adamlatz · 2 years
Should You Go Climb in Yosemite?
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Here we go, Yosemite National Park. It's undoubtedly the most famous place in all of climbing, but is all of that hype true?
This iconic birthplace of American rock climbing is most likely on all rock climber's bucket lists. It has a nearly endless variety of climbs, ranging from the crack climbs of the Merced River Canyon, pinching crystals on the Tuolumne Meadows domes, and the multi-pitch climbs on the big walls in the Valley. This place is truly a dream for many climbers, however, that doesn't mean it's for everyone.
The climbs found in the Valley are no joke. Even seasoned climbers may find that they are climbing about two to three grades lower than what they usually climb. This is especially true if you are used to climbing in a gym. The reason for this difficulty may be in part due to the amount of people who have climbed there. As you climb you will realize that some of the rocks are smoothed out to a near shine because they have been climbed over and over by countless rock climbers. For this reason, if you are a beginner, I wouldn't expect to be able to climb as many routes as you think you might be able to.
The park is located in central California, near several less-visited climbing venues like Tuolumne Meadows, Bishop, Wawona, and Hetch Hetchy. I would argue that in many way these areas might be more worth it if you really want to get some climbing done. This is because Yosemite Valley, home to the major climbing spots like El Cap and Camp 4, is REALLY BUSY. Of course not all of the time but if you are trying to climb in peak season, good luck. You only get a few day to stay in the park before rangers come kick you out. Recent movies like Free Solo have also contributed to the amount of people, specifically tourists, that come to the Valley.
For these reasons I mentioned above I would suggest doing some more research before making your way to Yosemite. This post turned out to be more of a list of reasons not to go (or why I don't like Yosemite) but don't get me confused. I still love Yosemite. It is utterly beautiful and has some of the best climbing in the world. All I am trying to say is that it isn't the perfect climbing spot it used to be back in the day. (dang I wish I was there with the Stone Masters). Anyway, happy climbing and I hope you go have some fun, wherever that may be. See ya neeerds
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adamlatz · 2 years
Red Rock Climbing!
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If you know you know. Red Rock in Nevada is one of the best rock climbing spots in all the world. This place has thousands of routes, nice warm weather, and a very diverse range of climbing. On top of all that, it's located right outside Las Vegas! This means that if you come here for the weekend you can spend you days climbing and your nights partying it up on the strip. So for the sake of all you stone monkeys and pill junkies, I have created a list for why Red Rock should be your next rock climbing destination.
1. Quality of the Climbs
As you first drive through the park and see these massive red rocks you'll probably think, "wow that's crazy, these rocks are cool and red-ish". Then you'll pull over and realize that not only are these formations awesome looking, but they are nearly perfect for climbing. They are strangely soft on your hands while also having great 'grip-ability', if you will. The only down side is that since there is a lot of sandstone, some of the rocks are covered in a sandy layer that comes off when you climb. For this same reason, make sure you DO NOT climb after it rains. The rock becomes much more fragile and can easily break when wet. Not only does this present the danger of falling rocks, but it will also lead to permanent damage of the routes.
2. Quantity of the Climbs
With a quick look at Mountain Project you'll find that there are roughly 3,053 routes set up there. About 46% Trad, 30% Sport, 20% bouldering, and 4% other shit. This place does get pretty busy so don't count on the places you initially want to go being empty. You will almost always see other climbers near you, but don't worry, there are still 3,000 other climbs to choose from!
3. Vegas Baby!
While you climb you'll be able to see the beaming lights coming from the Las Vegas strip. If you like to party or you've never been, I highly suggest going to the strip for one of the nights. If you're truly committed to the dirtbag lifestyle, don't fret. Last time I took a weekend trip to Red Rock I probably spent a max of $100. This includes gas, food, hotel on the strip for a night, and everything else. Just come with a big group and cram as many people as you can into one of the hotel rooms. You'll see it's great fun to spend a night in Vegas with all of your climbing buddies.
So that's pretty much all I got to say about that. Now GOOOO!!!
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adamlatz · 2 years
New Jack City Climbing
If you have any interest in climbing outdoors and live in Southern California I highly suggest taking a trip to New Jack City. This climbing spot in San Bernardino had some of the greatest rock I’ve ever seen, which sort of isn’t saying a ton but is saying something. I’ve only been climbing outdoors for a few months but in that time I've been able to go to great places like Red Rock, Yosemite, and Joshua Tree. For me, New Jack City is up there with my favorite spot, Red Rock, for several reasons. One, It's decently close to where I live, about a 3-hour drive from LA or San Diego. Secondly, the rock is absolutely amazing. This place has some of the most unique routes I have ever climbed with a huge diversity of holds. For beginners there are plenty of routes with great jugs spread throughout, making this an ideal spot to learn how to lead climb. For the more advanced climber there are stretches of wall that seem almost impossible to climb and look like they have no feet, but through precise placement and lots of muscle are somehow possible. Another reason why this is a great place to go climbing is because the camping spots are incredibly close to the routes. This means you can roll out of bed and start your morning off with some climbing with only a few seconds of walking. This place is also somehow always relatively empty while also having an insane amount of routes set up everywhere so you’ll be able to climb whenever you want. I do want to warn you of some things before climbing here though. If you come during the wrong months, like I did my first time coming here, the rock might be so cold that your hands become numb halfway up the route. Yes your hands can handle more pain but you have no idea what you're grabbing or if you're grabbing anything. I would also caution you to watch out for sharp rocks as I’ve almost cut my hand open a few times, even if it was just while scrambling around. Another thing to keep in mind is that there’s pretty much only sport climbing here so don’t expect to be doing much bouldering. My final recommendation is to sleep in one of the several hidden caves for one of the nights you’re there. It’s a great feeling going to bed in the mountains and waking up there. So pretty much I’m saying that you should definitely come to New Jack City because I’m sure you will love it too. 
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