acarrowarchive · 7 years
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“Not to be immodest, but the lack of compliments I have received to night is making me question the tastes of the student body.” She said to the person next to her sipping her drink as she looked around trying to find herself someone to sing her praises, having been quite focused on her studies the past few weeks she had forgotten to respond to the people who’d asked her to accompany her until it was too late, so she was stag and not very fond of it.
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“ why should it matter what anyone thinks about your chosen outfit for the night? “ alecto smirked, letting it show for a moment before tucking it neatly back behind a sip of her glass. she looked at natasha over the rim of it for only a second more before she returned her focus to the room at large, and the student body in question. “ lord knows I don’t go around paying everyone compliments. you’ve certainly not complimented me. the night’s young, you’ll be fine. “
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acarrowarchive · 7 years
andromeda surveyed the ball, her dark green gown contrasting with the pink and red decorations littering the room. she was in a surprisingly good mood. amusement sparked in her dark eyes as her gaze alit on a certain professor at the other side of the ballroom. lifting her goblet of pumpkin juice to hide her mouth as she leaned over and murmured to the person next to her loftily, “ — don’t look NOW, but it seems as though slughorn’s already had his fair share of mead. ”
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“ what a shocker, “ alecto exclaimed --- arranging her features into a pantomime of genuine shock, despite her dry tone of voice kept low to match andromeda’s. she gave her friend a quick glance out of the corner of her eye before looking back at slughorn; with a lazy hand, she gestured wide with her goblet before a small smile took over her tone. “ swear to god I’ve never seen that man drunk before in my life. I wonder if it’s the valentine’s day spirit that’s got him down, or what. “
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acarrowarchive · 7 years
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alecto carrow ------------ valentine’s day ball attire
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acarrowarchive · 7 years
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“ but it’s a  D A M N  cool thing to brew ,  you gotta admit !  imagine discovering your attraction to the scent of something peculiar like …  like CHLORINE .  you’d think someone would just up and move to a swimming pool ?  live there for the rest of their life ? ”
“  you’re right; I’d hate to imagine what sort of commentary on the future of your love life chlorine would be. but I guess if it’s in there, you’d already like it. I’m sure everybody’s got something peculiar in theirs ... not peculiar to them, but then isn’t that the point ?? ”
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acarrowarchive · 7 years
“ — what do you reckon the ODDS are someone steals a batch before the ball? ”
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“ well, the smart money’s not AGAINST it, I’ll say that much. I bet someone’s stealing some as we speak. “
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acarrowarchive · 7 years
zoeydeutch: birthday eve din; i’m the luckiest lady in all the land 🌹❤️
Happy birthday Zoey!
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acarrowarchive · 7 years
To: Alecto Carrow
From: Pandora Davies
Note: I admire your wit and the laughs you give me in the common room with your cleverness, even if they’re not intended for me. Your smile is so pretty when I’m fortunate enough to be graced by it, too! I hope you’re not put off by this too much. I just thought it would be nice to send you these. Have a great day!
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acarrowarchive · 7 years
        “ so slughorn’s obviously insane to stick amortentia on the curriculum right now ... but you’ve gotta admit there’s something very amusing about spotting the people who botched something of their brew. “
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acarrowarchive · 7 years
FOR: Alecto Carrow
FROM: A ghost
NOTE: Don’t worry. I’ll never tell what I saw.
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acarrowarchive · 7 years
“ so. ”    he said casually,                     standing up straight from the wall and turning in her direction.                                              he held the shirt on both sleeves,                        lifting it up and allowing it to unfold in the air.                                                                                           “ look familiar ? ” // @acarrow
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                                   alecto had tucked his shirt against her side, but she pulled it away,                    waved it at him in greeting when she saw her own.                                                            “ VERY familiar. though I’m still not sure how you got into it.                                         I guess now I’ve just gotta hope that this shirt                          is actually yours. “
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acarrowarchive · 7 years
“ ‘fancy’ or mere coincidence, carrow?  “ at some other time he might have been inclined to consider her control, studying with sharp gaze her polite recovery. his own frame was stiff and in no way matched her relaxed ease, as if he found their interaction painful. meeting her eye briefly, his gaze locked somewhere above her left shoulder,  “ or injury, especially if you make it a habit of colliding with every one you meet. “
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“ well, I feel one could argue in this context that they mean the same thing, “ she countered, a faint smile on her face. “ though we can call it a coincidence if it makes you feel any better. the word choice doesn’t much matter to me since I’ve already said my piece. so long as we don’t end up going with injury. I’m typically much lighter on my feet. “ she raised an eyebrow at him, taking her time try and meet his eyes. “ you just don’t make enough noise when you walk. like a cat. easier to run into you, isn’t that special? “
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acarrowarchive · 7 years
“ PATTY SIMCOX? who in the hell names their child patty, first of all. s e c o n d of all, fuck this play.”
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“ I BELIEVE it’s short for patricia. certainly there’s someone named patty in the world wondering who would name a child bellatrix. “
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acarrowarchive · 7 years
                 “ exactly what i said to him before he started crying.                                                                              … but let’s not talk about that.               it’s sad and it’s depressing and i’d rather not taint my bacon. ”
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                 she grinned, unconvincingly sweet. “ I can talk to him if you want.           get him to see things from another point of view.                                though --- right, bacon. we can discuss those details          when we’re exchanging out clothes. “
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acarrowarchive · 7 years
“ yes.                                … yes i am. ”
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               “ but i’m sure you already knew that. ”
                              “ maybe. but I didn’t know how you’d answer the question.               and that was the whole fun of asking. “
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acarrowarchive · 7 years
           “ an outfit? that’s a stretch.  ”  bursting into a tittering laugh, rita twirled her quill with a flourish  “ and alastor too, good lord. i’m obliged to never let you forget it, of course. as well as make sure it’s repeated at all further gatherings.  “
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           “ I’d call it an outfit. that underwear was a look, you can’t deny that much. “  tossing some hair back to her shoulder, alecto finally shut her book. “ though I suppose I can’t speak much for the taste of alastor’s outfit. still -- am I much obliged to thank you, then? the protocol here eludes me. “
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acarrowarchive · 7 years
        “ some might say it’s all i dabble in.                                                          others might disagree                                          … but that’s just because they’re mean. ”
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    “ are you mean, alecto ? ” 
                             “ well, we can’t let the opinions of a few people                 tarnish the honest truth, now, can we? “
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“ I imagine I never get any meaner than you do.                                                  are you mean, sloan? “
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acarrowarchive · 7 years
“ ehhhhh.              rare freak, sure                                  … but not for that. ” 
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    “ sorry ?       F O U R   A M ?        ye insane ?                                          nah, fuck that, i’m not doin’ that.                                                                     …                          how ‘bout we split it up an’ head our separate ways, yeah ?                                                                            good times all ‘round. ”
                     “ if you say so, I’ll take your word           but honestly I don’t trust it.                                                            FOUR AM means getting it over with! “
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                    “ though I’ll admit it was hyperbole.                              good times?? when we’re our separate ways      and you have no control over my half of things?                                        you couldn’t possibly have any peace of mind that way. “
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