agent8-askblog · 5 months
are ya winnin, three?
*Three is barely holding her own against a massive horde of sanitized octarians*
*It’s a similar story for the rest of the splatoon as well.*
*Tartartavio is watching the fight, but something else barely noticeable is also going on with him... he appears to be twitching and mumbling to himself...*
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agent8-askblog · 6 months
everyones counting on you!
Trust me. I’m aware.
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agent8-askblog · 7 months
Have you tried eating any jelletons. If not, you should do so and tell us what they taste like. For science
Alterna and Side Order will be implemented after this arc is completed. They aren’t canon to the blog yet but they will be soon.
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agent8-askblog · 7 months
... care to elaborate?
If we can last long enough to wear them down, we might have a chance. It’s our only shot.
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agent8-askblog · 7 months
Right now? Survive.
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agent8-askblog · 1 year
*Holding a boombox and Bacon (with seaweed alternatives)* Wakey Wakey. Calimari and bakey…
Yeah, I know I really should send my own asks so I have something to answer. It’s just really tedious because I’m on the app not the site.
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agent8-askblog · 1 year
Oh hey it’s 8/3. Cool.
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agent8-askblog · 1 year
go 3!
*a sort of drill type thing burrows it's way to the surface, Tartartavio at it's cockpit*
We've located you. We will not lose again.
Uh huh, sure. Because the last four times, your plans went so well.
You mock us now, but we will defeat you, and you will be the catalyst to your own world's t̷̛̺a̵͇͛ḵ̵͝é̸̻ö̴̘́v̷̩͛é̶̯s̴͈̾t̶̠͐r̴̝̽ŭ̸̢c̷̤͛t̴̹̆ḯ̸͔o̷̼̊n̴̖̈́.
*the sanitized army marches out of the hole in the ground*
... Let's do this then. *She whistles*
*the rest of the splatoon emerge from hiding*
No matter. You are still outnumbered. You cannot win.
Hasn't stopped us before.
*Tartartavio growls before lunging straight at Three, and the battle begins*
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agent8-askblog · 1 year
*after some time, the ground starts to shake*
If I were to hazard a guess, probably that.
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agent8-askblog · 1 year
*Three goes out into the middle of nowhere, pretending to be on a mission to investigate something unusual.*
*The rest of the splatoon is hiding nearby. They had all rigged the area with traps prior to this.*
*Three takes a deep breath.* .. Now we wait.
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agent8-askblog · 2 years
hows it going cephalopods
We're ready. I just need to get in position.
Three... Are you sure you want to do this?
... No.. There's nothing else I'd like to do less.. But I've got to.
... Be careful..
... *She nods and heads off to her spot.*
*He watches three go towards what could very well be her demise.* ... I love you.. *he says this quietly.*
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agent8-askblog · 2 years
So I've slightly altered the agents' looks, but I don't have all their gear in Splatoon 3 yet, so until I get that I'll just say what the changes are.
Eight replaced the headphones for those iconic goggles. (You know the ones) And he has the slit in his brow.
Three also has a slit in her brow.
Four's eyes are green now. I felt like they should be different from Eight's.
Seven is still sanitized, but I did show how she looks desanitized one time and I'm changing her desanitized eye color to brown. I don't currently have plans to desanitize her, but I'm putting it out there just for the record.
That's all for now, I'll update again if any more changes are made.
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agent8-askblog · 2 years
Y’know I never got to know your names, what are they? Or is that classified information now? Given that you’re Squidbeak…
Well, Me and Seven don't remember ours, and Three and Four just.. haven't said, I guess.
And I'm not going to.
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agent8-askblog · 2 years
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agent8-askblog · 2 years
Captain three, status report 👈😎👈
We're almost ready. Good thing too. We have no idea how soon that army is going to get here. I'm... I'm terrified, but I'm ready.
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agent8-askblog · 2 years
So I found out Inklings use fish lures to demonstrate their relationship status, who does and doesn’t have theirs?
Well.. um... I recently... Lost my need for one..... And I've never actually asked Four, but he wears like 12 in his casual getup, so I think it's safe to assume he's looking. Eight and Seven haven't worn any, but I think that might just be because octarians don't do the whole lure thing.
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agent8-askblog · 2 years
i gift free big bubbler
Oh.. Wow.. Um, thanks. This will definitely help.
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