agasawit · 3 days
Omega calling echo: hey are you free later?
Echo: no I'm expensive
Hunter in the background: ECHO it was ONE TIME!
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agasawit · 3 days
Echo waking up from having his cyborg ass plugged into a computer for months:
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agasawit · 13 days
I didn't see a single soul mention this so I'm ranting fuckers
We all know that clones were basicly woven together one dna string at a time. All the genes kaminoans played with like its the sims 4 character creator mean they could've changed everything.
It means they could've played with the little things that run in the family. Like being a terrible liar
They thought the jedi would be actual generals and punish the clones for the smallest things(like contraband)
The worse part is some were like that (I'm talking to you krell) and the clones couldn't do shit cose they were *genetically engineered* to be *good soliders*
I NEVER see people talk about this. "Clones are so goofy. Omg they can't lie, peak of comedy"
NO. That's how those kaminofucks make them feel less human and more robotic.
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agasawit · 13 days
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Echo putting the bad in Bad Bitch with this move
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agasawit · 15 days
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agasawit · 15 days
will we ever know what happened to cody? will we ever hear his voice again? see his scar? his orange (or now grey) painted sun? his stupid antenna? hear him call 'son' his same age brothers? see him punching droids? will i ever know the kind relief of getting him back? please i need him back i miss him
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agasawit · 15 days
”stop posting about that guy and that robot from that one game” NO!!!!!!!!!!!! STANDBY FOR TITANFALL
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agasawit · 15 days
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Obi-Wan in Star Wars media
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agasawit · 18 days
You guys colonize any moons yet?
come on we may be an evil corporation but we don't do colonization
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agasawit · 18 days
Introduced my sister to star wars and she has previously never seen anything star wars whatsoever. She doesn't know what a darth Vader is and has certainly never heard of order 66.
We have finally made it through 2 movies and almost 7 seasons of the animated clone wars (up till season 7 episode 9) and we are watching Revenge of the Sith tonight.
Her favorite is Plo Koon, absolutely loves him and she wants him and his 'kids' (the wolf pack clones) to "retire to a farm or something together after the war"
On a scale of 1 - 10, how likely do you think it is she will kill me in my sleep tonight
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agasawit · 18 days
I was reading a SW fic once and there came a point where someone was explaining to Obi-Wan how Fox killed Palpatine by placing a slugthrower to the back of his head.
And my dumb tired for a brain forgot for a sec that "slugthrower" is SW speak for like a regular old gun with regular old bullets. 'Cause Force users love playing baseball with laser bolts so of fucking course Fox wasn't taking any chances.
But instead of mentally picturing Fox pulling the trigger of a multi-thousands years old ancient pistol, my dumb tired brain thought slugthrower meant a fucking bazooka.
I was just that willing to believe that if given the chance, Fox would fire a bazooka at Palpatine at close range.
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agasawit · 22 days
list of mundane things that feel like ancient human rituals
cleaning or wipe your bare feet
breaking off a piece of bread and handing it to someone
putting the weight of a basket on your hip or head
eating nuts or berries while hunched over close to the ground
seeing something startling just out of your line of sight and very quickly stepping or leaping on to a larger object to get a better view
cupping your hands into running water to wash your face
the unanimous protection of a baby or child in a public space where women are present
when an elderly woman laughs and grips your forearm tightly
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agasawit · 22 days
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agasawit · 23 days
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agasawit · 23 days
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to all summers that will never come back🐞
the feeling of loneliness and nostalgia always hits me during summer, so i decided to draw this illustration dedicated to all the childhood friends im no longer in touch with
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agasawit · 23 days
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mamo a dlaczego żuraw śpiewa Mury
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agasawit · 23 days
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A quick sketch of Polish Miku
She’s asking what sausage do you want in your hotdog
I wanted to draw her in a pretty folk dress but I had time for that so żabka Miku
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