adhiparora · 6 years
The Trump Presidency
Ever since Donald Trump was elected into power in November 2016, it seems as if things have gone downhill in the United States rather quickly. The 45th President of the Unites States has had his fair share of criticism, just with a generous load more.
Trump had always been criticized over his business decisions and ventures, with many calling them brash, irrational, and brazen. His financial condition was also questioned whether he had ties with other governments, specifically the Russian Federation. His unwillingness to reveal his bank details has raised question marks in many pundits, and continues to. Some of them have expressed it, and have faced the brunt of doing so.
Every decision of POTUS has been heavily criticized. The most, however, is his possible ties to Russian Leader Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Speculation says that Putin had funded Trump’s campaign and had helped meddle in the elections. Regardless whether he had directly intervened or indirectly remains a mystery, and whether he actually had, is yet to be solved. When people try to investigate this, Trump reacts like he has something to hide. He makes bold assertions, starts deviating from topic, and tries to hamper the investigations in any possible way. When ex-FBI director James Comey tried to investigate this, Trump fired Comey. This still remains a highly debated topic as to why was the sudden move there, and was it a sign that Trump had something to hide. Post this, the Department of Justice authorized ex-FBI director Robert Mueller to investigate, and to prevent another Comey from happening, gave him the necessary power to carry out the task without any hiccup in it. Trump has vented about it a lot, but the DoJ has given Mueller the right protection.
Coming to one of Trump’s favorite assertion. “We’re going to build a great wall”. This has had its own fair share of issues. Trump initially said that the wall would cost 2 billion dollars, but by the time of the voting, had raised it till 12. Even that was wrong, as professionals said that the wall would cost a minimum of 25 billion dollars. The motive behind it as well is rather queer. Trump hopes to curb drug smuggling through it from Mexico, but as reports say, the drug cartels in Mexico don’t even use land as a method to smuggle drugs. They prefer aquatic and aerial methods of delivery.
His plans to repeal and replace Obamacare has also been nothing short of a mess. The plan would leave millions without healthcare plans, and there was no alternative being offered to them by Trump. The plan was indeed so bad, that many Republicans only voted against it and made sure that the plan failed. Critics then said that Trump wasn’t fit for the post as he was taking too rash decisions and was expecting that everyone was as rich as him and could afford healthcare. They also asked him that if the people were indeed rich enough, then why would they apply for Obamacare.
How he dealt with the hurricane specifically in Puerto Rico is a sign of just how childish the person in charge of 6,000 nuclear weapons is. Comments like “having fun in Puerto Rico” and “The crowd was loving the fact that I was throwing towels at them” show just how insensitive Trump is while dealing with any sort of disaster that doesn’t concern him. He was throwing towels at the victims. You’re not in the NBA you sadistic heathen! Have some emotions! He thought that power was restored and that torches were no longer needed. Dude, for once, don’t use your pea brain and rely on the stats and facts for once.
Looking at his immigration ban, it is clear that he is either mis-informed about stats, or that he doesn’t care of what the figures say. He implemented a travel ban on 7 nations, namely Syria, North Korea, Iran, Chad, Libya, Yemen, and Somalia under the pretext of “protection of the nation”. Bullshit. Maybe Trump deliberately left out the big fish, Saudi Arabia for the reason that they supply oil, and chose to ignore the fact that nearly all the terrorists that enter the United States are from there. It’s just lucky that the Supreme Court passed a verdict that the ban would not be implemented. Many mayors of cities have sued the Trump Administration for this action, and the largest and most out-spoken of this is the entire state of California.
One of Trump’s more recent failures has been his attempt to handle the growing issue of mass shootings. Despite the numbers, he hasn’t bothered to do anything about it. His words of condolence are not exactly so, and he hasn’t even issued any official statement that will counter the problem. He is calling this as a result of influx of immigrants, while the problem is that there isn’t a control on the amount of guns sold in the States, and licenses to possess weapons are extremely easy to get.
In the end, it all boils down to whether Trump starts taking his job seriously. If he doesn’t then the Senate will pass a motion of no confidence. If Special Counsel Chief Robert Mueller finds something on Trump, which has a very high chance of happening then Trump will be impeached and fired. Until then, there isn’t much we can do except for hope and wait.
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