adeptuscorncob ยท 2 years
A Drink to Remember: Not in London Anymore
There was... a party. Down in Leices- no, London. Yeah, that sounded about right, London. With one... two friends. He remembered some old twenty-first century pop music being played, there was a lot of alcohol. Lots and lots of alcohol. The shit kind that somehow kept you coming back for more. Blissful screaming... rainbow lights, then a couple scraps, one just outside in the alley, another... on a starship? That... Jesus it was hot. Really hot. Like he was wearing a jacket in the middle of the bloody Sahara.
Nolan immediately retched to the side, grasping tightly onto his churning stomach. "Oh, bloody hell," he groaned dryly, coughing up some extra vomit. Nolan rolled onto his back, diverting what little energy he had to his eyelids, immediately squinting as he swore the sunlight was close to disintegrating his retinas.
He placed his hands on the... sand? That was sand right? He ripped himself uptight, groaning once again from the muscle pains, widening his eyes to the-
Okay, maybe he was in the middle of the Sahara.
"Oh, you're joking!" He shouted, mouth still dry.
He stared at the empty landscape ahead of him. Weren't any buildings, cars, pubs, singing birds tweeting how desperate they were to shag, just an endless wasteland of sand, rocks, and a few cactus-like plants.
Nolan patted around his pockets. Wait, he wasn't wearing those jeans earlier was he? Actually, he didn't recall wearing any of these clothes last night. Goddammit, no phone. On the ground? He gazed around below, only finding a smashed bottle of... something, he couldn't really tell. He picked it up by the neck, taking a quick glance of the whole thing. Seemed it used to have a label, but it was torn off somewhere, so it was hard to say.
He took a quick whiff of the remaining underside of the bottle. Yep, definitely alcohol. Perfect. Just perfect. He sighed, before noticing something on the bottom half of its body. A few strange stains of dark red were scattered over the small shards, quite recent too. That was blood wasn't it?
Nolan struggled onto his feet, taking a glance to the sides, a part of him hoping something would change. Nope, just more sand. He turned behind, and almost had a heart attack.
There was a guy lying face-flat on the ground, barely a couple metres in front of him, surrounded by bits of glass, blood and bullet casings from some ugly makeshift handgun. He was wearing some sort of weird knock-off military clothing, thick enough to easily have given the guy a heatstroke. Like, seriously, the heat was worse than that time Nolan was visiting relatives in India, and he was melting like a fried egg over there. His thoughts were going off topic, they immediately switched their focus back to the man.
"Uh, mate? You all right?" He asked nervously. There was no response. Nolan crouched down, and started to roll his heavy body into his back. "Please don't be dead, please don't be dead, please don't be dead." Can't've been dead from getting whacked by a bottle, right? This was real life, not some old Hollywood film. "Please don't be-"
Well, the bottle did seem to cause a few marks and cuts over his shaven head, but it was nothing fatal. No, in fact that was the massive stab wound on his neck.
"Oh shit," he cursed, subconsciously taking a step back. "Shitshitshitshit!" He was panicking, if those four shits didn't give it away already. What the hell was he gonna do? It was already clear this was his doing, and he didn't want to rot ten years in prison.
What if he said this was an act of self defence? The guy clearly was armed with a firearm, he just got lucky with that bottle of alcohol.
Awful idea. That wasn't really have much of a story. Even then, he'd be charged with manslaughter.
Then again, he was in the middle of the desert, just let the sands have their lunch and nobody would know.
No, he couldn't do that, could he? What if somebody found out?
Who would find out? As far as he was concerned it was just plain sand for miles, wasn't like there was a Costco ten minutes down the road was there?
Actually, that reminded him. He needed to get out of this place, and there wasn't really any clear indication which way to go. Maybe the corpse had something on him.
He scrounged through the guy's pockets, almost shuddering each time he touched him. Magazines, extra bullets, some wrapper with an unfamiliar writing, junk, lint, sand, more sand, some alien tic-tac ripoffs, some weird compass-looking thing, though broken, and a flask of water, to which he ripped the cap off and downed it immediately, before spitting it out. Goddammit, it tasted like piss. He didn't plan this journey well, did he?
There had to have been something else on the guy. Something useful he was smart enough to bring. He went back to scrounging through his things, and managed to find a small tablet.
It wasn't hardlight hologram like most mobile tech, more like those old touch-screen appliances. He turned it on, putting his body's shadow over the screen, just so he didn't have to strain his eyes further. Great, more alien writing. Had to be a language thing somewhere. This was clearly Human technology, shouldn't be that hard to navigate, had its own App system and everything. He mashed a few buttons, then more, and then more. After a few random combinations, he luckily made it to a place probably resembling that. Let's see, good, looks like there's a couple Human languages: Hindi, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Cantonese, Gujarati, French, Aneurysm, where the hell was English? After about a minute of scrolling, he gave up. They had thirty or so Human languages on there, but somehow English was absent. One of the most spoken languages in known space, and it wasn't even on there.
He'd have tried Gujarati, but Sanskrit wasn't something he was good at. Screw it, German was the closest he could get. Might've flogged it in his GCSEs, but whatever.
Nolan pressed on it, and all the words and numbers had changed. Now he was making some progress. It was easier to navigate now. He decided to figure out who this guy was. Browsed through his pictures, though it consisted of weaponry, random locations, side-shots of strangers, and a mutilated corpse. Yeah, might skip all that then. Wasn't any ID anywhere, might've not carried it. Messages? He had quite a few actually.
He checked the most recent one, coming from an 'Unternehmer'. Okay, he could make out some of it. Something about work, several thousand grand was mentioned, probably a reward, But 'Brauner Brite' was definitely referring to Nolan. Brown Brit, though? Seriously?
There were a couple messages above with more details on him. Stuff about him being part of crime, violence... that was all he could make out. Christ, what the hell had he been up to? Nolan looked at the date, wasn't the Earth calendar.
He didn't jump to any conclusions yet. But he still found a bit of comfort in the idea that this guy was hunting him. Now, he just had to figure out which way to go. Had to be a map somewhere on there. He managed to find one, though it appeared more hand drawn than whatever you'd find in a travel guide. Looked like the guy had been marking his steps, so at least that was something. Nolan swiped south, following the path, hoping to find something in the endless yellow. He suddenly eyed something. He found a place south-east of the map, he took a closer look... oh for fuck's sake.
The battery died.
Nolan tossed it onto the ground. Cursing once more. At least he had some idea where to go. Now, which way was south? He looked to the sky. The sun was rising from over there so... was south right or left? Eenie, meenie, miney mo...
Screw it, left always worked out for him. He picked up the gun and magazines off the ground, who knew what the hell dwelled out there, and started on his trek, hoping luck would bring him back to civilisation.
Rest of the story is available here:
Might post the next chapters on Tumblr, judging by how much attention this most likely won't get.
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