actualreyofsunshine · 3 years
New Post: September 28, 2021
Hey everyone, Mod A here. I’m making a new post to keep things neat and organized.
As I’ve stated before, I need money to pay off the remaining tuition from my previous term. While I’ve been able to sign up for courses for this term, I still need to pay off what I owe to the university ASAP. 
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[Image ID: Tuition and Fees Details, showing current balance owed as $2350.21.]
I’ve raised a total of $782 so far from my previous two donation posts, which leaves $1568.21 as the amount I have left to raise. 
I can’t thank everyone enough for the help and the support so far. It honestly means the world to me. Please donate or reblog if you can. Thanks so much again!!!!
Venmo: @mahh-a
Cashapp: $mahhahh
Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/modahh747
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actualreyofsunshine · 3 years
New Post: September 14, 2021
Hey everyone. It’s Mod A again. I’m making a new post since the deadline for the previous one has passed. I didn’t raise the full amount, and I’m in touch with my school and department to see if something can be figured out. In the mean time, I really need to pay the full amount ASAP. Any help is greatly appreciated.
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[Image ID: Tuition and Fees Details, showing current balance owed as $2350.21.]
I raised a total of $360 with the previous post, which leaves $1990.21 as the amount I need to raise.
Venmo: @mahh-a
Cashapp: $mahhahh
Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/modahh747
Please donate or reblog if you can. Thank you so much for all the help so far!!
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actualreyofsunshine · 3 years
New Post: September 14, 2021
Hey everyone. It’s Mod A again. I’m making a new post since the deadline for the previous one has passed. I didn’t raise the full amount, and I’m in touch with my school and department to see if something can be figured out. In the mean time, I really need to pay the full amount ASAP. Any help is greatly appreciated.
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[Image ID: Tuition and Fees Details, showing current balance owed as $2350.21.]
I raised a total of $360 with the previous post, which leaves $1990.21 as the amount I need to raise.
Venmo: @mahh-a
Cashapp: $mahhahh
Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/modahh747
Please donate or reblog if you can. Thank you so much for all the help so far!!
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actualreyofsunshine · 3 years
New Post: September 14, 2021
Hey everyone. It’s Mod A again. I’m making a new post since the deadline for the previous one has passed. I didn’t raise the full amount, and I’m in touch with my school and department to see if something can be figured out. In the mean time, I really need to pay the full amount ASAP. Any help is greatly appreciated.
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[Image ID: Tuition and Fees Details, showing current balance owed as $2350.21.]
I raised a total of $360 with the previous post, which leaves $1990.21 as the amount I need to raise.
Venmo: @mahh-a
Cashapp: $mahhahh
Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/modahh747
Please donate or reblog if you can. Thank you so much for all the help so far!!
689 notes · View notes
actualreyofsunshine · 3 years
New Post: September 14, 2021
Hey everyone. It’s Mod A again. I’m making a new post since the deadline for the previous one has passed. I didn’t raise the full amount, and I’m in touch with my school and department to see if something can be figured out. In the mean time, I really need to pay the full amount ASAP. Any help is greatly appreciated.
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[Image ID: Tuition and Fees Details, showing current balance owed as $2350.21.]
I raised a total of $360 with the previous post, which leaves $1990.21 as the amount I need to raise.
Venmo: @mahh-a
Cashapp: $mahhahh
Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/modahh747
Please donate or reblog if you can. Thank you so much for all the help so far!!
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actualreyofsunshine · 3 years
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Beautiful morning for a ride.
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actualreyofsunshine · 3 years
Update: 04/02/09
I’m retiring the old post to make a new one, bc the situation is a lot more urgent than it was before, and to reflect some new changes.
I spoke to my school’s admin, and I have, at maximum, another week to try and pay this off. I can’t sign up for classes any later than week from then. This makes the new deadline September 10th, 2021.
I’m making this post bc I need to pay my tuition for my previous semester in full before I can sign up for classes for this semester. 
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Right now, I’m running completely empty, except for this post and it’s donations. I need to raise $2350.21, and I’ve raised about $105.
You can donate through the following:
Venmo: @mahh-a
Cashapp: $mahhahh
Every little bit helps, honestly. Thanks so much!!
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actualreyofsunshine · 3 years
idk if ur still into superstore but i loved ur fanfic u did with parker/jonah/amy hope you make another soon :)
I'm still really into Superstore!! And thank you so much!!! I've had a few ideas here and there for a sequel, but nothing that I've really written a whole lot of, but hopefully I get to sit down and write something soon.
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actualreyofsunshine · 4 years
This is such a bizarre thing to say?? Like, why should JOHN Boyega be the one who “reconsiders his involvement” anyway, when he's the VICTIM of racism and racist harassment from fans? Like??? Why does he have to quit? Why can't he demand and expect better treatment? This is such a fucked up thing to say lmao.
Also, Adam Driver was not harassed because of his race. He did not face racism from all corners after he was cast in the movie. "aDaM wAs HaRaSsEd ToO." Fuck off. You know it's not the same, you're just being a shit.
How convenient that the people you think should "rEcOnSiDeR tHeIr InVoLvEmEnT iN tHe MoViE" just so happen to be the two men of colour who were cast in lead roles. HOW CONVENIENT THAT THEY'RE THE ONES WHO SHOULD LEAVE, leaving an essentially lily white cast for you all to enjoy. The fucking audacity, smh.
I think this will backfire on John. Adam was attacked too and Daisy stood up for John when he was accused of harassing her. I understand he was disappointed but I feel that it was evident they wanted to make Rey and Kylo the stars after TFA and maybe John should have reconsidered his involvement in the movie. To be fair, I would say the same thing for Oscar Isaac.
i don’t think it’s confirmed but im guessing his contract was a three picture deal since he was supposed to be the star and therefore had no way out. besides, it’s not his fault for not getting out anyway even if he could.
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actualreyofsunshine · 4 years
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actualreyofsunshine · 5 years
K, legit, I put my homework down to come and respond to this even though my assignment is due tomorrow. BUT. FFS ANON. I need ya’ll to think about what the actual fuck you’re doing, shipping a muggleborn character w/ a person who literally attempted to commit genocide against people like her. And then finding fics where she hides her background CUTE (when she likely hides it to make sure she doesn’t wind up getting murdered!!!!!!!), and where she then gets used as a plot device for a villain’s fucking redemption. Because that’s why oppressed women exist--to explain to their oppressors that they’re human too and deserve to live through the combined magic powers of confusion and feminine softness.
Like, I’m trying quite hard not to be a bitch here, because I feel like anon is definitely a nice enough person and this isn’t that deep or anything. But this is a good example of a really really fucked up trope/power fantasy that people keep employing that really pisses me the fuck off, especially when it comes to shipping women with men who mistreat them/abuse them/outright attempt to instigate a policy that would wind up murdering them.
Women aren’t here to serve as vehicles for redemption!!!! Women aren’t here to show men the error of their ways through the enduring power of love!!!!!!!! Women aren’t here to fix fucked up men!!!!!!!!!! Especially men who would otherwise hurt them or treat them like trash but don’t because “you’re different”!!!!!!!!! 
The fact that people ship these ships that have absolutely ZERO basis in canon, and would be inherently based on a fucking abusive dynamic, all b/c they want to live out some type of wish fulfillment is just beyond me. Like. What is the point of arguing that fandom is a transformative space b/c it allows for women to express their desires freely when the very desires they express go completely unexamined?? I get the draw behind shipping people w/ these characters, I do. But it doesn’t escape my notice that these types of ships are based on a really fucked up notion in society that women fundamentally exist to fix villainous men, and that shittons of women adhere to this notion, and what’s worse, defend it. 
This got really long, and I want to say, I don’t mean any disrespect meant against you anon. It’s not about you making it your identity, but for the love of god, this is not a ship worth defending. Just enjoy reading it and engaging with it and go. 
okay TO BE FAIR to tomione shippers, they don't think he's innocent and will excuse his actions. hermione has a huge portion of her fandom down with time travel so that's where the appeal comes from. I hate r*ylo but I do read tomione. My favourite stories are the bittersweet angsty ones, the ones where H is absolutely feral when faced with TR in his prime. It's weird because a part of me is like 'this is fucked up' and then another part of me is like 'yeah but i didn't make it my identity'.
(cont’d) also my favourite part of tomione fandom is when people write stories where she kills him??? or when she PLAYS HIM FOR A FOOL and then is like ‘haha!!! I’m a muggleborn bitch!!!’ and tom has a existential crisis lmao. please be rest assured this ship and its fans are very aware of what trash TR is. sincerely, a fellow hater of kylie ren.
i can appreciate recognizing a villain for a villain but i will say that it’s still a super gross ship sorry lol
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actualreyofsunshine · 5 years
Because it’s a self-insert ship, right? They’re not into it because of Rey’s character, no matter how much they insist otherwise. They’re into it because they like Kylo Ren/Adam Driver.
I know people will come at me for saying this because, “It’s sexist to say that women only like certain characters because they think they’re attractive!!!” But honestly? It tends to be the truth more often than not. It’s not a bad thing in and of itself, but I think it has a huge impact in how certain characters are interpreted by the fandom, especially when you also take into account that a huge component of fandom is also self-inserting yourself into the narrative in some fashion or another, whether that’s through overtly writing a self-insert in your fanfic, or through you gravitating to a specific character and seeing shades of yourself within them. That extends to shipping characters together as well. 
ANYWAY, to link this back to Kylo Ren and Daisy Ridley/Rey--I don’t think that a lot of Reylos are really into it for Rey at all. I think she’s a character that they feel they can project their own selves into, but for a lot of people, the ship itself is just a vehicle to write about themselves being attracted to Kylo Ren/Adam Driver. A lot of the attraction for Kylo Ren is questionable, but the fact that society continues to empathize with and go easy on semi-attractive mediocre white guys is not surprising at ALL. Fandom loves to insist that its a space that’s progressive and transformational and all that, but they really aren’t, especially when it comes to who they think is most deserving of their compassion in a given narrative. It almost ALWAYS tends to be the white dude villain/anti-hero.
It’s not surprising that they don’t like Daisy Ridley and are holding her accountable for the movie being shitty. It’s so fucking wild to me the extended shitfit these people are having on Twitter and elsewhere. All for a ship. There are shipping communities that have waited years, if not decades, for their characters to get together only to have that not happen or for one of them to die. There are ships where people sat through season after season of being queer-baited, only to have them wind up with hetero love interests. Shonda Rimes murdered Derek Shepherd and even that didn’t engender THIS type of response. It’s all just so weird to me.
LMAO folks are maintaining Daisy Ridley's acting wasn't as good as Adam Driver's as if she didn't make the most out of even the weakest scraps of dialogue and direction?
i feel like they’re slowly turning on daisy/rey
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actualreyofsunshine · 5 years
This article is a load of trashy white feminism that completely ignores and invalidates non-white people in fandom. It’s also a mess of some really badly done statistical analysis.
Here’s a link to a counter article that discusses some of the issues with the original article:
It’s a Trap: Reylos, Racism, and the Whiteness of Data in the Harassment of Women Online
But McCort shifts between the general and the specific, here, and does nothing to distinguish between what is likely to be actual hate (‘mental case,’ ‘inbred,’) and what might be valid accusations (‘sexist’ and ‘racist’). If her critique is going to be intersectional, it must, surely, recognise that (particularly white) women in any fandom can display abusive behaviours, and that without clear evidence or further commentary on her part, the list of abuses she includes is questionable. It’s starting to read like none of these accusations can ever stand because women are oppressed as a single class — and that would seem, given McCort’s own identity, to be a class of white women. It’s telling that later, when McCort discusses Kelly Marie Tran being hounded off social media, it is because Tran is a woman and not because she is a woman of colour. Well, so much for intersectionality. 
Again, the essay gains traction here by offering enough criticism of the alt-right that it feels like a balanced and fair assessment because the reader likely shares McCort’s politics in this instance. However, when she discusses ‘antis’ — that is, specifically the women she accuses of far-left ‘pearl-clutching’ — she slips into misogynistic language herself by denigrating progressive women for their moral or ethical concerns and accuses them of bullying. There’s also a lot going on in terms of her linguistic jumps: she seems to conflate ‘women’ in this context with ‘women of colour,’ and then refers to women of colour as ‘antis’ throughout the rest of the essay. It’s a wild ride of semantics, for that’s sure.
Further to its discussions of Boyega, McCort’s essay also includes screenshots of ‘antis’ bullying Reylos that are all taken out of context. The comments seem, for the most part, to be replies to Reylo posts that are written by (again, McCort never explicitly states this) women of colour. For example, ‘Genuinely curious, is Reylo a white person’s ship?’ seems like a valid question and suggests the writer is a woman of colour — I’m guessing we’re meant to infer that the writer is being ‘racist’ toward Reylos by drawing attention to their whiteness. It’s not entirely clear. Then there’s ‘stupid dumbfuck Reylo really thinking some screenshots is gonna erase my memory of the racism ive had to deal with from reylos like LMFAO like i dont have the receipts.’ This screenshot is more obviously positioned to outrage the reader about an act of aggression toward a Reylo (who is probably white) from an ‘anti’ (who is probably a woman of colour). However, as the comment suggests, the writer has experienced multiple instances of racism from within the Reylo community, which likely explains the tone of their post.
Why don’t we see any of the original Reylo posts? By focusing on the replies and using ‘women’ vs ‘antis,’ McCort’s work covertly erases race from the narrative while simultaneously amplifying the feelings of white women who are allegedly endangered by the anger of women of colour. Never mind if that anger is justified. You got your screenshots. Nothing more to see here.
White women disingenuously continuing to portray people in fandom who stand up to instances of fandom racism as “antis”, comparing them to fucking alt-right trolls, using arguments about free speech and the like to shut down any legitimate and valid criticism people might have of their abject racism--you love to see it.
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Spread this *everywhere*. It’s the only article that correctly presents a timeline of the hate and harassment in the Star Wars fandom since 2015, and how women are treated within fandom walls. All accompanied by insightful data and analysis.
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actualreyofsunshine · 5 years
Expanding on this to talk about the original comment that got all these white people up in arms, it’s really important to remember that the reason why people screaming about how John Boyega’s comments about Finn “laying pipe” are being monumentally racist is because society has a really horrible way of characterizing any expression of black male sexuality as inherently predatory and dangerous to the “purity” and safety of white women. Anyone with two eyes and a cursory understanding of language would know that he was entirely tongue in cheek with his comment, but of COURSE white women in fandom, especially a fandom that’s overly invested in shipping a white woman with a white male villain over the black male hero who’s literally right fucking there, overreacted in this way. Not to be that person who “”””confuses shipping with activism”””” but this is literally just yet another example of white women freaking out about black male sexuality being a threat to them and while the whole situation has been hilarious b/c of how reylos have been so overwrought, the reality is just that it’s so fucking disgusting, and yet so fucking typical of how white women really behave. 
Just saw a comment against JOhn saying “I liked him  better when he would just shut up and knew his place. I thought he was one of the good ones.”   This is clearly racist, that goes all the way back in history. About white people who believe that black people should “know their place”” and then respond in verbal abuse and backlash. Or sometimes physical violence whenever a black person “Stepped out of line.” to the rules that  white society demands that they follow and go along with.
“One of the good ones” is code language that white people and racist often use “That’s a good black person, not like those other black people.”
But, all of those who are joining in on attacking John when ignore this, because they want to either sweep the racism that John faces under the rug and pretend like John being black has nothing to do with the venom that the fandom is throwing his way.  Or because they just don’t care about addressing the racist that are attacking John, the way they jump at any chance to criticize John for anything he does or says,
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actualreyofsunshine · 5 years
Remember when we all thought that Crepegate was truly the peakest of reylo drama?
I have no words. They are trying to SUE and some dude who needs to check up on his viagra prescription and 401 k is getting involved now?
reylos stay crazy!
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actualreyofsunshine · 5 years
I legit remember how people straight up said that John Boyega might not be into playing FinnPoe because he’s Nigerian and a Christian and his father is a pastor and they’re known to be homophobes. You can’t make this shit up.
The way y’all love to frame John Boeyga as not ‘liking’ finnpoe as an underhanded way to call him a homophobe is truly some clown shit.
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actualreyofsunshine · 5 years
This is so fucking funny as if Reylos haven’t spent the last 5 years screaming abt antis and how they’re infringing on free speech in fandoms, but suddenly, now that things aren’t going their way, ya’ll are hilariously going to claim cyber bullying in order to shut down people just cuz they don’t like the same ship as you, you love to see it.
Anyway, if this anon isn’t a troll, it’s not surprising that they’re creaming themselves over Adam Driver ofc all his fans are bootlickers too. 
I’m personally going to train to be a police soon and cyberbullying is one of the major focuses. In fact, there’s a whole unit that just responds to cyber bullies like you, so it’s not a joke. Bunch of Libs who can dish it out but can’t take it.
fuck blue lives!
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