You know how Finn Wolfhard unionized the other Stranger Things kids so they could swear in the show after coming back from filming IT? That's Duke.
Also, his biggest adversary in this fight is not Bruce, it's Dick. He refuses to let Damian swear and delights in using cheesy family friendly curses. The older kids give him like, a month before he inevitably falls in line. In retaliation, Duke starts censoring Dick's name like he's in a TikTok. The psychological war that ensues gets so absurd Bruce lifts the swearing ban "as long as it's not too inappropriate or unprofessional".
Everyone says thank you to Duke, and Tim uses his first official swear to say "Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw" at a particularly gruesome crime scene. Montoya does not recover from that one and the ban is reinstated for Tim.
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bruce quest au where kon and bart didn't die/have come back already and the young justice core four treat saving batman from the timestream like a regular yj mission
when they come back with bruce in tow (and honestly let them still blow up the league of assassins, they deserve explosions as a treat), the justice league is all like "why did you guys go off on your own/how did you have the resources to save batman/how did you get involved with the loa?" they respond like "haha classic yj mission, you know" and just don't elaborate on anything that happened
yj are just not bothered by anything that happened
the jl are concerned™️
bruce is just tired after witnessing first hand how these four deal with things
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How does someone find somebody to bounce fic ideas off of and beta read their works? Planning a long fic and I dread using one of my irl's for brainstorming and proofreading
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I’ve hinted at it in other posts I’ve made, but the idea that Danny is just a little to non-human for people’s comfort is a head cannon I love. Which is half the reason he ends up in Gotham.
Gotham is cursed. Like full on, cursed the land the city was built on it’s imbedded in the brick and mortar of the buildings, cursed. But it leaves all Gothamites with a certain level of tolerability.
So Danny, who had the police called on him 5 different times during a college visit in metropolis because he was just a little too uncanny and everyone felt a certain degree of uncomfortable around him, learned that gothamites still pick up on the uncanny, but they can ignore it. At most he kinda get’s side eyed when he passes by, but most of Gotham gives off an odd vibe so they take it at face value and move on. Danny is not a registered rogue and is also not actively holding them up and they have better places to be.
That doesn’t mean it’s always ignored though. After Danny is admitted to the aerospace engineering program at Gotham U a Twitter account pops up that’s just called “Local GU Cryptid sightings.” It’s just pictures of Danny sleeping in the weirdest fucking places or security footage of him that keeps bugging out because they learn that they can’t take pictures of the kid without the footage going a little buggy.
The students in Danny’s cohort use the account to gauge Danny’s sanity level. They were not afraid to ask what was up with him, and instead of saying he’s a ghost he admitted to essentially living above a radioactive portal that contaminated him. His eyes glow and he has sharper teeth and ears. Also digital anything cannot capture his likeness.
And this was fascinating to them. They started doing some research because they wanted to know why some images had more distortion than others. Turns out the more tired Danny is the more distorted the photo becomes. So every now and then you’ll see someone snap a photo of Danny and be like “go home!” (They refer it to it as Danny’s sanity level because one time he started laughing so hard they thought he’s been gassed, but turns out he hadn’t slept in a week).
Still, it’s sorta become a game. Like how there are accounts that post pictures of the campus squirrels. It’s just that but with absurd Danny sightings. Someone caught him asleep in a tree once. No one knows how he got up there but he was sleeping against a gargoyle in the middle of the night and for the life of them they couldn’t figure out why he wouldn’t just go home (he likes sleeping under the stars sometimes, even if he can’t see them through the smog). A teacher sent a student to retrieve something from storage. Danny was also down there, and can apparently see in the dark since said student turned the corner to a dark hall and glowing green eyes. (Geezus Danny you scared the shit out of me. Now don’t move. I need proof this happened or no one will believe me.)
It’s all pretty harmless. The first time Danny gets caught up in a rouge attack his teenage vigilante instincts kick in and he decks the leader in the face knocking him out cold.
Bruce is concerned because footage of the fight is distorted but both Jason and Tim take one look and laugh. “It’s just Danny. We already vetted him. He’s good,l. Remember the GCPD’s request about that kid who disarmed a bomb and disappeared? That was Danny. He was tired and likes to canabilize machines for his projects.”
Danny not a born Gothamite, but he certainly feels like one so they accept him into the fold easily enough.
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Impulse: “I have a spaceship”
Random hero: *look of shock* “how did yo-”
Robin: “we’re in the middle of a mission can we just say ‘Classic YJ mission’ and move on?”
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this is so good omg thanks for the rec 🙏🙏
Does anyone have any fic recs where the Justice League (and bats and co) find out about all the shit Young Justice got up to when they were younger? Like, I'm talking JL finds out about the pure, unhinged activities these mfers took part in (and some of them were in space !) and the JL is like "???? when did you guys go to SPACE? what do you mean SANTA'S DEAD????" and the core four are just there like "we had it handled lmao"
268 notes · View notes
Rip Tim Drake, you would have loved saying "whomp whomp"
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Does anyone have any fic recs where the Justice League (and bats and co) find out about all the shit Young Justice got up to when they were younger? Like, I'm talking JL finds out about the pure, unhinged activities these mfers took part in (and some of them were in space !) and the JL is like "???? when did you guys go to SPACE? what do you mean SANTA'S DEAD????" and the core four are just there like "we had it handled lmao"
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prompt idea where bad guys kidnap Captain Marvel and put him under a truth serum live on television. JL are desperately searching for Marvel's location while watching, fearing Marvel's livelyhood will be put at stake! but then...
Villain approaches Marvel with a smirk, "Tell me big red cheese, where do you live!"
Captain Marvel, "Oh dude im homeless!"
And literally like the interogation ends as quickly as it started because WHAT
villain: "wait so you... where do you sleep...?"
billy: "Outside, nice ol' comfy concrete."
villain: "Dont you have like.. a job?"
billy: "Does heroism count?"
villain: "....No."
the villain doesn't even continue cause he feels bad like damn end of broadcast dude.
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looks like bruce will be taking on the pta! i’ll be starting on this soon and when 100k hits i’ll be posting it :)
thanks to everyone who voted! there’s still four days left on the poll, so there is still a chance to bump one of the other prompts higher!
100k Hits Poll
Hi everyone who has supported me on ao3! I'm coming up on the big milestone of 100k hits across all of my works and as a thank you, I wanted to give everyone who has read one of my work a chance to pick the celebratory oneshot I write in celebration!
As always, I'm always looking for other fun ideas to write about! If you have any oneshot or fic suggestions, shoot me an ask and if I like it it will be added to my list of ideas!
Thanks to everyone who has read something I've written, it's a fun hobby and I'm glad people find joy in reading my works :)
33 notes · View notes
i would cry if you made it longer please do it omg
dc and marvel crossover (slash peter parker in gotham prompt) but all of the members of team red end up in gotham without knowing that the others are stuck there too
cue matt, wade, and peter trying desperately to figure out what’s going on for weeks before eventually running into each other like
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(bonus points if they all befriend a different wayne and it happens at wayne manor)
257 notes · View notes
jason still ends up dying in a stupid way like a mob of fans or a tour bus crash or some shit. but this time when he comes back, instead of wanting bruce to kill the joker he wants him to fucking annihilate the members of a boyband in consolation
AU where instead of dying, Bruce actually sold Jason to One Direction
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i need a fic where duke is the only competent member of the batfamily.
everyone is banned from the kitchen because they can’t cook worth a shit? duke grew up helping his family in the kitchen. seriously guys, it’s not that hard to not set things on fire. people are staying awake for multiple days to solve a case that is eating at them? fuck that, duke needs his eight hours. his siblings play helpless when getting kidnapped as civilians? seriously guys, they grew up in gotham. he’s absolutely punching the shit out of his kidnappers. his family hides their injuries from patrol? no thanks, he doesn’t want complications or infections or to risk bleeding out. alfred can go crazy. honestly, why would he patrol and make it worse if he can get it treated first?
just,,,, give me duke thomas being a functional human being instead of a train wreck like literally everyone else he lives with as alfred looks on with a raised eyebrow and a “see? just because you’re a vigilante doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be able to function normally” to the others
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AU where instead of dying, Bruce actually sold Jason to One Direction
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“Were… were your parents part of any secret organizations that you know of?” This got Tim’s attention. To be completely honest, there was probably a whole list of things he didn’t know about his parents. They were gone the majority of the year while they were still alive, and they weren’t exactly running to tell him about everything they were doing abroad in the short periods that they actually were back in Gotham.
“What do you mean?” Duke had a confused look on his face and slid over the envelope he was holding. When Tim picked it up, he immediately noticed a familiar symbol stamped onto the front. A symbol that he had never expected to find on a Tuesday afternoon in his parent's attic. A symbol that, up until that moment, he wasn’t sure was actually real.
The fucking Illuminati triangle was staring back at him.
Tim slowly lifted his head to look at Duke, a perplexed look on his face.
“Holy shit.”
“Holy shit.” Duke agreed.
(or; Tim joins the Illuminati just to prove that it's real)
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dc and marvel crossover (slash peter parker in gotham prompt) but all of the members of team red end up in gotham without knowing that the others are stuck there too
cue matt, wade, and peter trying desperately to figure out what’s going on for weeks before eventually running into each other like
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(bonus points if they all befriend a different wayne and it happens at wayne manor)
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I love both fics you have in the hazy days series (ESPECIALLY purple kush)
Would you ever write another stoner!Tim fic outside of the hazy days au? Or will they all be set in the same universe? I absolutely need more stoner Tim content, ao3 is lacking
i love stoner!Tim with my entire being
i have like three or four more installments for hazy days planned and outlined, but i also have a few ideas that i think would be better set outside of hazy days
thanks for reading purple kush! it's my personal fave of my own works :) (sometimes you just have to love that weird little crack fic you exclusively write whilst under the influence at 2 am)
some things you could read while you wait for me to actually put out more stoner!Tim content:
Don't Be Suspicious by CarrionCarnival (you need an ao3 account to read)
A Backwards Kind of Day by carolinaa
i love both of these fics so much!
happy reading :)
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