accio-the-books · 4 years
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According to the CDC, in 10 percent of those drownings, the adult will actually watch the child do it, having no idea it is happening. Drowning does not look like drowning—Dr. Pia, in an article in the Coast Guard’s On Scene magazine, described the Instinctive Drowning Response like this:
“Except in rare circumstances, drowning people are physiologically unable to call out for help. The respiratory system was designed for breathing. Speech is the secondary or overlaid function. Breathing must be fulfilled before speech occurs.
Drowning people’s mouths alternately sink below and reappear above the surface of the water. The mouths of drowning people are not above the surface of the water long enough for them to exhale, inhale, and call out for help. When the drowning people’s mouths are above the surface, they exhale and inhale quickly as their mouths start to sink below the surface of the water.
Drowning people cannot wave for help. Nature instinctively forces them to extend their arms laterally and press down on the water’s surface. Pressing down on the surface of the water permits drowning people to leverage their bodies so they can lift their mouths out of the water to breathe.
Throughout the Instinctive Drowning Response, drowning people cannot voluntarily control their arm movements. Physiologically, drowning people who are struggling on the surface of the water cannot stop drowning and perform voluntary movements such as waving for help, moving toward a rescuer, or reaching out for a piece of rescue equipment.
From beginning to end of the Instinctive Drowning Response people’s bodies remain upright in the water, with no evidence of a supporting kick. Unless rescued by a trained lifeguard, these drowning people can only struggle on the surface of the water from 20 to 60 seconds before submersion occurs.”
This doesn’t mean that a person that is yelling for help and thrashing isn’t in real trouble—they are experiencing aquatic distress. Not always present before the Instinctive Drowning Response, aquatic distress doesn’t last long—but unlike true drowning, these victims can still assist in their own rescue. They can grab lifelines, throw rings, etc.
Look for these other signs of drowning when persons are in the water:
Head low in the water, mouth at water level
Head tilted back with mouth open
Eyes glassy and empty, unable to focus
Eyes closed
Hair over forehead or eyes
Not using legs—vertical
Hyperventilating or gasping
Trying to swim in a particular direction but not making headway
Trying to roll over on the back
Appear to be climbing an invisible ladder
So if a crew member falls overboard and everything looks OK—don’t be too sure. Sometimes the most common indication that someone is drowning is that they don’t look like they’re drowning. They may just look like they are treading water and looking up at the deck. One way to be sure? Ask them, “Are you all right?” If they can answer at all—they probably are. If they return a blank stare, you may have less than 30 seconds to get to them. And parents—children playing in the water make noise. When they get quiet, you get to them and find out why.
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accio-the-books · 4 years
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No, I mean, I just, I wish that you liked me. Of course I love you. But do you like me?
Lady Bird (2017) dir. Greta Gerwig
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accio-the-books · 4 years
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Saoirse Ronan as Christine McPherson in Lady Bird (2017) dir. Greta Gerwig
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accio-the-books · 4 years
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Just because something looks ugly doesn’t mean that it’s morally wrong.
LADY BIRD (2017) dir. Greta Gerwig
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accio-the-books · 4 years
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“Don’t you think maybe they are the same thing? Love and attention?“
Lady Bird (2017), dir. Greta Gerwig
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accio-the-books · 4 years
*old man voice* back in my day tik tok was a ke$ha song
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accio-the-books · 4 years
like fuck jk rowing her battle of hogwarts doesn’t hold a CANDLE to the battle of olympus in percy jackson….. annabeth instinctively taking a knife for percy that would’ve hit his achilles spot bcuz she just knew….. silena dying after masquerading as clarisse to convince ares cabin to join the battle, revealing in the end she was the spy and caused the death of her own boyfriend…. kronos being defeated after percy realizes he’s not the hero and gives luke annabeth’s knife which he uses to kill himself…. percy being offered immortality and instead asking for the gods to from now on recognize all their children so no one ever feels unwanted again….. TELL me u didn’t absolutely go feral reading this for the first time in 6th grade or whenever
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accio-the-books · 5 years
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accio-the-books · 5 years
[chopped voice] so i look down at the basket and i’m immediately thinking i can’t cook,
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accio-the-books · 5 years
so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god
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accio-the-books · 5 years
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accio-the-books · 5 years
Before January ends, I’m going to magically and extremely be blessed by the universe.
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accio-the-books · 5 years
I often wonder what happened to authors of unfinished fanfictions.
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accio-the-books · 5 years
im so ready to be in a relationship so whenever the universe is ready hmu with a keeper
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accio-the-books · 5 years
Read this and save a life - YOUR OWN
From a surgical nurse and certified CPR teacher:
Please pause for 2 minutes and read this:
1. Let’s say it’s 7.25pm and you’re going home (alone of course) after an unusually hard day on the job.
2. You’re really tired, upset and frustrated.
3 Suddenly you start experiencing severe pain in your chest that starts to drag out into your arm and up in to your jaw. You are only about five km from the hospital nearest your home.
4. Unfortunately you don’t know if you’ll be able to make it that far.
5. You have been trained in CPR, but the guy who taught the course did not tell you how to perform it on yourself.
6. HOW TO SURVIVE A HEART ATTACK WHEN ALONE? Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack without help, the person whose heart is beating improperly and who begins to feel faint, has only about 10 seconds left before losing consciousness.
7. However, these victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously. A deep breath should be taken before each cough, and the cough must be deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the chest. A breath and a cough must be repeated about every two seconds without let-up until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again.
8. Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating. The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm. In this way, heart attack victims can get to a hospital.
9. Tell as many other people as possible about this. It could save their lives!!
10. A cardiologist says If everyone who gets this mail kindly sends it to 10 people, you can bet that we’ll save at least one life.
11. Rather than sending jokes, please... contribute by forwarding this mail which can save a person’s life.
12. If this message comes around you... more than once… please don’t get irritated... You should instead, be happy that you have many friends who care about you & keeps reminding you how to deal with a Heart attack.
please take the time and boost this post by reposting it and sending it to those you love because we all need to understand how to quickly deal with heart attacks
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accio-the-books · 5 years
I think next thursday is gonna be the best day of my entire life tbh
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accio-the-books · 5 years
My nephew likes to play McDonald's, which is what you'd expect it to be. He says, "Welcome to McDonald's. How may I help you?" After you order, he says, "Okay, coming right up," and pretends to give you your food. He has another game called "Silly McDonald's," which is the same thing, except no matter what you order, he says, "Here's your cold hamburger."
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