agent-pennsylvania · 11 days
I love it when there's a guy who lost their name. forgot it, discarded it, don't use it, can't use it, had it stolen, even just when a title is used to avoid saying it. all good stuff
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agent-pennsylvania · 1 month
Apathy. Dispassion. Detachment. These are things a child shouldn’t be used to. His caretakers apparently owed his parents, but they never elaborated beyond that. It was enough to care for him this long. Just enough to keep the gangly youth alive and mostly left to his own devices, neglected. Now, however, it seems he’s “eating them out of house and home.” He knows it’s just an excuse… He’s pretty smart for a kid he had to be. They never wanted him… He was just here. Until one day they made sure he wasn’t.
A kid was dropped off on the steps of a group home. No words were exchanged, no questions asked. Although after talking with the little one, he seemed to have been passed around quite a lot, before ending up at the home. He had no name. The employees at the home could only guess what the boy’s home life had been like. Parents probably died, his caretakers only caring enough to keep him alive, until ultimately giving him up. The kid barely spoke or at least he didn’t like to talk. The employees didn’t care all that much either. Not even sparing a moment to give him a real name on his official paperwork. Now labeled “Unknown.” The kid was a wildcard, a fighter. Especially hostile when presented with food, he wasn’t above stealing it or fighting for it. He could be extremely violent. The employees had their work cut out for them with this kid. Unknown wasn’t a name that worked out well in conversation however, a few slip ups led to the nickname of Uno and it just so happened to stick. 
Uno had shown up at the group home seemingly just in time.The government had just rolled out a new vaccination program. Offering free vaccinations to low income and poor children and of course the children in the group home were signed up. Little did anyone know. The UNSC kept the used needles from the program, making a DNA registry of all the children of the outer colonies. Colonies, the planet Harvest, was among. 
Preparation for the SPARTAN II Project had begun. Originally 300 candidates were chosen, but the promised budget was later cut and the number was reduced to 150 and then finally a mere 75 candidates. Uno’s DNA was one of those finalists, that combined with his temperament  and the fact he was an orphan and thus wouldn’t require a flash clone replacement and Uno was taken without much fuss. Uno’s feisty spirit served him well as a cadet. His quiet but savage nature makes him somewhat unpredictable among his peers. There were a few incidents of fights. Several in-fact, between Uno-086 and Lobo-037. One incident was recorded happening between Uno-086 and Preston-072, thusly Mandarin oranges are no longer allowed in the cafeteria as Preston-072 now has a sizable bite mark on his arm. Graduation day. The cadets were excited. jittery and intense. It was the day they had been waiting for. Just one more test and they’d be done. They just had to survive. 
Each augmentation procedure bought with it a new level of pain. Even after the sedation, many would report still being able to feel. Some described feeling as if they were on fire, from the inside. Some felt like their bones were shattering like glass. Uno was one of the 30 SPARTAN candidates that died on the operating table. His heart gave out during the carbide ceramic ossification procedure. The procedure was finished, before Uno was later cryogenically frozen along with the other failed cadets, with hopes of resuscitation and rehabilitation at a later date.
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agent-pennsylvania · 2 months
i let them hit because they were honest about their intentions and created a healthy, open line of communication between us that made me feel safe and secure enough to let them see me in one of my most vulnerable states
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agent-pennsylvania · 3 months
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agent-pennsylvania · 4 months
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- Smol boi -
Third and last commission for ShastaBear! For now :3
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agent-pennsylvania · 4 months
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- Mission Accomplished -
Second of the three commissions for ShastaBear! ^w^
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agent-pennsylvania · 4 months
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- Agent Vermont is on the way -
First of three commissions for ShastaBear ^w^
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agent-pennsylvania · 4 months
Adding Agent Pennsylvania's Playlist here, also added it to the pinned post. :) Playlist
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agent-pennsylvania · 6 months
no no. you don't get it. the reason I injure my blorbos until they can't walk is because that's the only way they'll ever let someone else carry them. the reason I curse them to be sick and feverish is so that they'll finally open up about their emotions while delirious. the reason I force them to overexert themselves to the point of exhaustion is so that when they pass out they can finally rest.
I'm doing this for their own good.
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agent-pennsylvania · 6 months
My favourite word is "confidential".
I can't tell you why.
I feel like this is just, prime space for an accidental confidential information leak. But given how few fellow freelancers I have seen on here, I doubt it'll happen.
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agent-pennsylvania · 6 months
“let me get that for you” i say sexily pulling on a door that says push
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agent-pennsylvania · 6 months
i am. so sorry if i have ever used the phrase “i have an au where—” and led you to believe that there is an actual fic out there for you to read rather than, at best, a post where i explain the concept, and at worst it is simply something that lives in my brain
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agent-pennsylvania · 7 months
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“Virginia ready for battle!”
Another commission for bearbait-adventures! A double gift for valveorangebox for his upcoming birthday featuring his freelancer OC, Agent Virginia!
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agent-pennsylvania · 7 months
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“Dynamic Duo”
A here’s the second gift render for valveorangebox
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agent-pennsylvania · 7 months
It's just me and my blood soaked awful pathetic men against the world
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agent-pennsylvania · 8 months
for october i will be doing an art challenge called get through october where i try to get through october here's the prompt list:
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agent-pennsylvania · 8 months
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hello internet. this is uh. oc.
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