a-tejero · 1 year
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"First Crush: The Hopeless Romantic"
One ordinary day, I was having fun with my cousin Marian while watching Facebook Videos. Suddenly, Marian mentioned her friend Luis; her classmate from School. Marian told me that Luis is handsome, intelligent and an independent person; because of that, Marian was teasing me that Luis and I could be together. At first I did not pay attentions about him and I ignored my cousin's teasing about Luis, not until we started talking on messenger.
What I remembered that time was Monday night when someone sent me a message request on Facebook, I checked it to see who it was. I was surprised because his name is Luis, I'm just not sure if he is the Luis that my cousin introduced to me the day before. I just clicked the accept button to check his message to me, he said in the chat "Hi, you are Arjeff right? Marian's cousin?". Of course I answered yes then I followed my reply with "Why did you send a message to me". Then that's it, he kept asking me questions; I just answered his questions, I did not realize it was 11:45 PM. But he still continue talking and asking questions, so I just put down the chat head and turned off my cellphone's internet connection.
Second Day, when I woke up; I checked my notifications and messages on social media after having breakfast. The first thing that dawned on me was Luis' Good Morning message, of course to not look like I had a bad attitude, I also said good morning back to him. He asked me why I wasn't able to reply to his last message yesterday, I replied that I am sleepy and already go to bed. We talked again, he often mentions if it's true that I like him because that's what my cousin told him; My answer is always no, but the truth is I already like him at that time because I was young and it was the first time I had that feeling towards someone. Third day, he asked for a video call on messenger; I asked why, he just said he had something to say. I was surprised because while we were in the middle of the conversation, he suddenly said, "I think I like you". I hung up the call, because I didn't know what to respond on Luis said. I did not use phone the rest of the day because he might message me, until I had the courage to message him that night. "Uhmmm... Actually you are a good person, I was just surprised by what you said earlier in the call so I hung up the call immediately", "It's ok" he responded to me. While talking through messages, I confessed to him that I like him, "HAHAHAHAHHA" was all he said. "Are you serious? I was just kidding lately" he added. I just read his last message and I didn't reply, I don't know why I feel like I've been busted. It hurts, but I shouldn't feel that because I have no right for him. From then on I became more flirty, I explored the dating side of Facebook and other Social Media Sites just so I wouldn't remember Luis.
That particular part of my life contributes on how I established my relationship with other people in a way of being a boyfriend for someone, being flirty and hanging out with different guys I meet online. Also it is the reason of who I am now, what things I've done after I met Luis and the who I will be in the present.
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a-tejero · 1 year
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*The Unhappy Birthday*
Sunday of February 18, Jean was so excited for her Tomorrow's Birthday; she will be turning 12 years old in her next birthday tomorrow. She requested her father to fix her old pink bicycle, at first her father refused to fix it because of the old components and parts of the bicycle; but because of Jean's insistence, he was able to have his father build the bicycle. Night before the upcoming Jean's birthday, her aunt from another subdivision named Janneth said that Jean's Half Sister in her mother's side arrived and wanted to have a bonding time with her. Jean went with her older brother to her Aunt Janneth.
In the second floor of aunt Janneth's House, they decided to stay with Donna, Jean's older half sister. Jean and her brother decided to borrow her sister's cell phone to play games and watch videos online, while playing on the phone the three reminisce their past; discussing what they do when both their parents are still on good terms. While chitchatting, Donna mentioned that she wants to bring Jean in Manila along with the other families of Jean. Her older brother refused and did not agree to what their half sister wanted to happen. Already 11:00 pm, her older brother still using her sister's phone; while the two are already sleeping. Early in the morning, at 4:20 am, Jean woke up to her sister shaking her to wake her up. She says "Why sis? its so early in the morning", "I want to take you to Manila, so stand there and get dressed" her sister responded. Jean's older brother woke up from his sleep. He forced them to stop their half sister, Donna, from taking Jean to Manila. But the young man did nothing, because he told him that their older sister would explain it to their father and get his permission. While Jean was on her way to Manila, she thought of calling her father. It's morning, it's Jean's birthday. Jean's older brother has also arrived at their house. Their father wonders why he came alone; the young man couldn't answer properly. He was sleepy due to waking up earlier. Their father prepared a lot of food for Jean's birthday, but it was not happy because the celebrant herself was not at her own party. The vibes of the whole house was sad, when suddenly Jean's father's phone rang. Jean called and she talked to her father to explain what happened with the help of her half sister, Jean received a sermon from her father because she didn't say goodbye properly and asked for permission to leave.
Jean's 12th Birthday will be the most memorable birthday she ever had, because on that same day they had a conflict with her father; resulting in issues between the two families. That day, there was only sadness and fighting, instead of fun and partying or celebration. The most affected by what happened was Jean's father, he even repaired Jean's old pink bicycle because it was her wish for her upcoming birthday celebration.
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a-tejero · 1 year
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Personal Narrative:
"Repeatedly Endless"
I always experience being hurt whenever I choose to love, its like an evaporation process in atmosphere that cannot compete with a dove. A roller coaster in a parallel drive, can go deeper when you start it to dive. It all started when I first fell in love, within a week the love I had did not last enough. After that break up, I just locked myself in the room; listening to the quiet noise, noise that comes from tears resulting in creation of a lot moist. Three people who opened me up to the world of love, three people also made me feel pain in return.
First, let's just hide it under the name Tyler. "You will be my world, better than enough to hold" he said, bitter sweet words coming from a lying in broads. We were like that for a week, fooling around and saying words we could not stand. I admit, I was happy during the times I was with him; who does not? It was my first time, to love. But after the happy days, the rain also came on those occasions; giving me a cold vibes, due to leaving me alone in the tides. Yes, he left me. It's ok, it doesn't hurt... just a little.
Second, my sweetheart during secondary or junior high school days, although its not harsh enough to cause a lot of pain but, its brutal enough to put me in a couple of chain. More or less two years in the making of the relationship we have, when suddenly there's a boy named Jonathan came in his life. The boy who fulfills all of the things that I can't give to him. I was like a dehydrated lettuce when I found out that he cheated on me, my surroundings were spinning like I was inside a washing machine. I waited at that time for him to break up with me, because I couldn't let him go. I was afraid that if I let him go, nothing would really happen, which actually happened.
Lastly, is the unexplainable one, because we don't have a clear label on the relationship between us. But he always made me feel like he owned me, the same way I owned him. We'll hide him in the name of Lucas, that I commonly remember as my "Internet Hubby". We met through online dating, particularly on a facebook group. He first took a move by sending a message request, then so on the others are history. Based on what I remember, we chatted for a month or two long; during the first months of the pandemic. Then suddenly he ghosted me and did not reply back, he is the latest and last person I flirted with.
All my experiences are meaningful even though they are painful. The series of break outs that started from that one man ended to the unclear one, has already final. Now, I choose to live for myself. Letting myself heal, regenerate and repeal; by choosing to be single without anything needed to be healed.
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a-tejero · 1 year
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Reaction to a Personal Narrative:
Owner: Faith Monahan
Title of the Personal Narrative:
"Ms. DepEd: Third Runner Up"
Before I react to her personal narrative, I first want to acknowledge Ms. Faith Monahan for being our candidate to the Mr. & Ms. DepEd Pageant, she served well and I'm so proud of her as her best friend. Also, I want first to describe what kind of person is Faith Monahan was; she's quite simple woman, kind-hearted, intuitive based person and understandable. Her personal narrative contains her experiences throughout the pageant held last December 20, 2022; again that is the Mr. & Ms. DepEd Pageant.
She tells and narrated her experiences throughout the pageant in clear and understandable way. It's entertaining in a way that she honestly tell what is really happened during that time, I am literally smiling while reading her personal narrative; being proud is one of the feeling I would express to her work, particularly in being our representative, bringing pride and honor to our school. I like the fact that the details from the unexpected scenario to the being third runner up is a big turning of table. I'm amazed in knowing the fact that she does not have enough time to prepare for the pageant but still executed her performance smoothly. This kind of characteristics is incredible, I admired her more due to her achievement. Even though some of sentences in her personal narrative contains grammar error at least it's still understandable. Her stories is like a roller coaster ride with up and downs, listening to her story after the competition remind me of an drama anthology as a listener. Especially, the part when she answered in question and answer portion; that part was totally crazy, because she had a block out after the loud crowd shouts, right after serving her first statement in question and answer portion. My feelings literally went high, scared that she may not delivered her answer clearly; Faith Monahan, an amazing student and queen smoothly gave her last remaining statements like a block of butter sliding on a plate. Another thing, I like the way she tells her flaws and struggles during the time of competition. She also tells how her confidence grows and improved, the most important part of her personal narrative.
Overall, that was a entertaining story that is clearly narrated. I like the concept cause it is helpful for character development, I can not express fully my reaction on her story through this paper; but in simply way I'm amazed and I felt being proud to my best friend from getting a lot of achievements. The lesson I learned while reading her personal narrative is, "Doing things without hesitation" is a good characteristic; not at all but it will help you to gain more experience and knowledge.
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a-tejero · 1 year
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Definition Essay:
Oversharing is when you say more than is appropriate in a given situation or to a specific person. It is related to me, actually it describes my personality. I always overshare, talkative in much exaggerated way. I always say what I want to say, I don't know what the limitations are. "Oversharing" is the best word that describes me, a characteristic that I want to change. Changed to make the character that I project to other people better.
According to betterup.com, Oversharing is when we say more than we should. When we're talking to a friend, stranger, or coworker, there's a level of emotional intimacy that's appropriate for that relationship. This term describes people who are too open to the public, open to other people, open to sensitive manners. It is positive in a way that you can get closer to other people, but it has many negative sides associated with it. First, your privacy or the privacy of other people that you make as topic on any conversation will be reduced. Second, there are times when the story or information you share with others is no longer true; the content of the talk you share seems to be fabricated or sugar coated. Lastly, some of people may not trust you their secrets due to being oversharing kind of person.
The word oversharing is related to me, because like I said, my personality has it. I hate it because every time I tell about myself, it feels like a volcano lava who wants to just flow and flow until it solidifies. I can't control it or even just know when to stop telling something to other people. A lot of bad things happen to me due to being an oversharing person. Sometimes I spread information even if its not supported by anyone or any evidences, causing misunderstandings and trust issues within the people I communicate with. Although a lot of people like me when I was being open to anyone, this character or side of myself is one of the doubtful and explicit part of me. Doubtful in terms of creating sub topics that is really not existing or factual, explicit in a way of being clearly deprived of someone else's privacy and exclusivity. Being this kind of people is both advantageous and disadvantages. Advantageous through being a good communicator, advantageous in terms of good and useful way; but in entire matter, this kind of oversharing practices is negatively creating situations, resulting to a possible huge quarrels.
This is the description of the word oversharing; description based on its literal meaning from different sources and from my own perspective. I want to discuss this word cause in myself this character is really active, preventing myself to be more collective and inspective. Wanting to improve myself from being an openly oversharing person to being reliant on being a more calm and trustworthy version of me. The definition of this related word in my life is clearly defines what kind of person I am, hoping this can be in phrase form of "I was".
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a-tejero · 1 year
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Reflective Essay:
Mission: Failed Perfectly
During my eighteen years living on this planet; a lot of mistakes, failures and struggles I already faced and been created. From small mistakes to bigger ones, from mini failures to huge ones and struggles ranging from level one to level ninenty nine. I gained a lot of lessons from them. This reflection will contains examples and scenarios in my life, the particularly time when I faced those obstacles. Then I will mention what I learned from all of them, can be from a people or a event.
Let's start with a minor mistake first, one of my ordinary mistakes is choosing whether I'll do it or I will just ignore. Ordinary instances like: doing school works, "Now or Later?", choosing if I will agree or disagree to other people's decision and stealing something. That mistakes a do is literally went out then gave me a lot of consequences, consequences that teach me to not to do it again. When I choose to do later my task and school works, I roughly can't get enough time to d it; as an outcome, it's like a drought soil with lack of nutrients. So next time I will do my assigned tasks and activities immediately, right after it is given. Saying "yes or no" is actually one of my possible mistakes, after getting the outcomes from the decision I make, like a thunder with high voltage will slap me when the results come off negatively. Think critically and carefully is one of the lesson I gained while having multiple mistakes in my past years of existence. Stealing something, big and small things is still the same. Depending on their lengths and ranges, the consequences depends. Lesson learned, don't steal and be contented what you already had. Failures is just part of the process, if you don't fail you can't get sucess. I learned and practice the principle of "Try and try", using my failures as guide for another try. I experiences failures in terms of school related one: during exams, quizzes, presentations and also in grades. Struggles is normally part of our life as a human, some problems is bigger than what we think. One of the most crucial struggles I experience is during the time when I lost someone, that will be a darkest part in my lifetime. Now I know that we need to appreciate every time we have with our love ones.
All of that failures, mistakes and struggles I faced in my entire life is all useful, useful in a way that they teach me a valuable lessons that can help me to overcome future challenges that may happen. I will treasure all of that flaws, remembering them as a step forward in life.
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a-tejero · 1 year
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Facial Recognition:
"Mr. France's Tiny little Eyes"
Meeting someone that was giving special vibes, gives a fast beating heart as spreading lies; caught my attention just by his sparkling little eyes. Last days of third period when we have a little interaction, he compliments my sweatshirts as my sense of fashion; making my face reddish pink, giving me hopes cause of his wink. My poor little heart fell apart, when I felt that little spark. I admire his face, but mostly the eyes 'cause it's his ace.The most embarrassing thing I've done when he's around is watching his eyes close when he smiles. I like the way he smiles, hiding his cute little eyes while giving me giggling butterflies. The eyes are not round like mine, they are narrower and smaller because of the Japanese blood that flows through his veins.
They say eyes is the window of our soul, deeper than ocean and wider than hole. Its center is cornea that has gravitational pull, pulling people like it is a massive black hole. His face is majestic, his body is fantastic; but when his eyes conquer mine, my whole body feels weak. Here are the reasons why I admire his tiny little Asian eye, I will enumerate it like its just a little pie. First the size, it gives a slanting horizontal comma vibes. Second the fine line tip at the end of his eyes, giving him the gaze of a snowy cold ice. Third the mono lids above, making me feel like a free flying dove. Lastly when he smiles, his eyes disappear; it becomes a long line on his face. I'm always attracted to those kinds of eyes, maybe because mine is round shaped. I can't stare into his eyes for a long time, I can't handle it because I might melt like lime. So every time we have a mini encounter and talk, I look at her cheeks more often; because when I look into his eyes I will be stunned, my brain will just float because I feel like I'm swimming in a peaceful stream. I also like the eye movement of his eyes, its like talking to me without saying any words.
I am addicted to his eyes, it's like a drug but much better. I wish that someday I found someone who has the kind of eyes he has, hoping that I can stare at those eyes every time I want; hoping that it makes me feel floating in the sky, surfing in the clouds and hearing something silently loud. What his eyes make me feel is not simple or ordinary, this kind of feeling is impossible to explain firmly. So I want to thank him and express my feelings to him, but sadly he already has someone to dive in; as his admirer, I will stay far away admiring, keeping my silence while still hoping.
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a-tejero · 1 year
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"Confidence can Lift a Fence"
Opportunities always pass by, something that can make you fly. You miss it because you are shy, yes you lose not gonna lie. When I was young I was like that too, like a minion with a miserable flu. Flu that made me step back from going through, leading to miss a lot and that is true. I am the opposite version of my past personality, so I will prove my point by this testimony. Proving that confidence is not just a key, it's also a ladder that can lead you farther; a crane that can lift a fence that imprisons you and makes you bother. Obstacles that prolly made you suffer, preventing you from reaching your milestones for the better.
By its literal meaning, Confidence means feeling sure of yourself and your abilities — not in an arrogant way, but in a realistic, secure way. Confidence isn't about feeling superior to others. It's a quiet inner knowledge that you're capable. Confident people: feel secure rather than insecure. I will prove my point by giving some of my life experiences, situations in my life that built me to be who I am today. During 3rd grade, I was chosen to perform a dance performance for a school program; it will be performed in a stage with a high density of crowd. At first I was skeptical, I was afraid of being judged by many people. But because of the teacher who believed in my ability and because of my supportive father I accepted the offer. I don't know how I gained the confidence I had that time, the feeling is different yet the same as lemon and lime. As a result and outcome of my dance performance, I gain popularity and have a lot of friends that I want to meet again if there is a chance. Another one is connected to my academic status, my confidence is the reason why I gain achievements without hiatus. It's giving me an unexplainable energy, something that lifts me up and gives me a feeling that is heavenly. Confidence helps me to build my self, breaking the door and taking me out of my shelf. Improved my skills and capabilities, creating a pathway that sharpens my abilities.
I will testify this stand, this idea, this quote and this concept; that this is truly real and can be a nutritious meal, a meal that will empower people by what it can fulfill. I myself am a living proof, a breathing evidence that the key and lifter is our confidence. My life is changed because of this thing, not just a normal one 'cause it helps build a lot of professional man. I do believe that this is one of the main ingredients for my success, I will do my thing and follow the process; so start to lift your own fence, be a queen not just a princess.
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a-tejero · 1 year
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"Love without Ban, here in Bataan"
December last year, we vacationed in Bataan, particularly in the municipality of Morong. That is the province of my Step Mother named Josephine Dela Cruz, she was my mom ever since when I was a kid. Visiting my Mom's relatives in Bataan has been our family tradition and year end routine; we celebrate new years eve in bataan every time. Last year was the most special one, 'cause after a 2 years of pandemic we were able to visit my mother's province again.
One of the things I noticed on my way to my mother's province, the environment changed; more houses and infrastructures can be seen in bataan. The Province has also become more modern, especially when it comes to transportation. The climate is not that cold anymore, I can sleep without wearing thick jackets. The big tree in front of their house was also cut down, and the road into their community was paved. We also visited the famous river in their town. Back then, the river looked like this: many stones, clear water, cool air, quiet and the beauty of nature was visible. But now it has deepened, it has almost no rocks; the current is also strong and more than there are heavy equipments and construction vehicles located around the river, it seems that there is an infrastructure being built or maybe stones and other raw materials are being taken. We also went to the sea, which is located in the nearby town of Morong, the village of Mabayo. The sand on the seashore is not so white, but its beauty can fight. The seaside has been taken good care by the locals, so it is still the same when we visited it last 2019. Water is clear as blue sky, its giving me precious feeling of being high. Calms waves and sea scents is one of the reasons why this beach is a top tier. After that we celebrated the new years eve and then back to city after a day.
Thus places I mentioned has special space in my heart, along side with my step mom's relatives that does not treat me as other people; they treat me like their own family member. I love the place, but I love more the people; the main reason why we always visit in Bataan. I also love the memories and the spectacular moments we had that time. I will treasure it like a gold core of jewelry, or more than a huge amount of money. If you want a place to visit during your vacation, I highly recommend the province of Bataan; It's not that far from manila and also you don't need big amount of budget, cheap way to relax and unwined from the toxic environment in city.
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a-tejero · 1 year
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Literary Journalism:
"Michelle Dee: Our Miss Universe just set her self free"
Michelle Daniela Marquez Dee is a Filipino actress, model, TV presenter, talk show host, and beauty pageant titleholder who was crowned Miss Universe Philippines 2023. She will represent the Philippines at the Miss Universe 2023 competition in El Salvador. Dee previously won Miss World Philippines 2019. Michelle Dee is the daughter of Miss International 1979 Melanie Marquez and former action star Derek Dee. Michelle is the second Filipina beauty queen to win both the Miss World Philippines and Miss Universe Philippines crowns. Michelle Dee of Makati bested 37 other candidates to take home the title of Miss Universe Philippines 2023 during the pageant’s coronation night on Saturday, May 13. The 28-year-old stunner succeeded the title from Miss Universe Philippines 2022 Celeste Cortesi to clinch her second crown from a national pageant. For avid pageant fans, Michelle needs no introduction. Before competing in Miss Universe Philippines, she already reigned as Miss World Philippines 2019, and competed in the international pageant, wherein she finished as part of the Top twelve. Being the daughter of Miss International 1979 Melanie Marquez and cousin of Reina Hispanoamericana 2017 Winwyn Marquez, many think that Michelle was also keen on becoming a beauty queen. According to Rappler.
Recently, Miss Universe Philippines Michelle Dee confirms her sexuality. Giving us the facts and real time answers about her identity. "I definitely identify myself as bisexual. I've identified with that for as long as I can remember. I'm attracted to all forms of beauty, all shapes and sizes," she said on the cover story of Mega Magazine's digital June issue. June is celebrated globally as Pride Month. After her photos ten years ago gone viral like a virus on the internet; Michelle clarifies and give a wonderful statement that she labeled as "confirming" rather than "revealing". By the confirmation she gave, it makes herself free the feeling; just how the true queen in the making. We all know her as an icon in showbiz and pageantry, but this side of herself is just a sublime entry. Being brave to come out after all those years as a public figure, letting the truth comes out even its shade her from being so pure; is the reason why she needed more love, support and exposure. As our current Miss Universe Queen, Michelle already give a remarkable feeling; by her snake like walk and venomous thoughts that is literally killing. Many people hoping that Michelle can get a honorable position in the Miss Universe pageant, since Celeste Cortesi ends our 12 years streak in the prestigous pageant; making the country feels sad on the last year's event.
This wonderful woman named Michelle Dee mark herself as a inspiration and beauty definition, she deserves the crown and all that attention. Being part of LGBTQIA++ Community is a top tier challenge, yet Michelle took the crown and be a queen for a better change. So lets support her for the upcoming Miss Universe pageant this year, by getting the fift crown let them hear. .
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a-tejero · 1 year
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Self Obituary:
"The End of a Blend"
At the year 2005, 14th of January; a precious life born without clarity, maked by love and presence of fertility. A boy that likes different kinds of toy, just like a different patterned color koi. A boy that can be categorised as double attracted gender, a side that likes him and a side that likes her. From a quite different form of family, extracted and distracted from the different issues in inclusivity. Labeled as a smart with soft heart, funny as a floppy bunny, friendly by smiling genuinely and can't hold his tears while getting out from being manly.
He suffers a lot but enjoyed more than enough, making people happy by getting them laugh. A boy with not so perfect blend, combination of colourful and tasteless bend. The person I talking about is me, so this is my entry for self obituary. I do a lot of things in my eighteen years, five months and twenty four days of existence; leading me to leave a memorable presence. Knowing that I am still far away from my target dreams, still fighting along side with my precious beams; my beams is myself, my family, peers and people that believes in me. I also know that there's an end in my breathing, the last stage when my wounds will stop in healing; letting my soul meet his creator, giving back it's life without any denominator. I just want to thanks god for letting me live in this world, this lifetime gives me a beautiful mold. I am also grateful to my parents, friends and people who teaches me a lot of lessons to grow; people who lead me to a river of sadness in a boat while pushes me to row. I am thankful to all the things I achieve while I existed, things that made me realize how good I am. Missing them is what will I feel, when I go to journey without getting back in my own hill. Treasuring the smiles and happy memories I collected in my entire journey, reminiscing every part of my cute little movie; a movie with a rollercoaster plot, multiple genre in different forms, and theme that exceptionaly different from norms. Hoping that I will experience it again. If the second life or being born again, I will still and always choose to be Arjeff Tejero; because you know I love who I am.
If our creator will say that I have only one day remaining in my life, I will spent it by being alone. I know it is quite questionable but here is my explanation; I will choose to be alone in my last hours on earth because I don't like goodbyes, probably I will choose to live longer if they are with me when I will blow my last air. This entire life of mine is a meaningful and perfectly fine. For me my life is like a art piece, an abstract one with different set of colours and blends; when the paper is already full, I guess this is how it ends.
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a-tejero · 2 years
Arjeff Tejero
12 - Gagne
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a-tejero · 2 years
Hi everyone, my name is Arjeff Tejero. 17 years old, a HUMSS student. I just want to share what I did while studying Creative Writing. Last September, ma'am Pardines made us produce an output. I'm so happy because I got a perfect score in the activities that we did, and I want to share my Outputs to everyone. This is the first output, it's like a story telling about a memorable moment in my life. I hope you'll enjoy.
"The World I Created"
When I was a kid my imagination is like a flower garden; plenty, colorful and has many variety. I like to imagine that I have a superpower, specifically a flaming hand. My Father always scold me 'cause of being physically inactive, don't like sports at all and just dreaming and imagine things that never existed.
One day while going to school, I do moonwalking. Slow steps to feel the atmosphere and have enough time to imagine things, then suddenly a motorcycle almost hit me; that is the time I wake up from day dreaming. School ended, finally home. Another imaginative world will be created. But my head is aching a lot that feels like it's cutting in half, so I just drink water and take a nap. I hate my dreams while sleeping, it's always different from what I want; that's the reason why I like to imagine things. I like being alone and playing with myself, creating a friend out of nowhere.
Until now this habit is still active, I can't sleep if I don't do it. It means a lot to me, like an endless routine. In my adolescence stage or teenage era, my imagination evolved and getting more detailed and sexual; maybe because of adult films I watched, I felt fulfillment after that. Even I'm on my way to be an adult. This is like a shine that never stops shinning in my head. Apparently if I do this my attention is only focus about imagining. That's why other important things to do will be eliminated, yes that's the negative side. But still, I find it helpful for me. In my world, I'm above the perfection. I can get what I want, do things that is unbelievable, and be whoever I want to be. I found my happiness in this world, I want it to be real.
That's my output one. Next, this is my output two an acrostic poem. Same as number one; I got perfect score for this, I hope you'll enjoy.
L - oving you is like a die,
U - niverse can tell that this is not a lie.
C - ause die had changes, chances and option.
A - nother work for our love and affection.
S - adly you did not exist, just like a fiction.
I found Creative Writing an interesting subject. That's all thank you.
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