Is this blog still alive, perchance?
(( hi
will return one day (soon)
- mod ))
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So flower i know people have asked this to Kenneth, but do you like anyone?
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>> " It's never really gone.. Uh, well, for me. "
>> " I mean.. I do like someone, but it's not like I'll actively persue them, aha.. "
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what is the most trouble you have ever gotten into with your parents kenneth
" ...I cant think of anything specific- "
Flower gives Kenneth a look.
" ... What..? "
>> " You know what i'm gonna say. "
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" What?! What??? Okay- okay- One time I beat up a girl in our school for reasons that I can't say but I beat her so bad I got suspended for a month. "
Flower couldn't contain their laughter, giggling like an idiot.
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Is Simmons your middle name? If not, why is your last name different then your parents?
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" Oh gosh.. Yeah, that.. "
" To put it simply; It's my mom's maiden name or something. She said it was something to remember her mother by, so they made it my middle name. I have Simmons as my last name on everything cus' I don't feel like sharing my actual personal info.. "
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Is flower stayin’ for dinner?
Henry and Kenneth's gaze immediately shot to Flower, who seemed to pause for a moment before chuckling awkwardly.
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>> " Aw.. Geeze, um.. I mean.. "
Kenneth gave them puppydog eyes...
>> " ..... "
>> " ..Oh gosh. Okay. Fine. I'm sure my mom wouldn't care. "
Henry grinned, standing up again.
(( " Great! I'll let Nancy know. I'll leave you two alone for now; I'm sure your mother's going to want to see you soon anyways. What was she doing, by the way? "
" Last time I checked, washing dishes. "
(( " Alright, then. I'll see you all later! Have fun talking to those.. Anonymous people. "
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>> Henry is now unavailable for asks.
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OOC: If the silhouette in that one post is anything to go by, this blog's Stephanie design is the best interpretation *ever*))
(( OOC POST ))
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(( yknowww.. she's gonna pop up at SOME point, right?? so i might as well show her off anyway-
honestly i based her just a *teensy weensy* bit off of myself irl.. but otherwise it's mainly a couple of reworks to her design (like scars along the left side of her face n stuff) buT THANK YOU I APPRECIATE THAT SO MUCH<3333
i wouldn't say it's the best... but she certainly is a mandatory cutie patootie!
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Kenneth, what is your opinion ‘n toasters?
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" evil "
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Are you still in contact with Stephanie, Flower?
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" ..Yeah, actually -- I don't think I could see myself cutting contact with her. "
" She's like.. A sister to me. It's hard to explain, haha.. "
Kenneth forced down a small, content smile, though you could tell it was there nonetheless.
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Is it true that your mom can hear colors?
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" Yeah!! It's actually kinda cool- She can hear colors in literally everything. "
>> " You could give her a random sound and she could probably tell you what color it sounds like. "
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How late do you typically stay up at night Henry?
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(( " Much, much too late... "
(( " Don't tell my wife. "
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does your mom hate them too haha
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" Oh no; Loves em just as much as we do, probably. More of a guilty pleasure than anything. "
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flower and kennith,, how did you two meet??
>> " well uh.. that's.. kind of a long story? "
>> " to make it really short, i was fresh outta the mental hospital. i moved into Kenneth's neighborhood because my mom didn't think it was safe back where I used to live once I left the place. I don't really need to go into detail as to why I was there, but just so you know. "
>> " first I met Stephanie, who was the first person to talk to me when we moved. "
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>> " she's great, by the way. "
>> " and then steph forced kenneth to introduce himself to me. "
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>> " steph kinda underestimated how much of a nervous wreck we were, and it went.. really terrible the first time we officially 'talked'. "
Kenneth couldn't hold back a laugh, Flower shooting him an undescernable look.
>> " ..it was super awkward. but yknow, steph didn't let us just.. go like that, so she would keep getting us to talk. we had the same interests and eventually ended up becoming a lot closer. "
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Is your dad better than your mom with technology or do they both get confused by it?
>> " Well.. Dad? "
(( "Hmm.. Hard to say. I write books for children using my typewriter and your mother sews pretty often. "
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(( " It's hard to say who's more tech-savvy... But, don't tell you mother.. I think I'm a little bit more advanced than her. "
Henry chuckles and smiles sweetly,
(( " Poor girl can barely figure out how to work our TV properly.. Sure knows how to work a radio, though. "
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Flower, what do YOU think of those sugar cookies?
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>> "tjey fucking slap. "
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Do you guys have any other family photos? I can’t get over how cute that one is.
(( " Ahh, well.. This one isn't particularly cute, but I keep it because she was so happy back then.. "
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You are shown a black and white polaroid of Frances and an unfamiliar man next to her.
(( " This was my father, Christopher. Of course, he's not in the picture anymore, but Kenneth got all of his looks from him, didn't you? "
" Yep. Never hear enough of it from nana when we're over.. "
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would we be able to see any wedding photos from your nana's wedding?
(( " Oh, oh! I have one! Usually always in my wallet.. You know, it really was wonderful.. "
Henry pulls out a black and white polaroid, smiling from ear to ear.
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(( " This was the happiest I'd seen my mother in years.. It warmed my heart.. "
(( " It was at this wonderful venue, as well.. Where was it, Kenneth? "
" Uhh.. Somewhere in Lockport. "
(( " ..Right. "
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Hey flower! I saw that you liked cherry cakes , so , what about chocolate cakes? How do ya feel about them?
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>> " Yknow, I'm not actually a huge fan of straight chocolate.. But cherries are kinda my favorite. They go on everything, so maybe put some cherries on a chocolate cake and I might actually end up enjoying it. "
" You're so weird for that.. "
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