actinghetero-blog · 10 years
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ok but i think i'm gonna remake but idk so i'm just gonna log off for now.
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actinghetero-blog · 10 years
Hey! Hey, listen!
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Wow, so, it's been awhile since I've been on here but I came back because I heard about something very personal for me so, while I do plan on coming back here more often, I'm also here to talk about something really, really important!
My name is Sorren (I go by Rayet and Izuru too!) and I'm officially diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder and Maladaptive Dreaming, among many, many other things (I'm a walking hot mess.)
And you know what's weird? I've heard that a lot of people are faking it, both in the realm of personas here on self inserts and on actual personal blogs! Let me start with saying this...
Fuck you.
No niceness about it. As someone who suffers from internal hell like DID, don't you dare ever think it's okay to fake it. Do you have memory gaps from hours to months inbetween? Do you constantly here voices, shouting, whispering, right in your ears all the time? Do you have people telling you that sometimes you are not yourself and suddenly people are leaving you because apparently "you" hurt them? Do you wake up to laughter and cuts all over yourself? Do you wake up lying on the bathroom floor, confused and in pain? Dissociative Identity Disorder is one hell of an illness, really. And not only that, it's a very rare disease triggered by deep trauma -- and even with extreme trauma, you're unlikely to get DID; that's how rare it is!
So, you see, to see many people suddenly come up like "oh I have it too" is unsettling and, more often than not, we can easily pick the fakers out from the real ones (it's not hard, you're pretty obvious when you fake it -- it's almost hilarious, I get a good kick out of seeing people try so hard sometimes, even my alters find it funny).
Don't fake Dissociative Identity Disorder. It isn't cute, it isn't funny, it isn't nice. And furthermore, alters aren't just bloodthirsty or sex craving machines! That's how we can usually tell you're faking, you know. Because alters have varying personalities, some are even really funny to be around! And they exist to protect the host. Plus, did you know most people don't accept DID as a legitimate disease? So when more and more people are caught faking it, it makes us (who REALLY have it) struggle because no one believes us! And that's not fair. Don't make our lives harder because you think this is the equivalent to a Hello Kitty cellphone strap that you can attach on to some ~cutesy~ list of things you have on your cellphone of life.
And regarding Maladaptive Daydreaming, I'll explain that one too (since knowledge of it is going around a lot lately from what I've seen).
Maladaptive Daydreaming isn't just "sometimes I imagine a cool OC I have of myself doing stuff", it's the result of trauma and, actually, Maladaptive Daydreaming isn't "an alternate personality" or anything. It's mostly a solely daydream self you have that lives out their lives normally, a kind of person you wish you could be. For myself, I constantly and am always daydreaming, I am always thinking of this "other me" doing things like going out with friends and shopping for clothes. It's like dreaming for a normal life. So... it isn't an alternate personality and no alternate personality results from Maladaptive Daydreaming.
Instead of faking these things or any other mental illness you could instead do some of these things!:
Admit you're a piece of shit.
Move into a trashcan where you belong.
Be a good human being and just come to terms with the fact that a part of you might be problematic and that's fine, work to get better. No one is perfect. Stop trying to use a very serious disease to escape from your wrongdoings.
Ask a professional for information because, hey, maybe you don't have these illnesses, but something else?
Now, if you're thinking about roleplaying characters that you've created (original characters I mean) that have these diseases then... cool! Totally go for it! But please do your research first and, if you can, find someone who actually has these illnesses or any illness you intend to incorporate in an OC so you can get first hand, trustworthy information! Regarding DID, ask someone who has it and, if they're okay with it, talk to their alters! You'll learn more about it and you'll learn more about the person. It's win-win! They make a new understanding friend and you get knowledgeable (and also gain a new friend)!
It's totally cool! But stay safe, since things do happen considering alters exist to protect the host and, no matter what, if you attack the host, the alters will do their utmost to eliminate what hurts the host.
If you want more information on DID, Maladaptive Daydreaming, or any other illness I have (I have to update my pages so just wait for the list to be fixed), feel free to hit me up and I'll tell you more in-depth, including my own experiences and even stuff my alters do! I'd love for more people to understand us better.
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Now onward with roleplaying!
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actinghetero-blog · 10 years
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actinghetero-blog · 10 years
                                 【 █▓▒ system going down ▒▓█ 】                                             iη ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ ᴅɪᴍᴇɴsɪᴏɴ                                      caη yoυ ℌℯaя ⊥нℯ soυη∂ oƒ                                          мy ℓovℯ's ¿i̸̕N̴̽F̴̑e̵͝C̶̄T̷͆i̶̒ỏ̵N̶̅?
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actinghetero-blog · 10 years
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actinghetero-blog · 10 years
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"Nikki is so cute that my heart is beating fast -- that's some illegal shit."
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actinghetero-blog · 10 years
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Pulls a Luigi style Death Stare.
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actinghetero-blog · 10 years
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"Oh it's bad alright."
— -{♂} “Diana can you check to see if the milk is bad?”
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actinghetero-blog · 10 years
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— -{♂} “Diana can you check to see if the milk is bad?”
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actinghetero-blog · 10 years
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"Sure." Goes to open fridge.
— -{♂} “Diana can you check to see if the milk is bad?”
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actinghetero-blog · 10 years
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"Just said "what if I came online one day and went 'hey I cut my hair!'" and now everyone is worried."
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actinghetero-blog · 10 years
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"I'm awake."
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"... I think."
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actinghetero-blog · 10 years
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                 █▓▒ ⌠ ☂ ⌡ ↠ Arrives fifteen minutes                                            late with Starbucks.
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actinghetero-blog · 10 years
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"Remind me to never offer to do anything nice for my family again that was a roller coaster ride from start to finish."
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actinghetero-blog · 10 years
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"Mom says not to throw any parties while she's gone but she forgets that for that I need friends. Or I'd have to be willing to get up to open the door and I'm only doing that if it's the pizza guy."
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actinghetero-blog · 10 years
& my heart has wept  for  those that i could not        save
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actinghetero-blog · 10 years
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"This cake in a cup was actually a gift from the gods above I'm so sad it's gone now."
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