5sosopinions · 3 years
I am a really big fan of 5sos but I do agree with some of your opinions for example lierra I have noticed it’s a bit weird and even some of the boys looked awkward in interviews when mentioned now with my friends I have to keep up my whole lierra Stan charade like I can stand it but I just want them to be happy
You don’t need to love every person who 5sos is associated with. In fact, I’d say that’s very normal. Don’t keep up a charade, and don’t stan for a relationship, it’s unhealthy (and I mean this in the nicest way possible).
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5sosopinions · 3 years
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Solo Luke???? What do you guys think about this? 🌾👀🌾
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5sosopinions · 3 years
Ex 👏🏻 act 👏🏻 ly 👏🏻
It’s so shitty for Ashton to be posting shady stuff for millions of followers to see right after Luke announced his engagement. If he really has an issue with it, he needs to either take it up directly with Luke (privately) or hold his tongue and let Luke make his own life decisions.
No shade to ash at all but honestly if I were luke, I’d be so upset. If the posts aren’t about them, then he could post them another time. The worst possible timing. He knows people will speculate. If they are about them, that’s even worse and he should respect his “brother” more than that. Even if he doesn’t agree with the decision or support it, he can still be a better person and keep quiet. Luke knows how he feels, the rest of us don’t need to know it too. It’s personal and private and it should stay that way. My friends make shitty decisions all the time. We talk about it like adults and don’t take it to the internet. Like I absolutely love Ashton but come on. He can be better than he’s been lately.
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5sosopinions · 3 years
even though S & A never dated I still think A had feelings for her & now he is showing it more than ever with passive aggressive posts on social media. does a think he’s going to stop them from marrying
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5sosopinions · 3 years
Ashton’s post on his ig story a few moments again is a total indirect at a certain couple
The Nietzsche quote? If he is directing that towards Luke that’s kinda shitty of him as a friend tbh
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5sosopinions · 3 years
Hold up didnt Ashton date Sierra at one point
Rumored. According to Luke’s tweet this is untrue though.
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5sosopinions · 3 years
Ashton always makes comments about Luke’s relationship with Sierra but makes it seem like he’s hyping them up. It’s kind of weird. I think he still has feelings for Sierra hence why he does that. I just don’t think it’s necessary for him to always post about them on his story when they post about their relationship?
I guess I haven’t been paying much attention, I haven’t noticed this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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5sosopinions · 3 years
it affects our lives by affecting his songwriting. the stories told on CALM literally make me sad and angry, I didn’t listen to the non-singles more than 5 times. I don’t want to see people I care about date people who are nasty.
kaykay is alright, she’s quiet enough and doesn’t have a horrid personality, but the rest of them need to check out already.
Luke is an adult and he can make his own decisions. If she really is nasty, that’s on him to figure that out. Same with the other guys. It’s important to remember that we don’t know them personally. We don’t know all that goes on in their personal lives, we only know what they choose to share.
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5sosopinions · 3 years
Ashton’s insta story post was so shitty. It’s either congratulate ur band mate or dont. His issues with marriage has no barring on anyone else and it ain’t gonna stop his friends from marrying. And also, is it me or has he always seemed sort of controlling of Sierra and Luke’s love life
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Is this the post you’re talking about? I don’t know if I’d call it shitty, but it’s definitely vague as hell lmao. That’s Ashton for ya.
I’ve always thought it was kinda weird that Ashton supposedly dated Sierra before Luke did, but whateves. How else has he been controlling over their relationship? Just curious, I haven’t been paying *that* much attention.
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5sosopinions · 3 years
On the Lierra proposal…
I know many of you probably have strong feelings about their relationship. But we have to step back and remember that we don’t know them personally. We only see what they want us to see.
I hope for the best for both Luke and Sierra. Don’t let the news ruin your own day. Take a step back and breathe, remember that their relationship doesn’t really affect your life.
If anyone would like to talk, please feel free to message me 💗
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5sosopinions · 3 years
Yeah Ashton’s had such EASY access to StopAsianHate resources & STILL refuses refuses to share any to raise awareness? Literally with how easy access he had to the resources he had MULTIPLE chances to take 7-30 SEConds to retweet/repost any of them. & he’s had enough time to update us on stuff so he’s clearly not That busy.
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5sosopinions · 3 years
sierra posted, 22 march 2021
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5sosopinions · 3 years
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Words can not describe how much this upsets me. Race is something we should be proud of, not something we should fear. We are ALL humans, the only thing different is the color of our skin. It is so stupid and infuriating that we are stereotyped, made fun of, and assaulted based on it. People have come to places like America for opportunity, a better life. Instead they are met with violence and harassment as well as sometimes having to get an “American” name just to fit in. Culture is something that we should be proud of, no matter who you are because culture is a huge part of our lives. For every one that has been treated badly for the color of their skin, know that I am with you and I stand by you. Racism needs to stop, my heart goes out to every one that has experienced something like this ❤️
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5sosopinions · 3 years
I don’t want to see anyone invalidating her trauma or saying that she’s lying about the racism she has experienced. Sierra isn’t a perfect person, but who is? Nobody. Stop with your discourse for a second and just. Listen. It’s incredibly important.
Love her or hate her, Sierra’s post about the racism she has faced as an Asian woman is so impactful and important. Major props to her for opening her heart and sharing her experience; it couldn’t have been easy. It is important to listen to others’ stories, including those of someone you may not like.
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5sosopinions · 3 years
Love her or hate her, Sierra’s post about the racism she has faced as an Asian-American woman is so impactful and important. Major props to her for opening her heart and sharing her experience; it couldn’t have been easy. It is important to listen to others’ stories, including those of someone you may not like.
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5sosopinions · 4 years
Watching Luke right now is like watching a river/lake dry up. Honestly, dude, I'm not gonna lie... it's like he's dead inside. Or like he's on the verge of a mental breakdown. And the live video a few days ago made me all the more suspicious again. Suddenly it's not "my girl" or "my lady" but "THE lady".... And he's not even 'allowed' to show his own studio. Cause it’s hot tidy, and she would be mad. WTH?! She has nothing to do all day. Where’s the problem with tidying up or cleaning? Just because she's a wannabe star doesn't mean she has to paint her nails and try out curlers all day. She's out of her mind. Sounds like there's trouble in paradise? I really hope he sees how much he's worth, he doesn't need her. I'm convinced it's all SD’s fault—she is causing Luke to slowly but surely die. It breaks my heart just to be able to watch and not really be able to help him. He deserves the world, but the world doesn't deserve him. I hope that he is strong enough to dump this narcissistic person soon. And then focus on himself, his health (mental and physical), spend time with his family and only surround himself with friends. He needs to find himself before he is ready for the 'hopefully right' one. He is still so young and has endless time. He and his health are the priority. And since Ashton knows about SD (from personal experience) I hope he will help him. Someone has to open Luke's eyes. Have a nice day. xoxo
I thought he looked slightly better on livestream. I haven’t had the chance to watch the whole thing though.
The messy studio thing struck me as odd too. Controlling much?
I know, he’s an adult though and needs to figure it out himself. I think a big part of it was being stuck inside with her all the time because of covid. He needs to spend time with other people.
You have a nice day too!
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5sosopinions · 4 years
what are ur opinions on calm?
I’m not a fan, so many of the songs are skips. I feel like they kinda rushed into a second album. Either that, or Youngblood was a tough thing to follow up because it was so good. I know I talked shit about YB on this blog in the past, but it’s really grown on me.
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