actuallyicantsleep · 1 month
this is so domestic!jason—perfect and lovely writing as always!!!
At Least I’m Not Alone at the Wake
jason todd x fem!reader
aka how jason feels safe even when he feels like he’s dying
HEY today we’re going to play a game where we practice reblogging fics: if you read this and like it—reblog!! lets try to get a 100:100 reblog:like ratio ie, if you like and dont reblog im blocking ur ass
warnings: angst w comfort throughout
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It took less than thirty seconds for the silence of the night to drift into sounds of shrieks echoing off the buildings along the street. The sharp contrast had you and Jason bolting upright on the couch, ears on alert. It only took a few seconds more of listening for you to realize you’re not hearing shouting—it’s laughter. Maniacal, uncontrolled laughter. 
There’s a beat as you both freeze upon the implication, the unsettling realization dropping in on you. You barely have a moment to process it before Jason’s pushing up from the couch and heading towards the bathroom.
“Close the window,” he grumbles.
You blink as you register his words before jumping up to do as told, quickly sliding the frame shut and locking it. He returns soon with an armful of towels in hand, and you stand back as he stuffs a couple along the window sill with rough movements. He goes throughout the apartment, doing the same to the other windows. He rounds back to the living room window, looking down at the street with a heavy look on his face. 
You trust that the towels will do their job in preventing the laughing gas from getting in the apartment, but they’re unable to block out the bellows of hysteria.
He backs away from the window, letting the living room wall hold his weight. You both listen to the harrowing echoes with still bodies. 
You watch him, waiting for a reaction. You don’t mean to, but you know you’re looking at him like he’s a loaded spring. You try not to, you know how much he hates how his family does that to him, but fuck, it’s hard not to worry about him. .
When Joker incidents have come up, they’ve usually been something you’re able to ignore or even get ahead of and drive out of the city. But this is raucous and chaotic, clearly enough to shut down the city from the inside. Besides, Jason would be booking it out of here if he thought there was any chance of a clean getaway in this.
But you know he’s got no interest in inserting himself in anything Joker related, especially something so destabilizing. But, while  you know Jason’s family cares about him, of course they do, but you’ve noticed they sometimes put Gotham’s needs first and his second. So the severity of this attack is concerning for you for two reasons.
“Will they…” you shuffle, “Will they need you?”
He’s quick to answer, voice firm. “No.” A long moment passes before he adds on, quieter, “They won’t want me out there.”
You nod to yourself, trying to relax your body. You being on edge isn’t going to help him.
You watch as his head thumps against the wall, eyes squeezed shut. He’s tough—you know he’s tough. He can withstand a hell of a lot more than you’ll probably ever even know. But even for Gotham, this is a lot. And even for someone who hasn’t been through what Jason has, the ringing repetitions of laughter are maddening. You wonder if this is what the Joker hears in his head. You wonder if this is what Jason heard.
The intensity of the laughing increases, more people likely becoming exposed to the gas. You think you can hear it in one of your neighbor’s apartments too.
He thumps his head against the drywall again, hands clenching at his sides. It takes one more forceful thud for you to move over to him, cradling your hand to the side of his head, holding him still. He lets you, though still doesn’t open his eyes.
“Jay,” you say softly, stroking his hair. “Let’s take a shower, yeah?” Normally you’d try for a bath to calm him instead but you hope the waterfall from the shower might be enough to drown out the noise.
He takes a second to respond, letting your hand bear the weight of his head. “Yeah.”
His voice is splintered though, and his shoulders droop as he stands up. He waits to move until you start to lead him, flinching at every spike of laughter. You reach back and take his hand, giving it two squeezes. He squeezes your hand back but doesn’t loosen his grip.
As you enter the bathroom he wastes no time getting straight to the shower nozzle and turning it on. You press the door shut behind you, sealing out a decent portion of the chaos. You decide against turning the overhead light on, opting instead to let the small pink-shaded lamp provide a warm glow that you can easily maneuver throughout the shadows in. You figure he needs a more tranquil atmosphere than the harsh white light the bathroom ceiling can provide.
You turn to him in time to catch him pulling his shirt up harshly, movements jerked and impatient.
You place a gentle hand on his forearm, “Hey.”
He pauses his actions, eyes on the floor.
You don’t say anything else, but he understands your objection regardless. You remove your touch and he peels his shirt off slower, kinder to himself. 
You wait to make sure he continues this method with the rest of his clothes before you start to remove yours.
The downpour of water on the tiles does it’s intended job in creating your own little sanctum away from the noise. You climb into the shower after him, standing in the stray mist sprays that made their way past him. The bits of water that do manage their way to you are hot—not scalding, but hot enough that you know his chest is going to start getting numb very soon standing in front of the stream like this. 
You trace lines over the muscles of his back, outlining them and every little indent of a scar. When you run out of canvas on his back you move onto his arms, right then left.
It’s not until you trace down his wrist that you realize his head is angled down. You don’t need to be standing in front of him to know that his focus is zeroed in on his scar and you’re not sure how long it's been that way. Too long, in any case.
“Jay,” you say so softly that the water nearly drowns you out. “Will you look at me, please?”
He does turn to you, slowly, but he doesn’t look up.
You hold his face in your hands, nudging him to look up at you. He looks tired, drained. 
You know he has to hear that laughter in a different way than you do. It’s uncomfortable and frightening for you, but for him, it’s layers upon layers of the sound he heard while he was being beaten to death. And even beyond that horrible trauma, the reminder of it brings forth every memory of what happened afterwards, not to mention the heavy baggage you know he feels over being here at all. And you can see it all mulling behind his eyes.
“You know I love you,” you tell him with sincerity. His gaze stays heavy and you can tell it’s a struggle for him to hold the eye contact.
You lean up to press a kiss to the corner of his mouth, catching his bottom lip slightly. Your next kiss meets his lips fully. You have to push up on your toes a little bit but he does the work of meeting you halfway. It’s a slow, intimate exchange, as fluid and serene as breathing.
“I love all of you,” you murmur against his lips. You let your hands fall to his chest, resting as gently as they can over his pecs. “Everything about you.”
You kiss the top of his Y scar, trailing down soft pecks to where it forks off. You feel his shoulders sag a bit, tension forcing its way out of him. You lean down to continue your kisses down the vertical line marking his abdomen, your hands lightly following in your wake.
He says your name painfully, like he’s begging you to stop. You’ll give him partial reprieve, taking his hands in yours and kissing his scarred knuckles. It’s his instinct to push affection away, you know that, but you also know that he needs it. That’s why he doesn’t stop you now—he knows he needs it—it’s just a lot for him all at once, emotionally. Which is why he gives no warning before he picks you up by your thighs and pulls you close. 
He’s got you a full head higher than him and he uses the difference to hide his face in your neck. Sometimes he feels like that’s the only place he can go. He maneuvers you around so your back is pressed up against the wall as you hold each other tight.
You stay in there like that until the water runs cold, and then some. You have to nudge him a bit into setting you back down then, but he does, letting you collect and wrap the both of you in towels. The second the water turns off you can hear the cackling through the walls. 
As you return to the bedroom, he only bothers to pull on a pair of boxers before collapsing his weight onto the mattress. The lack of layers won’t help him any, but you know why he did it.
He can’t always look after himself the way he should—he disregards his own needs and has trouble even thinking of what could help him. You’ve developed a mind for it though—for him—and you know that being exposed and vulnerable like this isn’t going to help him calm down. He prefers being covered up when he’s stressed, it gives him more security, you think.
You open up the dresser and dig through for his most comfortable hoodie and sweatpants. He takes them from you, but he looks remiss at the thought of exerting anymore energy right now, so you help him tug on the clothes, successfully blocking out the now icy air from the AC. 
Once he’s fully clothed he pulls you forward to sit on his lap. You stumble a bit on the way but he compensates by holding you very tight, not giving your body any option to fall. His grip on you tells you that he’s not concerned with you getting dressed too, which you’re perfectly willing to oblige.
You have to force him to let you break away a little bit so you can reach over to the nightstand and grab your phone and earbuds.
“Movie or music?”
He doesn’t say anything, only nods his head once at the end of your sentence. You take that to mean music and open up your playlist on your phone, handing him the headphones.
There’s a harsh spike in the hysterics outside, mixed with what sounds like screams, and it has Jason flinching hard. You think you can see tears welled in his eyes as he fumbles to get the headphones in his ears. He takes the phone from you and picks the first song he sees and turns the volume up, up, up.
You shift yourself around so that you’re laying back against the pillows, giving him room to lay down over your legs, wrapping his arms around your waist with a firm grip. You pull the hood up over his head, but keep your hands woven underneath, threading through his hair. 
His cheek mushes against your bare stomach, and with the way he’s laying, you’re sure the earbuds are digging uncomfortably into his ear. He makes no effort to move in any case. You can hear the song playing word for word, and while the noise exposure concerns you, if there was ever a time to let it go, it would be now.
You’re both wrapped up nicely in the blankets and you can only see the tip of his nose and a few strands of ivory hair strewn past his forehead. Despite all the snug layers, he shakes a bit under your touch.
He falls asleep before the problem outside gets wrapped up, and you turn down the music. Not all the way, just enough that he can rest in peace. 
After a while the giggles die down and aside from a few first responder sirens, things get quiet again. About twenty minutes later, Nightwing ducks in through your window and scares the hell out of you. The interaction does not, however, wake Jason up, which is how you know tonight took a very heavy toll on him.
Even though the lights aren’t on in your bedroom you slide down from the pillows a bit more and let the blanket and Jason drown your chest out from visibility.
Nightwing gives you a silent, if not awkward, wave and scans over Jason. Even in the dark can see the worry in his eyes. He looks back up at you and throws up a questioning thumbs up with a tilt of his head.
You nod and he nods back slowly as he takes one more look at his brother before hopping out the window.
You peer down at Jason and brush his curls back gently. His hold on you tightens just a bit as he turns in his sleep.
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HEY today we’re going to play a game where we practice reblogging fics: if you read this and like it—reblog!! lets try to get a 100:100 reblog:like ratio ie, bc i am in a bad mood today, if you like and dont reblog im blocking ur ass
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actuallyicantsleep · 4 months
I cackled so loud, the lady next to me is concerned😭
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actuallyicantsleep · 8 months
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actuallyicantsleep · 8 months
you write beautifully and do my sweet trevor the justice he deserves
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WARNINGS: absolutely none. Just some pure, sweet sex. 18+ readers only
PAIRING(S): Trevor Zegras x Fem!Reader
SUMMARY: in which Fem!Reader finds out just how thrilling a storm can be.
The storm had been building all day. The thick air crackled and shimmered. The atmosphere had grown dark. Intense, even. Y/N's own tension had wound through her body until her skin felt as though it was reacting to the change in the air. The only light available came from the flashes of lightning overhead.
A loud crack of thunder brought her back to reality, her eyes refocusing on the heavy rain beating on the windows from outside. Y/N pulled the blanket closer to her chest, breathing heavily. The booming sound echoed throughout the bedroom and her body tensed as intense fear coursed through her veins.
"Shit." Trevor whispered, dropping the towel from his damp hair and rushing over towards Y/N.
He barely heard a sniffle escape her before he sat on the bed, pulling her to him right after. Her stiff shoulders immediately relaxed as soon as his arms enveloped her own.
"Baby, I'm so fucking sorry." Trevor said quickly, immediately drawing circles on her back as he pulled her into his mint-scented chest. "I didn't hear the thunder over the shower."
Y/N barely squeaked out a reassurance before the sky roared again, and her thoughts were vanquished by another wave of fear.
"Tell you what; I'll go make you some tea, and we can stay up and talk until you fall asleep. How does that sound?"
Y/N felt his hold on her loosen, and her brain wasn't about to lose his comforting touch that quickly. "Please, don't go just yet." She pleaded, trembling hands holding onto him a bit tighter.
Trevor’s heart squeezed especially hard at her unwillingness to let him go, so he brushed her hair away from her face, pressing his lips to her forehead. "Of course."
He rested his cheek against the top of her hair as he cradled her shoulders, hoping that the pressure against them distracts her enough from the low rumble of the thunder above. The bedroom flashed white for a second and she flinched, curling herself into his chest before the thunder shook the ground again, and Trevor stroked her hair, pulling her closer in an attempt to calm her down.
"Sh, baby, it's okay. I'm right here." Trevor whispered, but the wind picked up again and he felt her fingers balling his shirt up into tightly closed fists.
The time between the lightning and thunder still wasn't close enough; the storm was only going to get worse, and he could feel her drowsiness get chased away by fear with every bright flash of light. Y/N wasn't going to sleep if this storm kept up.
"Come here." Trevor mumbled, wrapping his arms tight around her and giving her a second to readjust herself before picking her up.
Trevor walked over to her side of the bed to carefully pull the blanket back before laying her down on the sheets. He climbed in beside her a moment later, pulling the blanket over the both of them before turning to look at her. Y/N reached out for him, giving him no choice but to hold her in his arms again.
His thumb gently stroked her cheek, trying to dry away the tears as he scooted closer to her, cupping her face with both hands now. Trevor leaned in, connecting her forehead to his lips in a gentle kiss, and for a short moment she stopped shaking, mind now focusing on the warmth that he provided.
When Trevor pulled away though, Y/N tensed up again, so he only gave himself a moment to look at her before placing another at her temple. And at the bridge of her nose. And on her eyelids, eyelashes fluttering with every soft brush of his lips against them.
Trevor didn't leave an inch of her cheeks unkissed either, taking his time to cover each side if it meant that she would calm down. And Y/N was slowly starting to ignore the crashing of the thunder, but one flash of light had her curling her fingers around his wrists, and his heart clenched in his chest again.
"It's okay, baby. You're okay." Trevor sighed, as one of his hands smoothed itself over her hair.
He was reluctant to pull away, but Trevor knew that now might not be the time for intimacy, so he unlocked his lips from hers and gazed into her eyes. But then he felt the gentle tugging of her fingers on his shirt, silently asking to have him closer, and he decided that if his kisses brought her any sort of comfort, then he'd kiss her until the sky clears.
His lips pressed into hers, relishing the softness under them as Trevor pulled her closer, gladly accepting her whimpers and swallowing them between his lips as she melted into his touch. The thunder cracked again and Y/N flinched, but less this time as Trevor licked her bottom lip.
Trevor slipped a hand around her waist, securing her back before lowering it to the sheets below her, and the tips of his hair feathered lightly across her cheek as he hovered over her, pausing. He wasn't sure what his next move was, but with another flash through the sky, he kissed both of her eyelids and moved to kiss her jaw.
His lips fluttered against the sensitive spot right below her ear, leaving the softest pecks under her ear as Y/N squirmed under him, a quiet sigh leaving her while he moved his fingers to intertwine with hers. Trevor slowly moved down her neck, adding enough pressure to make her skin warm.
Trevor moved back to her pulse point to leave a fleeting kiss there, but was slow to pull away once he felt just how fast her heart was beating. Part of him wanted to believe that it's because of him and not the storm outside, so he flickered his gaze to hers.
His eyes met her closed ones, shut in what appeared to be bliss after his lips painted her neck, only now fluttering open once Y/N realized that the sensation has stopped. Rain suddenly beat hard against the window and she snapped out of her blissful daze, hands now squeezing tight against his as she whimpered.
"Sh, it's alright." Trevor said softly, leaning up to rest his forehead against hers. "I'm right here, baby." His lips pressed against her cheeks, but then his breath hitched in his throat as he got an idea. "Just trust me, yeah?" He whispered, falling onto his side next to her and sliding his hands down to her waist.
Trevor paused at the waistband of her sleep shorts, waiting for any sign of discomfort, but eventually started pulling it down along with her panties, hands warming the cool skin of her thighs. He gently pulled her hips to his, bringing them closer before pulling his own shorts down and lifting up her thigh so he had enough space for himself.
Slowly, Trevor edged his length into her, her head falling into his chest as Y/N felt her walls expanding to fit him, and she was so dizzy from the stretch that when the sky lit up again, she was entirely too focused on adjusting to notice.
"I'll stay like this as long as you want me to, okay?" Y/N heard him whisper, and she nodded against his chest as his arms wrapped around her head and waist protectively, almost shielding her from the thunder that followed soon after.
His hand slid under the back of her shirt, rubbing circles with the palm of his hand on her bare skin, and the warming sensation relaxed her stomach enough for her core to stop squeezing around Trevor, him letting out a breath of relief that he hoped she didn't notice.
His hand stops its movements against her back, instead sliding to her hip, holding her in place against him with both hands. Slowly, Trevor pulled himself out of her before he pushed back in, and her brain became an absolute wreck from feeling so full. His hands took hers and pressed them into the pillow around her head, gently lacing their fingers together.
"Don't worry, l've got you." Trevor softly whispered into her ear.
And he did; within minutes, Trevor had Y/N wrapped tightly around him, who was no longer paying any attention to the storm outside that has gotten worse, because he was working wonders inside her and she couldn't help but be distracted by the way he was kissing her face and rolling his hips.
Y/N was close and Trevor could tell from the way her walls fluttered around him and her hands became restless under his, so he pressed his forehead to hers, hoping that she'd finally be at peace when she finished. Her eyebrows furrowed against his and her mouth fell open as a quiet moan escaped her, and Y/N could feel her core clamping down around him before letting go.
Trevor bit down on his lip, not letting a sound escape him as he slowly rode out her orgasm, tracing over her knuckles soothingly with his thumbs. One of his hands moved to brush the stray hairs away from her face so he could kiss her forehead, waiting for her to calm down underneath him as she caught her breath.
A minute later, Trevor moved to pull out, but she stopped him, not wanting him to be too far from her still. He immediately pulled her to his chest and rolled over. Her head fell into the crook of his neck, the sound of the rain now starting to lull her to sleep, and Trevor secured her tightly against him with his arms around her waist.
Thunder cracked once more, and this time, Y/N didn't stir.
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actuallyicantsleep · 8 months
i am madly madly in love with theodore nott. he’s is mine and i am his, wholly and completely. i will never love a man more than theo. i love theodore nott.
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actuallyicantsleep · 9 months
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Jack Hughes, NHL All Star, New Jersey Devils ❤️🖤
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actuallyicantsleep · 9 months
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This letterboxd review of Saltburn is sending me 😭
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actuallyicantsleep · 9 months
saltburn is a romcom btw sorry to those who don't get it. pin in the bike tyre is just intentionally spilling a drink on your crush for the chance to touch their skin while wiping them down. embellishing a story so they find you interesting? been there. who hasn't drugged a bottle of champagne to kill them with when they don't reciprocate your feelings. that's what young love is all about
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actuallyicantsleep · 9 months
saltburn is NOT dark academia just bc they’re at oxford for a bit of it there was no academia happening those bitches were passing around a copy of harry potter and the deathly hallows. i’m still not convinced felix could read
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actuallyicantsleep · 9 months
always always always let me know if anyone needs anything
idk how many people this will reach bc i’m a little new but i’m here for anything anyone needs
please reblog this if it is okay to anonymously confess something to you.
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actuallyicantsleep · 9 months
@sweetestdesire just a thank you for the AMAZING fics u write
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actuallyicantsleep · 9 months
what if you’re theo’s girlfriend and you’ve been dealt just a shitty hand at life: horrible parents, horrible ex, and more
and theo’s your person—like he is YOURS and you are HIS and he loves you and you love him
but in 6th year, he has to go home for Christmas, and you can’t go with him, but you can’t go home either, so you’re stuck at school, almost completely alone, ready to spend Christmas by himself
but on Christmas Eve, under the tree in the Ravenclaw common room, is Theodore Nott wrapped in sparkly paper, with a bow on his head
he struggles to get up as you run to him, but can’t, because he’s wrapped up in paper, but you reach him and you smile at him, and he tells you he loves you and you tell him you love him, and finally, after a long, long week, you kiss the love of your life and he kisses you back
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actuallyicantsleep · 9 months
she is beautiful
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This is Money Snake. She only appears every 312 years. 
If you reblog her picture within the next twenty-five seconds you will have good luck and fortune for the rest of your life. 
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actuallyicantsleep · 9 months
lmao so true
percy finding out his dad is a god and immediately going to confront him is so funny to me. like he really said “either i’m catching a child support check or he’s catching these hands”
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actuallyicantsleep · 9 months
help i love him
i- i might just stay here
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69 notes · View notes
actuallyicantsleep · 9 months
kicking my feet and giggling fr
oh my goodness i was not expecting this but somehow it was just what i needed
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WARNINGS: hair pulling, extreme domination, degrading speech, innocence kink, etc. 18+ readers only
PAIRING(S): Trevor Zegras x Fem!Reader
SUMMARY: in which all Fem!Reader wanted was a kiss.
"It's strange that in the three years we've known each other we've never once tried to get it on." Trevor absently stroked Y/N’s hair, his fingers combing through the strands. She laid with her head on his lap and her legs extended along the length of the couch. "Why's that, do you think?"
The sound of cheering drifted from the game playing on the TV and empty dishes from their takeout dinner littered the coffee table. The curtains were closed, a lamp on the side table throwing a wide arc of light over his living room.
Y/N smiled, her eyes drifting shut as his fingers raked through her hair. "Because you're a shameless man-whore who uses phrases like 'get it on.’ That's why."
Trevor chuckled and toyed with the sapphire stud in her ear. "That explains why you haven't thrown yourself at me. Pretty judgmental on your behalf, by the way, but it doesn't explain why I haven't tried to lure you into bed."
Y/N opened her eyes and looked up at him, taking in his messy hair, his sensual mouth and eyes. His good looks combined with his outgoing personality meant most women wanted him within five minutes of meeting him. He'd always used his warmth and charm to his advantage, so why had he never tested his abilities on her?
It didn't take her long to come up with the reason for his behavior. "I think it's because you respect me.” Y/N said.
Trevor let out an amused breath. "I don't want to sleep with you because I respect you?"
Y/N smiled at the humor in his tone. The more she thought about it the more it made sense. He had so many options when it came to women that he'd never needed or wanted to push the boundaries with her. Their friendship had grown and she now counted him as one of the most important people in her life. It would only take one quick test to prove he felt the same way about her.
She pushed herself up to a kneeling position and faced him, wrapping her fingers around his wrist. "Watch, I'll prove it to you." His expression turned wary as she guided his hand towards her. "Touch my boobs.” Y/N said.
Trevor let out a shocked laugh and lifted his arm above his head. "No! What the fuck, Y/N? I'm not touching your boobs."
Y/N arched her back, pushing her breasts out in invitation. It took all of her control to keep the smile from her face. She shouldn't enjoy teasing him so much, but the look on his face was priceless. "Why not?"
"Because..." Trevor’s gaze roamed her body, drifting over the t-shirt moulded to her breasts, moving further down to the legs revealed by her black shorts. His chest rose and fell with deep breaths. His hand flexed in hers, still above his head. He took a slow tour back up her body and met her eyes again, letting out a frustrated breath. "Because you're good and decent and I fucking respect you, okay? Jesus Christ, Y/N. You've given me such a hard-on."
Y/N released his wrist, trying her damnedest not to laugh. "Sorry."
He flicked a sideways glance at her and nudged her leg with his knee. The barest hint of a smile appeared. "I can tell when you're being sincere, you know. That's not your sorry face."
Y/N let out the laugh she'd been struggling to hold in and relaxed beside him, resting her hand on his thigh. "You're the one who should be apologizing. You don't want to sleep with me because you think I'm too nice. How insulting is that?"
"Let's not start hurling accusations, okay? You called me a dirty man-whore."
"I did not say 'dirty,’ and I mean, if the shoe fits, I don’t know what else to tell you.”
"That's it." Trevor growled and dragged her over him to straddle his thighs, grabbing both of her hands in his. He held her still and stared her down, attempting a glare that didn't look as scary as it was supposed to because he kept fighting against a smile. "Take it back, Y/N."
Y/N couldn't resist sending him a smirk just to stir him up some more. "Or what?"
He'd placed her too far back on his legs for her to feel his erection, but after seeing the heat in his eyes she'd bet almost anything it was still there. A sudden urge came over her to slide closer and find out for sure.
"I'll hold you down and tickle you until you do. We both know how that'll turn out."
Y/N had always ended up a squirming mess on the floor with tears streaming down her face. She had no desire to be put through that again right now.
She shook her head swiftly and clamped her elbows against her sides. "I didn't mean what I said, okay? You're pure and wholesome and proper."
"Too late now, my feelings are hurt. You're going to have to find a way to make it up to me."
Y/N snorted and tried to pull her hands free. "I bet I can guess what you have in mind."
Trevor tugged her towards him and smiled as he kissed the tip of her nose. "If I didn't know better I'd think you were coming onto me. It's a pity you're not my type."
"You might want to tell that to your little friend. I don't think he got the memo."
Trevor let out a bark of laughter. He released her hands and curved his palms around her waist, pulling her closer. She settled over his lap, the snug position leaving no doubt about whether or not his erection had subsided.
His laughter quietened and the mood shifted between them. Their eyes met and she smiled, overwhelmed by the affection she felt for him. Y/N reached out to stroke his cheek and he moved his head slightly, as if he wanted to turn his face into her palm but thought better of it.
"Have you ever wondered what we'd be like together?" Y/N asked softly.
His thumbs swept over the curve of her hips. "I told you before, you're kind and sweet and all I want at this point in my life is wild, no-strings-attached sex. Those two don't go together."
"You've never once thought of me in that way?"
His gaze flicked to her mouth. "I mean, I’ve pictured you naked if that counts."
She tucked her hair behind her ear. "Really?"
"Yeah." Trevor reached up and tapped her chin with his forefinger. "Oh, c’mon. Don't look so pleased with yourself. I'm a man, it's what we do."
Y/N let out a breathy laugh and tipped her head slightly to one side, her gaze traveling over him while she tried to decide if her next question would cross any kind of line. "Will you let me try something?" She asked. "Just out of curiosity?"
"Such as?"
"I want to kiss you."
His eyes narrowed. "Why?"
"I don't know, I guess I just want to know what it's like between us. Just one kiss, nothing more. You can even hold my hands again to make sure I don't feel you up."
Trevor raised his brows. "And what if I want to be felt up?"
She raised her brows back at him. "Then you can let go of my hands."
Trevor kept his eyes on hers and grabbed her wrists, guiding them behind her back. He clamped them together at the base of her spine, holding her tightly. The change in position caused her breasts to thrust out mere inches from his mouth. His gaze lowered for just a fraction of a second, letting her know it hadn't gone unnoticed.
Her attention dropped to his lips. Y/N tried to imagine what it would feel like kissing him for the first time in a way that wouldn't be classed as platonic. His mouth was firm and sensual, so inviting. Why had she never noticed that before? Her humor disappeared and she swallowed hard. Trevor watched her closely, his eyes taking everything in.
"What?" Y/N asked, feeling as if she'd suddenly lost her footing.
"Nothing. It's just..." Trevor gave her wrists a firm tug and she sucked in a breath. "This is turning you on."
She let out a harsh sigh. "I can't help it. I’m a woman, we get turned on over a new pair of shoes. It doesn't mean anything."
His mouth lifted at one corner. "You realize this is going to change everything between us, right?"
Y/N shook her head. "It won't. I care too much about you to let that happen." She moistened her lower lip and leaned closer. "I know you feel the same way."
"Still, Y/N.”
"Relax, Trevor.” She pressed her lips to his cheek, letting them linger there for a while, soaking up the warmth of his skin.
Faint traces of his clean, crisp cologne drifted towards her, teasing her senses. His free hand swept up and down her arm, leaving shivers in its wake. Y/N leaned back and took her time looking him over, drinking in the view of him while she decided where her mouth should go next.
Trevor gazed up at her, his expression filled with amusement. "Are we done?"
Y/N smiled and touched her lips to his cheek. "Not even a little bit."
She grew bolder and moved her mouth to his neck, leaving a trail of light, sucking kisses over his throat; a gentle lick here, a nibble there. His pulse beat strong and steadily, his chin lifting to allow her easier access. Her mouth travelled up to the curve of his jaw and his whiskers prickled against her lips.
Y/N pressed a soft kiss there, then another, reveling in the masculine feel of him. "You smell good.” She said, nuzzling his throat.
His response vibrated against her lips. Y/N nibbled his ear and flicked her tongue at the lobe. She knew she shouldn't torment him in this way, but the more she touched him, the more of him she wanted to touch. His hand kept both of hers secured behind her back and she strained against his hold, needing physical contact with him.
Her breasts pressed against his chest and a low growl rumbled in his throat, her heartbeat quickening at the sound. Trevor’s grip tightened, his strength causing a sudden, inexplicable craving inside her.
"Y/N, if you don't get this over with quick,” Trevor said, his voice growing huskier, "I might get the impression that you're a fucking cock-tease."
Oh, God. The sound of his deep voice uttering the word 'cock' had a jolt of pleasure rushing through her. Y/N pulled back to look into his eyes, surprised by the need she saw there. With his clenched jaw and his steely hardness beneath her, she knew it would only take the slightest encouragement from her to throw them both into chaos.
Her hands jerked in his, she wanted them free so she could touch him. Somehow knowing he wouldn't let her go only heightened the confusing feelings crashing around inside her. His hips shifted beneath her, bringing her into closer contact with his erection. Her breathing turned shallow and she closed her eyes, fighting the need to moan.
How could Y/N be feeling this way when they'd barely touched? She hadn't even kissed him properly yet. It suddenly hit her and she drew in a sharp breath.
“I lied, you know.” Y/N said, opening her eyes and staring at him in wonder. She'd not only fooled him with her words, but herself as well. "I want more."
"I know." Trevor released her wrists and they sat watching one another. The tension in the air had become unbearable. "Don't blame me when it all turns to shit."
"It won't."
"We'll see." Trevor sank his fingers into her hair, dragged her against him and crushed his mouth to hers.
Y/N barely had time to brace herself before it all spiralled out of control. She hung on and kissed him back, thrusting her tongue against his. One hand plunged into his hair while the other wound around his neck. Her knees clamped either side of his thighs and she pressed down against his erection. His answering groan had desire surging inside her. There were no teasing touches now; it was all heat and hunger. She wanted him. She wanted all of him.
Trevor slid one palm down her spine, curving over her ass. He squeezed her flesh and moved his mouth to her throat, leaving quick kisses over flushed skin. "Fucked if I know what's happening here.” He said, lifting his head to look into her eyes, "but God, do I want you."
The intensity in his gaze left her breathless. Y/N gasped and pressed her mouth to his, her tongue plunging between his lips, her hands roaming his body. Heat radiated off him and his muscles flexed beneath her fingers. His strength aroused her in a way she'd never thought possible. She hadn't looked at him in this light before. Now she couldn't imagine seeing him any other way.
Trevor’s mouth left hers just long enough for him to grab the hem of her t-shirt, drag it up her body and toss it aside. She sat before him in her shorts and a blue lace bra, her hair draped over one shoulder, her lips swollen.
Breathless and needy, Y/N reached for him again. Trevor groaned and kissed her hard, flicking open the clasp on her bra and whipping it from her body. His hand closed over her bare breast, massaging her flesh, his thumb sweeping across her nipple. A thrill shot through her and she pressed herself to him, holding him tight. Her tongue caressed his, her fingers digging into his shoulders.
Trevor pushed himself off the couch and took her with him. He helped her to her feet and worked on her zipper, shoving her shorts and panties over her hips. He pulled her to him again, giving her the impression he didn't want to let her go for more than a few seconds. It only made her want him more.
"Oh, God. Trevor, I need you so fucking bad." Y/N stepped from her puddled clothes and grabbed fistfuls of his t-shirt, peeling it over his head.
Their lips met again and she poured everything into the kiss. Y/N fumbled with the button on his jeans, dragging them open. Before she could free his erection, he lifted her in his arms and gripped her ass.
"Bed.” Trevor said against her mouth. "Upstairs."
Y/N clutched his body, linking her ankles at his back and sinking her hands into his hair. Trevor walked with her into the hallway, took a couple more steps towards the stairs. She slid her fingers into his pants and clasped his erection, squeezing his length.
Trevor let out a deep groan and shoved his boxer briefs over his erection. He stood with her wrapped around him, one hand clasping the back of her neck. The other hand gripped his cock, rubbing it slowly up and down her damp pussy.
Y/N tucked her face in against his throat and released a strangled cry as he guided it inside her. She pushed her hips towards him to meet the thick glide of his cock, her eyes closing as he filled her. Exhilaration and arousal had her pulse racing, her skin flushing. Her stomach reeled with pleasure.
Trevor pulled back and drove into her again, his breaths harsh, his body tense as she took him in. He made his way to the foot of the stairs and leaned down, his palm flattening against a carpeted step while his other hand took her weight.
Y/N felt the press of the stairs against her back, the tension in his muscles beneath her fingertips. She lifted her chin and looked into his eyes; they were fiery in their intensity, roaming her face, her breasts, taking everything in. He sank into her and retreated again.
"Fuck, Trevor. You feel so good." His thrusts pushed her back against the stairs, the carpet abrading her skin. His chest brushed against her nipples, hardening them to tingling points.
Trevor watched her closely, spotting the tears on her cheeks. She could barely hold her eyes open from the pleasure, but she noticed the worry come across his face. Y/N moaned lightly, trying to signal him she was okay. He leaned in and kissed her, his quick breaths expelling against her cheek. The sensations overwhelmed her. She needed to cum. She needed it so badly. He plunged inside her over and over, his movements so deep, so forceful, she knew it wouldn't take long.
Y/N hooked her hands over the backs of his shoulders and met his thrusts with bucking hips. A groan rumbled in his throat and he kissed her harder, his fingers gripping her ass. His speed increased and she felt it building inside her. Her stomach dipped and her back arched.
She tore her mouth from his and tilted her head. Trevor’s lips moved to her throat and she dragged in a breath as it came over her. It crashed in a wave that sucked her under, had her shaking, pulsing around him.
“Oh, God.” Her thighs clenched and she held on tight. The tip of his tongue traced the length of her throat. Desire surged and her hips lifted. Y/N let out a loud sigh and collapsed, trembling, against his supporting arm.
"Shit, Y/N.” Trevor’s thrusts eased to a slow grind and he pressed his mouth to hers.
His lips moved softly, his tongue caressing hers. Knowing he was close had excitement building inside her all over again. His stomach muscles tightened and with a quiet groan he shuddered and came inside her. Y/N’s eyes closed and her heart pounded as he gave one final shove, his sound of surrender one of the most erotic things she'd ever heard.
"Cum for me, baby." Trevor managed to stutter out. She all but screamed in relief as the words registered.
With perfect timing, waves of pleasure rolled through her body, pulsating through her core. Y/N cried out as she stopped fighting. He kept her leg in place as her orgasm took over, her juices pouring out of her and soaking the carpet beneath her.
"Good girl." Trevor’s voice sounded far in the distance despite their closeness, his praise only heightening her climax. She almost felt like she was almost going in and out of consciousness as she rode out the longest and hardest climax she'd ever had.
Even after everything they'd shared, after everything he'd made her feel, all she could think now was more. His mouth left hers and she wrapped her arms around him, resting her lips against the racing pulse in his throat.
Her eyes remained closed as she panted, trying to catch her breath. She moaned loudly as Trevor slowly pulled his cock out from her throbbing, sensitive pussy. Exhaustion over took her, her mind and body felt different than they ever had.
"Y/N, are you alright?" Trevor whispered to her gently. She nodded as best she could, unable to find the words.
Trevor braced himself on one elbow while he recovered and Y/N’s eyes opened as the silence settled over them. She considered how this might change their relationship, her stomach churning at the thought of what he might be feeling right now. He'd warned her it would change everything between them, she just hoped it didn't change things for the worse.
Y/N whimpered as she felt him scoop her up in his arms and place her into his lap. She buried her face in his chest, his warmth like a security blanket around her. She felt like she was going through every emotion imaginable, like everything in her needed that release. He rested his forehead against hers and Y/N held her breath while she waited for him to speak. The seconds were torturous as they ticked away. His palms clasped her face and he eventually let out a sigh.
"What the hell was that?" Trevor whispered.
Y/N let out the breath she'd been holding, the humor in his tone helping alleviate her fears. She bit her lip and smiled, trying to control the hope rising inside her. "I don't know, I've never experienced anything like that before. I wish I'd thrown myself at you years ago."
Trevor chuckled and kissed her cheek, his lips lingering on her skin. "It answers one question at least.” He said.
"What's that?"
"You look even better naked than I imagined."
Y/N laughed and threaded her arms around his neck, pressing a quick kiss on his mouth. When she meant to pull away, Trevor cradled the back of her head and urged her closer, taking the kiss deeper.
Their lips moved together, his hand sinking into her hair to keep her near. The warmth of his touch eased her worries and set her mind at rest. They both cared about one other, of that much Y/N was sure. With that as a basis to build on, she knew they'd find a way to make this work.
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actuallyicantsleep · 9 months
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