adrianodiprato · 3 days
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+ “To be great is to be misunderstood.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
In the intricate tapestry of human interactions, few things are as pervasive as the feeling of being misunderstood. It's a sensation that weighs heavy on the soul, leaving us grappling with a profound sense of isolation. But what if, instead of resisting this feeling, we embraced it as a catalyst for growth and inner peace?
There exists a breed of individuals who thrive on perpetuating their victimhood, absolving themselves of accountability for the havoc they wreak. They manipulate, they blame, and they play the victim with calculated precision. These are the architects of their own turmoil, yet they refuse to acknowledge their role in it. They're skilled in the art of deception, weaving intricate webs of falsehoods to shield themselves from scrutiny.
But when their grip on us begins to loosen, when we dare to break free from their grasp, they unleash a smear campaign designed to tarnish our reputation and silence our voices. They seek to control the narrative, to poison the well of public opinion against us. And in their quest to isolate us, they reveal their true nature as manipulative, abusive entities.
Yet, amidst the chaos they sow, there lies an opportunity for liberation. For it is in the acceptance of being misunderstood that we find solace. We realise that we need not waste our energy on futile arguments with those incapable of understanding us. Instead, we embrace the notion that everyone perceives the world through the lens of their own experiences, and thus, understanding is subjective.
To relinquish the burden of resentment is to reclaim our power. Every person we encounter leaves an indelible mark on our lives, whether through joyous moments or painful lessons. The key is to recognise the gifts they offer us—the good people in our lives give us happiness, the worst people in our lives give us lessons, and the best people in our lives give us glorious memories—and to cherish them without allowing bitterness to take root in our hearts.
In the face of adversity, we must strive for inner peace, refusing to be drawn into the maelstrom of negativity. We must cultivate a sense of empathy, understanding that each individual is fighting their own battles, navigating their own path toward enlightenment.
“Let us forge connections built on authenticity and compassion, rather than succumbing to the allure of manipulation and deceit.”
So, let us embark on a journey of self-discovery, embracing the beauty of being misunderstood. Let us forge connections built on authenticity and compassion, rather than succumbing to the allure of manipulation and deceit. And in doing so, let us reclaim our narrative, our truth, and our inner peace.
For in the end, it is not the understanding of others that defines us, but the strength of character with which we navigate the complexities of the human experience.
Adriano Di Prato is a best-selling author, broadcaster, co-host of the Game Changers podcast series, and the Academic Operations Manager at LCI Melbourne, a progressive art, design + entrepreneurship private institute of higher education.
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adrianodiprato · 16 days
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+ “Your breathing. The beating of your heart. The expansion of your lungs. Your mere presence is all that is needed to establish your worth” ~ Lyanla Vanzant.
Awakenings: A Journey of Conscious Living
In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to lose sight of the profound truth that lies within us: our intrinsic worth. Lyanla Vanzant's words resonate deeply, reminding us that our mere presence, the rhythm of our breath, and the beating of our hearts, are all testaments to our inherent value.
Yet, in our quest for meaning and purpose, it's crucial to be mindful of the conversations that have preceded us. History is not just a series of events but a dialogue with the past, a narrative woven by the collective experiences of humanity. To truly awaken, we must learn from this dialogue, avoiding the pitfalls of repetition and embracing the lessons it offers.
Every action we take, every mark we make in the fabric of existence, carries weight and significance. Like brushstrokes on a canvas, they form the tapestry of our lives, shaping our journey and leaving an indelible imprint on the world around us. Thus, it's imperative to imbue each moment with intentionality and purpose, ensuring that our endeavors align with our deepest values and aspirations.
Yet, amidst the hustle, it's equally vital to pause and reflect. These moments of introspection afford us the opportunity to reaffirm our path, gain perspective, and realign with our inner truth. They serve as beacons of clarity in the tumultuous seas of life, guiding us back to our centre and grounding us in the present moment.
In our pursuit of greatness, we may encounter resistance and opposition. Small minds may fail to comprehend the magnitude of our aspirations, leading to mockery and misunderstanding. But true greatness requires courage—the courage to embrace vulnerability, to defy the status quo, and to chart a course beyond the confines of comfort.
Boundaries, both self-imposed and societal, often limit our potential. Yet, as we expand our horizons and redefine our purpose, we discover the boundless nature of our existence. Life, like a vast expanse waiting to be explored, beckons us to transcend our limitations and venture into the unknown.
At the core of our being lies a reservoir of untapped potential, waiting to be unleashed. By delving into the depths of our inner selves, we unearth the divine essence that resides within us. This internal energy, once liberated, propels us forward on our journey of self-discovery and empowerment.
The path to transformation is paved with discomfort and uncertainty. It requires us to embrace change, to confront our fears, and to challenge the familiar. As we step beyond the boundaries of our comfort zone, we awaken to new possibilities and discover the exhilarating freedom that comes with embracing the unknown.
“It is not the mountain that we conquer but ourselves” ~ Edmund Hillary. 
In the words of Edmund Hillary, true conquest lies not in scaling mountains but in conquering the depths of our own being. It's a journey of self-mastery, a relentless pursuit of growth and self-realisation.
As we embark on this journey of awakening, let us remember that the perfect moment may never arrive. The time for change is now, for life is a continuous flow of experiences waiting to be embraced. By surrounding ourselves with positive influences and trusting in the unfolding of our journey, we unlock the fullness of life's abundance.
So, let us seize this moment with courage and conviction. Let us embrace the unknown with open arms and trust in the wisdom of our inner guidance. For in the dance of life, it is our willingness to explore, to learn, and to evolve that truly sets us free.
As the sun rises each day, illuminating the path before us, let us live with gratitude, love, and laughter. Let us cherish the journey, trusting in the process, and embracing the beauty of the unfolding moment. For in the end, it is not the destination that matters but the journey itself—the journey of awakening to the truth of who we are and the boundless potential that lies within.
Adriano Di Prato is a best-selling author, broadcaster, co-host of the Game Changers podcast series, and the Academic Operations Manager at LCI Melbourne, a progressive art, design + entrepreneurship private institute of higher education.
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adrianodiprato · 28 days
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+ “A creative life is an amplified life. It's a bigger life, a happier life, an expanded life, and a hell of a lot more interesting life” ~ Elizabeth Gilbert | Author Eat, Pray, Love
Different By Design
Having recently attended LCI Melbourne’s Graduation Ceremony, I was deeply inspired by the journey of Angela Kang, a recent Bachelor of Design Arts graduate majoring in Interior Design. As I reflect on Angela's inspiring graduate address and her journey at LCI Melbourne, I am reminded of our responsibility to ensure that our institution continues to provide a nurturing environment where individuals like Angela can lean into their inherent creativity and leave their mark on the world. In the ever-evolving landscape of global education, marked by transformative trends and strategic shifts, LCI Melbourne emerges as a beacon of creativity, innovation, and adaptability. Our ethos, encapsulated in the phrase "Different By Design," is not just a motto but a reflection of our commitment to navigating the challenges of our new world environment.
According to the World Economic Forum's Future of Jobs Report 2023, the demand for creative thinking is projected to grow significantly in the next five years. In fact, the report indicates that demand for creative thinking will increase by 73%, outpacing the growth in demand for analytical thinking. This shift underscores the importance of fostering creativity and innovation in education, preparing students to thrive in dynamic and unpredictable industries.
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At LCI Melbourne, we understand the importance of equipping students with the skills needed to succeed in an ever-changing job market. With 23% of jobs expected to change in the next five years, as highlighted by the World Economic Forum's report, it is crucial for individuals to adapt to the evolving landscape of work. That's why our bachelor's degrees, including the Bachelor of Design Arts and Bachelor in Entrepreneurship (creative industries), are intentionally designed to be delivered in just two years, allowing us to fast-track students into their chosen field of endeavor. This ensures that LCI Melbourne is affordable, accessible, and accelerated.
In addition to preparing students for the workforce, LCI Melbourne also contributes to Australia's cultural and creative economy. According to the Bureau of Communications, Arts and Regional Research, the cultural and creative industry in Australia reached $122.3 billion in 2019–20, representing a 27.1% increase over the past decade. Design, fashion, literature, and broadcasting are among the sectors driving this thriving landscape.
As Australia's cultural and creative industries continue to grow, LCI Melbourne positions itself as a strategic player, contributing to the nation's cultural identity and economic prosperity. Our focus on Creativity and Commerce not only prepares students for successful careers but also fosters innovation and growth within the industry.
The recently unveiled insights from HolonIQ’s Global Education Outlook 2024 act as a compass, guiding institutions toward a future defined by dynamic learning models and a focus on outcomes.
HolonIQ’s comprehensive analysis highlights 20 key shifts and over 50 trends spanning early childhood, K12, higher education, and workforce education. The stage is set for post-secondary education to welcome new products and competitors. The spotlight on generative AI in 2023, cautiously integrated into education, promises transformative learning experiences. Amidst these changes, HolonIQ stresses a return to fundamentals, prioritizing learner experience, wellbeing, engagement, and retention as top priorities.
As HolonIQ predicts a focus on skills over the next decade, LCI Melbourne is already a trailblazer. The seven Graduate Attributes developed by LCI align perfectly with the global philosophy, nurturing discipline-based knowledge and generic employability skills essential for success in a borderless world.
Additionally, our thematic approach to learning, centered around the themes of Self, Place, and the Other, provides students with a holistic educational experience that transcends traditional boundaries. By integrating real-world data and industry insights into our curriculum, we ensure that students are equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in today's competitive job market.
At LCI Melbourne, our approach to learning unfolds over our fast track two years and six trimesters degrees, each with a distinct focus. In the first year, the initial three trimesters concentrate on personal growth, encompassing the Exploration phase, where students amplify their voice, identity, and sense of belonging through personal stories. Transitioning to the Foundation phase, they understand their place, developing potential and mastery of their discipline through various learning exchanges. The Issues phase emphasises the importance of the community, encouraging advocacy for social, cultural, and environmental stewardship.
In the second year, the focus shifts to professional growth. The Global phase involves transferring knowledge, skills, and advocacy across cultural and creative industries. Following that, the Industry phase allows students to test their abilities through real-world industry briefs and placement. Finally, in the Self phase, students amplify their professional voice through the storytelling of their original capstone body of work.
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This thematic approach, known as Different By Design, is more than just a philosophy; it's our way of providing a holistic education that nurtures personal and professional development. As Angela Kang beautifully stated in her recent Graduation Ceremony address, "I am a believer that when you follow your passion, you will find your purpose." Angela's journey, starting amidst a personal crisis and blossoming into a confident graduate, reflects the resilience and ambition instilled in all our students.
"I am a believer that when you follow your passion, you will find your purpose."
One of the highlights of Angela's LCI journey was the opportunity to study abroad at the Montreal campus in Canada. This experience opened her eyes to a world of opportunity and reinforced the global network that LCI Melbourne is part of. Angela's adventurous spirit and determination to succeed are emblematic of the resilience and ambition instilled in LCI Melbourne graduates.
In conclusion, LCI Melbourne's Different By Design approach positions us as a leader in preparing students, like Angela, to thrive in our new world environment. Beyond just academic excellence, we prioritize the total student experience, fostering creativity, innovation, and adaptability. By empowering students to navigate the challenges of the future with confidence and resilience, while also contributing to Australia's cultural and economic growth, we ensure that our graduates are not only prepared for success but also equipped to make a positive impact in the world.
Adriano Di Prato is a best-selling author, broadcaster, co-host of the Game Changers podcast series, and the Academic Operations Manager at LCI Melbourne, a progressive art, design + entrepreneurship private institute of higher education.
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adrianodiprato · 1 month
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+ “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” ~ Nelson Mandela
My Easter Message: Triumph
As Easter dawns upon us once again, we are called to reflect on the profound triumph that lies at the heart of this sacred season. It is a time to celebrate the victory of life over death, of hope over despair, and of love over all else. In the midst of pain, suffering, and uncertainty, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ stands as a beacon of light, guiding us towards a future filled with optimism and new beginnings.
Like the disciples who walked with Jesus on the road to Emmaus, we too are called to journey together into the joy of Easter. We are reminded that even in our darkest moments, the Risen Jesus walks alongside us, offering comfort, strength, and hope. His triumph over death assures us that no obstacle is insurmountable, no hardship too great to overcome.
As we bask in the glory of Easter, let us embrace our role as missionary disciples, carrying the good news of Christ's resurrection to all corners of the earth. Just as Christ has no hands but ours, no feet but ours, we are called to be vessels of his love and grace in the world. We are an Easter people, entrusted with the task of spreading hope and joy wherever we go.
Yet, amidst the celebrations and the triumph of Easter, we must also be open to the newness that God wishes to bring into our lives. It is natural to feel apprehensive in the face of change, but let us not allow fear to hold us back. Instead, let us open our hearts to the transformative power of God's love, confident that he can turn even the most dire situations into opportunities for growth and renewal.
The message of Easter is one of optimism, newness, and triumph. It is a reminder that no matter how bleak our circumstances may seem, there is always hope on the horizon. As we hear the proclamation of the Resurrection and accept it in faith, let us be filled with the assurance that God is indeed at work in our lives, leading us towards a future filled with promise and possibility.
14 Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place. Corinthians 2:14
Triumph is seen as the ultimate expression of the power of faith and God’s love. This Easter, may we embrace the triumph of the human spirit, knowing that through Christ, all things are possible. May we greet each new day with renewed faith and confidence, eager to discover the miracles that await us. And may the joy of Easter fill our hearts with hope, wonder, and endless gratitude for the gift of new life that we have been given.
Buona Pasqua! Happy Easter! καλό Πάσχα!
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adrianodiprato · 2 months
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+ “To succeed in this ever-changing world, students need to be able to think like entrepreneurs: resourceful, flexible, creative, and global.” ~ Yong Zhao
The Value of an Entrepreneurial Mindset
In the realm of education, we find ourselves at a pivotal juncture, poised to unravel "The Character of Enterprise" that can reshape not only our classrooms in schools and universities across the globe, but society at large. As we explore the dynamic central nervous system driving effective entrepreneurs – their character, we embark on a journey that goes beyond mere thinking—it's about fostering an entrepreneurial mindset as a fundamental way of being and becoming. 
The Call for Transformation: A Dynamic Approach to Education
Education is no longer confined to the traditional paradigms of thinking; it demands a shift toward a more dynamic, innovative approach. As Yong Zhao aptly puts it, "To succeed in this ever-changing world, students need to be able to think like entrepreneurs: resourceful, flexible, creative, and global." 
The current educational landscape calls for learners who not only possess cognitive skills but also embody a set of characteristics that define an entrepreneurial mindset. The need for problem solvers, creators, and individuals who can add value to self (voice), place (agency), and others (advocacy) has never been more urgent. This call for transformation resonates with the imperative of nurturing students who can navigate the complexities of the modern world, thinking beyond conventional boundaries and embracing the entrepreneurial spirit.
The Compelling Reason: A New Social Contract for Learning
Enterprises are the engines of societal evolution, and their success lies in the character of their leaders. Similarly, in education, we must recognise that cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset is not merely a choice—it's an imperative. 
“Entrepreneurial learning… aims to cultivate mindsets and capabilities needed to identify and respond to new opportunities and problems, through creating artefacts for authentic audiences, real-world learning, and iterative experimentation.” Martin Lackéus
Lackéus emphasises that entrepreneurial learning aims to cultivate mindsets and capabilities crucial for identifying and responding to new opportunities. This shift in education represents a new social contract—a commitment to fostering graduates who are not just knowledgeable but equipped with the skills and mindset to navigate a rapidly evolving world.
Call to Action: Lean into the Entrepreneurial Way of Being
To meet the demands of this new era, we must lean into the entrepreneurial way of being. Entrepreneurial-minded learners are those who apply creativity, critical thinking, curiosity, and talents to identify and solve problems. They create products of value, with values, embracing mistakes as essential markers for success. This is not a passive way of thinking; it's an active, transformative approach to learning, leading, living and working. 
Moreover, the 2017 Mitchell Institute Report, "The Paradigm Shifters: Entrepreneurial Learning in Schools,"serves as a beacon, shedding light on the intrinsic value of entrepreneurial learning. The key findings from this comprehensive study illuminate the transformative nature of this approach:
Adaptability: Entrepreneurial learning is inherently adaptive. It thrives through personalised and product-oriented learning, offering flexibility in its pursuit. This adaptability allows entrepreneurial learning to be developed or tailored to fit local contexts, needs, strategic priorities, and different student cohorts.
New Approach to Schooling: The term 'entrepreneurial-minded' signifies not just a mindset but a revolutionary way of approaching schooling and higher education. It introduces a fresh perspective, providing partners and learning communities with a novel framework for grouping skills and capabilities. Many of these capabilities were already advancing in educational organisations, and the entrepreneurial mindset serves as a catalyst for their further development.
Enhancement of Student Capabilities: Personalised and product-oriented learning, inherent in entrepreneurial learning, becomes a catalyst for the development and enhancement of vital student capabilities and mindsets. This transformative approach goes beyond traditional methods, deepening student engagement and preparing them for the challenges of the real world.
Reframing Student-Teacher Relationships: Entrepreneurial learning is a catalyst for reframing student-teacher relationships. While academic mentors continue to play a critical role in accelerating entrepreneurial-mindedness and scaffolding student learning, the dynamics of the relationship shift. Learning is no longer teacher-dependent but teacher-enabled, maximising the development of agency, graduate attributes and dispositions, knowledge, and skills. This reframing provides a greater number of opportunities, relative to student and group starting points, fostering a collaborative and empowering learning environment.
As we lean into the entrepreneurial way of being, we not only embrace a transformative approach to education but also align ourselves with the key findings of the Mitchell Institute Report. Entrepreneurial learning is not just a methodology; it's a paradigm shift that propels us towards a future where adaptability, innovation, and collaborative relationships define the educational landscape. This transformative journey extends beyond the classroom, converging at the intersection of creativity and commerce. It's a space where imaginative thinking converges with practical application, where the entrepreneurial spirit becomes a driving force not only in problem-solving but also in shaping the dynamics of commerce. This is the juncture where learners evolve into not just thinkers but creators, seamlessly blending their imaginative capacities with the practicality demanded by the commercial and societal realms. It's time to not just think entrepreneurially but to embody the entrepreneurial spirit in our way of being and becoming, navigating the evolving landscape where creativity and commerce intersect to redefine the future of education and society.
The Knowledge Architecture: Navigating the Entrepreneurial Journey
At the heart of this transformative journey is the Knowledge Architecture—the central nervous system of entrepreneurial learning. It provides the framework from vision and vocabulary to a taxonomy of ideas, to a roadmap, to becoming the best versions of ourselves. This architecture links various dimensions such as self-management, innovation, communication, and ethics, emphasising a holistic development that goes beyond conventional educational norms.
Recognising Innovation: The Limitless Possibilities Model
An exemplary model of this transformative journey is the Limitless Possibilities initiative, co-designed by my Game Changers co-host Dr Phil Cummins and myself, in partnership with the dynamic team at Catholic Education South Australia (CESA), recognised in the Curriculum Design and Implementation category at the ACER Teacher Awards 2023. This social entrepreneurship model of learning, designed for 103 Catholic Education South Australia schools, empowers students to innovate for a socially just, equitable, and sustainable world. It draws on entrepreneurial education research and employs methodologies such as Explicit Instruction, Problem-Based Learning (PBL) and Design Thinking.
Conclusion: Embrace the Way of Being
In conclusion, the character of enterprise in education is not a static concept but a dynamic way of being—a journey of continuous evolution and transformation that is fundamentally about our becoming. It is a call to action, urging educators, learners, and policymakers to embrace this entrepreneurial mindset. As we lean into the thinking, we become architects of change, shaping a future defined by limitless possibilities. This way of being is not merely about thinking but about our becoming—becoming problem solvers, innovators, and creators of value for self, place and the other. The journey is not easy, but it is transformative. It's time to rethink education, to redefine our social contract, and to foster a generation that not only thinks but embodies the entrepreneurial spirit, becoming the architects of their own success, testing what’s possible and contributing to a world of boundless potential.
Anderson, M., Hinz, B. and Matus, H. (2017). The Paradigm Shifters: Entrepreneurial Learning in Schools. Research Report, Mitchell Institute Report No. 04/2017. Mitchell Institute, Melbourne. Retrieved on 11 March 2024 via: https://www.vu.edu.au/sites/default/files/paradigm-shifters-entrepreneurial-learning-in-schools-mitchell-institute.pdf Lackéus, M. (2015). Entrepreneurship in education: What, why, when, how. Entrepreneurship360 Background Paper, Local Economic and Employment Development Division of the OECD. OECD Publishing, Paris. Zhao, Y. (2012). World Class Learners: Educating Creative and Entrepreneurial Students. Corwin Press, London.
Adriano Di Prato is a best-selling author, broadcaster, and the Academic Operations Manager at LCI Melbourne, a progressive art, design + enterprise private institute of higher education.
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adrianodiprato · 2 months
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+ “You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.” ~ Maya Angelou
Count Her In
As we delve into the realm of workplace gender equality, the recently unveiled Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) Gender Equality Scorecard for 2022-2023 becomes a pivotal point of reflection. In this landscape, where numbers paint a stark picture, the 2024 International Women’s Day theme "Count Her In: Invest in Women. Accelerate Progress" takes on renewed significance.
As we approach International Women's Day (IWD) on March 8, 2024, the resonance with the WGEA's findings amplifies our call for a future untainted by bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. The Scorecard unveils a reality where 30% of employers fall within the target range of -5% to +5% median gender pay gap, a beacon of progress. Yet, the glaring truth persists – a staggering 62% of median employer gender pay gaps exceed 5% in favor of men.
Our collective journey towards gender equality extends beyond celebration; it demands tangible action. #InspireInclusion echoes louder as we confront the persistent discrimination revealed by these figures. IWD is a platform that belongs to everyone, everywhere, and it becomes a call to action for all valid initiatives.
The heartbeat of the 2024 theme is particularly poignant against the Scorecard's backdrop. It underscores the understanding that women's economic empowerment is the linchpin for genuine gender equality. It's about bridging the gaps, offering equal opportunities for women to earn, learn, and lead, envisioning a world where entire communities thrive.
To navigate this landscape, we must #ChooseToChallenge prevailing norms and actively contribute to a more inclusive working world. Imagine workplaces where differences are not just tolerated but valued – acknowledging and celebrating the unique strengths each gender brings.
“Imagine workplaces where differences are not just tolerated but valued – acknowledging and celebrating the unique strengths each gender brings.”
As we applaud women's achievements, the Scorecard urges us to raise awareness about the systemic discrimination many women face daily. It's a clarion call to action, urging us to dismantle barriers and create pathways for women to excel in the workplace, education, and leadership roles.
The 68th Commission on the Status of Women emphasises the crucial concept of "Counting Her In." Against the Scorecard's findings, this means investing in women and girls, recognising their potential, and providing opportunities for economic empowerment. It becomes a strategic move to accelerate progress on a global scale, ensuring that no woman is left behind in the workforce.
In this journey, let's not just celebrate achievements, but let's actively address the disparities revealed by the WGEA Scorecard. By embodying the theme Count Her In, we can create a workplace landscape where women are valued, their contributions recognised, and progress accelerated for the betterment of society as a whole.
Adriano Di Prato is a best-selling author, broadcaster and the Academic Operations Manager at LCI Melbourne, a progressive art, design + enterprise private institute of higher education.
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adrianodiprato · 2 months
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+ “When our God reveals Himself, His message is always one of freedom,” ~ Pope Francis
Lent Message: Liberation
As we embark on this sacred season of Lent, Pope Francis's Lenten Message on 1 February 2024, echo through the ages, reminding us that our God is a God of freedom. Lent, a time of grace, invites us to traverse the desert of our lives, just as the Israelites did in their exodus from Egypt. The journey toward liberation is not an abstract concept but a demanding pilgrimage that matures through introspection and desire for a promised land.
In the desert of our modern struggles, we often find ourselves clinging to the familiar, yearning for the past, and grumbling against the challenges of the present. Lent calls us to confront our attachments, to open our eyes to the reality of oppression, and to hear the cries of our oppressed brothers and sisters. In his address Pope Francis posed crucial questions: Do we hear their cry? Does it trouble us? Does it move us? The “globalisation of indifference”, the rule of Pharaoh in our lives, keeps us apart, denying the fraternity that binds us together.
Lent is an opportunity to break free from the chains of indifference and to answer the questions posed in the desert: "Where are you?" (Gen 3:9) and "Where is your brother?" (Gen 4:9). Just as God saw the misery of his people in Egypt, he sees the suffering of the oppressed today. Our Lenten journey must be concrete, a realisation that we too remain under the rule of Pharaoh, a rule that wearies and induces indifference.
The journey toward liberation involves struggle, as witnessed in the Exodus account and Jesus' temptations in the desert. The seduction of false idols, the allure of power and control, can hinder our progress. Are we willing to leave behind compromises with the old and embrace a new world? The witness of those who work for peace and justice highlights the need to combat a deficit of hope, reminiscent of the nostalgia for slavery that paralysed Israel in the desert.
God has not grown weary of us. Lent serves as a reminder that God brought us out of the house of slavery. Like Jesus in the desert, we are driven into a space of freedom. Lent is a season of conversion, a time for the contemplative dimension of life as described by Pope Francis:
“In the presence of God, we become brothers and sisters, more sensitive to one another: in place of threats and enemies, we discover companions and fellow travellers.”
Through prayer, almsgiving, and fasting, we cast out the idols that weigh us down, reviving our famished hearts.
The Church's “synodal form” suggests that Lent is also a time for communitarian decisions, countercurrent choices altering daily lives. We are called to rethink our lifestyles, care for creation, and include those who go unseen. This Lent, may our penance be transformative, bringing forth joyful faces, the scent of freedom, and a love that makes all things new.
As Pope Francis encourages in his message for Lent 2024 Through the Desert God Leads us to Freedom, let us seek courage in the face of risks, understanding our world as in a process of giving birth, not its death throes. This Lent, as we journey toward liberation, may our conversion bring forth creativity and a new hope, guided by faith and charity, hand in hand with the small child called hope.
May God bless you abundantly on your Lenten journey.
Adriano Di Prato is a best-selling author, broadcaster and the Academic Operations Manager at LCI Melbourne, a progressive art, design + enterprise private institute of higher education.
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adrianodiprato · 2 months
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+ “Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." ~ Proverbs 16:23-25
In the intricate mosaic of our lives, healing becomes a thread woven delicately into the fabric of our experiences. Reflecting on my word of the year, Grace, I discover its harmonious dance with the profound essence of healing, an artistry that begins within.
Healing transcends the need for closure or an apology; it's a journey guided by self-compassion, self-validation, and the embrace of those who truly understand us. In the silence of unspoken apologies and unacknowledged hurt, the emotional capacity of others is laid bare.
When faced with the absence of accountability, showing oneself grace becomes paramount. Believing in a future adorned with wisdom and perspective, even without external validation, emerges as an act of resilience.
“In this space of understanding, we unveil the profound truth that everything needed for healing resides within.”
Recognising that someone's behavior is a reflection of their emotional limitations allows us to liberate ourselves from the weight of unmet expectations. In this space of understanding, we unveil the profound truth that everything needed for healing resides within.
"All healing is first a healing of the heart," echoes Carl Townsend. This sentiment seamlessly intertwines with the journey toward healing, emphasising the heart's pivotal role in this transformative process. The heart, resilient and tender, holds the key to unlocking the path to wholeness.
Amidst the intricacies of life, remember – know you are enough. The healing journey is an exploration of self-discovery, a pilgrimage toward the sanctuary of inner peace. As you navigate the labyrinth of emotions, let grace be your guide, offering solace in moments of uncertainty and strength in the face of vulnerability.
Embrace the wisdom gained from your healing journey, for within the mosaic of your experiences, the threads of grace and resilience weave together, creating a masterpiece of self-love and acceptance. May this journey lead you to a place where the echoes of healing reverberate in the chambers of your heart, reminding you that, indeed, you are enough.
Adriano Di Prato is a best-selling author, broadcaster and the Academic Operations Manager at LCI Melbourne, a progressive art, design + enterprise private institute of higher education.
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adrianodiprato · 3 months
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+ "There will be people who will give you flowers and there will be someone who makes you bloom. Choose the latter." ~ Kavya Dixit
In the intricate tapestry of life, we are presented with choices - and perhaps the most profound choice we can make is to embrace love over fear. As Valentine's Day dawns upon us, let's explore the essence of love, not as a mere sentiment, but as a transformative force that has the power to make our souls bloom.
Kavya Dixit beautifully encapsulates this sentiment: "There will be people who will give you flowers and there will be someone who makes you bloom. Choose the latter." This profound truth invites us to reflect on the depth and authenticity of the connections we cultivate in our lives.
Love is not merely the exchange of fleeting gestures or the transient beauty of flowers. It's about finding that someone who nurtures your growth, who becomes the sunshine in your garden of existence. In a world brimming with superficial tokens, let's prioritise the connections that cultivate our innermost selves, encouraging us to flourish and blossom.
Consider the idea that love, at its purest form, just is. It transcends conditions and expectations, inviting us to revel in the beauty of shared moments without constraints. It's about saying yes to vulnerability, about daring greatly to open our hearts and actively participate in the dance of connection.
Think about the people who have made you bloom, whose presence felt like a warm spring breeze or a comforting rain. These are the connections that linger in the tapestry of your memories, enriching the fabric of your existence. It's in these moments that love, unburdened by conditions, truly reveals its transformative power.
“Think about the people who have made you bloom, whose presence felt like a warm spring breeze or a comforting rain.”
As you navigate the intricacies of love, remember that choosing the path where you bloom is not just a gift to yourself, but a gift to those around you. By fostering connections that go beyond the surface, you contribute to a world where love is a force that transcends boundaries and enriches every aspect of life.
This Valentine's Day, let's celebrate the choice to bloom in love – a choice that goes beyond fleeting gestures and resonates with the profound truth that love, just is.
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adrianodiprato · 3 months
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+ “The true focus of revolutionary change is never merely the oppressive situations which we seek to escape, but that piece of the oppressor which is planted deep within each of us…” ~ Audre Lorde
Amplifying Voices for Wellness and Authenticity
In the hustle and bustle of our fast-paced world, where external pressures often take precedence, it's crucial to pause and refocus on the essence of the self. The concept of "Self" takes center stage in a human-centered approach, emphasizing the significance of character, competency, and wellness for individuals to truly thrive in their world.
In the ecosystem of a human-centered approach, the underlying principle is simple yet profound: all people matter, and wellness comes first. This acknowledgment challenges us to resist the temptation to exert excessive control over our spaces, as doing so may lead us into isolating silos. Education systems, when driven by a human-centered ethos, recognise the fundamental quality of human sociability that thrives in community. Leaders in education need to champion the cause of caring for all individuals by amplifying voices within our learning communities.
Voice, in this context, emerges as a powerful tool for fostering a sense of belonging and expressing identity. In schools, it is essential to provide students with the platform to articulate their ideas and opinions without fear of injustice or judgment. This, in turn, empowers them to reveal their authentic selves by sharing the unique stories of their experiences—how they learn, live, lead, and work in community.
The journey to amplifying voices for the self begins with the recognition that each person has a story to tell. By granting individuals the space to communicate their thoughts and feelings, learning communities become nurturing environments where authenticity is celebrated. This process not only empowers students but also serves as a reminder to educators, administrators, and peers that every voice matters.
Audre Lorde's words echo in the background, "The true focus of revolutionary change is never merely the oppressive situations which we seek to escape, but that piece of the oppressor which is planted deep within each of us…" As we amplify voices, let us not forget the internalised aspects of oppression that may reside within ourselves. Telling one's story is not just an act of empowerment but a conscious effort to confront and transform those internalised biases.
It is through these narratives that we gain insights into the richness of diversity, allowing us to appreciate the multifaceted nature of the human experience. As leaders in education, the responsibility lies in creating an inclusive culture that values and celebrates these diverse voices, fostering an environment where everyone feels seen, heard, and understood.
“As leaders in education, the responsibility lies in creating an inclusive culture that values and celebrates these diverse voices, fostering an environment where everyone feels seen, heard, and understood.”
The call to amplify voices for the self is a call to prioritise wellness and authenticity. It's a recognition that by nurturing the individual, we contribute to the overall wellbeing of our communities. As we embark on this journey, let us remember that true thriving occurs when we embrace the uniqueness of each person and create spaces where everyone's story can be told, heard, and appreciated.
The pursuit of wellness and authenticity for the self is not just an individual endeavor—it's a collective commitment to building a more compassionate and understanding world.
Adriano Di Prato is a best-selling author, broadcaster and the Academic Operations Manager at LCI Melbourne, a progressive art, design + enterprise private institute of higher education.
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adrianodiprato · 3 months
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+ “One can have no smaller or greater mastery than mastery of oneself.” ~ Leonardo da Vinci
Amplifying Agency in a Technology-Enriched World
In the rapidly evolving landscape of education, the concept of "Place" takes on new dimensions in a technology-enriched approach. Schools, as pioneers in embracing digital and technological solutions, play a pivotal role in shaping the narrative of our interconnected world, recognising the transformative impact these innovations can have on individuals and communities.
The ecosystem effect of a technology-enriched approach is a profound recognition that technology is not just a tool but an integral part of our existence. In a world where swift advancements in technology redefine the way we live, learn, and interact, the concept of time becomes fluid. Continuous learning now transcends the confines of traditional classrooms, offering a flexible online and offline approach to design, development, and delivery of education. This flexibility empowers individuals to access learning from their own locations—anytime, anywhere, by anyone.
Acceptance of our reality as a technology-rich society is the first step towards leveraging technology to connect people, foster belonging, and fulfill their potential. The imperative now is to lead for connection to the character of people through and with technology. This is where amplifying agency comes into play, emphasising the need to connect all individuals within our learning communities.
Agency, in this context, emerges from the innate human desire to form relationships that provide meaningful encounters, shaping our ideas about self, place, and the other. In schools and universities, fostering agency involves creating learning environments that are accessible, rigorous, and relevant. Through exchanges with teachers, academic mentors, experts, and peers, students are empowered to act with an increased sense of purpose, guiding them towards flourishing.
The marriage of technology solutions and human potential becomes a powerful catalyst for the exploration of possibilities. Augmenting tech solutions with digital literacies opens up avenues for all learners to test the bounds of what's possible—for themselves and in collaboration with others. The emphasis here is not on technology as a standalone entity, but as a means to amplify agency, enabling individuals to navigate the ever-changing landscapes of self-discovery and community building.
As we contemplate the role of technology in shaping our sense of place, let us embrace the idea that finding our place is not just a physical location but a dynamic and ever-evolving journey. By amplifying agency through technology-enriched education, we equip individuals to navigate this journey with purpose, resilience, and a deep understanding of their interconnectedness with the world.
“As we contemplate the role of technology in shaping our sense of place, let us embrace the idea that finding our place is not just a physical location but a dynamic and ever-evolving journey.”
The call to find our place is a call to leverage technology as a tool for empowerment, connection, and the realisation of human potential in a world where possibilities are boundless.
Adriano Di Prato is a best-selling author, broadcaster and the Academic Operations Manager at LCI Melbourne, a progressive art, design + enterprise private institute of higher education.
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adrianodiprato · 3 months
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+ "Our passions are ignited when we set out to advance a cause greater than ourselves." ~ Simon Sinek
Amplifying Advocacy for a Better World
In a world that is increasingly interconnected, where our actions have ripple effects across the globe, it becomes imperative to foster a mindset of empathy, understanding, and advocacy for what Simon Sinek aptly describes as "a cause greater than ourselves." The concept of "the other" plays a pivotal role in shaping our approach to leadership and stewardship in society.
As outlined in the ethos of People, Place & Planet Conscious in my book with Dr Phil Cummins, Game Changers: Leading Today''s Learning For Tomorrow's World, the interconnectedness of our global community takes centre stage. It prompts us to view our systems and operations through the lens of sustainable, long-term interactions. This holistic approach acknowledges that the wellbeing of our planet and its inhabitants is intricately linked, making it crucial for leaders to champion causes that transcend individual interests.
In the context of education, where privilege and opportunity often coexist, it's paramount to challenge the status quo. Schools, as influential institutions, possess the power to either perpetuate inequality or act as catalysts for change. The ecosystem effect of a people, place & planet conscious approach underscores the responsibility to question and reshape systems that allocate privilege and limit opportunities.
Advocacy becomes the driving force behind this transformation. In schools, it thrives in environments that encourage democratic dialogue and foster empathy. The call to stewardship of community resonates through the amplification of advocacy, making space for diverse voices to be heard. It's a commitment to creating inclusive communities of inquiry and practice, where students are empowered to showcase their full range of competencies, skills, dispositions, and learning habits.
Advocacy, in this context, transcends the traditional roles of support and challenge. It becomes a conduit for students to become the voices of human endeavour and the agents of social change. By actively listening, writing, and speaking, students engage in crafting just, equitable, and sustainable solutions for their communities—be it local, regional, or global.
"It becomes a conduit for students to become the voices of human endeavour and the agents of social change."
This approach to leadership, rooted in advocacy and stewardship, has the transformative potential to propel learners beyond self-interest. It nurtures a model of leadership that creates both values and value for all. The cultivation of trust and the exercise of stewardship for people, place, and planet become guiding principles, inspiring individuals to make a difference in the world.
As we reflect on Simon Sinek's profound words about igniting passions through causes greater than ourselves, let us embrace the challenge of advocating for the other. In doing so, we contribute to a world where the interconnectedness of our global community is not just acknowledged but celebrated, and where leadership is defined by the positive impact we create for all. The call to amplify advocacy for the other is a call to action—a call to shape a better world for current and future generations.
Adriano Di Prato is a best-selling author, broadcaster and the Academic Operations Manager at LCI Melbourne, a progressive art, design + enterprise private institute of higher education.
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adrianodiprato · 4 months
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+ “To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people just exist” ~ Oscar Wilde
In the rhythmic cadence of life, philosopher Lao Tzu's wisdom echoes through the ages:
"The man who loves walking will walk further than the man who loves the destination."
These profound words beckon us to reflect on the essence of a journey – a journey not just external but, perhaps most importantly, internal.
German word Fernweh, ‘far-sickness’ - or a craving to travel, is more than wanderlust; it's a deep yearning for experiences unseen and sensations unfelt. This ache, this far-sickness, is a reminder that life's fulfillment lies in the exploration of the unknown. Just as Fernweh calls us to wander, the journey inward invites us to explore the vast landscapes of our own being.
Consider travel as a metaphor for this inward journey. Like a pilgrim investing their whole self into each encounter, we too can delve into the realms of self-discovery, indwelling the places within us. In this sacred journey, the tourist merely navigates, while the pilgrim seeks profound connections that enrich their story.
As we tread the path of life, choosing between being a tourist or a pilgrim, let's recall the power of love as the transcendent revelation of our deepest potential. This love, not just for self but for place, and the other, becomes our living water. It quenches the thirst for meaning and identity, revealing treasures hidden in the ground on which we stand.
In the pursuit of measuring success, let us not reduce time to a mere consumer object. Instead, let's savour each moment encountered, embracing the spaces between destinations. The true beauty of life lies not in measurable destinations but in encounters and connections felt deep within our hearts on this journey called life.
Let’s place a spotlight on the actual journey, where the magic unfolds. It's in the rhythmic cadence of footsteps, the uncharted paths, and the moments of patient exploration that the true value of the journey emerges. The journey is not just a means to an end; it is a profound teacher, offering subtle lessons, unexpected encounters, and personal transformation.
In conclusion, as we honor the wisdom of Lao Tzu, let's walk with open hearts and curious minds, placing emphasis on the magic of the journey itself. Let's cherish the journey, both external and internal, for it is in the act of awakening, and savoring each moment that we extract the richest meaning and fulfillment.
So, let the echoes of our footsteps resonate not only with the places we've been but with the profound journey inward, where the truest treasures of life await discovery.
Adriano Di Prato is a best-selling author, broadcaster and the Academic Operations Manager at LCI Melbourne, a progressive art, design + enterprise private institute of higher education.
Dedicated to my beautiful cousin Danni, who’s perseverance, passion, and commitment to a more just planet has seen her amazing project The Naughty Vegan continue to shine.
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adrianodiprato · 4 months
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+ “Grace is but glory begun, and glory is but grace perfected.” ~ Jonathan Edwards
My Word for 2024 | Grace
As we step into a new year, a fresh canvas awaits us, ready to be painted with the vibrant strokes of our intentions. In 2023, the word regenerative guided my journey, fostering a deep connection with nature's cycles. Now, as we embrace 2024, a word resonates in the corridors of my spirit – Grace.
Grace, a concept so profound, transcends mere disposition; it becomes an influential force, an act of divine kindness that works within us, shifting our capacities and guiding us through the ebbs and flows of life.
In the dance of existence, surrendering to the moment becomes a powerful act. Contrary to the belief that surrender is a sign of weakness, it unveils a real and enduring strength. Whether you find yourself immersed in the beauty of nature or sipping a cocktail by the beach, these moments become portals to inner peace, reconnecting you with the grace of the present.
Life unfolds as a series of small, everyday deeds – acts of kindness, love, and openness. The journey is where the true essence lies, and by being present in each moment, you allow yourself to rise not only by lifting others but by speaking your truth.
The call to notice the beauty around us is profound. From the breathtaking orange sunset to the gentle embrace of the wind, grace whispers through these moments, inviting us to be truly alive. Acknowledge the water brushing up against the shore, feel the wind in your heart, and let your inner beauty be captivated by the profound grace that resides within.
Remember, perfection is not the goal; wholeness is. Life is not about meticulously planned steps but about preparation for living. Embrace the opportunities each moment brings, launching yourself upward from every wave encountered.
“Courage is grace under pressure." - Ernest Hemingway
The wisdom of Hemingway echoes through time. Be open to growing in grace, recognising that the divine of courage resides within you, manifested through unconditional kindness and love.
In 2024, let grace be your guiding light. Infuse your life with the abundance of living, open your mind to the opportunities that shape your becoming, and fall in love with the world within and around you. Refuse the ordinary, stand firm in the profoundness of grace, and remember, living is happening now. Embrace the good grace of each other, for it is in this embrace that the extraordinary unfolds.
Adriano Di Prato is a best-selling author, broadcaster and the Academic Operations Manager at LCI Melbourne, a progressive art, design + enterprise private institute of higher education.
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adrianodiprato · 4 months
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+ “When you and I bow to our true nature, we are one.” ~ Namaste
Namaste: Bali
In the heart of the majestic Indian Ocean lies a treasure called Bali, the Island of the Gods. With each visit, I find myself immersed in the profound beauty of this place, far beyond the sunsets, beaches, and lush landscapes. Bali, to me, is a sanctuary where the warmth of the Balinese people transforms it into a haven of genuine kindness.
The Balinese, with their infectious smiles and big hearts, have left an indelible mark on my soul. Their genuine warmth and unwavering sense of gratitude, despite life's challenges, resonate deeply within me. Bali, more than just a destination, is a testament to the remarkable resilience and grace of its people.
In the spirit of Namaste—an acknowledgment of the soul in one by the soul in another—Bali unveils a unique connection that goes beyond words. The Balinese, embodying this sacred gesture, create an atmosphere of profound generosity and kindness. Their acts of selfless giving, rooted in their spirituality, create a unique atmosphere that transcends the material and connects with the core of humanity.
Bali's blend of ancient animism and Hinduism isn't just a cultural backdrop; it's a living, breathing force that shapes the island's essence. The Balinese people, proud of their heritage, graciously share it with the world. Their tolerance and welcoming spirit toward visitors reveal a profound understanding—the beauty of Bali is meant to be shared.
As I reflect on the countless moments of serenity, the smiling faces, and the sense of community ingrained in Balinese culture, I am filled with deep gratitude. Bali has become more than a destination; it's a source of inspiration, a reminder of the power of simplicity, kindness, and the enduring human spirit.
In the eloquent Balinese expression, "Matur suksma," I extend my heartfelt thanks to the people of Bali. Your island has been a gift, a sanctuary that continually enriches my life. May the warmth and grace that define you continue to bless this sacred land, making it a haven for all who seek solace and connection.
Terima kasih, Bali, for being a beacon of light and a reminder that true wealth resides in the generosity of spirit.
Namaste 🙏.
Adriano Di Prato is a best-selling author, broadcaster and the Academic Operations Manager at LCI Melbourne, a progressive art, design + enterprise private institute of higher education.
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adrianodiprato · 4 months
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+ “The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows.” ~ Sydney J. Harris
Navigating Tomorrow: LCI Melbourne and the Future of Education
In the ever-evolving landscape of global education, marked by transformative trends and strategic shifts, LCI Melbourne emerges as a beacon of creativity, innovation, and adaptability. The recently unveiled insights from HolonIQ's Global Education Outlook 2024 act as a compass, guiding institutions toward a future defined by dynamic learning models and a focus on outcomes.
The Context: HolonIQ's Vision for 2024
HolonIQ's comprehensive analysis highlights 20 key shifts and over 50 trends spanning early childhood, K12, higher education, and workforce education. The stage is set for post-secondary education to welcome new products and competitors. The spotlight on generative AI in 2023, cautiously integrated into education, promises transformative learning experiences. Amidst these changes, HolonIQ stresses a return to fundamentals, prioritising learner experience, wellbeing, engagement, and retention as top priorities.
The Lens: LCI Melbourne's Unique Approach
In the realm of higher education, where adaptability is paramount, LCI Melbourne stands as a pioneer, offering a distinctive philosophy encapsulated in the tagline, The World is Your Classroom. This philosophy, is grounded in the Understanding by Design (UbD) framework, or as we like to call it – our “Different by Design”, shapes a holistic educational experience, aligning seamlessly with the global shifts outlined by HolonIQ.
The World as the Classroom: UbD in Action
Stage 1: Desired Results - What is the Learning?
"The World is Your Classroom" prompts LCI Melbourne to define learning outcomes beyond traditional borders. It's a commitment to prepare students with global competence and knowledge, transcending geographical boundaries.
Stage 2: Assessment Evidence - How will you know they have learned?
Assessment at LCI Melbourne mirrors the expansive nature of the world itself. It evaluates critical thinking, problem-solving, and real-world application, mirroring challenges and opportunities beyond the classroom.
Stage 3: Learning Plan - How will they Learn?
LCI Melbourne crafts transformative learning experiences, empowering students to navigate our interconnected world with creativity and innovation. Our distinctive excellence, our Different by Design approach emphasises effective communication, problem-solving, and a profound appreciation for diversity, equity and inclusion.
The Future of Education: Trends and Alignments
As HolonIQ predicts a focus on skills over the next decade, LCI Melbourne is already a trailblazer. The seven Graduate Attributes developed by LCI align perfectly with the global philosophy, nurturing discipline based knowledge and generic employability skills essential for success in a borderless world.
LCI Melbourne's Unique Foci: Management & Commerce, Creative Arts
In the heart of Australia's cultural and creative industries, LCI Melbourne doesn't just prepare students for the future; it shapes leaders from two dynamic fields of education—Management & Commerce and Creative Arts. The 2 year fast tracked undergraduate courses offered by LCI Melbourne are a testament to its commitment to aligning education with the demands of the cultural and creative sectors in Australia and around the globe.
According to the Bureau of Communications, Arts and Regional Research within the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications, and the Arts, the cultural and creative industry's activity is a vibrant thread in Australia's economic tapestry. In 2019–20, this sector flourished, reaching $122.3 billion—an impressive increase of $26.0 billion (27.1 per cent) over the past decade. Design, fashion, literature, and broadcasting stand out as dominant forces within this rich landscape.
As these industries continue to burgeon, LCI Melbourne positions itself as a strategic player, not merely educating but actively contributing to the growth and innovation of Australia's cultural and creative economy. The institute's focus on the intersection of Management & Commerce and Creative Arts becomes not only a unique offering for students but a vital investment in the prosperity of industries, and the people, that define the nation's cultural identity.
Motivation to Learn: Amplifying Potential
In an era of learning loss, LCI Melbourne recognises the amplification of motivation when students are entrusted with the world as their classroom. Task clarity, relevance, and the vastness of potential for success are seamlessly integrated into the educational fabric.
Conclusion: Crafting Success Stories in an Endless World
The World is Your Classroom is not just a tagline for LCI Melbourne; it's a guiding principle. It signifies a departure from traditional education and heralds an era where students are encouraged to embrace the world within and around them as their learning space. In this philosophy, LCI Melbourne becomes a platform for students to explore, discover, and craft their own success stories in a world where the possibilities are endless.
“LCI Melbourne becomes a platform for students to explore, discover, and craft their own success stories in a world where the possibilities are endless.”
As education propels into the future, LCI Melbourne remains Different by Design, setting the stage for students to not only adapt to change but to thrive in it.
Adriano Di Prato is a best-selling author, broadcaster and the Academic Operations Manager at LCI Melbourne, a progressive art, design + enterprise private institute of higher education.
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adrianodiprato · 4 months
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+ “The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.” ~ Carl Jung
2024: New Beginnings
Embarking on the journey of a new year is like opening a book with blank pages, waiting to be filled with the stories of your growth and experiences. As we step into the realm of 2024, let's be guided by the wisdom encapsulated in the words of Carl Rogers: 'The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change.'
Consider the canvas of your life - are you merely traversing the days, or are you actively sculpting your destiny? Remember, every opportunity is a chance to expand the boundaries of your mind, for, as Marcel Proust once said, 'The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.'
In the tapestry of life, every thread of knowledge adds a layer of richness. As the days unfold, embrace the mystery inherent in acquiring more wisdom. Let each day be a journey into the unknown, as you cultivate humility through continuous learning.
Pause in the midst of your 2024 expedition. Let the beauty of each moment wash over you. Reflect on the person you were yesterday and strive to be better today. Living abundantly is an art—a dance with curiosity. Let the world speak to your mind, move your heart, and stretch your head. Find joy and inspiration in every experience, letting them propel you forward with purpose and passion.
"Find joy and inspiration in every experience, letting them propel you forward with purpose and passion."
Break down the walls that confine you. Many share similar fears and insecurities, but remember, everything you desire is beyond those self-imposed barriers. You define your worth, your meaning, and your direction. What burns inside you? This moment is yours to shape.
As we navigate the months ahead, remember this: Know you are enough. In the symphony of life, your unique melody adds a richness that is irreplaceable. Embrace your journey, cherish the lessons, and know that, in every moment, you are enough.
And so, as the sun sets on the canvas of the old, it paints a horizon of new beginnings—a canvas awaiting the strokes of your aspirations, the hues of your dreams. Welcome the dawn of this year with open arms, for in every ending lies the seed of a beautiful new beginning.
Adriano Di Prato is a best-selling author, broadcaster and the Academic Operations Manager at LCI Melbourne, a progressive art, design + enterprise private institute of higher education.
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