6h37 · 7 days
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grey eyes mcgee jumpscare i didn't have a solid idea about what i wanted her to look like until epic musical, but this is what i came up with (she is all the colours) also sidenote apology for bad handwriting, i couldn't find a font i liked textless ver:
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6h37 · 25 days
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athena really said "i've no respect for bullies" then got killed
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6h37 · 2 months
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uhh smaugust days 1-4 in one drawing behold half-finished albatross because I got bored (the magic is implied, because he's albatross)
From a book
Sword (using pencilcat's list)
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6h37 · 2 months
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skiprock n valkyrie doodle i have things to do today and was told to get to bed at a reasonable time and yet it is 04:30 (these two were more important)
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6h37 · 3 months
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Skip n Omen references? I think?? I just wanted to draw them (plus bonus savannah who i somehow mistook for an a6m zero (i don't know why i thought that)) I gave Omen clone trooper armour because 1. it looks cool and is fun to draw and 2. is the only type of """futuristic""" armour I can reasonably draw that doesn't look either ancient greek or unreasonably medieval
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6h37 · 5 months
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"Skip! Skip, listen to me! Think about what you're doing!"
The raptorial shriek he got in response was not the kid he knew.
Her deep brown irises were narrowed to animalistic slits, teeth bared as she tried to wrestle him out of the sky. She was looking for a meal, and she had found one.
"You're better than this, Skip, snap out of it!"
He couldn't take his eyes off hers; the silver accents of her uniform bottoms and the primal look in her eyes was harrowing. To become feral was like a disease, starting slow until it overtook your mind completely. He had seen many synths succumb; not even the highest-ranking Diamonds were immune to it.
But his kid...
They spiralled towards the dusty grassland below. Not sixteen hours ago they were skipping rocks, the pastime that had borne her name, and now she didn't know him.
She warned him, she warned him days ago, he knew it. He had joked and she did not laugh.
"Skip, please!"
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6h37 · 6 months
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overcast --|-|-- The air here is different, and I don’t like it. 
There is always so much rain; it’s super foggy during the morning hours and late at night, it’s like the wet season but worse. Maybe it’s just the altitude difference that’s got me so on edge, or the temperature -- it snowed this winter, how ‘bout that? -- but I think the trees give me jeebies the most. 
Evergreens blanket every available space along these hills, and I can’t find the comfort I usually do in soaring anymore. The trees are like needles when I look down at them, and I get a sinking feeling in my gut whenever I look at them too long, like I might fall out of the sky and spear myself. It’s just… suffocating. Claustrophobic, maybe, but I can’t hope to describe it better than that. 
I hope Zeke is acclimating to our new home better than I am. He seems to like the rain and I don’t know why. He didn’t want to leave our old home, but… I think he understands why we needed to. 
There are times I do find myself missing the grassland savannas we came from. The only things I needed to look out for were jaguars, occasional trucks of tourists, and Zeke. There, I could see for miles. Now -- urgh, the trees -- I don’t know who might be watching. 
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