causing your boyfriend to chuckle at your impatience. He’s quick to lay you on your back, before climbing over you off the bed. You instantly miss his warmth, watching as he disappears out of your bedroom into the hallway. Eddie quickly returns with a dark towel, pulling the covers off your lower half. His chestnut hues travel down your thighs, the growing lust behind them making you flush more.
Only clad in a sleep shirt and panties you feel a little exposed, but any nerves disappear when he gently helps lift your hips. He lays the towel down beneath you, settling you back down onto the soft fabric. Eddie now kicks off his jeans, before climbing back onto the bed with you. The brunette’s hands return to your hips, his fingers slipping past the waistband of your panties.
“You ready sweetheart?”
His tone is utterly sweet, making sure you were comfortable before continuing. He was always so thoughtful that way. You can’t stop the smile from spreading across your lips, nodding. Eddie leans back over you to press another kiss to your mouth, gently nipping your bottom lip as he pulls away. Once he’s settled comfortably between your legs he slides all his rings off. You hold out your hand, the cool metal clinking together as he drops them into your palm.
You set them on your night stand, as Eddie’s hands start tugging down your panties. You help remove them from your legs, eyes settling on your ceiling as you let your legs fall open. Feeling his fingers drifting up your thighs you shiver, moaning when they run through your folds. Eddie groans when he feels how wet you are, quickly finding your bundle of nerves.
“Fuck— this all for me princess?”
You mumbled a quiet ‘mhm’, desperate for more pressure you buck your hips up. The brunette quickly responds to your actions, slipping a finger inside you while his thumb takes over rubbing your clitoris. You can’t help the moans from tumbling past your lips as Eddie adds another digit, pumping them inside you at an irritating slow pace.
“God always so good for me
 you want another sweetheart?”
You cry out softly as he curls his fingers inside you, gently brushing against your sweet spot. Eddie continues his almost torturous movements until you answer him.
 please please please!!”
Your eyes drop down from the ceiling to him, his own focused on watching his digits disappearing inside you. You reach out for his free hand, tangling your hands together. He increases his pace, as he slips a third finger inside. The pleasure you boyfriend is giving you has made you forget about the pain in your middle, at least for the moment. You can feel your orgasm creeping up on you, the wet sounds of his fingers thrusting inside you filling the room.
You were too caught up in the feeling of his fingers stretching you open to be embarrassed by the sounds of your arousal. But nudging your foot against his clothed erection, you knew Eddie was really enjoying himself. He groans as you tighten harshly around his digits, putting more pressure on your sensitive bud.
“Eddie gonna c-cum baby.”
You whimper, your eyes squeezing shut as your orgasm crashes over you. Eyes squeezing shut, gripping Eddie’s hand so tightly you’re surprised the male didn’t flinch. Eddie only slows his fingers once you’re settled back into the mattress, chest rising and falling quickly as you bask in your post orgasmic haze. The brunette removes his fingers, wiping them on the towel before he’s hovering over you. Your hands reach out to cup his cheeks, pulling his lips down to yours.
Eddie is a little surprised by your urgency, but doesn’t dare complain as you slip your tongue into his mouth. Despite the amazing orgasm he just gave you, you weren’t done with him yet. You lift your hips up against his, the brunette moaning into your mouth at the friction. He pulls away from your lips, trailing them down your neck nipping at your skin in his wake.
“You want more my needy girl? Need me to fuck you?”
His voice has dropped an octave, huskier due to his own growing need for you. You mewl in response, nails digging into his shoulders.
“Fuck me Eds.”
You sound almost pathetic begging him like this, but you couldn’t find it within yourself to care. Eddie had awoken something in you, and you wouldn’t be satisfied until he’s fucked you deep into the mattress. Eddie sits up suddenly, removing his shirt and tossing it somewhere in the room. You nearly drool as you admire his bare chest, tracing the dark ink dotting his pale skin.
“Do you have a condom?”
It takes you a minute to meet his eyes, the male chuckling at your clear ogling of his chest. He tucks s strand of your hair behind your ear, pressing a kiss to your temple. Your eyes quickly falling back to chest, fingers trailing down his happy trail.
“My eyes are up here sweetheart.”
You feel your face flush at being caught checking him out again, but you know he really doesn’t mind in the slightest. Flattery works for him, something you’d learned very early on in your relationship. Unwillingly tearing your gaze from the beautiful man above you, you open your bedside table drawer. Eddie quickly spots the box of condoms, reaching over to grab one. From the amount of times he’s snuck through your bedroom window you’ve learned to be prepared. You help him shimmy out of his boxers, your eyes now falling to his hardened member. Standing at full attention, tip pink and leaking pre-cum.
You lick your lips, clenching down around nothing just looking at it. Eddie was your first so you didn’t have anything to compare it to, but you knew he was above average. And boy did he know how to use it, filling you in ways you didn’t think was possible. Your boyfriend chuckles at how distracted you’ve become, rolling the condom over his hardened length. You notice the slight red staining on his fingers as he did so, some embarrassment creeping back in. Eddie must have noticed the look on your face, tilting your chin up to meet his eyes. They were gentle, kind and full of so much love it made your heart swell in your chest.
“You ready beautiful? Want me to make you feel good?”
Your embarrassment has vanished at his words, that insatiable monster clawing back in your chest. You nod frantically, replying with so many ‘pleases’ it made Eddie smirk. Lining himself up with your entrance he leans down to capture your lips again, slowly filling you to the hilt with his cock. The stretch felt so good, your legs wrapping around his hips to keep him close. Your little whines against his lips only spur the metalhead on, slowly beginning to thrust into you. Things felt a little messier than usual as he buries himself into you, but it only seems to add to the experience. Eddie’s lips leave yours, chestnut hues focusing on where your bodies connected. He loved watching you swallow his cock, it was one of his favorite sights.
“You look so pretty with my cock inside you sweetheart...”
You preen from his praise, fingers tangling his unruly curls. He knows how much you love it when he talks to you, his praise one of the things you crave most. So he doesn’t stop the flood of compliments, the vulgar nature of them would be enough to make you blush under different circumstances. But now they were only fueling the fire growing in your belly.
“Such a perfect pussy baby
 always taking me so well. Like you were made to take it huh?”
You can only cry out in response, already loosing your ability to form a coherent thought. Your boyfriend knew it too, chuckling as his thrusts pick up their pace. Eddie’s fingers find your clit again, rubbing agonizingly slow circles on the bud. You can only tug on his dark curls, lifting up to press messy kisses to his jawline. The juxtaposition of his quick thrusts and slow motions on your clit is making your head fuzzy, already feeling your second orgasm looming over you.
“Fuck, you gonna cum again already princess? Squeezing me so tight.”
You nod, whimpering as your fingers drift from his curls to his taut shoulders, your nails leaving behind crescent marks in their wake. That only makes him more determined to get you to fall apart beneath him, his fingers now matching the quickness of his hips. Your metal headboard is slamming into the wall, thankful that the house was empty besides the two of you. Eddie doesn’t get the opportunity to fuck you like this here very often, so he’s taking full advantage.
You can only seem to cry out his name, clenching harshly around him as your second orgasm rocks through you. Your back arches off the mattress, nails raking down his bare back from the force of it. Eddie is cursing, his hips faltering slightly as he fucks you through your euphoria. But the constant pulsing of your walls around him and your pretty whimpers are what finally do him in. He spills into the condom with a groan, keeping himself nestled at your deepest point. Your eyes gaze up at him in awe, his own dark hues now hidden from you.
You mumble, stroking his cheek and coaxing him to gaze down at you once more. It was a true statement, your boyfriend was very pretty. But he was especially pretty when he came. Eddie just grins, dimples making an appearance as he presses kisses all over your face causing you to giggle. The action has you tightening around him more, groaning as he slips himself out of you. If that continued he’d have no choice but to fuck you all over again. Not that you would’ve minded. Eddie takes the condom off carefully, tying it off and chucking it in your garage can. He flops beside you then, pulling you back into his chest.
“Feeling better sweetheart?”
His lips are at your ear, hand wrapped around your middle and resting on your lower tummy. You sigh happily, nodding your head. The pain in your abdomen has gone away for now, but you know it’s only a matter of time before it returns. But when it does, you know he’ll be there to help you through it again.
Eddie always will.
.   ʁ ˖ àŁȘ . ⋆ * .♡ *:.   ʁ ˖ àŁȘ . ⋆ * .♡ *:.   ʁ ˖ àŁȘ .
tagging: @changemunson @onegirlmanytales @lilthbunny @xxhellfiregirlxx @etherealeddie @tylevx @nomajdetective @awilderi @shifts-for-men
please comment and reblog if you enjoyed besties 😘
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