aburdenandbored · 2 months
What counts as grooming? Is my boss grooming me?
My manager who is a 70 year old lady has already been accused of touching me inappropriately in the past. Back then I didn't think anything of it, as she was simply asking to see the inside of my mouth because I got my wisdom teeth out. Sure she like grabbed my face and stuff but really it wasn't a big deal. Another coworker saw it and reported it, so then I had a sit down conversation with my boss about SA and how it happened to her in the past and wanted me to know that it was okay to talk about. I didn't think anything about it even when my manager called me and gave me a script of what to tell my boss when she asked about it: "It didn't make me uncomfortable in any way. We are just close." So I did what she said, ignoring the judging and concerned eyes of my friend who was in the car with me when she called and told me "tell them that you said I could grab your face and push your hair back and that it didn't make you uncomfortable. Tell them!!" I thought it was weird that she would call me at least 3 times a week and talk for an hour about random stuff. My last straw was when she started inviting to game nights. This is where the lines between friendly and maybe something more start to overlap. This past time I was at her game night, we were playing a game where we weren't supposed to see our teammates cards, so l stood up and moved to the other side of the room. She followed me, got behind me, started massaging my shoulders. I stopped and made a joke about how it was hot and apologized if I was sweaty. Then she started hugging me, and then higher, around my neck. Then she started kissing my neck... and then went to the other side. I shifted a bit and looked at the others at the table uncomfortably, and then she stopped and started playing with my hair. She then played it off and stated "doesn't she just have the best skin?! She doesn't even wear any makeup!" The other kind of awkwardly agreed, and then steered the conversation to what actors I reminded them of. I'm not sure if this was just a 70 year old women being friendly with two drinks in her system, or if it's something more. Everyone I know doesn't like the way she acts towards me and says she gives off weird vibes, but I don't really know what to think of the situation. If it was bad enough wouldn't the others at the table of stepped in? What are your thoughts? I'm 17 so I don't know if that helps you decide any easier, but yeah I'm just at a loss at the moment for the situation...
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