a-little-pebbl · 6 days
“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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a-little-pebbl · 26 days
Fantastic art
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a-little-pebbl · 1 month
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a-little-pebbl · 1 month
sobbing and thinking about the sheer amount of angst possibilities
boothill nation how we feeling
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a-little-pebbl · 1 month
"*flipping the other off*"
"*flipping the other off back*"
"Anyways i made mac n cheese u want some"
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I’m right and I should say it
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a-little-pebbl · 1 month
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I think we as a society moved on a bit too fast over Dr. Ratio’s thigh reverb
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a-little-pebbl · 2 months
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a-little-pebbl · 2 months
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And then I go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like “I love you.”
NOTES: dividers by @cafekitsune !!
( Made before 2.2 / Boothill may be OOC / angst / character death / really wanted to use these lyrics for a title / GN!Reader, implied to have been a Galaxy Ranger as well / implied unrequited love )
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You were there in his life for a while, he was thankful he remembered that much. He knows his memories were slightly tampered with, or maybe his memory has been failing him, but he still remembers your constant presence in his previous life. Though, “constant” probably wouldn’t be the correct term. Galaxy Rangers come and go, as one might say. Always moving and never on one system for too long.
And yet, time and time again, you crossed paths. Wherever he went, you just so happened to be there too. It was like you were following him. Perhaps the feeling was mutual. Perhaps to you, it felt like he was the one following you.
Days turned into weeks, into months, into a few years. From quick glances, to smiles and waves, to briefly talking, and finally to sharing drinks and laughing as you tell each other stories of your journey across the stars. He was never sure why your presence brought such warmth and comfort to him, or why his face always felt a bit warmer and his heart beat faster whenever he looks at you while he listened to you talk.
You definitely knew what it was. It took one night for you to know, though you were both drunk. At least, he definitely was, but you still remembered what he said by the next morning. You remember only smiling when he said those three words, but Galaxy Rangers come and go like shadows. You wonder if this was the best path to choose in the end. You wonder if he remembered what he said and what your reply was.
Maybe in another life, you tell yourself.
But that “other” life wouldn’t be possible. For you, at least. Perhaps it was some sort of cruel joke so that the Elation’s laugh could echo across the cosmos once again.
He doesn’t remember what happened before everything went black. It all happened way too fast. He just wished the moment he opened his eyes, he was dreaming. He wanted to believe that what he was seeing, what was being done to him, was just a horrible dream and that he’d wake up again, but he never did seem to wake from this nightmare. It’d soon hit him that this was reality, and that you’re not here. Not in this second life.
He knows you were there before he lost consciousness, or maybe he died. He remembers hearing your voice, calling out to him. He hears himself question the doctor if they had seen you, and the answer he received was yes. He almost smiled, until the doctor continued. Relief quickly turned into disbelief and anger. You were left behind because they didn’t need you. You were gone. You were ripped away from him because you “weren’t needed.” Because some doctor didn’t deem you worthy enough to save.
He wanted to cry, he wanted to scream and curse the doctor for their choices, but he was silent as the machinery continued to work on him. There were no tears because machines can’t cry. There was no voice to cry out the pain he was feeling. For a body that can no longer feel, he still felt as if he was being ripped apart a second time.
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a-little-pebbl · 2 months
It's important to drink a lot of fluids when you're sick so that your body has the raw materials to generate gallons of snot.
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a-little-pebbl · 3 months
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The spirit of Diogenes is alive and well
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a-little-pebbl · 5 months
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a-little-pebbl · 5 months
depression tips™
shower. not a bath, a shower. use water as hot or cold as u like. u dont even need to wash. just get in under the water and let it run over you for a while. sit on the floor if you gotta.
moisturize everything. use whatever lotion u like. unscented? dollar store lotion? fancy ass 48 hour lotion that makes u smell like a field of wildflowers? use whatever you want, and use it all over. 
put on clean, comfortable clothes. 
put on ur favorite underwear. cute black lacy panties? those ridiculous boxers u bought last christmas with candy cane hearts on the butt? put em on.
drink cold water. use ice. if u want, add some mint or lemon for an extra boost.
clean something. doesn’t have to be anything big. organize one drawer of ur desk. wash five dirty dishes. do a load of laundry. scrub the bathroom sink. 
blast music. listen to something upbeat and dancey and loud, something that’s got lots of energy. sing to it, dance to it, even if you suck at both.
make food. don’t just grab a granola bar to munch. take the time and make food. even if it’s ramen. add something special to it, like a hard boiled egg or some veggies. prepare food, it tastes way better, and you’ll feel like you accomplished something. 
make something. write a short story or a poem, draw a picture, color a picture, fold origami, crochet or knit, sculpt something out of clay, anything artistic. even if you don’t think you’re good at it.
go outside. take a walk. sit in the grass. look at the clouds. smell flowers. put your hands in the dirt and feel the soil against your skin.
call someone. call a loved one, a friend, a family member, call a chat service if you have no one else to call. talk to a stranger on the street. have a conversation and listen to someone’s voice. if you can’t, text or email or whatever, just have some social interaction with another person. even if you don’t say much, listen to them.
cuddle your pets if you have them/can cuddle them. take pictures of them. talk to them. tell them how u feel, about your favorite movie, a new game coming out.
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a-little-pebbl · 5 months
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Damage prediction on pears during transportation.
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a-little-pebbl · 5 months
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a-little-pebbl · 6 months
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a-little-pebbl · 6 months
I dont know why i get so shocked whenever wyll cusses dispite being in his mid 20s but like its so funny to me because yeah!!!!! Let wyll say fuck!!!! Good for him!!!
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Avatar Karlach: You got it. Next stop, Zariel's forge. Final stop, Faerûn.
Wyll: Fuck yeah, that's my girl! Oh shit - I'm starting to pick up your bad habits. Well, fuck it. In for a coin, in for a coffer.
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devnote: Oopsy - he's been picking up some bad language habits from Karlach!
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a-little-pebbl · 7 months
Theres nothing like having a kitten mashing its face against yours while your texting with a friend and actively is attacking your phone while typing this
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