3dprintart · 5 years
3d printed porcelain vases decorated with sound. The surface of the mesh is progressively textured by adding digital sound recording to the growing form.
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3dprintart · 9 years
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Music video for track by Sissi Rada put together by schnellebuntebilder uses Kinect 3D video captures and creatively combines point cloud data with particle physics. 
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3dprintart · 9 years
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Orbicular Lamp by nervous system
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3dprintart · 9 years
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Watch Molten Glass 3D-Printed From a Kiln at 1900 Degrees
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3dprintart · 9 years
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‘wiremass’ by gilles retsin, manuel jimenez-garcia, vicente soler and their students from the bartlett school of architecture and research cluster 4 
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3dprintart · 9 years
Material Explorations on a Makerbot Replicator 2
Bronze, Coconut Husk, Carbon Fiber
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3dprintart · 10 years
Loops and spirals twisting around a central spine
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3dprintart · 10 years
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Neri Oxman and her team intersect Stratysys color multi-material 3D printing and synthetic biology to create four wearable skins designed for planetary voyages
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3dprintart · 10 years
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Oliver van Herp spent two years working on a 3D printer and 3D printing process that could make large and medium scale functional 3D printed ceramics.
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3dprintart · 10 years
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Lutz Wagner aka Moto Waganari born 1967 in Germany, creates transparent network-sculptures which outline a delicate body frame.
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3dprintart · 10 years
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Lamp shades designed to be printed out of PLA material using FDM 3D printer. Trying to avoid any support material and use as less material as possible to build firm structure but also big enough in short print time.
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3dprintart · 10 years
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Eyal Gever Transforms Sublime Moments into Massive 3D Printed Sculptures
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3dprintart · 10 years
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3D Printed House 1.0 - large-scale, additive manufactured structures - built using salt harvested from San Francisco Bay - design by Emerging Objects
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3dprintart · 10 years
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Mesonic Fabrics - algorithmic states explored by trans-coding 3 different algorithms - #BIOTHING
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3dprintart · 10 years
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3d printed lamp - created using selective laser sintering process
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3dprintart · 10 years
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Batoidea - chair made of aluminium casting - created by Peter Donders. Sand casting moulds manufactured by voxeljet using 3D print technology.
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3dprintart · 10 years
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Cascade chandelier -  Design by Lionel T. Dean
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