#c: bartemius
for @jegulus-microfic’s prompt rest, july 21, w/c 278
Regulus sits up, confused with where he now lays under fluorescent lights in a painfully white room, taking in his surroundings.
James sits in a chair near the wall, his curly hair messed up and looking tired. He was looking back at Regulus, but not saying anything.
“I- is- how did I get here?” Regulus finally asks, running a hand through his hair, which must be an absolute nightmare right now.
“I tracked down your friend Bartemius. He told me where you were, since you wouldn’t tell me yourself.” His voice was cold with slight anger, but there was also- hurt? Guilt? Regulus couldn’t tell.
“Oh. Barty told you?” Regulus says, voice quiet and slightly cautious.
“Yes, he did.” James’ tone was borderline irritated, and Regulus was surprised. Normally he was a bit impatient but never irritable, especially towards Regulus.
Regulus stays silent for a minute. “What happened?” His memory seems to have a few gaps, including the reason he’s currently in a muggle hospital.
“I found a note. Talked to Sirius. Found Bartemius. Found you drowning in a goddamn fucking cave.” James’ voice is full of poorly disguised anger that would be comical in a different situation.
Regulus memory comes back to him like a tidal wave, and be shoots back up so fast he gets dizzy. “Where’s the-?”
“The locket thing you tried to die for? Here,” James says, pulling it out of his pocket and handing it to Regulus. “I’ve got to go. Get some rest.” He adds.
Regulus clears his throat awkwardly. “Alright. See you.”
James walks out, and Regulus feels guilty for the amount of pain on his features, once again registering how tired he looks.
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sophsicle · 1 year
i want to S I N K my teeth into ohb regulus just C H O M P
I AM SO GLAD YOU LIKE MY MOODY LITTLE PRINCE! like he is just in a strop 24/7
and fair enough, the one person he trusted more than anyone else in the world did just up and leave him, destabilizing the political stability of the entire kingdom and putting his life in danger
but also he should think about maybe kissing james on the mouth a bit more
might help
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centuriesrpg · 2 years
Actualización personajes canon:
Avery, Richard
Longbottom, Alice
Black, Arcturus
Black, Alphard
Black, Andrómeda
Black, Bellatrix
Black, Cassiopea
Black, Cygnus
Black, Druella
Black, Marius
Black, Narcissa
Black, Orion
Black, Pollux
Black, Regulus
Black, Sirius
Black, Walburga
Bones, Amelia
Bones, Edgar
Burke, Caractacus
Carrow, Amycus
Crouch, Caspar
Crouch, Charis
Crouch, Bartemius
Diggory, Amos
Digle, Dedalus
Doge, Elphias
Dolohov, Antonin
Dumbledore, Albus
Dumbledore, Aberforth
Evans, Lily
Evans, Petunia
Fenwick, Benji
Figg, Arabella
Fletcher, Mundungus
Flitwick, Filius
Greengrass, Gareth
Greengrass, Keith
Hagrid, Rubeus
Hooch, Rolanda
Karkarov, Igor
Lestrange, Rabastan
Lestrange, Rodolphus
Lupin, Remus
Longbottom, Frank
Lovegood, Pandora
Lovegood Xenophilius
Malfoy, Lucius
McDonald, Mary
McGonagall, Minerva
McKinnon, Marlene
Meadowes, Dorcas
Minchum, Harold
Moody, Alastor
Ollivander, Garrick
Pettigrew, Peter
Prewett, Fabian
Prewett, Gideon
Prewett, Lancelot
Prewett, Mafalda
Prewett, Muriel
Podmore, Sturgis
Pomfrey, Poppy
Potter, James
Quirrell, Quirinus
Riddle, Tom
Rosier, Evan
Shacklebolt, Kingsley
Sinistra, Aurora
Slughorn, Horace
Snape, Severus
Sprout, Pomona
Trelawney, Sybill
Vance, Emmeline
Vector, Septima
Weasley, Arthur
Weasley, Molly
Yaxley, Corban
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aedirns · 2 years
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Name: Bartemius Victor Crouch Sr.
Age: 51
The part of themselves they want to show the world: Both the unstoppable force and the immovable object; fierce, resilient, and utterly unrelenting. Blood between his teeth, bruises on his knuckles, and bones of absolute steel; do not cross. 
The part of themselves that they want to hide from the world: Terrified of becoming his father, so much so that he has done just that and pushed his son miles away; spiteful, angry, vengeful, more ruled by his emotions than he would ever admit. 
Their views on blood politics/purism: He rejects it, thinks it’s disgusting; your blood has no basis on your ability or who you are as a person.
Their views on magical supremacy overall: For the most part, rejects it, though definitely has a condescending view towards Muggles that slips out now and again. 
Their views on technomancy: He’s into anything that can help the DMLE (position tbd, but very pro-DMLE) crush both the Death Eaters and the Order (and only slightly hates the former more than the latter).
Character parallels: A somewhat more morally questionable John Wick is what it’s coming to mind right away tbh.
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zoe-nettles · 4 years
“Dicen que sólo los puristas compran aquí, pero me da igual.” ( @crouchjr​)
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“Es una tontería.” ¿Qué importaba quien comprara en el lugar? No entendía por qué había tiendas que los puristas favorecían. Aunque eso no podía decirlo en alto. “En fin.” Prefería no meterse en ese tipo de asuntos. De hecho, quería enfocarse en su actividad preferida: las compras. “Me llevo este vestido.” Era perfecto.
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regulusblock · 4 years
Barty: All my life... I always wanted a real friend.
Barty, laughing without humor: But I never did.
Antonin: Why not?
Barty: They thought I was a freak.
Antonin: And you were?
Barty, smile weakly: No.
Barty: I was just sad.
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cursed-yoyo · 4 years
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EL DÉCIMO DÍA, LA TORRE. No sabemos si por el camino nos toparemos con una nueva oleada de enemigos… @tempusreversit
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darkouter · 4 years
@intelwon​  /  you didn’t ask, but you get one
He hasn’t said anything since he sat down.  They’re in the library, but he doesn’t have a book.  Rather than reading or taking out any study materials, he’s just been staring at her while resting his head on his hand.  It’s only when she notices and seems vaguely uncomfortable, clearly about to say something, that he finally pipes up.
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“You’re cute.  When you read, you know.  You’re just so focused.”  And, like him, whatever seems to be constantly troubling her might just be temporarily off her mind.
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lestrainge · 6 years
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every slytherin ever 15/99 — bartemius crouch jr.
❝ maybe in another life i would have escaped death and his wretched rags. ❞
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stonedregulus · 2 years
How do you reconcile things Barty C Jr did later in life (the Longbottoms/ GoF) with liking him as a character? I’m being /g when I ask, I’m curious if you have certain headcanons about those things
Okay, I feel like I have to say this first before I actually get into everything else: I am allowed to like morally grey and dark characters even if they’ve done absolutely horrible things. It’s okay to like villains. It’s okay for them to be your favorite characters. Liking the bad guys in a story does not make you a bad guy.
Now that that’s out of the way: Canon? Who is she?
No but really, I think that Bartemius Sr was an abusive asshole and it drove Barty into looking for people who would accept him and he found that in the Death Eaters.
I think that Evan and Regulus’ deaths (even if you don’t see them as more than just friends) pushed him into some sort of mania. If he went with Bella willingly to the Longbottom’s and participated, I think it was because she told him that they knew where Voldemort was and that he could bring back Reg and Evan. I also feel like it’s entirely likely that he didn’t go with Bella willingly and she forced him to go. I also think that then in GoF, when he finally escaped his dad’s control, he went back to find the only people who truly accepted him and when he found Voldemort, he told Barty that he could bring back the people he loved most if he helped him. I mean we see Voldemort lie to Harry about that in the first movie (it didn’t happen in the book, I know, but still) about being able to bring his parents back if Harry gives him the stone. I don’t think Voldemort was above lying to get what he wanted and if Barty was desperate enough to believe him he would probably do whatever it would take to get the people he loved back.
Even if you don’t agree with me on the whole “he would do anything to bring the people he loved back”, I feel like by the end of school when they were finally officially joining the Death Eaters, that Barty was pretty brainwashed by the whole thing. Pahn( @bluesundaycake ) wrote a really great drabble that shows him like worshiping Voldemort. I mean the Death Eaters were basically a cult, it’s pretty normal for cult followers to be ardently devout.
Anyway, like I said, even though I have these head canons, I don’t need an excuse or to reconcile anything to like Barty. I can just like him for the little psychopath he is, and that’s okay.
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beatlebachelor · 4 years
May I? : Cedric diggory x reader
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summary: your Cedrics best friend and you begin to realise your genuine feelings for him after he enters the Tri-wizard tournament only to find out he feels the same. hufflepuff reader!
Warnings: possibly fluffy?
Word count: 2,257
Y/N - your name
Y/E/C - your eye colour
This is my first time writing one of these so if there is any way you think i could improve please feel free to give suggestions!
Its Monday morning, 9:10 to be precise, me and my friends Cedric, Hermione, Harry and Ron were all sat down having breakfast in the great hall. Despite the fact me and Cedric were in Hufflepuff and the other three were Gryffindor we always sat together. Cedric was two years older than us and did get teased about hanging out with third years but it didn’t bother him, he enjoyed our company. I often hoped he favoured mine especially.
After everyone had finished their food Dumbledore stood up to do his weekly Monday morning speech, but it felt different this morning. “Is that Bartemius Crouch?” Hermione inquired. “Who?” Harry said cautiously. As Hermione went to answer she was quickly interrupted by Dumbledore as his voice bellowed through to the other side of the hall.  
“Today, I get to announce something very special and to help me we have Sir Bartemius Crouch from The Ministry of Magic. Hogwarts has been selected to host a famous wizarding event. The Tri-Wizard Tournament!” suddenly there were many whistles, cheers and whispers coming from all four tables, me and Cedric looked at each other in immense delight but everything suddenly stopped when Dumbledore spoke again. “There have been some new rules put in place this year to ensure more safety for our students, after all this is a very dangerous competition. Sir Bartemius Crouch, if you will” a few small whispers formed from different areas of the hall. Ron whispered to us all “if any of you enter this competition ill be praying for you, this tournament is the real thing, so many people that have entered this died just from the first round” What Ron said shook me up a little, part of me knew that Cedric would give into whatever temptation he had to enter.
After all the whispers had finished Bartemius walked up to stand beside Dumbledore. He pulled out a small piece of paper from his pocket where he had obviously written a speech. The room began to feel slightly tense. “From this year onward those who enter and compete in the Tri-wizard tournament must be at least 17 years old-” He was suddenly cut off by the majority of the hall shouting and screaming at him. Me, Harry, Hermione and Ron weren't phased by the new rule. None of us were of age anyway and if we were we wouldn’t have entered. Cedric however appeared to be very pleased with himself, he was 17, he could compete, he wasn’t my boyfriend or anything but id known him for ages. What if he entered and got hurt, I don’t want to stop him from doing something he is interested in though because that wouldn’t be fair.
When we all left the hall I went straight to dark arts, I didn’t speak a word to Cedric in fear that if I did I would just break down and cry. I didn’t want to ruin anything for him because I could tell from the look in his eyes that he wanted to win that cup, and if he wanted it then I would want it for him. After all I was his closest friend, friend... that never felt nice to say.
In dark arts I could barely focus, all I could think about was if I liked Cedric, I had known him for so long and never thought about whether how I felt about him was more than just friendship. I mean would it be so bad if I liked him? I couldn’t get him out of my head. UGGGGHHH this is so frustrating. The thought always did cross my mind about how perfect his face was, everything about him in fact, I couldn’t think of a single flaw no matter how hard I tried.
By the time lunch came I still hadn't made up my mind on if I actually fancied Cedric, I mean come on, am I really going to be like every other girl in this school and fall for his charm. And as if he’d ever like me back, by the looks of it he’s probably into one of the Beaxbatons Academy girls just like the rest of the boys in this place. In all fairness it is rather enjoyable to watch them walk, how do they always look like they are floating? Besides the point! Hopefully I'm just unwell, surely that’s the only explanation.
I went straight back to the common room, anything to avoid Cedric, even if it was missing lunch. However, it appeared my plan to avoid Cedric had failed when I walked in to see him sat on the sofa next to the fire. Just him, no one else. “Are you ok?” I asked with a shake in my voice. “Y/N I wanted to talk to you. We have been friends for ages which is why I want your opinion, I trust you” I felt a small flutter of butterflies in my stomach and proceeded to say “you trust me? I mean emm what is it?” that made me feel rather embarrassed. “Well, I was thinking of entering the Tri-wizard tournament but i know how dangerous it is and idk if I'm capable of the magic I will need to protect myself. I also don’t want to hurt anyone if something bad were to happen to me” A horrible feeling formed in my stomach and slowly moved to my throat. The thought of Cedric getting hurt made me feel sick. “Cedric don’t be silly. Your one of the most talented wizards in this whole school and you seriously think you wouldn’t be able to protect yourself. If its what you want then we all want it for you and I will help in whatever way I can to ensure you win” I said that full of confidence, I really did mean it, every word. “Youve always been there for me Y/N, I genuinely don't know what I would do without you” He pulled me in for a hug, I always loved our hugs, my head would always fall in the right place on his chest. He smells so good, almost a musky bark smell with a hint of vanilla. I wondered if he thought the same.
A week passed and it was time for the champions on the Tri-wizard tournament to be announced. First the champion of Beaxbatons, Fleur Delacour. Next the Durmstrang champion, Victor Krum. As the paper for the Hogwarts champion floated down into Dumbledores hand my stomach sunk but then I felt a slight warmth on my hand, I looked down and it was Cedric. He had interlocked his fingers into mine and was gently squeezing them with excitement, I turned to him and smiled he looked directly into my eyes with a slight smirk as his cheeks flushed pink.
Dumbledore read out the name on the paper “And finally the Hogwarts champion is, Cedric Diggory” Cedrics face lit up with pure joy, so did mine, his iridescent blue eyes glistening. He hugged me so tightly for only about 2 seconds, but there it was again, that smell, his scent makes me feel so warm inside. He let go and stood up to go shake Dumbledores hand. Everyone was cheering, mainly the girls, of course it was the girls.
Another week went by and we had been preparing for his first task, dragons, I don’t know what would've happened to Cedric if Harry didn't tip him off. We practised basic spells on how to defend himself against them for hours and hours. Now we would have to see if he remembered them. Whilst in the tent I stayed with Cedric, he asked me to, his words were “your the only one who can keep me calm” After he had picked out his dragon the canon went off, Cedrics eyes glazed over slightly as he turned and gently kissed me on the forehead. He had never done that before, maybe it was just out of nerves. So many thoughts rushed through my head, surely Cedric didn’t like me? By the time I had gathered my thoughts he had already gone. I ran to my place in the audience, right next to Hermione. She asked what took me so long. I didn’t want to tell her but at the same time I did, I gave her a brisk hug and began to watch Cedric in hope that he would succeed and taking the egg.
Cedric managed to complete the first task unharmed within what seemed about 15 minutes. I was so proud of him. When we were all back at the common room I realised I needed to talk to Cedric, about all the hugs and the forehead kiss and most importantly, how I felt, I waited for everyone to head to their rooms and asked Cedric to stay behind. We sat on the sofa with the fire crackling beside us. “I'm so happy you passed the first challenge, I'm really impressed” I paused for a second thinking of how I was meant to say what I needed to say, but then he cut me off. “Y/N, about earlier, when I kissed you on your forehead, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. Recently Ive realised how much you mean to me and I don’t want to do anything that your not ok with. I'm sorry if this is forward but I really do like you, its everything about you. Your hair, your smell, your Y/E/C eyes. I'm sorry I sound so stupid right now” A rush of emotions came over me, was I hearing this correctly, did I fall asleep and I'm actually just dreaming. “Cedric, I feel exactly the same, I didn’t want to tell you in case you didn’t feel the same way and then it was too awkward to continue being friends. That’s why I asked you to stay down here with me for a bit” Cedrics cheeks were bright red and he had a happy/embarrassed expression on his face, I could tell mine was doing the exact same. He held onto my hand again, it felt so natural, I usually wasn’t all for the idea of being touched often but when Cedric did it everything felt ok.  
A couple hours passed whilst we were just chatting and even played a game of wizards chess. After I began to get tired he walked me to my room holding my hand all the way. When I got to the door he stopped. ”Y/N would you like to go to the Yule Ball with me” I didn’t even have to think “Yes Cedric, I would” He hugged me and let me go into my room.
We practised for the dance for the next two weeks, it was so fun, we rarely took it seriously but that was what made it even better.
Finally, I hope our practise for the dance was worth while considering I have two left feet. I had just finished getting ready, I wore a flowy light blue dress with a few pale pink and beige tones. As I walked down the stairs I bumped into Hermione. She looked so beautiful, her hair was so perfectly done and she was wearing the prettiest pink dress. Had I not made a big enough effort? We continued to walk down the stairs and I noticed Krum was waiting for Hermione, I couldn’t see Cedric so I stood and waited with them both for a bit. And then, there he was, he looked as handsome as ever in his dress robes, a wide smile formed on his face when he looked at me. He slowly walked over “you look absolutely stunning Y/N” he said whilst gently holding onto both of my hands. “Don't look too shabby yourself” I said with a little giggle, he laughed too, he always did tell me that my laugh was contagious.  
Once everyone was gathered in the great hall the champions and their partners were ordered to enter as we were the first to dance. We took position. Staring into Cedrics eyes as he held onto my waist made me feel as if we were the only two people in the room, I wasn’t worried, in fact I didn’t feel anything but joy. The music began and we set off. The more I continued to look into his eyes the more natural the dancing felt. Every time he lifted me into the air butterflies formed in my stomach, my dream was always to be able to dance in a ball with a gorgeous boy and now, my dream was coming true.
As the night grew longer me and Cedric remained in the hall dancing for hours upon hours. Eventually we sat down “Tonight has been really fun Y/N” he started “i actually have something to ask you, well Ive been meaning to ask it for a while now actually.” There was only one thing on my mind “sure go ahead” Cedric slowly stood up holding my hand causing me to stand up too. He gently moved the hair from out of my face and put it behind my ear and the proceeded to place his hand on my cheek. His hands were so soft, I could feel the warmth on my skin. My heart was beating so fast. I saw him open his mouth as if he was too scared to say what he wanted to. “May I kiss you” he said silently in a slightly shaky voice. I leaned in closer to him, my lips very nearly touching his. “...yes”
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for @jegulus-microfic’s prompt kitchen, july 22, w/c 256
Regulus had just come home from the hospital, and they were arguing in the kitchen. “Why are you so angry at me? I just almost died!” Regulus had told James.
James yelled back, “And you would have been fucking dead if I hadn’t come, no thanks to yourself!”
Regulus knew it was true. “Fuck off! I didn’t asked to be saved!” He didn’t know why he said it. It just slipped out. He hadn’t meant it. Right?
The hurt and pain once again painted against James’ face for all to see caused guilt to spring up inside Regulus. “You didn’t tell me where you were! You wrote this heartbreaking note and said nothing! I looked for the friend you told, the one that you trusted more than me. Well spoiler alert, Bartemius is a fucking death eater! You think I’m more likely to tell than him?” His voice echoes as he yells and he then turns on his heel, walking out of the kitchen.
Regulus stands rigid as he watches him walk out, feeling as though someone had just taken his heart out of his chest, thrown it on the ground and stomped on it. He knew Barty wouldn’t tell. But why hadn’t he told James? He couldn’t think of a good reason now.
His pride was too big to walk after him, but he wanted more than anything to kneel on the ground, to beg for forgiveness, to apologize again and again. But he couldn’t. He couldn’t think of a good reason for that either.
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hpfluff-fest · 4 years
HP Fluff Fest Masterlist
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We would like to thank everybody who has made this fest such a success, whether as a prompter, creator, or reader! Both of us hope the featured fics and art have brought you happiness and warm fuzzy feelings. Now, without further ado, may we proudly present the HP Fluff Fest 2020 Masterlist. 
Albus Severus Potter/Scorpius Malfoy
🌻god, you're beautiful by lov-lyness || @lov-lyness, Traditional Art (G)
Scorpius and Albus are by a lake, Scorpius's soulmark is showing.
🌻Sticky Love by motherofmercury || @motherofmercury, 1.3k, (G)
Scorpius always leaves encouraging notes and reminders around their flat for Albus to find.  Albus realises he's a messy person to live with.  Cleaning and the discovery of Albus' romantic side ensues.
 Bartemius Crouch Jr./Harry Potter FIC 
🌻Coming Home Late by Firebull || @swampwitchkaterina, 525 words (G)
It had become a bit of a routine to them.
 Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
🌻K is for Kiss by Pinkelephant42 || @pinkelephant42, Digital Art (G)
Harry escapes the spotlight to teach young magical kids. Draco is charmed by his son's new teacher.
🌻Moving in together - shopping for laughs. by digthewriter || @digtheshipper, Digital Art (G)
Trying out mattresses w/ your partner leads to giggles in the furniture showroom. 
🌻The Case for Borrowed Underwear and Morning-After Pancakes by toutcequonveut || @cequonveut, Digital Art (Comic) (T)
Harry and Draco have just Done the Deed™️ for the first time. After a truly fantastic night, Harry wakes up alone in bed and wonders where Draco has wandered off to..
🌻Age is just a number by gnarf || @gnarf, 1.5k (T)
Married for decades, their life is perfect. Until Harry gets a call and hears the following words: "Mr Potter, we caught your husband stealing ten large packs of King Sized condoms."
🌻And They Say Romance is Dead by static_abyss || @static-abyss, 9.7k (E)
Harry is in love with Draco Malfoy. This is, quite possible, the worst thing that could have ever happened to him. Not because he doesn't want to love Draco but because now that Harry knows, he doesn't know how he's supposed to tell him.
Or, five times Harry tried to tell Draco he loved him and one time he succeeded.
🌻Chasing Coffee by Yesimawriter || @foularcadebanana, 5.6k (T)
Harry's service dog, Coffee, is obsessed with a certain Slytherin prat, and Harry cannot figure out why. It can't be because Harry wants to spend more time with him, right?
🌻darling, your kisses are sweeter than honey by unicorninthelibrary || @unicorn-in-the-library, 1k (T)
No matter how many years have passed, waking up next to Draco is Harry’s favorite thing in life. 
  🌻Dear (For Want of a Better Idea) Diary by tigersilver || @stripedsilverfeline, 12.3k (M)
Draco likes his life; there’s not much not to like. He’s got himself a family of rescued kneazles and nosy Weasleys plus two fun jobs to keep him busy, which is more than he ever expected, post-Voldemort.  But he’ll have a bash at keeping a journal, just as his boss George suggested. Who knows? It might even help him sort out what’s up with Potter, right? 
  🌻Disastrously Perfect by savant (teii) || @teii, 8.3k (T) 
Neville figured that whatever was going on between Harry and Draco, he could quietly keep out of the way and observe from a safe distance. Luna, however, has other plans.
🌻 Duck And Cover by Drarrymadhatter || @drarrymadhatterstuff, k (T)
Draco is struggling with eighth year, until he’s forced to adopt a flock of ducklings. Harry, convinced his old nemesis is up to his old tricks, decided to find out what he’s up to. When he discovers his fluffy secret, he decides to have some fun with it. However, along the way, he starts to realise how much Malfoy has changed.
  🌻Ferret Support Services by CoCo (cportera) || @cportera, 4k (G)
Harry discovers a ferret while hiding away from his friends. He adopts the furry animal telling him secrets, never knowing the ferret might have secrets of his own.
🌻If This is Happiness, I Don't Mind Having This by Orpheous87, 6.2k (G)
Eighth Year isn't going too well for Draco. He's isolated and ignored by his classmates. Then he stumbles across a flock of tiny ducklings that need a helping hand. What Draco doesn't expect is someone to offer him a helping hand.
🌻I Knew I Loved You Before I Met You by Ladderofyears || @clemandben, 20.7k (E)
All Draco ever wanted was to carry his beloved husband's baby. It had been a journey of years, of tearful nights and smiling while he was breaking inside. It was finally happening though. They've tried for so long. They're having a child.
  🌻Just Like Potions by vivi1138 || @penguinanimagus, 2.3k (E)
Kreacher is on holidays. Draco thinks he can cook because he's so good at Potions. Hint: he can't.
  🌻Let Your Heart Hold Fast by MoonlitMarauder || @moonlitmaruader, 7.1k (E)
After three years together you'd think Harry would have learned to let Draco keep his secrets, but Draco is up to something. He just knows it. Or  That time when Ron had to give Harry advice on his love life.
🌻Love In Ikea by kai_blxck || @im-kaifused, 30.6k (T)
In all the trips Harry had made to Ikea, Harry never expected to bump into the love of his life? 
Draco never thought Wizards could exist but here he is, falling in love with one. 
  🌻Misunderstandings are as easy as A-B-C by VeelaWings || @veelawings, 3.4k (T)
A slow blink and Potter seemed to catch himself, clearing his throat and nodding, his smile friendly and bright when directed at Scorpius and Draco. “Hey Mal—”
“Mr Potter,” Draco spoke up rudely, but necessary. “This is my son, Scorpius Black. He’ll be one of your students this year.” 
Potter looked completely wrongfooted for a few seconds before his mind appeared to latch onto the most likely conclusion. His expression cleared up as Scorpius took a step forward and offered a tiny hand. 
“Hello, Mr Potter. It’s nice to meet you,” Scorpius said, enunciation steady and practiced.
  🌻Seeking: pet carer for Bartholomew (four-year old rescue greyhound, no special needs)  by GallifreyisBurning || @gallifrey1sburning, 14.7k (E)
When Draco’s boyfriend ends their relationship rather abruptly (and, frankly, extremely rudely), he leaves Draco with full-time responsibility for their rescue greyhound, Bartholomew. Draco loves his dog with all his heart, but the long hours he works at his law firm mean that he can’t possibly be home as much as Bartholomew needs. Enter Sirius Pet Care, an app designed to solve this very problem! When Draco books Harry, he’s relieved at how quickly the man and his dog bond. He’s less relieved by how unexpectedly, distractingly attractive Harry turns out to be… and how Draco’s afternoon meetings keep being “mysteriously” cancelled, meaning that he JUST HAPPENS to be home when Harry comes by. After all, it’s not appropriate to ogle one’s employees… right?
  🌻sign me up for that full-time by M0stlyVoid || @bonesliketambourines, 4k (T)
Harry should have learned by now to never trust anything the Weasley twins try to pass off as a thoughtful holiday gift, no matter how innocuous it might appear.
🌻Soft & Hard by DragonGirl87 || @drgngrl87​, 8k (T)
In which Draco is forced to grudgingly admit that Harry does have some taste and Harry learns more about mattresses than any sane person should ever know.
🌻Some Assembly Required by peachpety || @peachpety, 6.5k (E)
A relationship must occasionally endure a test of strength, be it confronting an ex, or meeting the inlaws. Sometimes, however, an inanimate object can make or break a couple. Harry and Draco's relationship is put to the test when they attempt to assemble a piece of IKEA furniture.
🌻They were Once Young by acupforslytherin || @acupforslytherin, 6.4k (T)
Draco nervously expected for the worst when Harry invited him to Godric’s Hollow for the summer holidays. Little did he know, he was in for a delightful French dinner, two generations of embarrassing Potters, and a fascinating story of how Harry’s parents got together.
  🌻Too Many Legs by vivi1138 || @penguinanimagus, 4.4k (T)
Draco is thrilled when his son produces a powerful bout of accidental magic. But unlike most children his age, Scorpius doesn't stop there, and soon Draco is overwhelmed. Harry just finds it funny. 
  🌻Too precious to share by slowroad || @slowroad, 1.6k (M)
Harry and Draco are several months into their eighth year at Hogwarts. They've been in a relationship for a while now, but no one knows about them yet and they like it that way.
🌻Whiskers and Kisses by MotherBooker || @motherbookerao3​, 1.5k (G)
When rabbits trust and care about a person, they can be very loving and affectionate creatures.
  🌻With a Bite and A Hiss (and Some Curry On Top) by Zandra Gorin || @zandragorin, 4.7k (T)
Draco keeps bringing animals home and keeps cooking curry for Harry. Harry is of the opinion that it has got to stop. Well, not the cooking curry part.  
Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter/Neville Longbottom ART
🌻Home is where the Bloody Plants are by Thunder_of_Dragons || @thunder-of-dragons, Digital Animated Pixel Art (G)
When Harry invited Neville and Draco to move into Grimmauld Place with him, his one condition was that they help him remove all of the old Pureblood artefacts. Draco was more than happy to agree, but he's determined not to let their drawing room become overrun by Neville's plants.
 Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger
🌻Crookshanks and the Worst Weekend by Aneiria || @aneiria-writes, 2.1k (T)
In which Crookshanks' perfect weekend is ruined by the arrival of a tiny, annoying, infuriating kneazle kitten who follows him home, and the wizard who comes looking for it.
🌻Stranded Apart by In_Dreams || @indreamsink, 10.5k (T)
Lost in the wilderness without their wands, Hermione and Draco will need to learn to work together if they want to make it out in one piece.
🌻The Art of Seating Etiquette by inadaze22 || @inadaze22, 9.7k (E)
Hermione believes that every problem has a solution, and that solution can be found in a book. That is, until Draco starts sitting to her right every Friday. She has no answers until help comes in the form of an unlikely source: Ron Weasley.
🌻The Heart of Healing by niffizzle || @niffizzle, 5.1k (T)
Spending her Saturday volunteering at St. Mungo's was Hermione Granger’s favourite part of the week. Nothing would ruin that, not even Draco Malfoy showing up to complete his community service hours.
🌻The Importance of Being Honest  by floorcoaster || @floorcoaster, 9k (T)
In the pursuit of the truth, sometimes nature lends a hand.
 Draco Malfoy/Neville Longbottom
🌻A Tattoo to Match by Pinkelephant42 || @pinkelephant42, Digital Art (G)
Tattoo Artist Draco Malfoy and Florist Neville Longbottom work next to each other, flirt a lot, and get matching tattoos.
 Dudley Dursley/Gregory Goyle FIC 
🌻Stranger in the bakery by toutcequonveut || @cequonveut, 3.6k (M) 
The people of the town are confused. Dudley is confused, but then he isn't. Greg is confused, but he's in love and that's more important. Harry is very confused, but just goes with it.
Or: a glimpse into the morning after Dudley and Greg's first time, featuring bakery buns and other buns
🌻it seems to come down to us by porcelainsalt (bluedreaming) || @porcelainsalt, 1.1k (G)
Minerva takes matters into her own hands.
Ginny Weasley/Luna Lovegood
🌻Bluebells and Asters by goldenzingy46 || @goldenzingy46, 826 (G)
Luna braids Ginny's hair. Ginny complains about boys. Softness (and a little kissing) ensues.
🌻Morning Eggs by PhenomenalAsterisk || @phenomenalasterisk, 842 words (G)
Luna began her mornings with tea. Ginny began her mornings with Luna. With the first stirrings of consciousness, Ginny found herself snuggling into her beloved — Luna’s neck, her hair, her belly, wherever Ginny could reach, really, was free game for the morning ritual. Ginny would cling like a barnacle to Luna until she was lucid enough to function on her own.
🌻Sleepy Smiles by PhenomenalAsterisk || @phenomenalasterisk, 554 (G)
Luna’s eyes are still shut, though the corners of her thin lips are just barely quirked into a smile. “You missed the movie, love.” Ginny says quietly, pressing her lips against her hair in a brief kiss. 
Luna tucks her head further into Ginny’s neck and murmurs back, “I woke up for the best part.” Ginny smiles. It’s not unusual for Luna to enjoy her wife’s strength, in the bedroom and otherwise, though she has never asked for something as indulgent as being carried to bed. 
OR Ginny carries Luna to bed. Soft, sweet, and short bit of domestic fluff.
Ginny Weasley/Pansy Parkinson
🌻get off on whiplash by cjmasim || @lesbianlilyevans​, 6k (T)
Ginny manages to convince herself that entering the drawing was nothing other than a way to help a friend out by getting the numbers for The Quibbler's entries higher.
Naturally, she wins the drawing. 
 Harry Potter/Severus Snape
🌻How to See Without a Camera by RoonilWazlibMalfoy  || @evenmyzefronposter, 11.7k (E)
Having returned to Hogwarts after his training to take over for Madam Pomfrey, Harry was just happy to be back home. He didn't even mind it when he realized he'd have to work closely with Severus Snape.  One Kiss Cam incident at a Quidditch Match, however, left him wondering just how close he could get to the man. 
🌻Quite The Perfect Sunday by HogwartsToAlexandria || @dwell-on-dreams​, 751 words (E)
Spending all day in bed, every Sunday they could, had been on of Harry and Severus's traditions almost from the start. It was a moment just for them, which they cherished and made the most of every time.
Hermione Granger/Luna Lovegood
🌻Picking Daisies by dragontamerdrarry || @dragontamerdame, Digital Art (G)
Luna Lovegood has a terrace garden filled with Xenophilius Lovegood approved yellow flowers. Today, Luna’s picked some yellow daisies and is enjoying spending some quality time with her girlfriend (who has her nose buried in the hottest new Magizoology text in town!)
Hermione Granger/Narcissa Malfoy
FIC 🌻Life Is Good by Houseofmalfoy || @malfoylestrange​, 1.2k (G)
Narcissa surprises herself with the number of times she thinks that little sentence, surprises herself with how genuinely happy she is with the way her life turned out, even if she’s no longer surprised at all by the person who gave it to her.
She’s happy.  
Hermione Granger/Pansy Parkinson
🌻A Million Worlds Apart by SiriuslyThatBitch || @siriuslythatbitch, 13.6k (E)
After spending the bulk of her childhood fighting a dark wizard, Hermione was looking forward to a relaxing year. Too bad fate always has something else planned, including ancient spells, sarcastic roommates, and a suffocating amount of sexual tension.
🌻Exodus by cdav || @cdav, 6.6k (T)
After the war, Hermione finds herself drawn to Pansy Parkinson for reasons she can't quite explain. Parkinson is adamant that they won't work out. Hermione's determined to prove otherwise.
Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley
🌻The Perfect Moment by DameinToyland || @dameintoyland, 1.8k (G)
Hermione gets home late from work and witnesses story time with Ron and the kids. Ron is nostalgic, Hugo is excited, and Rose isn’t having any of it.
  James Sirius Potter/Teddy Lupin
🌻The Waiting (Is The Hardest Part) by Ladderofyears || @clemandben, 1.1k (E)
Teddy is waiting to give Jamie a performance.
Remus Lupin/Sirius Black
🌻A Purrfect Match by captainegg || @im-captain-egg, 1.7k (G)
When Remus walked into the shelter that day, he expected to leave with a new furry companion and not meet the love of his life.
🌻Here comes the sun by PollyDarton || @polly-darton, 5.5k (M)
Honestly, screw the sun. For all I care the world revolves around you.
  🌻Moonlit Reflections by MoonCat457 || @mooncat457writing, 6.4k (T) 
Sirius has been pining for Remus for far too long and James is sick of it. So, when it’s James’ turn to go on a late-night scouting mission with Remus on the grounds to work on the Marauder’s Map, he sends Sirius instead with instructions to finally just admit his feelings.
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ao3feed-snape · 3 years
The Grimoire of The Authority
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/3dQ9qL0
by Nullification_90210
Words: 1, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Doctor Who, Doctor Who (2005), 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Original Work, Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Doctor Strange (2016), Dragon Ball, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Fortnite (Video Game), Men in Black (Movies)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: David Tennant, Matt Smith (Actor), Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman, Jodie Whittaker, Peter Capaldi, Harry Potter, The Doctor (Doctor Who), Tenth Doctor, Eleventh Doctor, Son Goku (Dragon Ball), Vegeta (Dragon Ball), Bartemius Crouch Jr., Severus Snape, Stephen Strange, Khan Noonien Singh | John Harrison, Sherlock Holmes, Ryan Ryguyrocky, Sabre Favre (Favremysabre), Gold Crystallium (Goldy), Izuku Nezu Yamazawa Tsukagi (Izuku Midoriya), James T. Kirk, Spock (Star Trek), Nyota Uhura, Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Hikaru Sulu, Midas (Fortnite), Marigold (Fortnite), Kaled Doctor, Cyber Doctor, Agent M | Molly Wright, Agent H | Henry (Men in Black), Agent C (Men in Black), The Master (Doctor Who), The Master (Simm), The Master (Dhawan), Kakarot (Dragon Ball), The Dreamer, Mirai Vegeta (Dragon Ball), Future Trunks Briefs, Future Vegeta (Dragon Ball), Mirai Goku (Dragon ball), Future Son Goku (Dragon Ball), Broly (Dragon Ball), Starlight (The Doctor), Moonlight - Character, cron - Character, Ruta, Toma, Luna Lillian Crystallium, Mahinarangi Rosaline Crystallium, Ashley Crystallium (Ash503)
Additional Tags: Family Feels
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3dQ9qL0
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aedirns · 2 years
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for when your hands are fire and sparks; for when burning others is all you know.
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mabel didn't know regulus black like the back of her hand, he's just the bigoted slytherin who happens to be some god at potions which is why slughorn paired her, the inept potioneer, with regulus who is at the top of their grade.
she saw him in the distance, sitting in the grass flanked by evan rosier and barty crouch jr. alongside with two other death eater slytherins and a group of girls, all of them closer to regulus than mabel would've liked. they're all laughing, probably at the idea of her. mabel wants to pretend that it's not eating at her insides and that it doesn't bother her that regulus deliberately acts like she doesn't exist or that she doesn't matter like they haven't spent nights making potion after potion, it bothers her so fucking much it makes her nauseous.
she takes a deep breath, bracing herself for the humiliation that set to occur. she's a muggleborn hufflepuff why the fuck would regulus ever associate with her outside the scope of general coursework? she walks towards the group, contemplating whether she should even consider doing this and whether it is worth it, worth being torn to shreds by the group of bigoted social elites who all look down on her.
"regulus c-can i speak to you alone?" the group of slytherins look at her as she addresses regulus, who looks her over as if he wasn't imagining himself caressing her in the morning while she slept, as if she isn't the image of all of his sexual dreams and fantasies, as if he wasn't madly in love with her, as if under all his coursebooks was a small occlumency book designated to protect anyone from harming her. regulus stands up, towering mabel by a solid foot, and sneers at her.
"maeve? marissa? maria? oh you're the mudblood in my potions aren't you? and what makes you think you can talk to me?" regulus scoffs, the group of slytherins laugh in derision as mabel's face heats up in dejected humiliation, her evident embarassment doesn't stop the group from adding salt to the wound as it becomes barty crouch jr's turn to disrespect the girl in front of regulus.
"i know her, the stupid hufflepuff who's living proof as to why muggles and their primitive ilk are below us? answer his question bitch" barty gets in her face as mabel's eyes well up with tears and for the first time, regulus feels an instinct to protect the smaller girl in front of him, he feels like he needs to intervene, but his inner fear of what could occur if anyone finds out about them paralyzes him and makes him a guest in the show that is barty humiliating mabel.
"she's so fucking daft she can't even answer a simple question," mabel recognizes this voice, a clear feminine jeer, it's lucinda yaxley the twin sister of corbin yaxley who is one of regulus' closest friend and who she tutored earlier this year in herbology, mabel actually felt hurt by lucinda's words because she had long considered lucinda as one of the nicer slytherins. lucinda had even complimented mabel's necklace last thanksgiving so her remarks were a complete shock to her but she ignored the feeling of hurt in her belly, she was prepared for the onslaught of insults that were to be inevitable swung her way.
what she wasn't prepared for however, was for barty to roughly push her into the mud, mabel felt her head hit the mud and she hears them all, including regulus, laugh as she yelps in complete and utter shock. this time tears are streaming down her as she makes desperate eyecontact with regulus, pleading for him to intervene and to free her from barty's unabashed cruelty, regulus stares right back and cocks his eyebrows, looking as if he's watching a boring film.
onlookers from abegin to arrive at the scene of commotion that is barty yelling at and insulting mabel, all the other slytherins in regulus' group jeering him on and regulus makes fleeting eye-contact with mabel, who's blue orbs radiate a sense of desperation, anger, and betrayal.
"thought the mud would do you better babe, you're a mudblood so why not compliment you with the proverbial mud?" barty taunts, he crouches down and collects a fistfull of mud and stands right ip. mabel is confused as to why he found it necessary to grab mud but her question is answered as he flings it at her, the group of slytherin roaring in laughter at mabel flinches in humiliation. she's frozen in a silent panic attack and cannot move. regulus stands there, silently contemplating on whatever to do since he finds it increasingly difficult to ignore the overwhelming feeling of guilt that is blossoming within, mabel doesn't deserve this at all, he knocked out of his thoughts as mabel forces herself nack up, her second-handed uniform sullied by the mud as she makes eye contact with an amused barty, albeit difficult giving his height. she wishes for nothing more than to wipe the callous smirk off of his smug face
"you're scum of the earth and i hope you die," mabel chokes out, and spits in his face. regulus' eyes widen in utter shock as do the five other slytherins next to him, the crowd of onlookers and cowardly bystanders who had long been enjoying the bullying courtesy of bartemius crouch jr. have gone silent. barty is in a state of complete disbelief, evidently not expecting that from mabel. his face morphs from a look of astonishment to irate anger as he points his wand at her throat. the thought of barty doing any actual harm to mabel forces regulus to acknowledge his conscience and intervene, pushing himself between barty and mabel and he knows an angered barty is a dangerous barty and is aware that he could do legitmate harm to mabel.
"that's enough let's go" regulus pushes an enraged barty away from a shaking mabel who is coming to terms with what she has just done.
"the fucking mudblood bitch spat on me regulus why the fuck are you defending her? are you fucking her is that why you don't want me to hurt her like the fucking dog she is?" barty's voices raises by the second as he pushes back regulus who staggers momentarily before he collects himself. regulus doesn't have a chance to answer as professor mcgonagall disperses the crowd and hastily approaches barty.
"i'll answer that for you mr.crouch, forty points from slytherin and it'll be forty more if you don't leave now," there's unbridled anger swimming in mcgonagall's eyes as regulus steps back and barty nods in angered acknowledgment to the professor. he shoots one last glare to mabel as he stalks off, regulus awkwardly following in his footsteps. mabel runs off, sobbing before mcgonagall can approach her.
she knew it was a bad idea from the start.
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