a-bendy-straw-blog · 7 years
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presenting yuri “fuck i swear im just holding these for a friend i *slips* fu ck no they’re not mine i haTE HiM L I S T E N” plisetsky
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a-bendy-straw-blog · 7 years
The proof of life is etched deep beneath sinew and bone, blood and flesh. It’s the savage thrum of a machine that jars open the chasm between life and death, thrashing until silence falls.
You may hear it, or feel it at the edge of your fingertips as you place them on another’s chest, or put your ear to the trembling body of a little creature. It beats, a low, fast, desperate song that is proof. Beat, after beat, life. Life exists.
Then again, you feel the same tick at the centre of an old clock, or a pocket watch. Less flesh, more mechanical, but it still beats. Proof of life lays there too, beneath glass faces and turning arms. Time is alive, tick after tick after tick.
B u t   w e   k i l l e d   i t .
What blinks back at us now are led lights and lifeless numbers. A dead, silent impression of what time once was. No thrum of immortality that time once stood with. No wonder we are always running out, running late, too late. We work with times weary spirit.
- time is a ghost
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a-bendy-straw-blog · 7 years
This is me and my best friend. I have her as Yuri in my phone and I'm Phichit in hers.
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a-bendy-straw-blog · 7 years
Me: *takes deep breath*
Me: I lo-
Anyone who has spent five seconds around me ever: yes, you love Otabek Altin, we know, you love Otabek Altin so much, he's the light of your life, you love him so much, you just love Otabek Altin, we KNOW, you love Otabek Altin you fucking love Otabek Altin, ok we know, we get it, YOU LOVE OTABEK ALTIN. WE GET IT.
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a-bendy-straw-blog · 7 years
In Season
There it is again, a snowflake. This is the season we met right, Or was it spring? No, that's when we fell in love. When our love blossomed like a flower, From the desolate ice it was beforehand. That's when our love was in season.
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a-bendy-straw-blog · 7 years
facebook and reposting
I know nobody’s here for long spiels, but this might be a bit lengthy… I’d much rather fill my dash with replies to you guys about stuff that has actual substance, or just post art in general, but this needs to be said.
Please don’t message me to ask if you can re-post/re-upload/re-distribute my work. I have an instagram, twitter AND tumblr where I distribute my work. That’s where I’d like to keep it. 
I appreciate the respect you’re giving by asking, but it gets exhausting to keep saying ‘thank you, BUT’…it says clearly on my description page to Not Repost Anywhere. It does not say ‘Please only repost with permission’ it just says Don’t Do It. If you send me IM’s about re-uploading my work on instagram/FB/twitter/wattpad etc, I will ignore it. My silence isn’t an unspoken ‘do whatever you want’, it is a blatant ‘no’. OTL
In terms of Facebook - I respect and admire the effort put in by those who run translation fanpages - but I will also have to automatically decline all of your requests. Not because I don’t want my work to be accessible to those who don’t speak English, but because I’ve had multiple facebook accounts re-upload my work without my consent and with barely any credit/proper captioning of the work. And whenever I’ve tried to fix the issue, I’ve either been blocked, or had the re-posters try and lecture me about how I’m asking for the impossible.
Artists don’t ask for much. We do this for free and because we enjoy sharing our love for a series with the world in the best way we know how - by drawing out our feelings and ideas. It’s honestly a bonus and privilege to be able to earn money from my fanwork/fanmerch, and I greatly appreciate every gesture of patronage. 
Artists shouldn’t have to ‘suck it up’ or be ‘aware that this comes with the territory’. Some artists, especially those who share work on Pixiv, face very real VERY serious legal repercussions if their fanwork is tracked back to them from sites that they did not consent to it being uploaded to. It doesn’t take much to paste a Pixiv artists description into google translate to see if they have said ‘Do Not Repost’ in their native tongue. 
Please respect artists. Please look at our descriptions, read our FAQs and consider ‘why am I re-posting in the first place? Do I have explicit permission? Did I check if they allow this? why not just support and spread my appreciation for their work by reblogging their art post, or telling friends about their blog/twitter/pixiv?’
Artists are not machines made of endless amounts of money, time, or energy. We’re human beings that thrive on feedback, communication, and mutual respect. I wouldn’t have gotten to where I am now if not for the wonderful, kind people who supported and encouraged me on my art accounts. To those who support artists by re-blogging our work and/or keyboard smash their thoughts at us, I love you dearly. To those who support artists by purchasing our prints/keychains/charms/standees/zines? You guys are phenomenal, we couldn’t do half of what we do without you. 
To the re-posters however? And to those who try to lecture artists about the Ways Of the Internet and how Reposting is Inevitable? The solution starts with YOU, not us. Mutual respect and honest communication, please utilise it.
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a-bendy-straw-blog · 7 years
Time is the best of critics and patience the best of teachers
Frederic Chopin
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a-bendy-straw-blog · 7 years
How are you going to change the world, if you can’t change yourself ?
-broken limits (via what-she-writes)
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a-bendy-straw-blog · 7 years
Phichit, on the phone with Yuuri: so how does it feel being married to a literal sex symbol
Yuuri: *glances over to Victor*
Victor: *tries to drink gatorade while laying on the couch*
Victor: *accidentally waterboards himself with gatorade, coughs for like 5 seconds before trying it again*
Yuuri: its okay i guess
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a-bendy-straw-blog · 7 years
The possibility of Otayuri becoming canon
So in this post-Welcome to the Madness daze and with the information that has been released today, I would like to do some speculation about the character dynamic between Yurio and Otabek and the possible implications for this ship to become canon. I have already written a bit about this in a comment to another post here, but I would like to elaborate.
Again, this is just me throwing around ideas, with a good dose of wishful thinking.
-          Otabek enters the story quite late as a character. He is there from the beginning but we only get to see him interact with the others from episode 10 onwards. The focal point becomes what his relation is to Yuri. He whisks him away on his motorcycle, takes him to one of the most beautiful vistas in the city and then casually drops how he has admired him for the past five years. Then he offers Yuri his friendship, which has apparently never occurred in Yuri’s life before, they go for a coffee and Mari is stunned to see Yuri normally interact with another human being for a change. It’s up to you to ignore any fond gazes during this scene. What’s worth mentioning is that Yuri seems kind of perplexed by this whole thing. The “eyes of a soldier” line gets to him, because it is probably the first time someone sees him for who he wants to be.
Keep reading
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a-bendy-straw-blog · 7 years
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My fancomic, The Sound Of, is up for preorder again! Will be shipping this batch during early May! You can get it here: tanaw.tictail.com!
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a-bendy-straw-blog · 7 years
My Child
Honestly this fucking made my day
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a-bendy-straw-blog · 7 years
"Proud Parents"
Victor&Yuuri: Ah that's our son look how elegant- Yurio: *bad ass Stripper!!! On Ice moves* Victor&Yuuri: *SHOOK*
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a-bendy-straw-blog · 7 years
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This show inspired me to become a pianist
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a-bendy-straw-blog · 7 years
This is so freaking beautiful like ahhhhh
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⋆  -  I couldn’t wait - Welcome to the madness 
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