8bitmadebit ¡ 1 year
Listen/purchase: An Alien Among Us by madebit
A bit of a cross post from my insta:
One thing thats really important for me as an artist is to show growth. Will this be the best album you’ve ever heard? No, probably not. 😄 But its absolutely the truest form of expression of how i think, feel, and the sounds and melodies that i like. One of my favorite producers EVER and the person who inspired me to tackle music released several albums that were probably thought of as too “experimental” and “not polished enough.” In those early albums you can hear every weird decision, the “imperfect, not in the key” notes and interesting instrumentation. But I’ll be darned if i don’t love that music and connect with the emotions she attempted to convey either way. And it makes me appreciate her later work in a deeper way - those later works where she “figured it out” and created albums with cohesion and inherent design were so much sweeter to listen to because she was confident enough to show off the imperfection. ALL THAT TO SAY is that this work shows what i can do as a producer in this moment in time. But its just the start. I still haven’t made my magnum opus. Ive got a long way to go, and i hope you join me for the ride 🥰
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8bitmadebit ¡ 1 year
12. Where the sidewalk never ends - Keep the party going till the next album is released
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Past the pits where the asphalt flowers grow
We shall walk with a walk that is measured and slow
And watch where the chalk-white arrows go
To the place where the sidewalk ends.
-Shel Silverstein, Where the Sidewalk Ends
What a lovely thought. To me, the author is describing a secret place where children can go and be themselves, a place hidden away from the busy-ness and frantic pace that this modern life sometimes demands.
In a group full of people walking down the street, i'm usually the one that walks quickly and moves around everyone else. I've got places to go people!!
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Buuuut i know that's not always a good thing 🥲
The place where the sidewalk never ends is a state of mind that you take with you wherever you go. A place full of adventure and wonder. We go through life sometimes robotically, with our little routines day by day. Always looking up up up towards the goals we want to achieve, and sometimes forgetting that life can be so short and pass us by so quickly.
Look up sometimes. Take your headphones, go for a stroll, smile and wave and enjoy the ride. Because the sidewalk of life never ends.
Where the sidewalk never ends (Repeated a bunch of times)
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8bitmadebit ¡ 1 year
11. I wanna get away - Literally anywhere i can get cheap tickets to
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Come on with those deals, Southwest. I've got places to go.
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This song is actually more about ambition than travel deals.
I've always loved the greek story of Icarus, the boy with the wax wings who flew too close to the sun and died an untimely death after they melted off.
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Hey, if I had wings that let me fly i'd try to see how high i can go too.
But how come he didn't look down? Surely he'd realize that his wings were literally falling off??
Why can't you be ambitious but also be careful?
Maybe that's the whole point of the story. That you should be ambitious without being arrogant.
Or just develop some self awareness.
I stare into the sunshine
stare into the sunshine
and i go blind
blind with fear of falling back
wings of wax that let me fly
and i go sky high
and i go sky high
and i go sky high
and i go sky high
I’d like to get away
No matter how far and wide, like to get away
and every time that i fly, its an endless chase
know that i can’t let it go
I’d like to get away
No matter how far and wide, like to get away
and every height that i climb, it’s another end
know that i can’t let it go
Where do you want to travel to? What's that dream that you keep chasing?
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8bitmadebit ¡ 1 year
10. Persimmon Spritz - I've only had this drink once in my entire life
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I once drank this drink called "persimmon spritz" at a ramen restaurant somewhere in the city I live in and knew immediately that I wanted to write a song about it.
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I'm not sure why I associated this drink with the theme of having a harsh inner critic, but i guess i did. Maybe it was how i was feeling that day or what i was talking about.
Nevertheless, when i think about that little tiny voice in my head that criticizes everything i do i think about the little angry guy from that one movie about feelings.
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Sometimes, the things we tell ourselves can be even harsher and more damaging than what other people could ever say to us. Who holds you back? Who's the first to drag down your ideas and make you feel small? Who kills your dreams before you even get a chance to explore them?
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Often times its your own self. How do you talk to yourself in a more compassionate and productive way? Someone tell me, cause i'm still trying to learn.
why do you
why do you
say you’ll change
when you
do you
find you’re
back again
Ice cold veins
and your hair is a flame
And now your face is red
getting redder, again
like there’s nothing else
but that finger to blame with
yeah its plain as day, just how you’ve been living
ice cold veins
and your hair is a flame
and then you see your face
the reflection you’re in
cause when you find that thread
of the sweater you’re wearing
So long
why are you
why are you
numb to it
when you blink
it’s back to night again
the price you pay
when the words to yourself
cut you deeper than
someone else ever can
and you’re crying again
wondering why no one hears you
yeah it turns your tears into something different
find the things that you can’t really help
and turn them into ways you can torture yourself
when its said and done, the destruction’s been done
you’re made of stone, hmm
BREAK (on a terrible mic)
you wish you could
let go of everything, oh
This life rides high and goes low
but keep on rowing, oh
i wish i could
float back and love me like gold
screw it
i just got a long cold drink of
persimmon spritz
however you say it
don’t get mad at me if
everything’s not going ok
im not a rapper
but another sip and
i’m gonna say it
Persimmon spritz
And i’m gonna say it
and it wasn’t that hard
just to find i was jaded
but the lesson here’s simple
and its something i cherish
love you first, oh
What does your harsh inner critic look like from your mind-eyes perspective?
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8bitmadebit ¡ 1 year
9. I wont repeat myself (Come sail away) - But seriously, i probably will repeat myself at least 3 more times during the song
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But actually, just be my friend and let's go on this journey called life. And let's not care about what anyone else thinks. Because once you realize that most people are way too self absorbed to think THAT much about you, you realize you have much more freedom to do what you want than you think. And that feeling is priceless.
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Nothing goes slowly
Every year’s better
Changing is endless
and you’ll last forever
Painted and falling
Catching momentum
Face your reflection
And you’ll know it better
Times up,
there’s nothing better than my hand
And my friend,
We’ll rise up baby
Come sail away
Times up,
there’s nothing better than my hand
And my friend,
We’ll rise up baby
Come sail away
Nobody’s looking
too busy strutting
Finding their own way
to read thoughts in your brain
Go find you calling
Just do whatever
nobody finds you
weird as hell, whatever
When did you start taking control of your own ship and sailing on to new waters?
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8bitmadebit ¡ 1 year
8. A sound is Born (Evolution of Self) - Questions, questions, questions.
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This song is one of my favorites off of the album because it does what i like to do best - ask questions. I love asking nonsensical questions, but especially those that might have extremely ambiguous answers or answers that you don’t understand until much later after time has passed.
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If your life was a painting and it was hanging on a museum wall hundreds of years later after your death (lets assume its a good painting 😂) and some new-earthen was standing in front of it, what would this person say about your life? Would it be memorable? Painful? Enjoyable?
the world outside it seems so boring
now that i know myself
something else i keep ignoring
now that i know i’ve changed
like rain and clouds i see the storm in
and lift my face from the earth
the rain comes down i don’t ignore it
a chance to change everything
now that i know myself
now that i know myself
now that i know myself
now that i know myself
endless change, we keep evolving
and running up every hill
chasing something, you don’t know if
it’ll be worth the kill
a small piece of everything, you’re drawn in
the background for something else
the bigger painting’s for eyes only
of someone we’ll never meet
Now that i know, i’ll say
Now that i know, i’ll say
Now that i know, i’ll say
Now that i know, i’ll say
What's your favorite nonsensical question?
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8bitmadebit ¡ 1 year
7. An ode to those who lead but do not follow - Or why corporate america kinda sux sometimes
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If you've ever worked a corporate or service-related job, you probably know what this song is talking about. There's something so uniquely horrifying and unnatural about how you are supposed to behave in a "traditional" or "structured" job.
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Suppress your emotions, make sure to keep your opinions to yourself, don't upset the people above you. If you want to climb the corporate ladder, make sure that the people above you know how good of a job you're doing and that you're confident and that you care SO MUCH about whatever random project that you're working on. It feels like and endless game of snakes and ladders.
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I think personally, i'll just sit out all of the games and silliness and just focus my real time and energy on stuff that actually matters.
stuck inside a situation, that
you know wont get out
every moment’s counted down,
so that the clock knows your face now
a- and you
sit there and take it
Count the days and you
don’t know to fake your smile and laugh
Everybody plays the game,
the rulebook’s somewhere out there now
But no one bothered sending you a copy,
Basic rules were out
A- and you
could never quite climb it like them, now
Snake and ladders, you
toss the snakes and climb that ladder down
Do you have any traumatic work stories? How did you handle it?
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8bitmadebit ¡ 1 year
6. Intermission (I do what i want) - Madebit puts a happy jingle in the middle of a very serious album
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But guess what it is my album and no one was here to tell me no, so i told myself yes.
This song has no real lyrics, just the desire to convey a very special feeling of boundless joy that transitions into a something triumphant. A special wistfulness or nostalgia of a simpler time. Like the warm spring breeze during childhood where you played a game with your friends outside and ate watermelon afterwards. 🍉
It reminds me of Iroh's song "leaves from the vine", if you've ever seen the show Avatar the last Airbender - which is the best animated show of all time.
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I think i'm gonna go re-watch that now.
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8bitmadebit ¡ 1 year
5. Bring it Out - Bring what out???
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Chillen in a HOT TUB
Panicking AROUND, cause they're NOT CONFIDENT??
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Gosh darn, if it isn't such a big problem. Especially in GIRLS. I work in a mostly male dominated field (engineering) outside of being a musician, and i see this way too often.
Picture it. You're sitting in a zoom call with a room full of people you work with. A female engineer comes off mute to share her idea and uses words like "I don't know if you guys agree, but i think we should do X because of Y..." or "I'm not an expert, but i think X is right because etc. etc. ..... but i don't know, it's whatever you all think!" Without realizing it, that engineer has just undermined her own ideas. Heck, I used to talk like this without even realizing it. I used to think that people who talked like this were unconfident and didn't believe in their own ideas. So then, why should i take them seriously??
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But then i realized something pretty significant. A lot of the times, people who spoke this way HAD thought about their ideas and those ideas were actually valid and good. Heck, i've even witnessed those same ideas regurgitated by someone with more confidence and presence get taken seriously by the group.
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Being confident in yourself MATTERS. Delivery MATTERS. This song is a call for those who are filled with self doubt and don't know if the ideas that they have to offer are any good. ITS OK TO FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT <3
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It's a call to BRING OUT the warrior inside you that knows you've got so much to offer to the world ❤️
How do i find my strength?
How did I, how did i get this way?
how do i, how do pull my weight?
you get out, by making your bed
and brushing your hair
and saying a prayer
How can be myself?
The squares and the circles don’t wanna play
And endlessly finding the will to care
You’re good enough hey
Your problem, you’re scared
believe in yourself
bring it out, the endless warrior
bring it out, these fearless hands
string around your endless sorrows
make that crown upon your head
bring it out, these endless fears
bring it out, the doubts that hang
dance around the graves that hollowed
make the steps your marching chant
Clovers in my own hand
How did I, how did i make my way?
how did i end up so lucky here?
by being so smart
and being so kind
and being alive
How did i find your face?
In crowded rooms, find what i’d needed there?
Hold my hand, hold it and forge ahead
The streams in this life
the pull of the tides
we’re bound to collide
you didn’t know what i’ve seen
someone who’s head never hangs
you didn’t, you didn’t see
just how much you have grown in yourself
you didn’t know what i’ve seen
someone who’s always been there
everything you’re gonna be
is quite beautiful
in of itself
How do you deal with your insecurities?
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8bitmadebit ¡ 1 year
4. Moon Dance - The Moon says hello 🌝
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I've always had a fascination with astronomy and the moon.
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This song is nothing more than an appreciation post for the moon - the eternal dance that it does around the earth and how incredible it is that it affects so much of how it's shaped and its processes. From the tides, to the source of light at night, to how birds migrate.
I'm always happy to see it come out at night and now i can sing "COME OUT, MOON COME OUT MOON" and feel like i'm asking a band to come out for an encore. <3
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Hmm (de de de de dom) X 8
(higher octave & harmonies come in)
Hmm (de de de de dom) X 8
moon come dance
and then you say hello
and then the moon comes dance
and then it says hello
and then the moon comes dance
and then you dance real slow
moon come dance
and then you let it go
moon come dance
and then you say hello
and then the moon comes dance
and then it says hello
and then the moon
it dance
Come out
Moon, Come out
Moon, Come out
Moon, Come out
Come out
Moon, Come out
Moon, Come out
Moon, Come out
What is your favorite moon fact?
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8bitmadebit ¡ 1 year
3. Sandy Beaches - Or, why i keep writing sad songs on places where you go to be happy
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Sometimes, it takes you a long time to figure out that a situation that you've found yourself in is not good for you. The seasons change, you achieve new high scores at the gym, you try that new restaurant everyone's been raving about. You move through life as you've always done.But something still feels off.
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You haven't processed your emotions or situation long enough to understand what it is that you're really feeling. And this song is about this very phenomenon.
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I lost myself,
another winter again
My heart is frozen and thin
but then i
i find my way
a place, a change, and a friend
through spring and fall, i pretend
Every moment i find myself reliving truths
And i wake up within, my bones are aching again
my heart in pieces lines the shore
i know, i know
i let it get there
With every piece i pick up, you
I know its you
that loves me better than that
Sandy beaches, i let you go
though my heart aches, you know its so
close together, another home
Together forever, together forever
Sandy beaches, another home
pages ripped like confetti, gone
cause you know that I thought we’d be
Together forever Ah, together forever Ah
My headache stays
You never know it these days
this heartache’s foreign and strange
but then i
i find its best
the motion keeping me san
through winter storms i contend
The body has a certain way of showing scars
what the heart cannot say, a way to show you its pained
fireworks in my mind
you let it go, when you realize
another way that you find
your sanity and your peace of mind
fireworks in my mind
you let it go, when you realize
another way that you find
your sanity and your peace of mind
Has this ever happened to you?
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8bitmadebit ¡ 1 year
2. An Alien AmoNG US - Amogus where???
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This song is pretty self explanatory. Sometimes, you feel like ET phone home trying to connect and communicate with other people. Like, are we from the same planet? Am i the weird one? Can i even find the words to express myself properly?
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Good news is that after a while you realize that yes, when it boils down to it we are all part of the same human race. We might not all have the same experiences, but most of us laugh, cry, and get irrationally upset when someone doesn't close the door when they leave the room.
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But the feeling of alienation, that feeling of "how could i ever have anything in common with this person?" feels very real sometimes. It's hard to accept that you can't always fit in with the rest of your fellow humans in the world. But it's my very strong belief that what makes you different and makes you feel alienated from everyone else can also make you a stronger and more resilient person. It also helps (at least in my experience) to build a more inclusive and empathetic worldview.
every moment out there
trying to find how to say
do they know where you’re from?
how you’ve come
how you’re here
every move a hesitation
play the game like its a chessboard
Darling, come get yours
cause its somewhere far, somewhere out there
Out there
Out there
Out there
Out there
Always down to take the extra
always picking up a dime
Find yourself another way out
Look behind your shoulder now
Looked down for your other-ness, how
will you find your own respite?
Turn it into something great now,
Even when you’re running out of time
time time time
out of time time time
Every time you’re out here
Own your self and your fears
Do you know how you’ve grown?
how you’ve come
how you’re here
Look up, find your constellation
Don’t they know you’re built so different?
Darling, come get yours
cause its somewhere far, somewhere
Out there
Out there
Out there
Out there
When was the last time you felt alienated or like you didn't fit in?
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8bitmadebit ¡ 1 year
1. Space - A song about earth
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Hey Madebit, why's the song icon a frying pan with an egg on it?
WELL DEAR READER, that is because i took a sample of a frying pan and used it as the snare in the song. That's why it sounds so CLANGY. Also because whenever i think of UFO's i think of giant frying pans flying in the sky. Does this make sense? No it does not.
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I wrote this song after watching this Swedish film called Aniara. I won't spoil it for you, but it's one of those movies that really makes you think, especially about life's bigger questions.
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What is actually important? What is my purpose?
Verse I
I saw a frying pan the other day, the other day
It was headed off to outer space
And everybody said, they all said
Thats just a normal day here in this place
I saw another day, another day, another day
The metal jungle and the darkness raged
And everybody said, they all said
You know, you’re lucky to be here instead
Of all the things you know the most you’d wanna see
Picture everything, another future in your dreams
That’s why the other day, the other day, I meant to say
Space the endless embrace
Space the cosmic escape
Oh, your space walk
Might just make you blue
For a sphere that you knew
Space the endless embrace
Space the cosmic escape
Oh, your space walk
Might just make you blue
For a sphere that you knew
I had that dream again, the other day, the other day
I swam and looked up to the birds ablaze
And everybody said, they all said
its someone else’s fault the sky has changed
I saw another day, another day, another day
the hands that pointed were the hands that wrecked
And everybody said, they all said
it’s time to leave here and move on instead
And all the things you cherish, everything you feel
the sky, the green, the water, life force that you need
That’s why the other day, the other day, I never left
My biggest take-way from this movie is an increased desire to help protect the earth from ourselves.
Have you seen the movie i'm talking about? What did you think? Did you like it? What was your takeaway?
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8bitmadebit ¡ 1 year
0. An Alien Among us - Album discussions
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I should have done this earlier. Here's the tracklist for my new album. I'd love to do a little series where i share the lyrics of each song and what i was thinking about when i was writing it. I'm excited to see how other people will perceive this body of work. Will they connect with it? Will they understand what i was trying to say? Am i too vague for my own good? Do I like metaphors a little bit too much??
Hopefully you'll get a chance to listen to it when it drops and you can let me know what you think!
And so - Here's the tracklist <3
Space 🌍
An Alien AMonG Us 👽
Sandy Beaches .🏖
Moon dance 🌝
Bring it out 💪
Intermission (I do what i want)
An ode to those who lead but do not follow 🐍
A sound is born (Evolution of Self) 🪞
I won't repeat myself (Come Sail Away) ⛵️
Persimmon Spritz 🍹
I wanna get away 🚀
Where the sidewalk never ends 🚶
There you go! I can't say that every idea is conveyed perfectly, but i'm proud of this work standing on its own.
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8bitmadebit ¡ 1 year
An alien among us. 🛸 the debut album comes out in a few weeks, excited to share it with you all ❤️
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8bitmadebit ¡ 1 year
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8bitmadebit ¡ 1 year
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