addyclay · 6 years
Moving in the Direction of My Dreams
Moving in the Direction of My Dreams
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Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com
How do I express what passionate living means to me? It is the freedom to walk the path that is all my own making. No one telling me which way to walk and how to walk. Nearly a month ago, I decided it was time to stop living by someone else’s time clock, and agenda. I quit my great paying 9-5, and with a little money saved up, I started running my businesses full…
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addyclay · 6 years
A Return to Passion
A Return to Passion
What happens when we struggle with the passions that first lifted us off the ground? Do we hang up the dream of fulfilling those passions or do we try to change the path with which we walk towards those passions. For the past few months, I’ve struggled with continuing down the path towards my passions or giving them up for something different, something more practical. And I must admit, for quite…
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addyclay · 7 years
Motivational Monday - A Quote from Maya Angelou
Motivational Monday – A Quote from Maya Angelou
My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive, and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style. ~Maya Angelou This is a great quote for many reasons. It speaks to that mission in life that we all should have, it speaks to thriving which betters our lives, and it speaks of passion. Living a passionate life is, I believe, what we are all here for to begin…
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addyclay · 7 years
My Do's and Don'ts For Living a Passionate Life
My Do’s and Don’ts For Living a Passionate Life
Living a passionate life is not difficult at all, it simply takes planning and forethought to make living this type of life possible. I live by a set of, I don’t want to say rules, but rather do’s and don’ts that help me navigate life and live the way that I want. These do’s and don’ts just scratch the surface on living a passionate life, there are certainly a lot more. These specific do’s and…
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addyclay · 7 years
Interview With Writer J.B. Vample: Author of The College Life Series
Enjoy this Interview with J.B. Vample, author of the The College Life Series.
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Good afternoon!! Recently I had the pleasure of meeting with an author I found to be quite interesting, J.B. Vample. She has written a book series called The College Life Series. I thought this book series idea was so amazing I wanted to know more about the author, her books, and her writing process. If you like the interview and want to see more interviews like this, hit the like button or leave…
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addyclay · 7 years
When Productivity Stalls
Not sure if any of you have ever suffered a productivity stall. I have just been through one and it was definitely not fun. Despite following through with all my productivity do’s, I found myself floating down a path I was certainly unfamiliar with, an inability to focus on one singular task, my mind was all over the place. There are many things that could have contributed to this inability to…
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addyclay · 7 years
21 Day Productivity Challenge: Day 15
21 Day Productivity Challenge: Day 15
Today’s challenge is to try to automate as many tasks as possible. Automation is a great way to get more productive because it frees up valuable time that could be spent on other more important things. I like to automate the little things. I have all of my bills automated, so that I need not have to worry about due dates because everything is already set up to be paid at certain times throughout…
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addyclay · 7 years
21 Day Productivity Challenge: Days 11, 12, 13, 14
21 Day Productivity Challenge: Days 11, 12, 13, 14
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Today’s challenge will be four in one since I did not post the challenges the past three days, which I sincerely apologize. The first challenge for today is to utilize block scheduling. Block scheduling is a great way to help you get more things done in a day. If a specific timeframe is set aside for a specific task then there is little to no possibility of that time being utilized for something…
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addyclay · 7 years
21 Day Productivity Challenge: Day 10
Today’s challenge is to work in a 90-minute interval or work session at least once a day for the rest of the challenge. This challenge I learned from the great achiever, Darren Hardy, and I believe wholeheartedly in the process. You pick a 90-minute timeframe, a time where you will have no distractions, extreme quiet, and be able to be laser focused on one task. You set a timer for 90-minutes and…
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addyclay · 7 years
21 Day Productivity Challenge: Day 8 & 9
21 Day Productivity Challenge: Day 8 & 9
Today we will look at the challenges for both day 8 and day 9, since I did not post yesterday’s challenge. Here they are: Day 8: This day’s challenge is to create a morning routine. This can be very vital in getting a productive start to your day. I have a morning routine that is pretty simple but which allows me to be my most productive self in the mornings. It helps me set the tone for the day,…
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addyclay · 7 years
21 Days of Productivity Challenge: Day 7
21 Days of Productivity Challenge: Day 7
Today’s challenge is to plan your day the night before. Complete this challenge every day for the rest of the challenge. This way you start the next day off running instead of trying to figure out what it is you will do with your day. I love planning my day the night before, it opens up the possibilities for that day and gives me a sense of accomplishment long before the task is complete. And I…
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addyclay · 7 years
21 Day Productivity Challenge: Day 6
21 Day Productivity Challenge: Day 6
Today’s challenge might be a difficult one for some, but it is definitely key to being more productive. The challenge: wake up early for the next 7 days. Now early can be subjective, as one person’s definition of early is different from another’s. Let me tell you my waking up early story. For the longest time, for years I would say, I could not for the life of me get up early and I barely go up…
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addyclay · 7 years
21 Days of Productivity Challenge: Day 5
21 Days of Productivity Challenge: Day 5
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Today’s challenge is to read for a minimum of 10 minutes a day for the rest of the challenge. I try my hardest every day to read for 10 minutes. If I am able to read longer I definitely read longer. The book can be in the physical or digital format. When I listen to Audible I tend to listen for hours, but I still make sure that I get a daily dose from one of my tens of physical books. My current…
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addyclay · 7 years
21 Day Productivity Challenge: Day 4
21 Day Productivity Challenge: Day 4
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Today’s challenge is to write down three things you are grateful for today. And continue to write down three things each day of the rest of the challenge. I write down three things that I am grateful for each morning and it centers and grounds me for the day. It is such a powerful tool to utilize because it puts me into a positive frame of mind. So try this amazing technique that some of the most…
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addyclay · 7 years
21 Day Productivity Challenge: Day 3
21 Day Productivity Challenge: Day 3
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Today’s challenge is to create and start a to do/task journal. This is very important in getting things done. There is no need to go out and buy a fancy journal, a simple, plain notebook will do. I previously used the bullet journal system, but have since perfected it and created my own system that works best for me. If you have goals and things that need to get done, writing them down helps to…
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addyclay · 7 years
21 Day Productivity Challenge: Day 2
Now that you’ve defined your purpose; your why. It’s time to solidify that purpose and write it down. Write down your purpose but then go one step further, and here is the challenge, create three goals that are aligned with your purpose. These goals will be the motivation that will spring you forward into action. Now don’t just write down anything, these goals must be sustainable. I utilize a…
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addyclay · 7 years
21 Day Productivity Challenge
21 Day Productivity Challenge
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Today begins my 21 days to productivity challenge. I wanted to do this challenge to not only increase my productivity but to also see where I was getting hung up in regards to productivity. So for the next 21 days I will post a challenge to complete that will help in the attainment of a higher level of productivity. I hope you will join me in this challenge. Even if you are already highly…
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