3scientists · 6 years
A pink-haired third year strolled through the halls, a strawberry cream lollipop in his mouth. He was bored; bored of the same old, same old, the status quo, the same routine every single day in UA. Nobel glanced at the first years' classrooms. They sure looked like they were having fun.
He was about to just head off to the roof of the massive school, but then spotted something you didn't see everyday: a pet snake. Shuffling into the classroom, he went up to the blue haired underclassman with the snake.
"I'll be frank here and get to the point- Nice pet snake and can I pet him or her?"
@3scientists wanted to meet the water dragon
     It was deemed dangerous but Aqua knew how to control her pet snake. The 2 foot long brown snake rested upon her shoulders as she read her book peacefully, every time when the snake flicked its forked tongue, she would do the same with her forked tongue. A smile was on her as she crossed her legs, turning the page slowly as to not disturb her pet.
     She didn’t necessarily care when people told her how dangerous it was to keep that snake. She knew it wasn’t lethal, it had no venom. Plus it wasn’t that strong to be so worried about it.
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3scientists · 6 years
"I can see why one wouldn't like it very much, and it's good that you have come to terms with it."
"But that's one powerful quirk you got there- Does it only apply to physical attributes or can it also apply to intangible things such as the mind?" he asked, adjusting his glasses.
“Oh? If I may pry, then is your quirk is more combat oriented?” he asks, dismissing the x-ray on his hand. He also closes his notebook as to not permanently damage the spine of it and quickly undos his half-bun, settling for a low ponytail.
“It’s rather destructive actually. It’s called Fragmentation. Put simply, I can shatter things” She focuses her gaze on his notebook. Notebooks were something she liked, especially when they were filled writing. “It emits a neon glow. It took a while for me to like it. For a while I wished it was something more constructive..”
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3scientists · 6 years
"Oh? If I may pry, then is your quirk is more combat oriented?" he asks, dismissing the x-ray on his hand. He also closes his notebook as to not permamently damage the spine of it and quickly undos his half-bun, settling for a low ponytail.
Leo could have told her about it and tried to explain how it worked, but in the end, he decided to just show it as it would be much simpler. Hovering one hand over the other, he created an x-ray view of the hand on the bottom, the bones of his hand now in clear view.
He flexed the x-ray-viewified hand as if nothing had happened to it. “I can basically make x-ray views on someone’s body. Pretty useful in the hospital since they don’t have to use the x-ray machine and risk a patient getting cancer from the radiation.”
That kind of thing happens more than often? She should try to be more careful.. As a future doctor/nurse, he couldn’t help but worry, just a little bit.
She didn’t know what to expect, but it wasn’t this. An x-ray quirk was new to her, but it shouldn’t be a surprise. “That’s incredible. Because of my quirk, I always forget that not all of them have combat capabilities”
Rune picked up the bag of ice and put it back on her shoulder. She sandwiched between the backrest of the seat and herself. It crosses her mind that he could possibly look at her injury. Even without his quirk, he’s still studying to be a doctor. But she wasn’t about to ask that of him. 
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3scientists · 6 years
Leo could have told her about it and tried to explain how it worked, but in the end, he decided to just show it as it would be much simpler. Hovering one hand over the other, he created an x-ray view of the hand on the bottom, the bones of his hand now in clear view.
He flexed the x-ray-viewified hand as if nothing had happened to it. "I can basically make x-ray views on someone's body. Pretty useful in the hospital since they don't have to use the x-ray machine and risk a patient getting cancer from the radiation."
That kind of thing happens more than often? She should try to be more careful.. As a future doctor/nurse, he couldn't help but worry, just a little bit.
“Hmm.. I just wanted to I guess,” He shrugs, “How my quirk worked really influenced what I should persue and I didn’t really know what to be when I was younger, so here I am.”
“Ah, shouldn’t you put the ice back on your shoulder to reduce the swelling? Sorry, it just came into mind.”
“Your quirk? Would you mind telling me about it?” She looks at the bag of ice, he’s probably right. “Okay. It just got too cold for a while. You shouldn’t worry though. This kind of thing happens more often than I’d like to admit”
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3scientists · 6 years
"Hmm.. I just wanted to I guess," He shrugs, "How my quirk worked really influenced what I should persue and I didn't really know what to be when I was younger, so here I am."
"Ah, shouldn't you put the ice back on your shoulder to reduce the swelling? Sorry, it just came into mind."
“My notes?” Oh thank god she changed the subject. “Ah, it’s just notes for my classes in med school- nothing special or really interesting in my opinion- just a lot of terms and applications to understand and apply.”
“Med school? That’s cool. It’s also a lot of work. What made you decide to pursue that path?” Going into medicine was something that had crossed her mind before. She liked the design aspect of certain things in that field, though, like many of her other interests, she didn’t put much thought into it. 
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3scientists · 6 years
"My notes?" Oh thank god she changed the subject. "Ah, it's just notes for my classes in med school- nothing special or really interesting in my opinion- just a lot of terms and applications to understand and apply."
Just sleep it off? Oh how he hoped that it was something minor and not something like a fractured collarbone.
“Me? A teacher, here, in UA? I’m not qualified in that direction haha. I came because one of the teachers here called me. Apparently Nobel was skipping school again and I have to have a parent-teacher, or rather, legal guardian-teacher conference with his homeroom teacher..” He sighs runs his hand in his hair, half-undoing his bun. “Sometimes I wish he would tell me he needs a mental health day or something so that I know beforehand that he’s not going to be in school.”
“Ah. I’m not the best person to talk about skipping class. My input would be very one-sided” She shrugs. “I don’t mean to pry, but what are your notes on? You seemed so into them, they must be interesting, right? I know I get deep into my projects”
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3scientists · 6 years
Just sleep it off? Oh how he hoped that it was something minor and not something like a fractured collarbone.
"Me? A teacher, here, in UA? I'm not qualified in that direction haha. I came because one of the teachers here called me. Apparently Nobel was skipping school again and I have to have a parent-teacher, or rather, legal guardian-teacher conference with his homeroom teacher.." He sighs runs his hand in his hair, half-undoing his bun. "Sometimes I wish he would tell me he needs a mental health day or something so that I know beforehand that he's not going to be in school."
Huh, similar-ish reasons of coming. Interesting. “That’s pretty cool, helping out with training and such for the kids. I could never do that; I would be borderline useless.” He chuckles a little. “I would be decimated with the quirks that these kids have to be honest.”
Leo glanced at the shoulder that previously had the bag of ice on. A bruise maybe or a muscle pull? “Have you tried going to Recovery Girl for a diagnostic? Or maybe a local doctor?”
“Yeah.. My quirk is difficult to train with. The stakes are pretty high with it. That’s just it’s nature I suppose” She pokes at her shoulder, moving it slightly to test it’s range of motion. 
“I thought about going to her, but I feel bad using her as my personal doctor. I’ll probably just go home and sleep it off. 
Why are you here? If you don’t mind me asking. Are you a teacher?”
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3scientists · 6 years
Huh, similar-ish reasons of coming. Interesting. "That's pretty cool, helping out with training and such for the kids. I could never do that; I would be borderline useless." He chuckles a little. "I would be decimated with the quirks that these kids have to be honest."
Leo glanced at the shoulder that previously had the bag of ice on. A bruise maybe or a muscle pull? "Have you tried going to Recovery Girl for a diagnostic? Or maybe a local doctor?"
“No no, it’s fine. I was due for a break in my studies. Can’t cram everything in a few hours haha. I’m Leo, Leonardo Icinev. Nice to meet you Rune.”
“Soo.. Is there any particular reason why you’re visiting UA?” he asked before quickly following it up, “Ah if that’s too personal then you don’t have to answer that if you don’t want to.”
“I help out with the occasional training and exams. I really don’t have anything better to do. I also have too much free time. I only work part-time. Today though, I came to see someone” She leaned back in the booth. “I think I hurt my shoulder during work, so I was hoping to have my friend check it out. It hurts but I don’t know how bad it is. She’s not here though” 
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3scientists · 6 years
"No no, it's fine. I was due for a break in my studies. Can't cram everything in a few hours haha. I'm Leo, Leonardo Icinev. Nice to meet you Rune."
"Soo.. Is there any particular reason why you're visiting UA?" he asked before quickly following it up, "Ah if that's too personal then you don't have to answer that if you don't want to."
Oh shoot there was someone else other than him here- Glancing over to the source of the sound, Leo now noticed the young lady who was also in the booths with him.
“Ah, sorry for sitting so close- I was too engaged in my notes to notice that you were here before me,” he apologized, “Terribly sorry for making this awkward for the both of us.”
Rune slid the bag of ice off her shoulder and placed it next to her. “It’s fine. Sorry to disturb your concentration. My phone is usually on silent” She double checked it just to make sure, hitting the volume down button on the side a few times. 
“My name’s Rune, by the way. Rune Konekari” Maybe he really didn’t care, but it at least was an attempt to combat the awkwardness. 
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3scientists · 6 years
Oh shoot there was someone else other than him here- Glancing over to the source of the sound, Leo now noticed the young lady who was also in the booths with him.
"Ah, sorry for sitting so close- I was too engaged in my notes to notice that you were here before me," he apologised, "Terribly sorry for making this awkward for the both of us."
Leo slowly shuffled into the empty cafeteria, too focused on a small notebook with an absurd amount of colored labels. He occasionally bumped into a chair or a table, glaring at the object when he did, while making his way over to where the quiet corner was.
Sitting down at the booth next to the young lady’s, too tired to notice that there was another person there in the first place, he placed his notebook face down and stretched his arms.
Well this was a bit awkward.. She knew she was a wallflower, but this? Of all the empty places to sit, and he chose the one closest to her. Rune glanced over at him. Was he a teacher? 
Her train of thought was interrupted when her phone went off. She fumbled with it, eventually managing to dismiss the call, not even seeing who it was. Rune turned her phone back to vibrate. She must have forgotten to turn it back after work in the field, where she always had the volume at it’s loudest.  
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3scientists · 6 years
Leo slowly shuffled into the empty cafeteria, too focused on a small notebook with an absurd amount of colored labels. He occasionally bumped into a chair or a table, glaring at the object when he did, while making his way over to where the quiet corner was.
Sitting down at the booth next to the young lady's, too tired to notice that there was another person there in the first place, he placed his notebook face down and stretched his arms.
open starter?
It had been a while since she visited UA. It seemed weird going back, especially considering she was only there to get a bag of ice. 
Class was in session, that left the cafeteria close to empty. Rune stood at one of the counters as a lunch staff scooped ice into a plastic bag. Once full, she tied it closed and went to find a quiet place to sit. It would get crowded one class lets out. 
The woman found a booth in the corner. Balancing the ice on her left shoulder, she took out her phone. There wasn’t not really a reason to stay, other than she simply didn’t want to go home. 
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3scientists · 6 years
Newton's Hero Costume
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The suspenders can be clipped off to be used as an elastic rope for almost any situation. Mostly used for helping people get down from high places.
The visor is to keep debris from getting into his eyes, nothing special
The gloves are made of his DNA, mostly from his hair to make into fibers, and acts the same as the palm of his hands when he touches/grabs an object.
The elbow and knee pads are for protection and the shirt + shorts are made from cuben-fiber.
The boots have an electrical magnet that can be turned on/off to allow more movement around large metal objects.
There is a skin-tight suit, that matches his skin tone, that he wears underneath everything for extra protection.
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3scientists · 6 years
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"Kinda busy here at the moment, but I am available for questions. Leonardo Icinev, at your service."
Character Unlocked: Leonardo "Leo" Icinev Last of Three Muses
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3scientists · 6 years
So. Because I see that askbox open. So here's my question. How is it at UA Newton? Do you like it here? And do you have any favorite teachers/classmates?
“UA has been great for me! I remember when I first stepped into here- ready to learn from the best of the best! I like it here very much!”
“My favorite teacher has to be Present Mic; he teaches english very well and is an overall nice teacher! His eyes remind me of Noble’s in a way~”
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“And as for favorite classmates… hmmm… can I say all of them?”
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3scientists · 6 years
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“Fine fine, I you can ask me some questions as well- I guess. Newton kind of roped me into this, so don’t expect me to answer a lot of the questions; I have priorities, you know? Like graduating, that’s really important.”
Character Unlocked: Nobel Saotome Second of Three Muses
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3scientists · 6 years
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“Guten tag! Newton Suzuki, here to answer your questions!”
BNHA OC Ask/Rp Blog Newton Suzuki One of Three Muses Inbox: Open
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3scientists · 6 years
Re-working the kids' quirks!
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