acreview-blog · 13 years
Testing for a Freon Leak
Systems that are low on Freon work harder and generate a higher bill. Furthermore, if you lose enough Freon from your air conditioner, it will cause the compressor to overheat, which can damage the air conditioner. So if you suspect that your air conditioner has a refrigerant leak, for example if the Freon level is low and needs to be replaced each year, or if you detect an odor, then you must call an ac repairman to test for a Freon leak.
There are a number of tests for Freon leaks, the four major ones being visual, pressurization, fluorescent dye, and electronic leak detection.  
You can test for leaking Freon using a UV light source. The reason is that the refrigerant in your air conditioner has an oil lubricant mixed in. When the oil lubricant leaks out it emits UV light, shade the area to be tested and shine a UV light source. They can be purchased for as little as 10 dollars. Fluorescent marks mean you have a leak. The fluorescent dye test can be enhanced by injecting a half ounce of special dye into the refrigerant, running the system for a while and then performing the test. If you have a leak, or are unsure of how to do this test, call an ac repairman to check for you.
Another visual test is the halide leak detection test. This examination is based on the fact that most of our refrigerants are chloride based or fluoride based. Such compounds have a distinctive pattern when passed through a flame.  With halide torch leak detection a probing hose is passed along the refrigerant tube. The hose sucks up any gas along the tube and passes it back to a central flame. A bluish-green to purple color in the flame means refrigerant gas is being sucked up into the tube. The test is dangerous and is best conducted by a professional ac repairman. If you have a leak, or are unsure of the test, call an ac repairman to check for you.
You can also test for a Freon leak with electronic refrigerant leak detection. Leaking refrigerant will be drawn into the unit by a small pump. The refrigerant passes through a proportional halogen detector, and it will be translated into electrical signal. This signal will be amplified and read out will be provided, together with audible sound.
Ultrasonic refrigerant leak detection detects the escape of refrigerant by the use of ultrasonic monitoring.
The pressure test for refrigerant leak detection is only carried out by a licensed ac repair man. The test is carried out after part’s replacement or repair that required total evacuation of the refrigerant. In this test, the refrigerant tube is filled with nitrogen, the system is pressurized, and the repairman monitors for a drop in pressure over a period of hours.
The vacuum test is the final refrigerant leak detection test, after the pressure test is passed. In this test, all gas is pumped out of the system until the pressure is bar zero. If over several hours the pressure begins to rise, that means there is a leak in the system.  If you have a leak, or are unsure of the test, call an ac repairman to check for you.
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acreview-blog · 13 years
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"The two most common methods for finding A/C refrigerant leaks are fluorescent dye and electronic leak detection. With dye, a small quantity (about 1/2 ounce) of dye is added to the A/C system with an injector tool. The A/C system is run for a period of time to circulate the dye. An ultraviolet lamp is then used to look for any telltale stains left by the fluorescent dye as it leaks out of the A/C system." From the Tire Review.com
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acreview-blog · 13 years
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Types of electronic freon leak detection. Systems that are low on freon work harder and generate a higher bill.
If you live in the Deerfield Beach, FL or Boca Raton , Fl area call AC Repair Boca Raton and Deefield Beach Fl, a Deerfield Beach AC repair company.
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acreview-blog · 13 years
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There are four types of leak detection Visual Freon Leak Detection Pressurization Freon Leak Detection Fluorescent Dye Freon Leak Detection
Electronic Leak Detection
If you live in the Deerfield Beach, FL or Boca Raton , Fl area call AC Repair Boca Raton and Deefield Beach Fl, a Deerfield Beach AC repair company.
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acreview-blog · 13 years
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If you lose enough freon from your air conditioner, it will cause the compressor to overheat, which can damage the air conditioner.
If you live in the Deerfield Beach, FL or Boca Raton , Fl area call AC Repair Boca Raton and Deefield Beach Fl, a Deerfield Beach AC repair company.
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acreview-blog · 13 years
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Easy Leak Has A Seonsor for Detecting Freon Leak.
If you live in the Deerfield Beach, FL or Boca Raton , Fl area call AC Repair Boca Raton and Deefield Beach Fl, a Deerfield Beach AC repair company.
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acreview-blog · 13 years
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The vacuum test is the final refrigerant leak detection test, after the pressure test is passed. In this test, all gas is pumped out of the system until the pressure is bar zero. If over several hours the pressure begins to rise, that means there is a leak in the system.  If you have a leak, or are unsure of the test, call an ac repairman to check for you.
If you live in the Deerfield Beach, FL or Boca Raton , Fl area call AC Repair Boca Raton and Deefield Beach Fl, a Deerfield Beach AC repair company.
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acreview-blog · 13 years
Ultrasonic Leak Detection
Ultrasonic refrigerant leak detection detects the escape of refrigerant by the use of ultrasonic monitoring. If you have a leak, or are unsure of the test, call an ac repairman to check for you.
If you live in the Deerfield Beach, FL or Boca Raton , Fl area call AC Repair Boca Raton and Deefield Beach Fl, a Deerfield Beach AC repair company.
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acreview-blog · 13 years
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Most of our refrigerants are chloride based or fluoride based. Such compounds have a distinctive pattern when passed through a flame.  With halide torch leak detection a probing hose is passed along the refrigerant tube. The hose sucks up any gas along the tube and passes it back to a central flame. A bluish-green to purple color in the flame means refrigerant gas is being sucked up into the tube. The test is dangerous and is best conducted by a professional ac repairman. If you have a leak, or are unsure of the test, call an ac repairman to check for you.
If you live in the Deerfield Beach, FL or Boca Raton , Fl area call AC Repair Boca Raton and Deefield Beach Fl, a Deerfield Beach AC repair company.
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acreview-blog · 13 years
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Pressure test for  refrigerant leak detection is only carried out by a licensed ac repair man. the test is carried out after part's replacement or repair that required total evacuation of the refrigerant. In this test, the refrigerant tube is filled with nitrogen, the system is pressurized, and the repairman monitors for a drop in pressure over a period of hours.
If you live in the Deerfield Beach, FL or Boca Raton , Fl area call AC Repair Boca Raton and Deefield Beach Fl, a Deerfield Beach AC repair company.
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acreview-blog · 13 years
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With electronic refrigerant leak detection, leaking refrigerant will be drawn into the unit by a small pump. The refrigerant passes through a proportional halogen detector, and it will be translated into electrical signal. This signal will be amplified and read out will be provided, together with audible sound. If you live in the Deerfield Beach, FL or Boca Raton , Fl area call AC Repair Boca Raton and Deefield Beach Fl, a Deerfield Beach AC repair company.
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acreview-blog · 13 years
UV Light Refrigerant Detection
If you suspect your air conditioner has a refrigerant leak, you can test it using a UV light source. The reason is that the refrigerant in your air conditioner has an oil lubricant mixed in . When the oil lubricant leaks out it emits UV light. shade the area to be tested and shine a UV light source. They can be purchased for as little as 10 dollars. Fluorescent marks mean you have a leak. If you have a leak, or are unsure of the test, call an ac repairman to check for you.
If you live in the Deerfield Beach, FL or Boca Raton , Fl area call AC Repair Boca Raton and Deefield Beach Fl, a Deerfield Beach AC repair company.
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acreview-blog · 13 years
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The Mastercool Refrigerant Leak Detector requires only a 25 second warm up time, and it can detect refrigerant and UV leaks.  If you suspect a freon leak, you should call your ac repairman immediately. If you live in the Deerfield Beach, FL or Boca Raton , Fl area call AC Repair Boca Raton and Deefield Beach Fl, a Deerfield Beach AC repair company.
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acreview-blog · 13 years
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This diagram illustrates how an air conditioner works. A compound called the refrigerant circulates in a central tube. The red color shows where the refrigerant is hot and the blue color shows where it is cold. When the refrigerant is in the gas state it enters the compressor, which compresses it and makes it hot. The gaseous refrigerant then travels through the condenser, a set of metal fins located outside the building. In the condenser, the gas gives off its heat to the outside and then turns back into a liquid. The liquid then travels around until it reaches the expansion valve and the evaporator. Here the liquid turns back into a gas and while doing so absorbs heat from the room. The warms gas now travels back around to the compressor and the cycle starts all over again. 
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acreview-blog · 13 years
Understanding How an Air Conditioner Works
Understanding how an air conditioner works won't substitute for having one, but if your air conditioning needs are being met, it will help you appreciate this nifty piece of technological handy work. Air conditioners use chemicals that readily convert from a gas state to a liquid and back again. The compound, usually Freon, is called the "refrigerant," and it flows in an enclosed circular tube. The compressor compresses Freon gas. As the gas is squeezed together, its molecules bunch together; its temperature rises, and becomes a high-pressured gas. Now the high pressured gas travels through the condenser. The condenser is a set of coils, which permits the hot gas to dissipate its heat. It is noticeable as the set of metal fins on the outside of a window air conditioner. As the hot gas circulates through the condenser, a fan blows air across the tubes to the outside. This aids in the cooling process. As the refrigerant leaves the condenser it has condensed to a liquid. The liquid now flows into the evaporator through a tiny hole. Inside the evaporator, the liquid is allowed to expand. As it does so, it evaporates into a gas. This part of the tubing is indoors. As the low temperature gas flows through the evaporator a fan blows hot room air across the tube. The gas absorbs the heat and the room air, now cooled down, is blown back into the room. The heated gas next flows back into the air conditioner's compressor and the cycle begins again. As indicated by the flow patterns, the evaporator is situated in the part of the tubing that runs inside the abode and the compressor and condenser are in the sections of the tubing outside the house. Since hot air rises to the top of the room, the air conditioning intake valve sucks in air that is from higher in the room and the outflow valve blows out cooled air to the lower part of the room. All during the cooling process, a thermostat, set by the home owner, monitors the room temperature. When it drops down to a pre-set figure, the air conditioning turns off. The air conditioner turns back on when the temperature rises again.
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acreview-blog · 13 years
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This is a closed loop automatic control system for a central air conditioning system. The computer controlled system is referred to as an intelligent air conditioner. 
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acreview-blog · 13 years
Intelligent Air Conditioners
The market is now offering air conditioners that can think. Yes, the current trend in air conditioning are models that can feel the presence of human beings in the room and increase air conditioning flow to locations where humans are located and decrease cooling functions in unused parts of the room thus saving energy. Panasonic is now bringing to the market a large number of air-conditioning systems with this dual sensor control. The dual sensor air conditoners incorporate Ecopatrol technology, devices that are capable of detecting human activity within a room and accordingly adjust the temperature of the Air conditoners with dual sensors are made to detect even minute levels of human activity in the room and then they automatically cool sectors of the room, where human activity has been found The inventive air conditioners also turn off or turn down their function in locales where no activity is detected, thereby consuming less energy;which results inan increased power savings. The Ecopatrol technology of the Panasonic Air Conditioners is wired to respond appropriately to the levels of human activity and put off the levels of cooling needed for that sector of the home. In addition, the air conditioners are equipped with a built-in air purifying system. The purifying system can be switched on with the touch of a button. When noxious micro-organisms and dust particles in the air reach a maximum level, e-ions are released to remove the micro-organisms and particles and bring the pollution under control.
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