a-painintheneck · 5 years
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a-painintheneck · 5 years
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“Ah, right. You can never really know with your kind.” Said in a matter-of-fact way, without ire or reproach as some of her kind tended to speak around vampires. While Charlotte may have preferred the company of other witches, she saw no need to be outright rude to others. They were all stuck here the same way, weren’t they? “What books did you read in school then?” It was hard to tell how old they were but Charlotte had found that she could often gauge after a while, based on their conversations–– how they spoke, what they referenced. She supposed vampires were a bit of a puzzle, weren’t they? One needed several pieces before they could get the bigger picture. 
It was unsurprising that he spoke up because even Charlotte knew she seemed more than a little distracted. The ghost behind her had begun mumbling incoherently and drifted ever closer to the witch. She laughed slightly, almost sheepishly like it was just a joke or an off-beat moment. Nothing out of the ordinary there. “You don’t really seem the sort to give out favors,” she mused, knowing it wasn’t answering the question but thinking it was a valid observation all the same. “At least not without strings attached which,” she tipped her head, “kind of does away with the whole favor of it all.” He seemed calculating. His words effortless and yet somehow measured, as though he were trying to piece her together in that moment too. 
He responded with a shrug of the shoulders because she wasn’t wrong. Vampires were immortal creatures and so it was very difficult to tell how old they were just by looking at them. There were some signs though. Some vampires made it incredibly obvious that they belonged to another era. Wore clothes that were not only out of date but so old that made them look like they were in a period movie. Also, the way they spoke was a given and how they carried themselves. Of course, this was not something that happened across the board. Some could mask this better than others. Were able to make integrate themselves into society more than others. Also, there were vampires who were once grounded for centuries and then released into the world - confused and lost. Malachi hoped to never be in their shoes.
“Schools back then were very particular over their literary selection. Things like violence and sex was seen as very taboo. We read The Metamorphosis and  Howards End. I do remember that one of the very first books I read and completely loved was T.S Elliot’s, The Wasteland.” He remembered those moments as if they had happened yesterday. “And you? Do you remember the first book you read?”
Distracted was an understatement. Her words resulted in a chuckle from his lips. “Favors? Depends on the person. But typically it’s more of a ‘ I scratch your back and you scratch mine ‘ sort of arrangement.” Yeah, she had been angry at him for turning her but eventually grew into her vampire shoes. “I called it an upgrade.”
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a-painintheneck · 5 years
The further they walked the more strength she seemed to gather as a result of his blood in her system. Still, there was a tiredness in her body that could only be completely removed with either magic or a long rest. Malachi knew that Aria did not believe in anything that came out of his mouth. She took his words into consideration but she was smart enough to know that vampires were fickle creatures. Him, in particular. She made a joke that made him grin right before the annoying bird started to flap its wings over his head. “Even? I was unaware we were keeping score.” Apparently they were. Hardly necessary since they were supposed to be friends. But what did he know about the meaning behind a friendship? 
Ariana was sending him off, clearly under the belief that she was good to walk without his assistance. He was ready to contradict her but he suddenly remembered he wasn’t neither her dad or her babysitter. Now that she had been healed she was perfectly capable to getting home on her own.
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 “What? and risk you pissing someone off between here and your doorstep?” His time to joke. “He doesn’t like me much, does he?” He asked, staring at the crow who was now perched on a street sign. It had good reason, since he almost got her killed once. His eyes darted from the animal to her with a sigh. “Get some rest. I’ll call you in the morning.” Because he needed her on her best if she was going to help him with the Henryk bullshit. “Good night Aria.” One swoosh and he was gone. 
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“It’s a joke,” she said with a subtle roll of her eyes. Give and take and not being one-sided in that aspect was important to her when it came to relationships. She wanted to be able to count on someone in the same or similar ways that they could count on her. But at the point the two of them were at, she could tell he still might have helped her whether or not she’d been of use to him for some time. It was really nice to have that… Not many people made that list.
She didn’t respond when he joked, just rolled her eyes again - though her lips curled up in a bit of a grin. Touché. Stevros scoffed inside her head at Malachi’s words. ‘Curly’s not as imperceptive as I thought he was,’ he commented, turning his beady black eyes towards Aria. ‘I’ll give him that.’
The witch smiled in amusement, letting it fade into a small grimace as they said their farewells. The air then displaced with a swoosh and he was gone. Aria looked around at the empty darkness and starting making her way back to the common streets. The bird took off to scout ahead and keep watch - making sure to warn her of any incoming threats in the night. But even soaked in her own blood, her home was close as she wasn’t too far down the damsel road a bit of vampire-blood fueled magic wouldn’t keep her safe at 2am.
Maybe they could smell the fact she was tinted with V. Maybe there were none nearby or none interested in bothering a witch with torn up clothes and a tired, grumpy expression on her face. Whatever the reason, Aria made it home safely and tried not to think of the fact morning would come with news of another Trillium witch dead. She had to at least be grateful it wasn’t two.
༻῾¦، END
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a-painintheneck · 5 years
Malachi never made convincing promises, nor acceptances to requests. She wasn’t surprised, but she was still disappointed and made it clear with a dead eye look and pursed lips to combat his annoyed sigh. But that was how it was between the two. Loyalty, help, jokes, danger, up to no good plans and lots and lots of mutual annoyances. She’d never found herself genuinely regretting any of it with him. Perhaps the fact she’d never felt unsafe in his presense his meeting him those few years back had a lot to do with it. Aria could always appreciate the irony, almost as much as she could appreciate the fruits of their unlikely bond.
“You know what? I’d find that very rude if I had any interest in being an undead mosquito,” she teasingly retorted back at him as she let go off his arms. Don’t fall on your face. Don’t fall on your face. Don’t fall on your face. You’ll never hear the end of it, Aria silently repeated to herself as she took a couple tentative steps on her own towards the street. So far so good. Yeah, she had this and home wasn’t too far away from here. Stevros flew over Malachi’s head and landed on the ground a couple feet away from Aria with a caw. He’d lend her some confidence and magical strength on the way. And she had been underestimating the effects of that V… despite the screaming protest of her still sore limbs, she felt such energy surging through her.
“Thanks again,” she said once more, turning to give Malachi a small smile. Cheeky bastard was probably fully aware she might have been midnight vampire chow without his quick response. Whatever, she was still grateful. “Really. I think we’re even now.”
“So, go back home… I got the…” She glanced over at the crow, “feathery Otherworld spirit,” Aria said with a sigh, looking back at Malachi. “-here to get me back. Plus the whole… zooming around thing gives me vertigo.” Another day could be saved for the awkward Henryk conversation. She still didn’t know if she wanted to ask how those two were doing, not after their little dilemma the other day at Pandemonium. “Good night, Cai.”
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The further they walked the more strength she seemed to gather as a result of his blood in her system. Still, there was a tiredness in her body that could only be completely removed with either magic or a long rest. Malachi knew that Aria did not believe in anything that came out of his mouth. She took his words into consideration but she was smart enough to know that vampires were fickle creatures. Him, in particular. She made a joke that made him grin right before the annoying bird started to flap its wings over his head. “Even? I was unaware we were keeping score.” Apparently they were. Hardly necessary since they were supposed to be friends. But what did he know about the meaning behind a friendship? 
Ariana was sending him off, clearly under the belief that she was good to walk without his assistance. He was ready to contradict her but he suddenly remembered he wasn’t neither her dad or her babysitter. Now that she had been healed she was perfectly capable to getting home on her own.
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 “What? and risk you pissing someone off between here and your doorstep?” His time to joke. “He doesn’t like me much, does he?” He asked, staring at the crow who was now perched on a street sign. It had good reason, since he almost got her killed once. His eyes darted from the animal to her with a sigh. “Get some rest. I’ll call you in the morning.” Because he needed her on her best if she was going to help him with the Henryk bullshit. “Good night Aria.” One swoosh and he was gone. 
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a-painintheneck · 5 years
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2.12  //  2.15    [request by 225starburst ]
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a-painintheneck · 5 years
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a-painintheneck · 5 years
“I interrupted your feeding session, I can understand the aggravation there but see it as one neighbor looking out for another. Recklessness breeds chaos after all.” Valeria replied without missing a beat. Would it be terrible of her to admit she took some joy out of getting under the man’s skin so easily? She knew her tendency to be over critical got on the nerves of even her own friends but it was who she was and besides even a Furorem vampire ought to have known feeding in some back alley was not only sleazy but dangerous. It was like a taunt to all hunters around to come and drive a stake through your heart really. Perhaps there were some self-destructive tendencies at play. Or this vampire was simply that stupid. Then again Valeria was dealing with a man.
“Now, if you hadn’t damaged her this way, I could see a way out of this mess without murdering her but now even if you compelled her to forget the whole night, there’d be no explaining the broken leg. I can help with that.” She offered, a peace offering all wrapped up in more criticism. He could either take it or leave it but she was in the mood to show off her own tricks and truth be told she felt a bit of pity for the girl currently lying on the pavement. Feeding was unavoidable, a necessity but add injuries into the mix and it all bordered too much on sadism for her taste.
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“Maybe I enjoy a little chaos from time to time.” He often wondered why people insisted on tagging along and ruining his night. It was like they had some type of death wish. Still, there was something about this particular witch that. if anything, it was mere curiosity that moved him. That itch to find out what made others tick. What secrets they kept hidden. You see, it’s human nature to want to be private about – at least – one thing in their lives, if not more. The sort of thing that would destroy them if someone dug into it, found the details and exploited it for all it’s worth. Whether that be a secret passion, a mindless hobby or something worse, it happened to everyone. For him, he had been born a secretive person. If something disturbing was on his mind, he wouldn’t tell anyone. If he took a tumble as a child, and injured himself, he would simply clean it up himself and not say another word about it. As a vampire, he simply grew a lot more guarded and distrustful. He could imagine what type of demons lived inside this witch’s head but he wanted to prick them out one by one and force them to dance.
She moved towards him with determination and he did not fail to notice the fire in her eyes. They looked like two black puddles staring into him. I suppose this was were that saying originated. The one that spoke about looks that could kill you. “Or I could just rip her spine straight from her backside. Her broken leg would be the least of her troubles then.” She spoke as he stood there, arms behind his back as if to portray the confidence he wished he could possess. It was always an act with him. Malachi was built with lies and stitched together with violence.  He considered sharing the gruesome details of his nightly venture but then decided to keep it to himself for the time being. Besides, she knew he was a vampire so she probably already suspected the worst. She seemed guarded and a little worried about being caught red handed while he enjoyed his brutality in the open. “I’ve been around witches before. You certainly don’t need my permission to help her. But - since you’re so adamant on spoiling my fun, have at it then. Fix her up.”
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a-painintheneck · 5 years
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a-painintheneck · 5 years
Maledictus Incorrect Quotes
Kolya: Isn’t it amazing what partners learn from each other?
Henryk: I learn a lot from Malachi because he makes so many mistakes.
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a-painintheneck · 5 years
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malachi thorn + popular text posts
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a-painintheneck · 5 years
“You always hand out your blood to people, or is it a more exclusive type thing?” Vampires in general were a bundle of curiosities, and Dresden had always liked them for that reason. Power, speed, and not to mention the gallons of blood they spilled in the midst of their hunger. Plus, most were charming, even Malachi despite his horrible bedside manner. 
“And we all know what happens when you get bored.” Dresden’s voice remained as easy-going as always, but his hand tightened a bit on his glass. The pressure with the ongoing heat from his hand would be enough to give it a hairline crack, but Dresden kept himself under control despite it. “Well, I’m sure I have loads to catch up on. I left my ledger, and whoever covered me during my time away certainly screwed my organization all to hell.” He grinned, motioning to the glass of blood. “You enjoy that, and maybe I’ll see you hop in the ring soon? Was definitely fun to watch last time.”
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He laughed. What kind of question was that? “If you have to ask then you haven’t been paying attention.” Most vampires were very particular about who they shared their blood with. Offering it just to the people they cared for or in case of emergency. Malachi was not like that. He was not selfish when it came to shoving his wrist into someone’s mouth and force them to drink. Done it plenty of times before. Had more fledglings than he could count as a result. “I’m a very generous creature, Dresden.” There was his smile, the cynical malicious one he was so known for.
And we all know what happens when you get bored. “Do we?” Yes, he had quite the reputation around certain circles. People who came in contact with him didn’t have nice things to say. “He was good entertainment. A bit too fragile for my liking. We both know it’s not as fun when they break easily, isn’t that right?” His eyes narrowed, studying Dresden’s reaction and trying to decipher the reasons behind his questioning. Didn’t matter in the end. The fae was already walking on thin fucking ice with him after the Aria debacle. Not to mention that he still had his suspicions about his involvement in the church fire. “Reason why I always like to handle things myself. Or else they don’t get done right.” Another drink of his whiskey, wetting his lips that were still curled in a smile. “Perhaps I will tonight, if the mood arises. You should hop in with me sometime. See how good you are without your fire to back you up.”
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a-painintheneck · 5 years
“I don’t know if that’s possible anymore,” she said with a huff and a weak attempt at humor. “But I can’t try vampire blood again, I’m serious… It’s too risky,” Aria breathed out, quickly gazing around the room to distract herself from the strange dry sensation in her mouth and the desire for more. Isobel Fawn, her grandmother, had gotten addicted once. Her mother even took the risk of trying it as a teenage - severely regretting it afterwards. Her uncle had warned her the family seemed to have a terrible tendency to getting addicted to substances easier than some, especially those that were magical. But the witch had enough resolve to believe she’d be fine after it was out of her system. Positive thoughts, positive thoughts… you survived, didn’t you? “I don’t know his name,” Aria admitted quietly, sighing and shaking her head. Of course his first thought would be murder. 
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She took Malachi’s arm for cautionary physical support and the mutual reassurance. He looked mad but she didn’t hesitate taking steps closer to him so they could head outside and away from the crumbling building. “But it doesn’t matter. It was just some fire fae… who you can’t go near, Cai,” Aria insisted with some mustered resolve. “I don’t need you fighting my battles. And I don’t need to add you ending up a charred pile of bone to my list of worries either.” She sighed, looking outside. “The pyro-asshole was attacking a witch who’s kids I know and…” She trailed off, fairly certain Malachi could smell the burned flesh nearby anyway. “Well, it doesn’t matter anymore, does it? Foster’s dead and if Trillium finds out I was here when it happened, I’m screwed… Please- just promise me you won’t try anything.”
His blue eyes scanned her from head to toe. Yes, she was looking a lot sharper now than she had a few seconds ago. All thanks to the liquid running through his veins. She was smart to be weary about getting addicted to the blood. He’d seen creatures fall prey to it, getting lost in it, craving it with such fury that their lives become meaningless without it. Pandemonium was a very good example of how low someone could get for it not only catered to vampires in need of feeding, but to other creatures who lusted over blood and the darkness that came with it. No, he didn’t want to see Aria end up like some pathetic blood junkie. “Fine, just try not to get yourself seriously injured again.” Because he was not going to care about any promises he made. He’d force feed her his blood if he had to to save her. Even if she hated him for it afterward, at least she’d be alive.
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Jesus fucking Christ, was she predictable. In hindsight so was he, jumping into a murderous rage. And she was quick to protest. Violence is not the solution, jada jada. Besides, what possible advantage could he have against a fire fae? Unless he managed to catch the asshole off guard, ink his poison in him, watch him die screaming. That would be fun. But no, she had to make him promise that he would stay out of it. “You know, I have promised you more things in the past few months than I have in a lifetime.” Honestly, first August and now this? This is why he never wanted to bother with friendships to being with. Too late to bitch about it now. “I won’t try anything. I’ll sit back and let you handle it, alright?” He sighed, deeply, obvious in his annoyance. “Now let get you home and washed. You look like you’ve crawled out of your grave. Sorry to say you can’t pull it off.”
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a-painintheneck · 5 years
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             The Originals S04 E09 KLAYLEY parallel
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a-painintheneck · 5 years
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a-painintheneck · 5 years
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March 21st, 2017 — present
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a-painintheneck · 6 years
“I’m not a big fan of guzzling blood, not really my taste.” Dresden replied as he curled his nose at the notion. Perhaps during his time huddled in a bloodied shivering ball he would have gladly done so to make the pain stop, but Xander had aided him past the worst of it. “Besides, I’ve got some very nice salve that was made to help fade those marks, so in time they’ll be nothing more than an annoying memory.” 
Good friend. Hilarious. Dresden supposed that was one way to describe Kolya after nearly killing him, but then again, they must have ironically connected on some sort of level there. And then he couldn’t help but wonder what had made Malachi decide to let Kolya go. He’d never really seemed the merciful type, so maybe Dresden wasn’t getting the full picture here. “Just figured there would be a good story there. Seems more hunters are appearing, or at the very least, becoming more organized.”
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“Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it, mate. I’ve been told by a considerably amount of people that my blood is particularly euphoric.” Same could be said for Fae blood. It was naturally sweeter in taste than human blood. Not everyone preferred it though but Malachi had a bit of a sweet tooth. Yet, he stuck to humans because they were far more disposable and willing than the fairy lot. “It’s more a quicker fix but - your body, your choice.”
Malachi scoffed when he thought about the hunters and how they had ruined one of his favorite jackets by throwing an arrow through his shoulder. Now the damn thing had a hole that he needed to fix. “They’re a real pest. Had to crawl into that crypt to hide from them. Good thing that I had someone there to keep me entertained or I would have been bored out of my mind.”
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a-painintheneck · 6 years
There was a sound, steady part of Aria’s mind that was telling her she needed to stop. She wanted to listen to it badly but there was no fighting the strange, primal instinct for such soothing healing and addictive mental pleasure that came from this substance she’d never tried before. It was with huge relief, therefore, that Malachi took his arm away and she was freed from making the choice herself. 
She gasped for air and blinked rapidly in surprise. Only dull pain still throbbed the place there was once a bleeding hole in her leg. The burns on her feet did not ache as much as they did before - it was merely the itchy feeling of something in the process of healing that bothered her. But the change from before had been drastic.
Aria could hardly believe it as she looked down at herself, inspecting the healed and almost completely healed burns on her arms and the closed cut by her collar bone. “… Shit,” she murmured weakly, putting a hand to her temple. 
She looked up at Malachi, expression more warily shocked than excited with surprise. “I-I think so…” She exhaled slowly, moving her legs. “I’m still sore as hell, but…” Aria attempted to push off the ground, stumbling a little as the weight of her body on her still weak limbs upset her closed injuries. It’d still take a little time to heal completely on her own but at least she felt less Death-Like.
“Thank you,” she breathed out, hastily leaning against Malachi for a moment as she tried to balance herself out. “But for the love of God… please don’t offer that shit again.” Her voice was weak and tired and held none of her usual firm resolve.
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It would not be long before Aria started feeling the effects of the blood. A little disorientation, dry mouth, a tingling sensation inside your head. Often times the blood can make a normal human being feel powerful. Really, it affected people in different ways. Malachi hoped that she didn’t start to crave it because he could only handle one hungry creature at a time. The color was returning to her cheeks, so this was a good sign that she was no longer in peril. She tried to stand and even though her legs were a little wobbly, she managed just fine. “You’re welcome.” Then she called his blood shit and Malachi tried not to take offense to that. “Well, stop being stupid and getting hurt and I won’t have to.” Simple mathematics, really.
The place looked like it was going to crumble on top of them at any moment. Burn marks everywhere. And Aria? She might be healed but se still looked like a bloody mess. Clothes covered in soot and smeared with red. Probably couldn’t jump in the shower fast enough or a hot bath. “What happened? Who did this to you?”  Malachi tried not to look too angry about it but he was never good at hiding his emotions. Specially when it came to his rage. “Tell me who I need to kill.”
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