aetherealcas-blog · 7 years
Supernatural Poetry Challenge | @aetherealcas vs. @cymamoremocha
Prompt: Boots
Pairings: Destiel 
Tags: Fluff (kind of), no angst, SFW. 
You have wandered this Earth,
This perfect godly creation,
Since before humans could talk,
Never abandoning or questioning your station.
Days were mere specks to you,
Angelic being that you are.
Your veins were infused with a grace of blue,
And your body n’ere suffered a scar.
Years passed by without your notice,
And your Father’s sons changed too.
Those humans who were once so primitive,
Their intelligence grew and grew.
But you never could stay long.
It was not in your orders to get attached;
Moving from vessel to vessel
In an attempt to hold your feelings for humanity back.
And then came the orders from upon high,
As clear cut as a church bell.
Leave Earth behind as you have never done before,
And save the Righteous Man from Hell.
So downwards you dived,
Into the foul smog and stench.
A hand upon the shoulder was all it took,
And soon you were sat next to each other on a park bench.
But you were naive, back then
You had no idea how much
They would come to mean to you
And you to them.
And now,
Almost ten years down the line,
You would give anything to stop the world from spinning,
To stop the ticking of time.
Because you have finally found 
A meaning in life,
Besides following orders,
And fighting in heaven’s endless strife.
Love is not an emotion
Which you are supposed to feel.
But every day you are with him,
It seems more and more real.
A rush like blood to the head,
A smile and a laugh in the quiet hours of the morning.
When all’s done and said,
Now you are less angel, more human.
It’s hard to believe
That despite your disputes, you fell in love with a man
Who favours worn out flannel shirts
And scuffed up, filthy boots.
But here the both of you are,
Perfect in your imperfections.
Neither of you will ever stray far,
For fear of breaking this profound connection.
And now you know for sure
That your endless wandering has come to an end,
You will have to distance yourself no more,
From the man who seems to you to be a godsend.
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aetherealcas-blog · 7 years
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aetherealcas-blog · 7 years
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aetherealcas-blog · 7 years
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aetherealcas-blog · 7 years
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aetherealcas-blog · 7 years
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aetherealcas-blog · 7 years
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various & sundry villains ↳ ♥ cas + hair appreciation ♥
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aetherealcas-blog · 7 years
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SPN 13.04  ↳   T h e   B i g   E m p t y
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aetherealcas-blog · 7 years
Dean Winchester waking up everyday and thinking “Today is going to be a great day.” before getting up because the first thing he sees when he opens his eyes is Cas by his side.
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aetherealcas-blog · 7 years
Hi hello have you taken a moment out of your day today to imagine a newly human castiel wearing dean’s flannel shirts around the bunker and stopping whatever he’s doing every few minutes to run his fingertips over the fabric and smile to himself becuase he’s wearing dean’s shirt.
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aetherealcas-blog · 7 years
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13.12 Various and Sundry Villains dir. Amanda Tapping
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aetherealcas-blog · 7 years
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dean appreciation week: day 3 - favorite scene  4.16 on the head of a pin; dean & alastair
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aetherealcas-blog · 7 years
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for @grumpstiel
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aetherealcas-blog · 7 years
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aetherealcas-blog · 7 years
Could I trouble you for a translation of Rowena's spell? My Latin isn't up to the task. "Ego sum filia naturae, cum osculatione lunae da mihi vocem liberatam, remite vim meam fiam invincta."
Hi, sure! I’m not completely happy with their grammar, but this is what it means: 
“I am the/a daughter of nature, with the/a kiss of the Moon give me a free voice, give me back/restore to me my strength and make me invincible.”
Latin doesn’t have articles, hence that ‘the/a’ nonsense. The verbs are all singular imperative, so whomever Rowena is talking to, it’s one person or entity. And I don’t like that last bit because technically, ‘invicta’ is a past participle, so it’s like Rowena is asking to erase her past failures (‘make it so that I’ve never been defeated’) but I’m pretty sure they meant to make it a future (‘make it so that I will never be defeated’)? In any case, it is most ominous.
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aetherealcas-blog · 7 years
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aetherealcas-blog · 7 years
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Sassy Cas strikes again
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