aaspasia · 1 year
mm chapter 13 out now <3
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aaspasia · 1 year
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im not sorry
Keep reading
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aaspasia · 1 year
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lol accidentally hit 2 years of MM today
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aaspasia · 1 year
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aaspasia · 1 year
Memento Mori chapter 11 after I think a year🙀
tw for gore!
enjoying reading ! it is now 5am but I feel so much better
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aaspasia · 1 year
redownloaded tumblr after a year and now i wanna write MM again
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aaspasia · 2 years
It's been a very very long time since I logged in (a year I think) and I'm very sorry to everyone who showed so much enthusiasm with Memento Mori, even if now I'm only just typing this out for myself.
As I've moved through my last year of high school, I've become this other person, someone I know in the mirror but not in my own head. My interests have changed, and although I am still fond of Lady D, I can't write her or MM anymore, because I simply don't know how.
Long story short, MM is discontinued, and on the off chance I find myself nostalgic for a simpler time, I may write a chapter or two.
To anyone who might still care, I'm very sorry. I want to write, but I can't find the words anymore, so I'd rather leave it as is then spoil it with any attempts to continue it.
So thank you for entertaining my rambles, and for giving me a safe space to grow into the young lesbian youth I am today!
With all my heart,
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aaspasia · 3 years
hi everyone, I'm back indefinitely!
a levels has been really hard, but I'm pushing through it. I've written chapter 10 of MM in the meantime if u want to check it out.
stay safe everyone!
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aaspasia · 3 years
hey everyone, just coming on here to say I'm really sorry for not being active (and not updating MM). my mother and sister have both been infected with covid, and running the household is taking up a lot of my energy. I don't know when I'll be back. again, I'm really sorry!
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aaspasia · 3 years
You don’t have an Angel or a Devil on your shoulder. You have an Angry Viking and 50’s House Wife.
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aaspasia · 3 years
I swear I'm writing chapter 10 of Memento Mori😭😭it's just hard finding motivation after starting year 13😔
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aaspasia · 3 years
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women over 40 wearing glasses… 👀🥺 ma’ams
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aaspasia · 3 years
Dimitrescu Family As Random Quotes from Shakespeare/Fancy Literature
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Alcina aka Mama Vampire
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but also her talking to Heisenberg in Canon:
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And her in Mia/Alcina ships like @highlifeboat does so beautifully:
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aaspasia · 3 years
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happy pride gamers
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aaspasia · 3 years
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“Alcina did not need a room full of trophies to be a proud huntress. It was enough for her to carry her new acquisitions into the castle with her own hands. And she was sure that she would keep THIS one with her forever.”
And thus I present to you another commission I had the pleasure of creating for an absolute sweetheart on Instagram. I hope she’s as pleased with it as Alcina is so obviously pleased with her as her new catch. 🥰
It’s become so unbearably hot - how do you all cool down? 🥵 Apart from snuggling up to a cold vampire countess, of course. 👌😌 Much love to you!
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aaspasia · 3 years
This is a callout to the people who were on stream and made Bekka cry.
I don't blame the LGBTQ community as a whole because not everyone is the same but I am extremely disappointed and angry at the people who ACCUSED Bekka for being homophobic just for not saying Gay rights even though she has expressed her love for the LGBTQ community. This is a privilege that we get not every voice actor will take the time and set up lives just to interact with us while signing. Once again they are humans, not robots they have feelings too it's disappointing that people even have to make that clear because some motherf*kers don't have common sense. This post doesn't just go out for people in the re8 fandom but for everyone too. I understand that you want your idols to say something but if you're going to get mad or assume they're a bad person just because they don't say something really reflects on your own personality.
im throwing hands if i see one more dude saying she's homophobic or dimitrescu ladies are homophobic for not saying gay rights.
I love the LGBTQ community and i am apart of it too just to make that clear.
Have a good morning/afternoon/evening/night.
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aaspasia · 3 years
Warning, slight nsfw
"When do I leave?" you ask. Your bare skin erupts in goosebumps against the cool sheets of Lady Dimitrescu's bed as you stretch your sore muscles.
Lady Dimitrescu, seated at her vanity in a peach robe, looks back at you through her mirror. Her face is shrouded in a thick cloud of smoke as she puffs a cigarette, although the gold of her eyes pierces through like lamps.
Naked on the gargantuan bed, you can't make out her expression. Your heart beats shallow and quickly as your anxiety builds; this isn't a situation you had planned for. Not exactly anyway. How one would plan for falling in love, you didn't know.
You hadn't meant to end up in her bed, in her arms for the better part of the hour. But it happened anyway. Lusting and loving each other felt like the most natural thing in the world, but now once the dust had settled, fear began to creep in. Not of your Mistress; of being thrown out once your service had concluded.
She seems to pick up on your nerves, because she turns around in her chair to face you. She's maintaining a stoic expression, one that offers no comfort to soothe your distress.
"Now, whyever would you do that?" She says, cocking her head to the side. A blush settles on your skin as you feel her study every inch of you. Words rush forward before you can think them over, if only to ease the scrutiny.
"I-it's just that, we.. finished? A-and maybe you expect me to go back to work... if you don't require anything else?" your voice raises an octave as you ask the question. Your cheeks are burning now as you lift yourself into a sitting position, feet several inches off the floor.
Lady Dimitrescu hums before rising. The motion paralyses you, and you force your eyes down until you're studying the carpet below you. You feel each footstep as the Lady moves towards you, a gasp escaping your lips when she finally brings her cold fingers to your chin. She pulls your face up until you lock eyes with her once more, head pushed as far back as possible.
"You think I don't want you here," she states, like an absolute fact. Your cheeks are flaming now.
"You think," she whispers hoarsely as she bends, bringing her lips to your ear. "You think that once is enough to satiate me?"
You inhale sharply, until all you can smell is her. Her words have an instant effect; heat pools deliciously at your core, and a shiver overtakes you at the feel of her lips on your ear. She licks your earlobe, tracing your skin with the tip of her tongue as she moves to the base of your neck. She flicks at the bite mark she has left there, causing another intake of breath.
She moves back to your ear, nibbling gently, although you can feel the pinpricks of her teeth. "I want you," she says simply, but just those words send you to heaven and back. She wants you here, she wants you...
You pull back, trying to convey just how much those words mean to you with your eyes alone. Quickly you take her already swollen lips in a deep kiss, running your hands through her curls in the way she lets only you do. She reciprocates fiercely, soon taking charge as she fills your mouth with her tongue. You moan into her, letting her take you in her arms until you're straddling her midsection.
You break the kiss to brush your palm against her cheek, grateful for the fondness in her eyes at the soft gesture. Her lips curl upwards as she pushes her head further into your hand. Emotion threatens to bubble over inside you, but you keep yourself in check, letting both of you enjoy the tenderness for just a moment longer.
"I'm here," you whisper, breath dusting her face. She peers at you, watching your lips.
"I'm here, so take me"
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