adhdlion · 2 days
Could you tell me a little more about any strategies/tactics you use or have used to start and maintain your writing income from Patreon/Ko-Fi? Or if you happen to have any recommended reading for aspiring writers who might want to follow that route? Thank you!
sign up for Patreon and/or ko-fi (this is free). Set up your page.
start writing your web serial. Update regularly -- this is the #1 most important factor. Have a SCHEDULE, and STICK TO THE SCHEDULE. If you vanish for months at a time, you will fail. Andrew Hussie can get away with that shit. You're not Andrew Hussie.
You can put your web serial on a website designed for it, like Royal Road. Or you can have your own website, which is what I did. Places like Wordpress will let you build a website for free. After I started making enough money to pay for a website, I switched to that, but you absolutely can start with a free one. I used a free one for years.
Market it, I guess? I don't really know how to do this part. I just mentioned it and linked from Tumblr and that seemed to work. Offer bonuses to Patreon/ko-fi supporters; their name in the credits and access to chapters in advance are popular bonuses.
Over time, you should gain momentum. At least, I did. I don't know what the average success rate for this it. I can tell you that it took four years for my writing to start paying my mortgage; I don't know if that's fast or slow.
That's basically it. Get started, be consistent, make it easy for people to find and support you. There's no reason not to get started as soon as you have the time to write consistently, because getting started is free and time is a big factor in building momentum.
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adhdlion · 2 days
I used to be in a long-term relationship with this person, and I think I might have unintentionally forcefemed him (not really forcefem, but I can't think of another term.)
He once used a maid dress as a joke, and it looked really good on him so we fucked a lot day with the thing on, and afterwards it spiraled. Idk, a guy in fem clothing really does it for me, and he told me he started to develop a sort of pablovian response, were wearing a skirt and heels or the like was rewarded. I think he's non-binary now but still using he/him pronouns, last time I checked. But yeah. I might have fucked a person into transing his gender.
hellll yea
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adhdlion · 5 days
re: that last post, ive said it before and ill say it again: no one deserves to die (deserving is fake and death is bad) but some people need to be stopped and choose to make death the only way to stop them
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adhdlion · 7 days
i hate when i’m insanely anxious about something to the point where i can’t sleep and then whatever im stressing about passes and im like “oh that actually wasn’t that bad!” and then i learn absolutely nothing from this
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adhdlion · 7 days
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adhdlion · 8 days
Look up the wikipedia page for eye contact and realize the common understanding is actually looking at each other's eyes, and that people are just pop-psychology'ing about neurotypicals as usual.
I have another friend confirming that he was explicitly taught that 'eye contact' is not looking directly into the eyes, so this might just be an issue with lots of varying opinions.
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adhdlion · 9 days
"Murderous little ponies" reminds me of when I joked that there should be an 80s-style horror/slasher film but the villain is a Shetland Pony whose had enough.
I would watch the shit out of that
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adhdlion · 10 days
man for a country that loves its guns the lot of you cant aim for shit
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adhdlion · 13 days
Hey derin
A some point tumblr seems to have decided you are a blog i follow. Which very much was not my decision but sure, whatever. So I get to see your strange cooking, stuff about not-your cat and of yours your stories. I have not read any of them (yet?) but it has gotten to the point where I dreamt about time to orbit. Im a very vivid dreamer that remembers dreams well. it was all about aspen running around on an empty space ship trying to fix an endless number of issues like Sisyphus while an malevolent whatever is following him (them? Her?) it was framed like one of these supernatural horror movies where there is that dark shadow whatever always just out of view.  Not sure if it was some cosmic horror or an actual alien or what. It kinda did look like a swarm of nanobots or something. Anyway eventually aspen got locked in a room and he lost his mind about it, full on break down crying screaming begging then going “I just want to fix things! I’m not even going to exorcise you! stay on the stupid ship just stop breaking everything!!”
I think there was more but that are the only parts I remember. I think I should read time to orbit eventually. I’m pretty sure that is not what is going on. For someone who gets into stuff via osmosis of it on my dash, I am surprised that still most of what I know about ttou is that the ship is perfectly normal(tm) and also what the fuck.
Not sure why I am telling you this but the dream is haunting me. Because I never read ttou but I felt so certain in my dream that, oh that’s aspen from ttou!
This is so fucking funny. If you don't read my books they'll find a way in anyway. Via your dreams.
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adhdlion · 13 days
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#unfollowed #cancelled for being #proskibidi
(With reference to this post there.)
I was watching Flash animations back when it was still called Macromedia Shockwave that make Skibidi Toilet look like Blue's Clues. It's literally fine.
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adhdlion · 14 days
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he's just like me forreal
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adhdlion · 18 days
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adhdlion · 18 days
not with sour skittles at least
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adhdlion · 18 days
"How can you forget sticky notes, they're right on your desk! Right in front of you! Are you a toddler with no concept of object permanence?"
No I'm just ADHD and the Brain Noises are at such a constant cacophony it's like there's a 500 player orchestra constantly playing and each instrument is playing a different songs at the same time in my head that I most importantly can't shut off.
Try remembering a sticky note exists when the trumpets are blasting star wars, the violins are playing never gonna give you up, the flutes are playing livin la vida loca and the drums think they're a christmas marching band.
"Surely it's not that much input!"
I am at my desk in my bedroom right now. I hear my parents talking in the other room, my cat snoring behind me, the water was turned on and off in the kitchen, the fan is running, the ac is on, there's shuffling of slippers, I can smell my candle, I heard a car go by, the computer is buzzing and it's fan is running, I can hear the fishtank in the other room because my bedroom door is open. The clicking of the keyboard is satisfying but loud. I look up and see everything on my desk. I taste the hot coco i just ate, I hear the fridge beeping, I heard my stomach make a Noise, my over the ear headphones make a soft shhhh sound wqhen they're not playing music, my tinnitus rings constantly, my neck crackled when I looked to the left.
That input DOESN'T SHUT OFF.
Y'all with executives that can function? They're in a nice quiet boardroom with pretty windows and a quiet meeting.
MY executives are forest critters in ties and glasses meeting in the Denny's parking lot at 4am to go over peanut butter recipes and that song we heard when we were 8 and can't EVER let go. What important stuff happened today? I dunno, the raccoon disguised as the board meeting leader ATE the file.
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adhdlion · 19 days
@derinthescarletpescatarian Glath in the wild?
I had an arranged marriage with "the bee king" who was just normal guy with yellow skin and a beard made out of live bees.
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adhdlion · 19 days
now i don't believe in any of that bullshit about interacting with too much horror media making you a danger to society or whatever but i do think it's had some kind of effect on me because why was my first thought when i heard a scary buzzing noise (which was my neighbour mowing the lawn with a handheld weedcutter) not any more eminently plausible and sensible conclusion i could have drawn, but instead "there is a wasp's nest inside my brain"
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adhdlion · 19 days
The way you explained the situation of the hospital shutting down also illuminates, I think, how you write horror the way you do.
Come to think of it, the villain in all my stories is always shortsighted profiteering and gross mismanagement...
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