Nᴇᴡ Tʜᴇᴍᴇ!
Just redid my theme!
Also, I added an about page! It's simple but I made it so you guys don't have to go google and search up his info and such.
Feel free to go check them out! Comments will be greatly appreciated!
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Yeah, okay, I cannot keep my eyes open any longer.
I will most likely not be on for the rest of the day! I'll be too busy partying at parades and firework shows with my party tiara.
I'll probably be on here tomorrow! Happy Fourth of July everybody! Goodnight! 
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{ — ✰ ;;  A laugh of his own was given in return as they danced their way around the lawn, and he could tell that some of his neighbors were actually starting to get pretty annoyed with all of the laughing and 'rambunctious' behavior - but the cheery nation did not care one tiny bit! Alfred nearly almost lost balance as his brother spun him, but he soon got his footing back into place and was back in gear. "Well, I am simply thrilled at that, Matt! That for once I'm not a pain in your ass!" He let out another laugh before leading the Canadian into a dip, practically almost letting Matthieu's head touch the ground before pulling him back up.           "Pfft! I don't mind waiting, bro! If you're perfecting it, then it's worth the wait!"
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       ✧║ "Wooa—hhh…!" The Canadian awkwardly followed, trying not to topple over while being danced around. “I get it, I get it…!" His distress quickly bubbled into laughter and he pulled the other into a spin. “The presents were perfect, bro. You know, you’re not too much of a pain sometimes." Too bad Matt wasn’t done preparing his return gift… “Yours might have to wait a bit, it has to be just perfect, yeah?"
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*sneezes* “god bless"
*whispers* “america"
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{ — ✰ ;;  I don't think anyone could imagine how long Alfred stared at that cake for. God, he was just in so much awe that someone could make a cake that big, and how good it was going to taste, that he was practically drooling all over his living room floor. He soon pulled himself together though and made his way over to Andrew's house, practically almost breaking the door off its hinges at his arrival.           "Andrew! Andrew! Oh my god! That cake, man! That is the b--" The angel was grateful enough to text Alfred beforehand that he might be an female for the next week, so it was no surprise when he saw a girl standing in Andrew's kitchen; what was a surprise, though, was the state the girl was in. Alfred quickly rushed over to the angel and brushed some of the flour out of his eyes so Andrew could see. "Andrew! Dude, are you alright? You got frosting in your hair, and flour everywhere! Did you fall in my cake before you delivered it or something?!" The cake's big enough to fall onto, so he wouldn't be exaggerating. 
       ╰♗╮ ⇢ She’s covered in sugar, flour, icing — and all things imaginable that one would put on a cake but she finished it in time! And now she hopes it was delivered on time so she can stop stressing and worrying her little head.
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{ — ✰ ;;  "Aw man, screw the neighbors! It's the best day of the year for me right now! They can deal with it!" He danced alone for just a bit more and then swung over to Matthew, pulling him into some kind of cha-cha mix tango. "Oh, dude! How did you like your presents?!" 
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{ — ✰ ;;  “MIDNIGHT! YAYYYY!" And there goes the bouncy nation, hyper levels climbing up and up as he has his own little parade in his front yard. 
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"Happy Birthday, Alfred! - Andrew" is written on a card; placed on the table of the Nation's kitchen -- something perhaps not seen behind the .. giant (in the easiest said word) cake which had been placed behind it on a stand considering the table may not hold it. The cake itself is about three-levels (if you don't count the forth which held the edible sugar-class flag which was suspended in a ripple). The cake itself has all fifty states on it, moved about and fit around like pieces of a puzzle with little candy fireworks suspended off it with wires and thin metal sticks. But perhaps the most memorable thing being the eagle suspended on a whole different set of stick and wire which permitted wings to outstretch forth over the cake as it's head and gaze stared forth at whomever stood before the (over)sized cake. Overall, it's one hell of a cake -- with different flavors on each level to suit to his and his guest's favorites should he throw a party. Chocolate, Red Velvet, Vanilla, Strawberry, Rocky Road -- and amongst that a trillion other things mixed in. (The firework candies were filled with pop-rocks, to boot.)
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Alright, he could admit seeing the other bounce about so damn cheerfully was beginning to get to him. --Not that he was going to openly admit such a thing.-- "Alfred," he began and paused for a moment before rubbing the back of his head. "Happy Birthday." ((I can do this now, yes.))
{ — ✰ ;;  Alfred did not even notice the island nation approaching him, and probably would have not noticed him if England had not said his name to get his attention. And even though the nation had not called out his name and, instead, calmly stated it, Alfred's ears had still picked up on the familiar voice, causing him to stop mid-dance and turn to face his elder.And what England had said to him was not what he was expecting at all. He was honestly expecting a sorrow frown, or maybe even just England turning around and leaving -- But, an actual Happy Birthday?Oh - that had instantly just made his week right there!Alfred's lips stretched out into a wide, happy smile, and he really couldn't help but to pull the Englishman into a tight hug; and either he didn't hear or he didn't care that some of the other's bones were cracking."Thank you, England! You had just made my week!" He released the other after a few moments and patted him on the back. "Are you coming to my place later for my birthday party?" 
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America: Land of the FUCK YOU I DO WHAT I WANT
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{ — ✰ ;;  "MIDNIGHT! YAYYYY!" And there goes the bouncy nation, hyper levels climbing up and up as he has his own little parade in his front yard. 
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{ — ✰ ;;  Lunch? At this hour? How weird indeed - but, so is eating six hamburgers on a park bench at 11 o'clock at night, so Alfred didn't really have any room to judge the woman. "Oh, alright. That's fine! It's better not to over eat, y'know." He placed the paper bag down next to him so that he could pull his legs up to sit criss-cross on the bench. Alfred was in a criss-cross sort of mood at the moment, so that is how he shall sit, regardless if he was seated on a bench or the ground.           A light laugh was heard from the blonde as he heard the stranger's reasoning, pulling the McDonald's bag back over to him. "Well, I guess that's true. I don't really care about that sorta thing though - not knowing names and stuff. If people offer me food, then I just take it! Only if they look like they don't really need it, though. I mean, if someone who only had one burger offered me it, then I'd definitely say no. Same goes with two burgers--" And now he was rambling again - another habit he needed to work on. "Sorry, miss. I hope I'm not disturbing your reading time." He fished out one of the burgers from the bag unwrapped it. "What are you doing out here so late anyways, miss? Reading inside would be much better, wouldn't it?" 
➜the-pasta-lover ➜ auramuse   ➜ mortiifera
                       ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ sᴇᴇ ᴛʜᴇ 「 Amazing Hero ~ 」✯
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{ — ✰ ;;  “Hm…I guess eating in the park wouldn’t be that bad." His stomach just couldn’t wait until he got to the house - and the streetlights were on so it wasn’t like he’d be eating in complete darkness - so, Alfred sat down at the closest park bench he could find and began to rustle through the McDonald’s bag for his food. It was then that he noticed that the bench was already being occupied by someone else.           “Oh, hello!" He gave an embarrassed smile and held out the bag to the stranger. “Want any?"
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{ — ✰ ;;  The nation's expression changed into one of confusion as the girl started exclaiming how 'it's Laurie!'; but, soon enough, he caught on that the name was being referred to the wallet in his hand, and a smile popped back onto his face as he handed her the so called 'Laurie'. He had assumed that he question about 'Papa' was rhetorical, so he didn't bother to answer it.           "Oh! It's no problem at all, miss." He had then looked around and noticed that barely anyone else was on the sidewalks, save for two or three people. Alfred had also noticed that the sky was quickly darkening above them. Well, McDonald's can wait for another thirty minutes. "Hm...it's starting to get kinda dark. Would you like me to walk you home? It's pretty dangerous to walk alone down a busy street when night's rolling in." 
➜  monochromefeathers
                       ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ sᴇᴇ ᴛʜᴇ 「 Amazing Hero ~ 」✯
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{ — ✰ ;;  Alfred did end up finding some chicken in the fridge - but, by the time he had found it, his enthusiasm to cook had vanished, so onto McDonalds he went! He was fortunate enough to live on a busy street, so no flash light was needed for this expedition. So quickly he walked down the sidewalk, until he saw someone ahead of him drop something, and, upon picking it up, found out that it was their wallet.           “Ah, excuse me!” He ran and caught up with them with little to no effort at all, holding out the precious leather object to them. “Here - you dropped your wallet.” 
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➜ injustiapan
                       ʜᴀs ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ sᴇᴇ ᴛʜᴇ 「 Amazing Hero ~ 」✯
{ — ✰ ;;  "Oh - hey, Hungary!" Well, he really wasn't expecting to see her, that was for sure. He really hoped there wasn't some meeting that he wasn't informed about, or forgot about. He seemed to be doing the latter a lot more recently, much to his superiors' dismay.           "Did your boss send you over here or something? You usually don't visit here unless it's business and stuff."
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