aabyssalprincee · 2 years
Aether's head tilts a slight bit as a small smile stretches across his face. Is this person stupid?
"I'm searching for my long-lost sister~."
"Who are you? And what qre thos monsters?"
"Me? I'm a humble traveler. These monsters..? They're friends~. Don't worry, they won't do any harm."
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aabyssalprincee · 2 years
"Who are you? And what qre thos monsters?"
"Me? I'm a humble traveler. These monsters..? They're friends~. Don't worry, they won't do any harm."
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aabyssalprincee · 2 years
Aether shakes his head. "You wouldn't have regretted it..? Xiao, I'm sorry but all of us would not have been content if you hadn't gotten out somehow."
Aether had decided to visit Wangshu Inn since he was close by. It was nighttime, and he was looking up at the stars on the main balcony where he and Paimon had met Xiao for the first time.
Xiao had found himself a perch upon the roof, watching the surrounding marsh with sharp eyes for any disturbances. His attention was grabbed by Aether and his companion coming in, but he waited for a minute to see if they would leave.
When it was clear they would not, he spoke up. "Traveler. Do you need something from me?"
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aabyssalprincee · 2 years
Aether raises an eyebrow, sighing. "I still wouldn't have recommended it. Wasn't there a way someone could have helped..? I get that it couldn't have.. ended you, but when it shattered and you fell into the Abyss, that could have."
Aether had decided to visit Wangshu Inn since he was close by. It was nighttime, and he was looking up at the stars on the main balcony where he and Paimon had met Xiao for the first time.
Xiao had found himself a perch upon the roof, watching the surrounding marsh with sharp eyes for any disturbances. His attention was grabbed by Aether and his companion coming in, but he waited for a minute to see if they would leave.
When it was clear they would not, he spoke up. "Traveler. Do you need something from me?"
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aabyssalprincee · 2 years
Aether nods. "I'm glad to hear you're feeling better, at least. I would disagree with that statement." With his words, he seemed to be referring to the Adeptus expending all of his energy on the strange device.
Aether had decided to visit Wangshu Inn since he was close by. It was nighttime, and he was looking up at the stars on the main balcony where he and Paimon had met Xiao for the first time.
Xiao had found himself a perch upon the roof, watching the surrounding marsh with sharp eyes for any disturbances. His attention was grabbed by Aether and his companion coming in, but he waited for a minute to see if they would leave.
When it was clear they would not, he spoke up. "Traveler. Do you need something from me?"
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aabyssalprincee · 2 years
Aether shakes his head no. "Paimon and I just wanted to visit and see how you are. I hope you're feeling a bit better."
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Aether had decided to visit Wangshu Inn since he was close by. It was nighttime, and he was looking up at the stars on the main balcony where he and Paimon had met Xiao for the first time.
Xiao had found himself a perch upon the roof, watching the surrounding marsh with sharp eyes for any disturbances. His attention was grabbed by Aether and his companion coming in, but he waited for a minute to see if they would leave.
When it was clear they would not, he spoke up. "Traveler. Do you need something from me?"
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aabyssalprincee · 2 years
Aether would turn around to see the short male. Before he could speak, Paimon beat him to it.
"Oh, it's Xiao!! We haven't seen you in so long, right, Traveler?" The said male would just nod.
Aether had decided to visit Wangshu Inn since he was close by. It was nighttime, and he was looking up at the stars on the main balcony where he and Paimon had met Xiao for the first time.
Xiao had found himself a perch upon the roof, watching the surrounding marsh with sharp eyes for any disturbances. His attention was grabbed by Aether and his companion coming in, but he waited for a minute to see if they would leave.
When it was clear they would not, he spoke up. "Traveler. Do you need something from me?"
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aabyssalprincee · 2 years
" Good evening, Prince.. " The woman bowed, eyes locking at the floor. " I'm here to inform you that there was some strange things happening.. " She looked up at him looking away too scared to hold eye contact. When she finally looked into his eyes, she looked away right away blushing slightly.
"Oh? Please do tell. In order of priority, if you will."
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aabyssalprincee · 2 years
-Aether snickers.- "Only the founder, of course. You didn't pull away, though. Not too bad."
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I thought about what you have said, I choose to join my nation.
-Abyss Prince Aether smirks and leans in to be closer to Kaeya's face, tilting his head.- "That's great. Welcome back to Khaenri'ah, Kaeya. Would you also do me the pleasure of becoming the second prince?"
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aabyssalprincee · 2 years
-Aether's soft lips land on Kaeya's right after the Founder returns Kaeya's mischievous smile.-
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I thought about what you have said, I choose to join my nation.
-Abyss Prince Aether smirks and leans in to be closer to Kaeya's face, tilting his head.- "That's great. Welcome back to Khaenri'ah, Kaeya. Would you also do me the pleasure of becoming the second prince?"
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aabyssalprincee · 2 years
-Aether glares.- "Don't push it." -Then he sighs, turning away.- "I do miss her. I wish I could help her through her journey.. but I must help the Abyss."
Liam was sitting all alone, care to join him?
-The Founder puts a plastic smile on his face, sitting down to join Liam.- "What are you doing so far into the Abyss, child?"
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aabyssalprincee · 2 years
-He smiles.- "A prince, hmm? I am also a former universal traveler. My sister and I were separated by a god in this universe. I woke up before my sister and traveled through Teyvat once."
Liam was sitting all alone, care to join him?
-The Founder puts a plastic smile on his face, sitting down to join Liam.- "What are you doing so far into the Abyss, child?"
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aabyssalprincee · 2 years
-The Founder bows his head.- "Alright, then. I suppose I will accept your help. Thank you. Apologies for my hostility."
So you must be Aether the Prince of the Abyss, my name is Raiden Mei The Herrscher of Thunder. I would just like to ask you, what is your goal?
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-Aether glares at the god.- "My goal is to help the Abyss engulf the thrones of the Seven and create a beautiful, fair and all-inclusive world for my sister and I to call home. No Archon or mortal will be left from this calamity. I hope to see all of them crumble as if they were dirt walls. If you dare stand in my way, I will not hesitate to take you down. The Abyss will prevail, no matter what it takes."
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aabyssalprincee · 2 years
-The Founder gets up.- "My name is Aether. I have lived here in the Abyss for many years. Please do tell me more about this 'universal travel' of yours."
Liam was sitting all alone, care to join him?
-The Founder puts a plastic smile on his face, sitting down to join Liam.- "What are you doing so far into the Abyss, child?"
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aabyssalprincee · 2 years
-The Founder tilts his head.- "That's interesting.. so, traveler, what's your name?"
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Liam was sitting all alone, care to join him?
-The Founder puts a plastic smile on his face, sitting down to join Liam.- "What are you doing so far into the Abyss, child?"
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aabyssalprincee · 2 years
-He nods.- "Yes. Tell me, how did you get here?"
Liam was sitting all alone, care to join him?
-The Founder puts a plastic smile on his face, sitting down to join Liam.- "What are you doing so far into the Abyss, child?"
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aabyssalprincee · 2 years
(I feel like a dumbass for sending this one other time…)
How have your experiments and studies been going? I hope everything has been good.
(Dw dww <3) -Albedo nods.- "Everything has been good so far, thank you.. how about your life? Has it been alright since the last time we saw each other..?"
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