aarohivnit · 10 years
New to the AarohiWorld
Some people say that they don’t have words to describe an experience like Aarohi, but I, well I just have too many words for it.
When we first entered, we were warmly welcomed. They told us about the Aarohi culture, and about how we were supposed to memorizeeverybody’s name (batch mates as well as seniors). It seemed like an absurdthing at the start, but actually it turned out to be extremely helpful and effective. There were many such small things that we learnt. In all these days, ever since we started our duty at the reception, there hasn’t been a single day gone by without me learning something new and exciting. The boring call sessions, the meeting to which no one came on time, handling money, meeting new people and much more.
It took me some time to digest, how much they must have trusted us ‘newcomers’ to give us such a big responsibility. I mean, they hardly knew us, but still they let us handle the reception, the main one as well as the ones for other several events. I guess, this very unawareness is what they believed would stop us from making major mistakes, that this unawareness about important responsibilities while still carrying out our duties, is the culture of Aarohi. This is what they meant when they said Aarohi is all about ‘having fun’. We made mistakes, we did some stupid things, but they made sure that we realize the mistakes and taught us new ways of avoiding them. Overall, we just learnt. And the bond between the Aarohi family, only grew stronger day by day.
We transformed to smart, confident, quick, and passionate workers to the same cause, Aarohi!
For me, the most astonishing thing was the amount of people who were far smarter and hardworking than I was. This has always been the case ever since I have come to VNIT but the Aarohians just raised the bar to a whole new level. There are people, seniors as well as my batch mates who have worked hard to make this Aarohi a success. Whenever I found little free time, I took to observing those who worked. They worked in the rush of the hour, calling for help in the middle, their faces glowing with perspiration, the glow signifying their purpose of doing something for Aarohi and trying their best not to annoy seniors.
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We were unified by that rare feeling of patriotism for this family and its culture. We all wanted to give our best. If we did not like something happening, I found people talking about how they would change it when they became seniors. Most importantly, I understood the value of time. I saw what time could do, and that I should make the most of it. And trust me, I made more than most of it, by joining Aarohi! :D
I know this blog is about my experience about Aarohi, but for me Aarohi wasn’t the proshows or the several interesting events, but it was about the family we all were a part of. It was about learning and realizing.  And I would like to thank all Aarohi seniors for this, we are a part of the league now, can’t wait for next Aarohi to come, and working together with all these lovely people.  :) 
 Khyati Chaudhari,
Aaroh-i-onised at the core,
1st Year Aarohian
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aarohivnit · 10 years
Aarohi'15- Memories
17 hours to go! I have kept this count for more than 70 days now, I could tell you on any given day at any given time how much time was left before the beginning of the end started. The realization that three days from now and me and my batchmates wont be so called Aarohi organizers is yet to sink in and I don’t even know how it will. The memories of 1st year are still fresh in my mind as if it was tomorrow when I was putting up banners in the campus, ate the yummiest Maggie (treat by superseniors) on my first nightout in college. 
The infinite moments spent at katta have passed so quickly that the greed for more of such moment will always be there. Aarohi will be a phenomenon for me and many more lives but we all will have to move on however big the void its absence will create. Though there are still the precious 3 days left for which me and my batchmates and the whole organizing committee have put in lots ofefforts which are clearly visible ;)
The hustle bustle in sac, the never ending discussions in meeting, the smell of newly printed posters, the joy of securing sponsorship, the taste of the only samosa you get to eat after tiresome work and everything!! The sentiments in me takeover as I write this blog when I should be occupied with some other more important work but this being the last chance I want to write down all I feel so that I can look back upon this time, read and try to feel it again!
The super cool people I met who were strangers to me and their transition to precious friends during these four years seems to have happened in a fraction of a second. And it doesn’t matter how much I wish to get those moments back they wont but the memories will stay forever!
Go to go for the few remaining moments to be converted to memories  !
- Final Year Aarohian
Kartik Adsule
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aarohivnit · 10 years
Feels Like Yesterday
It was 20th January 2013,12:45 PM as my phone beeped. Ishan had come below my house and before I would realize anything we were on our way to college. "Today is our first Aarohi Meet !!" Ishan exclaimed.  All I knew about Aarohi then was "Central India's Largest Cultural Fest!!". And that was the day when I first became a part of the Aarohi Family.
There are certain things in life which nobody advices you to do, or makes you do, or tells you ‘Why this?’ We just tend to live certain moments for one another. We come out of the cocoon which is filled with personal endeavours and do something substantial for the people who matter the most. Aarohi atleast for me has been that drug which drags me out of my shell and makes me live life for others.
It feels only like yesterday when I used to come at 8 in the morning in a complete formal attire to sit at the reception desk check the update register and start revising the rules before the first entry of the day comes. We didn’t even understand then why would anyone sacrifice his sleep, go to sell passes at 6 in the morning then comeback well dressed and sit at reception. But now when I look back and ponder, it was only for my fellow batchmates. A feeling too intense to be understood then by an inexperienced first year. As the saying goes
“Not all those who wander are lost.”
                                                                              - J.R.R. Tolkien
 It feels only like yesterday when a senior of mine, Vallabh, told me, “We aim to make Aarohi’14 better not bigger, we aim to give you back your first year Aarohi.” They simply don’t say Aarohi is an event filled with emotions. Hum chote baacho se thode bade bache ban rahe the! I had started to understand the importance of Aarohi in my life. I can’t really remember any instance of my life were so many people just worked with each other , not for personal milestone, but for the batch, for the ‘happyness’ which was to be shared, to get above all the small milestone and aim for bigger prospects. Aarohi has brought the change in our lives by helping us look at the other side of our personality which was overlooked all this while.
And now in the last days of my 3rd year Aarohi, I nearly have an answer for why Aarohi? The complete answer for this I might be able to answer only after a year because you never know what more it still has to teach you. From selling tickets to Cultural Nite’15 this journey has given me certain things but most importantly it has given me friends which are going to stay for lifetime. What more can one want?
As of now I’m just too anxious, nervous, excited for the next 3 days. From Miss India Campus to Sunburn to Coke Studio, I guess I was right in hearing in my first year "Central India's Largest Cultural Fest!!" As the countdown begins, Aarohi 15 creeps more and more into you .
 #ATrueAarohian                                                                                                   Rounak Digambar Third Year                                                        
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aarohivnit · 10 years
Aarohi'15 - First year's perspective
February. Not much was expected from the smallest month of the year when all the other months had been insignificant. 'But picture abhi baaki thi mere dost!' 
As I sit to pen down my experience, a wide smile comes to my face. I remember people getting jealous of those working in Aarohi just because we were getting free passes! Frankly speaking, that was the last thing on my mind. It was more about the process. Our committees were formed, we got to know more people. Not all was goody goody though. We had our own share of impromptu tasks, endless callings, jobless 1pm meets and learning the rules but now looking back, they were probably the most important things.
Initially, we were working for Aarohi. Slowly we started working for "our" Aarohi and that is when the fun began. If I describe the fun in words, it won't do justice to it. It is all about experiencing. The laughter still rings in my ears, the enthu is still at its peak. There is a feeling of foreboding and apprehension, with our final years leaving but the cycle has to go on. There will come our time when we will reach that pinnacle where we become like those we idolize.  Couple of days left before we bid a final goodbye to this grand event, which made us realise that college is much more than studying. The friends we made here, the seniors we interacted with and the skills we learnt and the memories we shared will stay with us for life! Next year Aarohi is again awaited. That will be a time on new responsibilities, new tasks and new memories sans our first year carefree nature and generous treat-giving final years. The journey is more beautiful than the destination. Proud to be an Aarohian.
- Tanvi Dhande, First year Aarohian
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aarohivnit · 10 years
Aarohi'15- For one last time..
'Pagle,pass to ho hi jayenge.Semester 8 baar aata hain,parAarohi bas 4 baar.'
Those words Ihad wrote three years back as a first year still seem so fresh and true. ‘Aarohi bas 4 baar..’ Four years of VNIT life and here we are organizing Aarohi for one final time, trying to make it as memorable as possible for us.
Four years seem a long journey, yet it isn’t. One last Aarohi and that’s it. I cannot imagine the void we would be facing about ten days from now. So much planning goes into it, not just planning, but your heart and soul. It’s our event, It’s our Aarohi and we want to make it as memorable as possible for us. I still remember my senior friends last year getting emotional and teary during the pro-show. It wasn’t a sight worth watching, trust me. All I could think of was- ‘Oh God. One year later we’d be facing the same situation. What then?’ We still don’t know what then. It all happens on the spur of the moment. Aarohi means so much to us, it has given us wonderful friends, not just from our batch but from across the batches. It has given us the wonderful memories to cherish even when we meet ten years later. ‘Divided by batches, divided by departments, united by Aarohi.’
“I don't want to repeat my innocence. I want the pleasure of losing it again.”
-  F. Scott Fitzgerald
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This is how we looked like in our first year! Still seems like yesterday. So many things have changed. Our experiences have shaped us, our mistakes have corrected us and Aarohi has defined us. I still remember that first meeting in P/05; most of the faces unknown to me. Many of those unknowns are the friends I have in my college. We have been to trips together, partied together, worked together, shared each other’s tension and in turn have managed to pull off a great event every time.
This Aarohi we have planned so many things that are happening for the first time in Aarohi. Campuss Princess Auditions, Sunburn campus and the last day pro-show Coke Studio Night featuring The Raghu Dixit Project.  We have worked hard and we are surely making our final year Aarohi memorable, not just for us as organizers but for everybody coming there to witness it.
Aarohi, a phenomenon, was started 27 years back in 1988. Recently, I met some of the founding members of Aarohi from that batch during their silver jubilee meet. ‘We are the proud founders of Aarohi’, they said and rightly so. Many of them are heading various organizations around the world, some have their own enterprises. Seeing them make us feel that we are part of some great legacy and as the torch-bearers of it we need to pass that on well. People  came, smiled, laughed, danced, cried and moved on. They have created memories and have added their bit to this legacy that has endured across all these years.
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Probably ten years down the line no one would remember us in this institute. I can imagine walking through the lanes of VNIT with my friends or probably alone in the month of February. The buildings might change, the professors might change, I might see many new things around. But some things I don’t think would change here. I still would see the same Canteen and taste the famous Dahi Samosa; probably drink sugarcane juice at that thela. I also wish to see busy tensed faces running here and there, posters and passes with them. A reception canopy out there with two first years sitting, the campus décor committee working with full zeal, judges people discussing whom to invite and whom not to. And some discussing which samosa and red bull to bring for refreshment. There are places where time stands still. Nothing changes but the faces, the rest is more or less still the same. Aarohi, I wish, can be eternal. I wish it will be. I wish..
‘Though currently ZERO, after 7 semesters from now, I'll be 100% Aarohian. Dil Se.’ These were my words in first year. And yes 7 semesters later, I am 100% Aarohian. Dil se.
 - Fan of the legend Shantanu Gharpure Final year Aarohian
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aarohivnit · 10 years
Aarohi 2015- REBIRTH
Day in and day out…. The same thing over and over again…. Jeezz… So ridiculous..!!! This world is rotten… This world needs change… REBIRTH.!!!
I can let you die peacefully or make you suffer, afterall will anyone care if a guy like you disappears one day?….
Why so shocked?? yeah…I can do that..!! because I am a Shinigami – God of Death!! Don’t you believe me? Well, by the time you blink I would have taken two souls from the human world. SEE……..! What am I? what I want? what am I doing in AAROHI? why am I doing all this? why? . Why, you ask?? Well, don’t bother me with your stupid questions. Things always happen without warning and reason becomes apparent afterwards.
But, you pathetic soul! don’t worry. I’m not going to take your soul or anything like that. it’s the fantasy you people came up with. Don’t you see I am already bored with that. It’s no fun to kill people who are already dead. So I figured it’d be more fun to come down here myself and create a special place full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish where I will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever till the end of time. It will be your hell, but my heaven…it will be your inferno…but my AAROHI..!!!!!!!
Have you ever lived a life? have you ever tasted any pure emotions? Do know what is it like to be in Pain? Have you ever been truly happy? No….You are just walking on the string quivering over the depths of your misery, sin and hopelessness…you are as a congested forest, suffocated by deadwood, awaiting God’s lighting strike. Well now, enough with your bullshit life..!! AAROHI-15 will be that lightning strike-the spark that would finally ignite the fire that would rage across your filthy life and clear deadwood, once again bringing sunshine. To reach Paradise, you must pass through Inferno. And that inferno will be AAROHI-15. Ask yourself what is followed after death?? Well you know the answer…. The renaissance… Rebirth…
Frightened??Closing your eyes?? Huh..!! By the time we meet, you will even scare to close them…..Now feeling this chill… Well, this cold is not the weather. This is the AAROHI approaching..!!!
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