agentlemens-query · 9 years
hello baby, did you miss me?
hey friends! guess what!! I am alive~!!
okay sooooo.. a couple of things…
I’ll be re-uploading the NxYxW comic and gonna start working on that again.. so look forward to that madness
and I’m thiiiiiinking of streaming every Sunday night (HST) for a while so if you waaaant please be on the look out for announcements and come and join me!
I’m super excited to come back to this craziness that is tumblr!
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agentlemens-query · 9 years
hello baby, did you miss me?
hey friends! guess what!! I am alive~!!
okay sooooo.. a couple of things…
I’ll be re-uploading the NxYxW comic and gonna start working on that again.. so look forward to that madness
and I’m thiiiiiinking of streaming every Sunday night (HST) for a while so if you waaaant please be on the look out for announcements and come and join me!
I’m super excited to come back to this craziness that is tumblr!
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agentlemens-query · 9 years
hello baby, did you miss me?
hey friends! guess what!! I am alive~!!
okay sooooo.. a couple of things…
I’ll be re-uploading the NxYxW comic and gonna start working on that again.. so look forward to that madness
and I’m thiiiiiinking of streaming every Sunday night (HST) for a while so if you waaaant please be on the look out for announcements and come and join me!
I’m super excited to come back to this craziness that is tumblr!
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agentlemens-query · 9 years
hello baby, did you miss me?
hey friends! guess what!! I am alive~!!
okay sooooo.. a couple of things…
I’ll be re-uploading the NxYxW comic and gonna start working on that again.. so look forward to that madness
and I’m thiiiiiinking of streaming every Sunday night (HST) for a while so if you waaaant please be on the look out for announcements and come and join me!
I’m super excited to come back to this craziness that is tumblr!
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agentlemens-query · 9 years
hello baby, did you miss me?
hey friends! guess what!! I am alive~!!
okay sooooo.. a couple of things…
I’ll be re-uploading the NxYxW comic and gonna start working on that again.. so look forward to that madness
and I’m thiiiiiinking of streaming every Sunday night (HST) for a while so if you waaaant please be on the look out for announcements and come and join me!
I’m super excited to come back to this craziness that is tumblr!
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agentlemens-query · 11 years
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we pretty much share the same ships.. these are the ones we could think of off the top of our heads.
we separated the Reds and Blues from the Freelancers just to try and organize things more.. Wash, Tex, Carolina, and Flowers/Florida show up in both groups.. and "Church" covers Alpha and Epsilon Church... jsyk..
the left column in each group is the top (D) and the right is the bottom (s).. not that it really matters... just a personal preference.. and yes there is selfcest!! because.. WHY NOT?!  :)
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agentlemens-query · 11 years
hey hope im not being annoying by asking but what program do you use for your sketches?
not annoying at all~
i use Paint Tool SAI for the drawing and coloring portion.. and basic overlays and filters. for more complicated post production editing, i switch over to PhotoShop CS6.
i also use PS CS6 for makng gifs.
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agentlemens-query · 11 years
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you've got us to 200+ followers!!
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So uh, turns out you guys are just continually full of surprises. We have to say, while we expected a little response to the running of this blog, you guys have once again managed to blow our minds.  
You have no idea how much it means to us that you enjoy the actions of what we’re trying to do, and the reactions that we get from you are always great if not downright hilarious.
I don’t want to go on for an age, that’s not exactly what we’re here to do – boring you to tears is only fun momentarily – but we just wanted to let you guys know that we are thankful for your input, your questions and queries, and the response that we get every time we post something.
Basically, we love doing what it is we are doing, but we also cannot deny just how important you guys are to the continued existence of this blog. We definitely couldn’t do it without you guys.
Thank you all so much and keep the questions coming,
 Your friendly mods!
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agentlemens-query · 11 years
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[ The boys' shirts are available in the Rooster Teeth store (but not in the colors shown) ]
[ York | North | Wash ]
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agentlemens-query · 12 years
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agentlemens-query · 12 years
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  Never again.
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agentlemens-query · 12 years
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... they're a symbol of things you missed out on, or things you wish you'd done differently, people you'd treated better, family you wish you knew you knew how to... support without being overbearing.
It's living and dealing with those regrets that makes you more... you.
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agentlemens-query · 12 years
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When Wash found out that York never had a home made cake for his birthday, he was determined to fix that.
He asked me to help even though neither of us knew what we were doing.
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agentlemens-query · 12 years
hello hello hello~ .. and we're sorry!!
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it's been another span of time without so much as a text post from us, and we're truly very sorry!! if we could live off headcanons alone, trust us, we would!! but sadly it's not the case.
HOWEVER!! we are not dead!!!
anywho, i (mimi) am here today to clear up a few more details about our little ask blog here.. which will be the first post in our FAQ tag..  :)
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1) the figures are the Halo 4 Master Chief models that my lovely enn had painted and sent to me~!!  do you guys know how amazing she is? if you don't, you really should! because she totally is!!!
2) Out of Mind is post- Project Freelancer. with the way Out of Mind ended, this blog wouldn't make much sense. so we apologize, but we won't be touching on subjects concerning Out of Mind or Recovery One. I'm purposely being vague because I don't want to spoil Out of Mind or Recovery One for those who haven't seen it yet. And if you haven't seen it yet, WHY NOT?! OMG GO SEE IT!!!  D:
3) while this did take place during the Project Freelancer timeline, we will not be answering this either. the reason being the personality changes and alliances being formed/broken and all the chaos that may ensue. ** edit: i found a way to work this :D [ ☆ ] **
4) this question concerns the "present day" timeline, which we likewise will not be answering. the personality changes Wash goes through between his early Project Freelancer days and the "present" are too many to take into account in one little ask blog.
basically for questions 2-4, we really truly are sorry that we can't answer these. okay, well... not that we can't..... but we feel that it'd take the focus away from the BroT3-ness that we're trying to keep with this blog.
at some point in the RvB timeline, tragedies befall our beloved BroT3, and (not that we hate angst, we actually love it!) this blog just isn't the place for them. we've decided to keep all the posts rather lighthearted. it's safe to assume that this blog is being written (except for the admin posts, obviously) pre- Project Freelancer fallout and events leading up to it.
for more on the agents' personalities we're trying to emulate, check out the "agents" section of the about page.
ps. to the lovely followers who asked the questions above, please please do not feel like we are singling you out. i just happened to pick your questions out because they cover a wide range of events that we apologetically will not be answering in this blog.
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agentlemens-query · 12 years
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agentlemens-query · 12 years
Holiday Giveaway Winners!
Uh, uh, hey. Uh, what're you doing, what's up? Uh, buh, what's up with what you're doing?
Hello fellow RVBers, just a friendly notice to inform you that our Holiday Giveaway has finally come to a close. Realistically, it came to a close two days ago, but the mods (okay, just me) were lazy and really couldn’t be bothered writing this post until today.
So here we are, and without further ado, here is the list of prize-winners for this contest:
First Place: The-Meta
Second Place: Broadfields
Third Place: AgentNY
Congratulations to you guys! Just as a hint, please make sure your inboxes are open so that we can contact you – if you want your prizes and all. I think we’re planning a contest for the future, so please stay tuned and don’t forget we’re incredibly thankful for how much you guys like the stuff we put out!
With quiet anger and kittens,
Your brot3 mods
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agentlemens-query · 12 years
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The punchline is that there isn't a funny joke at the end of it.
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