ace-swimmer · 8 years
RP starters: Flirting ( + responses to it. )
“You come here often?”
“Can I offer you a drink?”
“So.. You expecting someone?”
“Do you need a place to stay for tonight?”
“I gotta tell you… you look incredibly hot.”
“Do you want to dance with me?”
“Look at us… we are basically a couple already.”
“I bet you would look even better without your clothes on.”
“Are you single? Just asking.”
“You’re the most beautiful person I have ever encountered.”
“What would you say if you and me would go somewhere else?”
“I love the way you’re dressed.”
“Do I have any chances with you?”
“Do you have anything better to do later?”
“Can I get your phone number?”
“You seem like a bad boy/girl/person type.”
“I can do whatever you want, babe.”
“You have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen.”
“I bet guys/gals/people are all over you.”
“You should be a model.”
“Are you… trying to flirt with me?”
“Maybe if I get a free drink I can consider talking to you.”
“That won’t work. Try again.”
“Oh my god, did you just say that out loud?”
“I’m waiting for someone. However, you can amuse me in the meanwhile.”
“You don’t look so bad yourself.”
“I thought you were taken.”
“So, have you flirted with every girl/boy/one in this bar yet?”
“Do I look like someone who seems interested in you?”
“Compliments won’t pay my drinks.”
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ace-swimmer · 8 years
Losing Virginity/First Time Starters
“It’s alright, it won’t hurt.” 
“Tell me if it hurts.”
“Please, be gentle.” 
“I promise I’ll be gentle.” 
“It’s my first time.” 
“Have you ever done that before?” 
“I have never done that before.” 
“Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of you.”
“Are you a virgin?”
“Please, wait, I’m a virgin.” 
“I want to be your first.” 
“I want you to be my first.” 
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ace-swimmer · 8 years
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I often play the game: dress the bae in what you wore today
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ace-swimmer · 8 years
                            ❝ as long as you’re happy, don’t worry about me. ❞
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ace-swimmer · 8 years
Symbol Meme - Affectionate/Nice Edition
Send a symbol for my muse to respond to your muse….
♥ - Stroking/brushing their hair
♡ - Rubbing their shoulders
❥ - Holding their hand
❤ - Hugging/cuddling them
❄ - Staying close to them to keep warm
☆ - Reading to them
★ - Sitting at their bedside
☾ - Taking a nighttime walk with them
✚ - Bandaging their wound
✕ - Clasping their shoulder
❀ - Giving them a flower/flowers
♞ - Playing a game with them
◆ - Standing up for them
✪ - Defending them in a court/before an authority
♬ - Singing to them
◯ - Rescuing them
❇ - Stargazing with them
♛ - Comforting them
☁ - Washing their face
☼ - Camping with them
✔ - Hiking with them
☄ - Listening to them
✏ - Telling stories with them
⊿ - Coming to visit them
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ace-swimmer · 8 years
“right to the good parts” prompt list
So many prompts are about the meet-cute. So this list is meant to go straight to the good parts. Please use, prompt, share, add to, etc.
I have you shoved against the wall but now I can’t stop looking at your mouth
We were dancing but all of a sudden it’s a slow song and we’re standing here awkwardly staring at each other
I just told you I liked you but now I’m shy and say “never mind, forget it” and why are you looking at me like that?
We slept in the same bed for space reasons but now we’re just waking up and there’s something about your bleary eyes and mussed hair
It’s time to fight the boss and if I don’t tell you now, I might not live to tell you
Congratulations! One of your dreams has finally come true. Let me give you a big hug and wow, you’re warm…
I’ve never seen anything like the way you handled that. I’m just so moved.
Oh, my God, I thought you were going to die. Please don’t ever scare me like that again.
We’re hiding from the authorities and it’s very close quarters in here, I can feel your body against mine.
Wait, my hero’s secret identity is… you? To be honest, I’d always kind of hoped…
You’ve said you’re going to leave, but I don’t want you to go and if I don’t say something now…
We were pretending to be lovers but I’m not pretending anymore and I have to know if you feel the same way
 This wasn’t meant to be a date, but we’ve had such a good time and now it’s 2 a.m. and I should really go home…
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ace-swimmer · 8 years
In the end, Hazuki didn’t give him that look of pity and confusion, of rage, that look he often received when he tried to be helpful by giving advices.  Haru found it strange, almost funny.  He was so used to it, he wasn’t quite sure what he should do now.  Maybe it was only because in the end Hazuki’s mistakes were quite clear. Maybe he’d give him that look another time.  For now, Haruka looked as the other tried out the charms, the joy clear in his eyes as he was finally able to do them. He didn’t fully understand why the other had been so worried and seemed now so relieved about this, why it was so important for him. After all, he was just starting, was he really that scared he’d fall behind? Haru kept eyeing him, not saying anything, not even sure if he should say anything. Interacting with people was harder than what one could imagine, and with someone as Hazuki it proved to be even more complicated. Not only was he loud in every little thing and sound, he chatted quite a lot. And he was bouncy. He seemed to always be moving somehow and Haru wasn’t sure if he found that annoying or not.  He was taken aback when suddenly Hazuki hugged him and he almost squeaked in surprise. His shoulders tensed, and he stood still, surprised by the sudden hug. He was sure his expression looked kinda funny in that moment, like a cat that suddenly heard a sound.  “It’s...it’s nothing, really..” he muttered, starting to feel a bit embarassed, Hazuki’s eyes and behavious way too honest. “Just be careful with your books”
HP!AU - closed with ace-swimmer
Nagisa smiled, with a quick nod. Go with the flow had always been pretty much his motto, anyway. “Yeah, I get what you’re saying. I can’t do charms without knowing the theory though!” He replied, with a soft giggle and scratching his head. “What’s the difference?” He asked, tilting his head, and then pursed his lips before beginning to mutter ‘difindo’ with letter length variations until he finally said ‘diffindo’, and on the book’s leather cover appeared a long cut. He squeaked with surprise, and his eyes blew wide as he turned around to stare at Haruka with a big, happy smile widening on his face. “I did it!” He announced, holding his wand tighter as if his confidence in it had been single-handedly renewed. “So it was a matter of how I pronounced the incantation… geez!” He continued with a flurry of giggles as he bounced on his seat. 
“Okay, and… Wingardium Levi– Levi-ósa?” He asked then, with a little twitch of his eyebrows and his eyes squinting. “Geez, why Latin?” He complained, before beginning to practice under his breath, until he managed to keep the torn out book in the air for a few seconds. At which point, the joy was so much he hugged Haruka - this boy he barely knew - and squeaked merrily before letting him go with a huge grin.  “Thank you, Nanase-kun! I think someone jinxed my book or something, because I did keep reading ‘difindo’, with one ‘f’…” he blabbered fast, and glanced to the ceiling now lost in thought. “I suppose someone played a prank on me and kept it going… gee, the dedication some people have!” He seemed to ooze relief. He suddenly loved his House, this school, the idea of learning for six more years, and he looked at Haruka like he was a savior, with his big, soft eyes glimmering. 
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ace-swimmer · 8 years
five-word sentences.
“ please just let me forget. ”
“ c'mon try to guess what. ”
“ just leave me alone already. ”
“ no, i’m not going to. ”
“ you can’t change my mind. ”
“ my mind is made up. ”
“ i’m not gonna let you. ”
“ don’t do that to me. ”
“ think about what you’re doing. ”
“ why aren’t you listening now? ”
“ i want to sleep forever. ”
“ you need to leave now. ”
“ i’ll always have your back. ”
“ now there’s no going back. ”
“ the view really is spectacular. ”
“ i didn’t think you’d care. ”
“ why can’t you trust me? ”
“ don’t even bother with clothes. ”
“ i don’t love you anymore. ”
“ i am a great person. ”
“ you are a tolerable drunk. ”
“ exactly, why are you awake? ”
“ i’m gonna ignore you now. ”
“ how is that not hilarious? ”
“ please just calm down now. ” 
“ i was already calm, asshole. ”
“ i can see your underwear. ”
“ i’m afraid you’ll replace me. ”
“ please stop losing your temper. ”
“ you can cry if needed. ”
“ you have to run away. ”
“ i just wanna be yours. ”
“ ashes, we all fall down. ”
“ i’m hoping you’ll understand me. ”
33K notes · View notes
ace-swimmer · 8 years
send me ✖ for a random kiss.
forehead kiss
kiss on cheek
kiss on the nose
neck kiss
nose kiss
stomach kiss
good morning kiss
good night kiss
hand kiss
foot kiss
kiss on the mouth
deep kiss
comforting kiss
desperate kiss
kiss goodbye
multiple kisses
worshiping kiss
poisonous kiss
playful kiss
teasing kiss
affectionate kiss
hair kiss
drunk kiss
forced kiss
tender kiss
up arm kiss
passionate kiss
surprise kiss
accidental kiss
pretend kiss
thigh kiss
leg kiss
sexual kiss
11K notes · View notes
ace-swimmer · 8 years
Ooc I really need a SouHaru rp 
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ace-swimmer · 8 years
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ace-swimmer · 8 years
numbers: ( 1 - 352 ) link to generator: here content: another movie quote meme, some adult content. feel free to change pronouns.
Keep reading
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ace-swimmer · 8 years
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ace-swimmer · 8 years
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** Permission to post from their pixiv/twitter was granted by the artist Please, rate and/or bookmark their works on Pixiv too **
Artist :  甘_甘 (twitter / pixiv)
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ace-swimmer · 8 years
For a moment, Haru seriously regretted deciding to try and help this boy. While he was used to being left alone,  used to calm and silence and even solitude, this was all new. And too loud, just like what he thought he would be.  He talked fast and it was almost hard to follow as he started chattering right away.  It was bothersome and almost gave him a headache.  Still, at the same time, he just couldn’t dislike him fully. In the loudness, in the childish round face there was something he couldn’t just ignore.  He couldn’t sit still for a moment either, apparently. Haru simply kept staring, silentm trying to listen and understand what was the problem.  Finally, there was a moment of silence and Haru sighed softly, relaxing his shoulders a bit.  “It’s Diffindo.” he looked at the other. “That’s what was wrong. Also...it’s leviòsa...” His voice got a bit lower as he finished talking, almost as if he wasn’t used anymore to talking to someone else.  Mostly, he mumbled to himself lately after all.  In any case, in seemed it was just some simple mistake...but he wondered if he would need more help, considering how he told him he had problems in Transfiguration too. At lest he seemed to like Astronomy. It was something, he guessed.  “You should just...feel it. Go with the flow. It’s just a matter of...acceptance” As he said this, Haru glanced toward the window, refusing to look again at a confused face that would soon turn in anger or despise or whatever else.  That was his way of doing things and there was nothing else to it.  It wasn’t like he really felt lonely, either. 
HP!AU - closed with ace-swimmer
Nagisa’s eyes grew bigger with joy the moment Nanase replied, and he opened up in a giant, happy grin, then grabbed the older’s shoulders looking straight in his eyes with so much relief he was probably going to melt to the floor.  “Really? Will you help me? Thank you so much!” He squeaked, and began bouncing on his toes for a few seconds before plopping down next to Haruka.  “Well,” he began, “actually I don’t only have a problem with Charms. Transfiguration too… The only subject I really like is Astronomy! Anyway, I have a hard time remembering the incantations. Like, some words are so hard to spell, like… the Severing Charm, I can never get it right… I say ‘di-fin-do’ but it won’t work… I tried!” He whined, with a big sigh. “And don’t get me started on the Levitation Charm… it’s so complicated!” He added, looking down at his wand. “Win… Win-gardium Lèvio-sa,” he muttered, moving his wrist just like Professor Flitwick had taught them to while pointing his wand at a book, but nothing happened. 
“See? It just won’t work,” Nagisa added, pouting as he leaned back. “Maybe it’s the wand. Anyway, can you help me?” He continued, looking up with big glimmering eyes at Haruka. He shook his head, and his blond curls flapped one way and the other: “I don’t want to lag behind!” 
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ace-swimmer · 8 years
Sitting next to her, Haru glanced at Gou. As he had thought his hoodie was a bit large on her, but somehow it looked really...cute. Feeling kind of silly for staring like that, he quickly looked to the tv, to distract himself.  “Is this..?” The movie Gou wanted to watch was kind of familiar. He thought it was kind of funny this was her favourite movie, but somehow it even made sense. He held back a giggle, a glint in his eyes.  “Sure, we can watch this”
“Do you have any spare scarves? I left mine at home.”
He usually wouldn’t bring a scarf with him, but even he had to admit it had been quite cold the last few days. He shooked his head at the girl, before taking off the scarf he was wearing and offering it to her. He wasn’t that cold anyway and he didn’t want her to catch a cold.
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ace-swimmer · 8 years
Send me a sentence for my muse's reaction
"Are you even listening to me?"
"Are you even listening to yourself?"
"Are you sure they won’t find out?”
"Are you sure this is legal?”
"Are you sure you know what you’re doing?”
"Are you threatening me?"
"Be mine."
"Can you be anymore obvious?"
"Do I know you?"
"Do you love me?"
"Do you remember this?"
"Do you trust me?"
"Don’t go."
"Don’t let me die"
"Don’t look at me like that."
"Don’t make me beg.”
"Don’t you dare come near me!"
"Don’t you dare."
"Explain yourself."
"For you, I would _____"
"Give it back."
"Give me another chance."
"Have you ever even done this before?"
"How drunk are you right now?"
"I already regret this."
"I am not wearing that.”
"I can’t believe you missed that."
"I can’t do this anymore."
"I can’t even look at you."
"I could kill you!"
"I dare you." or "I dare you to _____."
"I didn’t do it.""
"I didn’t know you could do that."
"I don’t want to look at you right now.”
"I guess this is goodbye.”
"I hate you."
"I have to go."
"I just want to cuddle."
"I know your secret.”
"I love you, but I really wish I didn’t.”
"I love you."
"I miss you so very much."
"I missed you."
"I need a drink."
"I need a hug."
"I never really loved you."
"I owe you."
"I think I broke it."
"I think I’m falling in love with you. "
"I think I’m forgetting something."
"I think it’s broken.”
"I trust you."
"I want to be yours."
"I want to try this thing I read in a book.”
"I want you. Naked. In my bed. Now."
"I’ll be there in five minutes.”

”This is really inappropriate.”
"I’m all for spicing thing’s up, but isn’t this a bit much?”
"I’m bad for you.”
"I��m dying."
"I’m going to be sick."
"I’m not speaking to you anymore."
"I’m pregnant and it’s yours."
"I’ve never heard that one before."
"If you stay quiet, no one will know.”
"Is that my shirt?"
"It was me"
"It’s so beautiful.”
"It’s time to choose.”
"Just five more minutes."
"Just go."
"Just leave me alone."
"Just let me die."
"Just relax."
"Just what did we do last night?"
"Kiss me you idiot."
"Kiss me."
"Like you even care."
"Little too late, don't you think?"
"Make me."
"Marry me?"
"My Parents don’t know"
"My parents know.""
"Never again."
"Nh, don’t be so rough!"
"No, that can’t be my baby."
"No! You can’t die on me now!"
"Obviously there is something between us."
"Of all the things i've heard, that hurt the most."
"Put it away.”
"Put your trousers on!"
"Put. The. Weapon. Down."
"Quiet, I am trying to think."
"Relax, I have a plan."
"Shut up and listen."
"Take responsibility."
"That isn’t mine."
"That looked easier on TV."
"That sounds painful."
"That was a bad plan."
"That’s mine!”
"That’s the cheesiest pickup line I’ve ever heard."
"They’re coming.”
"This seems familiar."
"This stays between us."
"Truth hurts, don’t it?"
"Unbelievable. I can't believe you right now."
"Very good, you had me fooled."
"Want to hear a secret?"
"We need to talk."
"We’re moving too fast.”
"Well that was unexpected."
"What are we doing here?"
"What are you afraid of?"
"What are you touching?"
"What are you?"
"What do you need?"
"What happened to you?"
"What have I done this time?"
"What if someone catches us?”
"What sort of noise was that?”
"What the hell do you think you’re doing?"
"What were you thinking?"
"Where are my clothes?"
"Where did you find this?"
"Where do you even find this sort of thing?”
"Where were you?"
"Who’d have guessed you could pull such a face?”
"Why are you wearing that?"
"Why yes, I am as think as you drunk I am."
"You could have died!”
"You could have killed someone!"
"You coward."
"You don’t need to be so gentle.”
"You drive me crazy!"
"You have ten minutes, so make it quick.”
"You lied to me!"
"You mean everything to me."
"You owe me."
"You. Come. Snuggle. NOW!"
"You’re all out of ____."
"You’re an idiot.”
"You’re bad for me.”
"You’re dead to me."
"You’re pregnant and It’s mine"
"You’re really good at this…”
"You’re so weird.""
"You’re under arrest."
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