acertaincritic · 6 months
The teaser looks intriguing, I'll give them that.
Maybe we're finally at the point of the story when they'll stop with all the filler and get to the point at last.
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acertaincritic · 8 months
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Nirvana in Fire 1/ ? Lin Shu/Mei Changsu
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acertaincritic · 8 months
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Randomly stumbled upon this while reading Astarion's dialogue. I laughed and almost choked on my coffee.
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acertaincritic · 8 months
My biggest complaint about Baldur's Gate 3 is that you can't play as Astarion *and* have Astarion as a companion.
I need an interesting backstory to role-play and his is the most appealing to me, but then I miss out on interacting with him.
I settle on Gale or Wyll and I end up feeling like I'm reading one of those Twilight-like YAs where the most interesting character was usually some side character and I didn't care for the MC ;__;
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acertaincritic · 8 months
I did that and then I gave up on that playthrough and now I play as Astarion... Checkmate?
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I surely can't be the only one in this
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acertaincritic · 9 months
Do you think that the unicorns are secretly alive due to Ezran unicorn patch?
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I honestly don't remember anything about unicorns in TDP, and I won't respond to worldbuilding-related questions like these anymore.
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acertaincritic · 9 months
In s5ep9, what did Aaravos say about deep magic or the older spells?
I honestly don't remember exactly, sth about that they require sacrifice. It was another padded dialogue.
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acertaincritic · 9 months
Do you think that Karim will join the final battle against Aaravos?
Hmmm. I honestly doubt the creators will give him a chance at redemption like this. I have a feeling they see him as representing conservatives of the American politics, and if you project political beliefs you disagree with onto certain characters it becomes very difficult to make those characters something other than two-dimensional cutouts. It can still happen in the small scale, because usually certain episodes are written by junior/guest writers and they don't necessarily have the same projection, but I wouldn't count on nuance in the big scale, which is the head writers’ domain.
I expect Karim will find out just how wrong he was, maybe even end up aiding Aaravos unknowingly and then realize it, and then die.
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acertaincritic · 9 months
honestly i love your tdp live reactions, you put all my frustrations and problems with the recent seasons into words. so many genuinely interesting premises were started in season 5 but resolved in the laziest possible ways. the bar for this season was already pretty low, but still it was disappointing at best for me :/ as someone who really enjoyed the first 3 seasons of the show it's really a shame to see it decline like this
Thank you! And I'm glad I'm not alone!
It really boggles my mind at how many lazy resolutions we got, and honestly I find it difficult to explain when I remember this is written by professionals. They should know everything about promises and resolutions, that the hero is only as good as the opponent they face, and so on.
TDP as it currently is makes me really pessimistic about American media in general - but then, there's the absolute masterpiece of an animation that's Spiderverse and it also came it out this year...
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acertaincritic · 9 months
Do you think the elves in Xadia descended from the startouch elves since they are the first elves?
Well, that's what the name seems to imply - or perhaps they were "made" by the Startouch Elves somehow. Although it's possible that elves came into being separately and the Startouch Elves were simply the first ones to exists.
These kinds of worldbuilding asks are hard to answer, because the answer is really, “Whatever tickles the creators’ fancy.”
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acertaincritic · 9 months
Do you think that Callum will connect to the star primal?
Hmmm. This one is a tough one. There's an alternate version of this story in which Callum connects with each arcanum, one per season. But that's not the story we're getting, and hey, that's perfectly all right, if only it were written better.
I can see it happening in a scenario like this:
The scepter Rayla needs to free her parents is destroyed/used up during the final battle
Callum connects to the star arcanum after or during the final battle so that he can release her parents anyway without resorting to dark magic.
However, I can also see a version in which Callum cannot connect with this arcanum since he refuses to abide by its philosophy of destiny and predetermination (if that's what the arcanum is, which I have a vague memory of some extra material stating that it is). In this scenario he just uses the primal stones from the scepter which survives the final battle to free Rayla’s parents. Or alternatively, a redeemed Viren frees them as the last good deed before passing.
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acertaincritic · 9 months
Overall season 5 thoughts:
It was better than season 4, but that doesn’t mean it was good. It had a few cool moments, but most were cut in the bud:
- the sun seed maybe getting stolen -> no, it doesn’t; 
- the dragon queen maybe getting corrupted -> no, she doesn’t;
- the evil assassin maybe getting set free -> no, she doesn’t;
- the big bad sun dragon maybe coming back -> no, he doesn’t;
- Rayla’s parents being freed -> nah, they don’t;
- Aaravos getting released from his prison -> no, he doesn’t; 
- Rayla sitting out a fight and later regretting it -> no, she doesn’t.
And I can keep going.
The only noticeable development is Callum’s new arcanum and him using dark magic again, but the former seems to be there just so they could breathe underwater tbh, and the latter is having delayed consequences, if it’ll even have any consequences at all.
And I know, the good guys got Aaravos’s prison, but that’s smoke and mirrors. Aaravos is still imprisoned, and he’s still going to get out. It appears like a plot progression, but it’s not, it’s an illusion of one; if the creators had wanted, they could’ve set it up so that the heroes have the prison since the beginning and the plot driver is getting it to open. There’s no actual change in the situation, except for getting over yet another roadblock.
The problem is really that the creators had ideas for 2 seasons but decided to do 4, and they’re scared of doing anything meaningful before the finale and of putting characters through any actual hardships (aside from Callum, no good guy really has to make any hard decision this season or last), and you can just tell. Cut out 50% of the last two seasons, and you get a decent, if trope-y, story that can be contained within one season.
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acertaincritic · 9 months
Do you think that Viren will survive?
Overall, in the series, I don't think so. The way things are going, he's likely to sacrifice himself to stop Aaravos so that the finale can feel epic enough but none of the good guys actually need to suffer or sacrifice anything.
As about right now, at the end of season 5, yes. The amount of screen time he got is inordinate for a filler, even coming from these writers. Claudia will sacrifice the creature for him, or his body will be taken over by Aaravos, or he'll coward out and do it himself at the last moment before the dawn.
That's my guess, at least.
And hey, in the meantime the creators get to dangle another potentially cool concept in front of us like a carrot, because look guys, we have all those ideas, this series will eventually get good, we promise!
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acertaincritic · 9 months
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Yay, character development.
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acertaincritic · 9 months
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Urgh, seriously.
Yes, I called it, but I take no pleasure in this. It could’ve been such a cool plot thread, but nooo, let’s stifle it before it can grow at all.
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acertaincritic · 9 months
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Oh, of course, she’s there after all.
Pulling the punches again, TDP. Give me a break.
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acertaincritic · 9 months
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Meh. And I thought it would be Callum or sth, making the parent generation’s story a lot more spicy.
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