99900000000000119 · 3 days
Why America Is So Unhealthy (& How To Fix It) | Documentary
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99900000000000119 · 11 days
(Jeffery Barmann)
Changing Horizons
Someday when I wake up And this time is no more When the secrets come to pass and we meet on distant shores
Because for now I have the same dream And every night I toss and turn Something out there is calling I know I’ve got so much to learn And in these changin’ horizons I can see This all can’t be a state of mind I can’t believe it’ll stay this way too long To try so much and still be blind
So tell me where will you be my friend You know I’m as crazy as you But we have the good times waiting for us When we finally learn the truth And tomorrow won’t tell you Unless you’re always asking why Chasing rainbows to their bitter end You won’t even have to try So long ago it seems we have begun I can’t realize how long So many different lives we’ve lived from time to time Until the final hour comes In these changin’ horizons When time is no more.
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99900000000000119 · 29 days
(Jeffery Barmann)
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99900000000000119 · 2 months
The Spiritual Battle For Our Humanity: Transhumanism, DNA, AI & Our Forg...
I highly recommend that people watch this entire video of Gregg Braden. Taken in sections, it blew my mind several times about a number of subjects. It’s certainly the most profound information I’ve heard in a long time and in my opinion very credible and scientific. It's never beneficial to become closed minded and locked into a belief system where change becomes unlikely to impossible. It's time we all take long hard looks at our humanity and our planet and question whether our so-called "rulers" actually know what they're doing. If we don't then the result could be unexpected, to say the least. There's a section on the geology of our planet that is fascinating yet the entire video is in its entirety.  
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99900000000000119 · 2 months
Builders of the Ancient Mysteries | Full Documentary Many people have already figured it out, but I must try to explain this. There are ancient sites that cover our world, in every country that are structures that we are unable even today to replicate in their construction and accuracy. It’s clear that some institution has deliberately hidden the truth of human history and taken great pains to do so. Whether it’s the Great Pyramid in Egypt, the vast empire of the Incas in South America, Easter Island to the Indus Valley civilization that knew no war or violence, to countless other sites from China to the Americas. Our planet is riddled with ancient structures demonstrating that our real history has somehow been lost —or deliberately hidden. One must ask, what institution has been around for the past 2 thousand years that was capable of destroying the true history of the human race? For myself, that answer is apparent when we study the Roman Empire and the Roman Catholic Church. Which, by the way, just happened to claim they “accidentally” burnt the Great Library in Alexandria that held the historical records of our planet’s past. It’s my personal opinion, after much research, that all of these inexplicable sites around the world were built by humans with help from friendly off-planet humans that came to earth to help mankind. That further, this information has been deliberately hidden from mankind, along with the history of giants on our planet, to advance a religious agenda to control humans and bilk them out of their riches. Upon close inspection I believe this opinion becomes fact and is self-evident. By religions teaching humanity that mankind is the only known life in all of Creation, religious patrons can be easily controlled. When religion doesn’t have to factor in the many extraterrestrial races of friendly humans in the universe it becomes possible for them to tell us ridiculous lies and keep us trapped in guilt, shame and ignorance under threat of their so-called “eternal damnation.” So "where are they?"  If the universe is teeming with friendly life, where are they? What I've discovered is our planet has been quarantined because of different aggressive extraterrestrials having control of our planet for the past 200 thousand years. This, too, can be verified by research. 
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99900000000000119 · 2 months
The Spiritual Battle For Our Humanity: Transhumanism, DNA, AI & Our Forg...
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99900000000000119 · 2 months
Media Bias: Subtle (and Not So Subtle) Ways Journalists Slant the News Some of us know about the capability known as the “Mastermind Effect.” Essentially it is the process Native Americans used to make rain storms.  It has been used by many cultures around the planet and is still used today to create many specific results. It involves a group of people simultaneously focusing on a subject, a vision, together to create a result and make that vision manifest itself. This is happening today with the television news programs. Owned by the elite of the world, these news reports are not concerned with reporting accurate news for viewers. The primary purpose is to lull their viewers into creating negative emotions and thoughts.  The result they are seeking is to keep the world entangled in bitterness and strife. To place us in fear, anger and to emotionally confuse us. To prevent people uniting in good, positive thoughts in promoting good outcomes. For this reason they have attacked multiple aspects of our society. From teaching sexual immorality in schools to small children; the promoting of the transgender movement in our society, to presenting violence and murder in its many forms as entertainment and portraying all of these things as normal are examples. All of the insane things we see and hear about in the news are designed to exhaust our thoughts and minds to ultimately cause confusion and weaken any resolve for us to actually solve the problems of the world nowadays. To abandon the hate and wars and create a beautiful world. There is a small group of people running the world that would rather see the world physically destroyed than allow it to go forward in peace and love. For humanity to unite and go forward together would wrest control from their hands. These are very sick people that have brought our world to the edge of destruction and annihilation. For us to entertain the focus of the world which “they want” only gives more power to it —and they know this. They use the news as a weapon against humanity. They know that together we can stop their sick agenda and make them powerless —when we unite together in thought, word and deed. We should find it within our hearts and minds to stop allowing them to pummel us with their exaggerated, hyperbolic news reports. To boycott the main weapon being used against us and turn off their TV News. We each have a choice nowadays. To follow negative thoughts and visions or follow positive thoughts and visions. It boils down to the well known serenity prayer: “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.” Thanks for listening.
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99900000000000119 · 2 months
Tucker: Corrupt mainstream media takes lying to Olympic levels Some of us know about the capability known as the “Mastermind Effect.” Essentially it is the process Native Americans used to make rain storms.  It has been used by many cultures around the planet and is still used today to create many specific results. It involves a group of people simultaneously focusing on a subject, a vision, together to create a result and make that vision manifest itself. This is happening today with the television news programs. Owned by the elite of the world, these news reports are not concerned with reporting accurate news for viewers. The primary purpose is to lull their viewers into creating negative emotions and thoughts.  The result they are seeking is to keep the world entangled in bitterness and strife. To place us in fear, anger and to emotionally confuse us. To prevent people uniting in good, positive thoughts in promoting good outcomes. For this reason they have attacked multiple aspects of our society. From teaching sexual immorality in schools to small children; the promoting of the transgender movement in our society, to presenting violence and murder in its many forms as entertainment and portraying all of these things as normal are examples. All of the insane things we see and hear about in the news are designed to exhaust our thoughts and minds to ultimately cause confusion and weaken any resolve for us to actually solve the problems of the world nowadays. To abandon the hate and wars and create a beautiful world. There is a small group of people running the world that would rather see the world physically destroyed than allow it to go forward in peace and love. For humanity to unite and go forward together would wrest control from their hands. These are very sick people that have brought our world to the edge of destruction and annihilation. For us to entertain the focus of the world which “they want” only gives more power to it —and they know this. They use the news as a weapon against humanity. They know that together we can stop their sick agenda and make them powerless —when we unite together in thought, word and deed. We should find it within our hearts and minds to stop allowing them to pummel us with their exaggerated, hyperbolic news reports. To boycott the main weapon being used against us and turn off their TV News. We each have a choice nowadays. To follow negative thoughts and visions or follow positive thoughts and visions. It boils down to the well known serenity prayer: “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.” Thanks for listening.
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99900000000000119 · 2 months
Evidence that YHWH was a Dragon 🐉
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99900000000000119 · 2 months
Elites in Panic: The Awakening They Can’t Stop Is Here! ✨ Dolores Cannon
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99900000000000119 · 2 months
(Jeffery Barmann)
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99900000000000119 · 3 months
Gaia Hypothesis: Is The Earth Really A Living Entity? In our Western culture we have been massively programmed unknowingly. Whether by our culture, religion or government it has hurt us all in living peaceful lives full of wonder, peace, prosperity and love. Many truths have been suppressed by labeling them as primitive, superstitions and simple nonsense. But we need to ask just who has determined these things are worthless? Our planet is a living being. Of course it’s not a human being, but there is an abundance of life that isn’t human. Eventually those of us with open minds will come to understand that all things possess an awareness, a consciousness of its own kind. While trees and rocks are not considered “aware” if we understand that our planet is a living being, with awareness and a consciousness, we can begin to fathom that all things in creation God has instilled an awareness of life. At an atomic and subatomic level scientists are discovering these truths. Regarding our planet, our source of life in the universe, the life which sustains us as human beings, we all will eventually understand we need to treat it with reverence and love. Those humans who only want to rape the land without any thought of Mother Earth’s love for us humans, have been harming the ecosystem to the point of collapse. While the so-called “global warming” can be proven to be just a natural phenomenon that comes and goes, there are much more important issues than this political generated crisis dealing with Mother Earth. Fundamentally, we all need to begin by understanding that our planet is a living being. That she responds to both good and bad things done to her. Eventually, if we haven’t discovered it yet, we will come to understand that the so-called “savages” we know as Native Americans and others like them have understood much more than the industrialized world we have created. These people always lived in harmony with Mother Earth and both earth, sky and life were sacred to them. If we truly want to set things right with our environment, we should study the ancient beliefs of all so-called primitive peoples. A good example are our own ancient records we can easily find in our Holy Bibles. In those days of long ago it was common knowledge that there were magicians and magic. Even to the point of people being able to physical fly (by magic) unaided aided by any technology.  My point being we’ve been taught to disbelieve such things and label them as folk lore, myths and simple nonsense. Could it be that in this Age of Information it has become time for us to reevaluate what we’ve been taught as true?
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99900000000000119 · 3 months
The Ancient Hopi & Star People
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99900000000000119 · 3 months
(Jeffery Barmann) There are countless righteous souls that belong to all major religions of the world, which include Christianity. My writings when I challenge religions do not speak about their followers, those with pure hearts that serve Almighty God, but instead speak against the corruption in the church and what we’ve been told are truths. The father of lies has always needed to deceive, and religion and governments have always been the primary way to deal with as many souls as possible. So instead of believing what we’ve been told what holy scripture means, we should as discerning Christians look to God’s Word instead of blindly following what the church (Vatican) demands we believe.  Jesus foretold for us, most of mankind will not understand what’s happening during these days.“For the coming of the son of man will be just like it was in the days of Noah— just like in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage until the day Noah entered the Ark—and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away [Luke: “destroyed them all”]. The coming of the son of man will be just like that.” (Matt 24:37–39) What did Jesus mean when he told us: Unless you become as a little child you can in no way enter into the Kingdom of Heaven? (Matt: 18: 2-5.)  What do all small children do? They all without exception “question everything.” Jesus tried to warn mankind again and again that we were being oppressed and deceived, even naming the controller of the world as the “Father of Lies.” (John 8:44.)* This claim was made against the prevailing religion of the time. A religion later incorporated into the Christian Holy Bible. Keeping in mind for deception to be effective it is always used in the midst of Universal Truths. Jesus told us that we will do everything he has done and even more! (John: 14-12.) There has been a misunderstanding of what Christians call “The Rapture.” (Corinthians 15: 51-53.) What has been revealed to me is this so-called Rapture actually speaks of the “Ascension” of earthly souls, the “evolution” of mankind; even though these souls will remain on earth. Jesus was the first human to die and raise from death to physically “ascend” to the higher dimension we know as Heaven. This was the mission of Jesus upon earth. There is no reason why we should not believe that we too as followers of Jesus will not do the same and ascend to Heaven in our physical bodies. This also involves the warning Jesus gave us concerning the separation of the Wheat from the Chaff. (Matt: 3-12.) When speaking of: “Then two men will be in a field: one will be seized and one will be released. Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will be seized and one will be released.” The “Ascension” also known by Christians as “The Rapture” involves this separation and the “meek” inheriting the earth. “But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.” (Psalm 37:11.). We evolve, but we remain on the planet. God's universe is teeming with friendly life. The evil ones exist only in lower dimensions, but our planet is evolving too. Over a period of 30 years or more I studied all religions and all beliefs and determined during the early 1990s what we could expect to happen. That is why I understand more than most people. Also, I learned in the early 1990s how to access God’s Book of Remembrance. Which Eastern Religions call the Akashic Records. We all should rejoice about being alive in these times. God never punishes and never judges, so those who are not ready to evolve to Heaven will go on to live the experiences that will allow them to eventually evolve. God loves us all the same. All I ask of believers is to embrace unconditional love, non-judgment and service to our fellow human beings. In these no wrong is found. We all have our own paths to follow and evolve, and there are NO wrong choices. God is Love. Peace & Love*The Bible has many names for Satan to describe his true nature, including “ruler of this world” (John 12:31), “god of this age” (2 Corinthians 4:4), “tempter” (1 Thessalonians 3:5), “deceiver” (Revelation 12:9), “Beelzebub” (literally, “lord of the flies,” the ruler of demons, in Matthew 10:25), and “Belial,” meaning “wicked” (2 Corinthians 6:15). —Jeff
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99900000000000119 · 3 months
(Jeffery Barmann)
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99900000000000119 · 4 months
(Jeffery Barmann)
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99900000000000119 · 4 months
The Cosmic Grail Revealed Class1 pt1 with Randall Carlson
I’ve only watched 1/3rd of this video but I believe that either the gentleman will say it or I can guess what could be more, about these new cathedrals in their unheard of designs built by the Knights Templar after their successful mission to Jerusalem. My theory is they brought back Sound Technology, using Solfeggio frequencies and using the actual cathedrals as musical instruments, so to speak. From 40 years of my own research and studies, I do believe the Templar’s found the secret in their new construction techniques. What I can hypothesis is the pillars inside the cathedrals were designed to be used as musical resonance devices and each pillar possibly used for different and various frequencies. The purpose of creating this sound envelope is it was to be used in conjunction with the Cathedral’s Organ tuned to Solfeggio frequencies (and chanting) most likely was to open the hearts and minds of those in attendance to the Glory of God, astral travel, and any number of mystical experiences.  Perhaps the only one’s allowed in attendance would be clergy and serious devotees. Who can say? If this be the case, I believe that eventually the Vatican subjugated the process, turned it around and used it to instill fear and dread in the attendees or simply destroyed the technology altogether.   Also could be used as “Healing chambers” —such technologies have again recently been discovered and used by modern science. “Med-Beds” and frequency-healing. Makes a person wonder.
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