adventurek9 · 7 years
Masters rally signs
Have you guys looked at those yet?! Holy shit those signs make no sense looking at them. Some of the things are odd too. I'm going to post a few signs. But hell its going to give us a nice challenge. (If I ever stop being lazy and get Aayla in some more events)
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adventurek9 · 7 years
So I’m moving to a side blog so I can update more often without logging in or out. If you want to follow Aayla’s adventures, then follow the new blog.
((Also my personal blog name is finishingflight so I’ll be following everyone from there))
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adventurek9 · 7 years
This blog is still getting more followers than my new blog right now. 😂 Aayla's jump rope video is going around again I guess. Also once you follow the other blog you can just unfollow this one since I'll be reblogging this link for a few days.
So I’m moving to a side blog so I can update more often without logging in or out. If you want to follow Aayla’s adventures, then follow the new blog.
((Also my personal blog name is finishingflight so I’ll be following everyone from there))
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adventurek9 · 7 years
Reblogging so I can find it on my other account and follow everyone again.
Looking for more dogblrs to follow
Or training blogs or what not. Sport dogs, agility, dock diving, obedience, rally, disc dog, anything really. Even you basic pet accounts I’d like to follow? Id like to know your favorites and if I don’t follow you already to give yourself a shout out.
Please give suggestions?
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adventurek9 · 7 years
So I’m moving to a side blog so I can update more often without logging in or out. If you want to follow Aayla’s adventures, then follow the new blog.
((Also my personal blog name is finishingflight so I’ll be following everyone from there))
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adventurek9 · 7 years
So I'm moving to a side blog so I can update more often without logging in or out. If you want to follow Aayla's adventures, then follow the new blog. ((Also my personal blog name is finishingflight so I'll be following everyone from there))
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adventurek9 · 7 years
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I wasn't going to need convincing, but this just helped. I'm making a side log so I can be more active. Prepare for the switch!
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adventurek9 · 7 years
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Our newest training spot is at the beach. This used to be one of aaylas highest challenge areas for focus. The smell of the ocean, dogs, kids, runners, people doing yoga, loud cars and so much more is always going on here. First time I came here she was overwhelmed and zoned out to everything. Now I have people stopping to watch us play and train. I get asked if how I trained her and if I do training. She is so focused and ignores everything else. It's so wonderful. The other best thing is people want to come up and ask questions. The one thing that Aayla is struggling with right now is ignoring people that I'm talking to. She KNOWS that they are talking about her and will want to pet her. So she starts whining and gets amped up. Unlike the brewery people seem to have more respect that Aayla is training and can't be randomly pet. So it's great to work her through calming down while I talk with people. After we ran 2.5 miles and she was perfect. Tons of dogs we had to squeeze by on the sidewalk and she keeps jogging along even if they are barking at her. So proud of my girl.
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adventurek9 · 7 years
It's a pain to keep switching back and forth between my two blogs.
I'm thinking about moving this blog to be a sideblog on my main account so it is easier to post and keep up with everything. I'd have to refollow everyone on my main account and maybe get people to follow the new blog. I'd like to keep the contact with the few people I've talked with here. I'm sure it wouldn't be that hard. Do you guys with multiple blogs do separate accounts or do sideblogs? Which do you like more?
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adventurek9 · 7 years
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So looking from the diagrams and Aayla's teeth she is missing two premolars on the each quadrant (Top left and right, bottom left and right) Other Aussie owners have you noticed this at all? @pantsthepuppy @ausdogkora @achoirofcritters (my mind is blanking with other Aussie blogs and/or my search won't tag you)
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adventurek9 · 7 years
@just-enjoy-the-rain Lower and upper! I'll get a picture when she is done eating. Sometimes I play tug with my own fingers because she has that empty space where she can gum my fingers.
@just-enjoy-the-rain Apparently Aayla has no premolars? That or they never came in which is the concern. Is that the same as you’ve seen?
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adventurek9 · 7 years
@just-enjoy-the-rain Apparently Aayla has no premolars? That or they never came in which is the concern. Is that the same as you've seen?
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adventurek9 · 7 years
Infection, so that means antibiotics and cone for a little while. She can’t go backpacking. Ughhhhh. Having someone else watch her while she is on meds is hard. She is good at spitting the pills out.
Apparently the vet is concerned about the fact she is missing teeth (I had no idea…I’m too used to horses who have a gap) and her red eyes. Which I have always been concerned about but the other vets before had not seemed concerned? Things to keep a watch on.
On the good news the vet said her teeth and coat are amazing.
Off to the vet we go
Aayla has a rash/sore on her toes. We are supposed to leave on a backpacking trip tomorrow. 😑
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adventurek9 · 7 years
Always love seeing pictures of these two. Just gorgeous photos of gorgeous dogs.
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Name a more dynamic duo… I’ll wait. ;)
I think 2017 is finally the year that Evie and Astaroth have mastered posing together in photos. They’ve definitely improved!
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adventurek9 · 7 years
Off to the vet we go
Aayla has a rash/sore on her toes. We are supposed to leave on a backpacking trip tomorrow. 😑
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adventurek9 · 7 years
Is Aayla a service dog?
Nope, if you see any pictures of Aayla inside a business or brewery it's because they are dog friendly!
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adventurek9 · 7 years
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Which way are we going?
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