5gfascism · 4 months
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Hi. I want to tell you about situation in my city.  Mariupol 2024.I think that Neonazi use 5G. They are destroying us with the help of  microwave towers.
 Next, I will try to describe in detail the effects of radiation on my body:  ● Physical impact:  - change in height, body weight;  - increased body temperature;  - blows to the lymph nodes;  - chronic fatigue;  - frequent pain in the back of the head, deformity of the skull (photo head);
 - jaw crunch, its deformation;  - corneal burn, eye discoloration;  - malfunction of the speech apparatus;  - baldness;  - disruption of the endocrine, nervous, immune, and reproductive systems;  - increase in the size and shape of the ears, nose;  - activation of hair follicles in unnatural growth zones;  - black puffiness (bags) under the eyes;  - violation of facial expressions;  - periodontal disease, pain on the tooth enamel, blows to the teeth;  - shortness of breath, constant gluten in the nasopharynx;  - high blood pressure (ultrasound in the ears);  - tachycardia, tingling in the heart area;  - compression of intervertebral discs;  - muscle atrophy;  - malfunction of the joints of the shoulders, elbows, knees, limbs;  - cramps, tingling, numbness of the limbs;  - blows to the calf muscles, pain;  - violation of digestive processes: lack of gastric juice, indigestion, irregular stools, effects on the anus at the time of emptying;  - pain in the bladder area;  - pain in the kidney area;  - lower back pain;  - disruption of the reproductive system: spermatogenesis,  - bumps/pains in the testicular area, blows to the genital organ, changes in its size;  - tingling of hair all over the body (electric shock), electric shocks to the body.
 ● Psychological impact:  - frequent mood swings;  - hostility, aggressiveness;  - internal tension, fussiness;  - impaired attention and memory;  - constant background in the ears: people's voices, political slogans, various music, threats, accusations, diagnoses, etc I noticed that "bumps began to break through" (subcutaneous pulsation)  as soon as I start communicating with any person; any passing car also irradiated me; each LED bulb also contributed to the manifestation of symptoms.
More information about this situation:  > https://rutube.ru/video/0cedc69906647fb30159bf336f7b8bb5/ > https://vk.com/putinpofaktuhuylo
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