aggpoyke-blog Ā· 5 years
peak manliness:
-has the guts to show emotion and empower others to do the same
-has the Raw Courage (patent pending) to stand up for others when they themselves arenā€™t in a position to do so
-drives a 2019 Dodge Ram 2500 Motortrend Truck of the Year
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aggpoyke-blog Ā· 5 years
forget the ā€œif a monkey sat randomly typing on a typewriter for all of eternity it would eventually write all of the works of shakespeareā€ saying, itā€™s time for ā€œif you left the zadar sea organ to do its thing for eternity it would eventually play darude sandstormā€
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aggpoyke-blog Ā· 5 years
most reviews of products come up with a conclusion and then exaggerate all their opinions in the direction of that conclusion which makes the review pretty much useless.
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aggpoyke-blog Ā· 5 years
music theory is so strange because itā€™s the science of something entirely subjective. sure thereā€™s science behind the beauty of any art form but with music theory you can predict with near certainty whether something will sound good.
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aggpoyke-blog Ā· 5 years
watching people analyze the music theory of nirvanaā€™s songs is so funny because like kurt cobain didnā€™t have any musical education he was just making different shapes with his fingers on the guitar until he found something that sounded cool
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aggpoyke-blog Ā· 5 years
is there a word for something you do to be more efficient that has such a small outcome that the amount of time taken to calculate is greater than the time it saves?
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aggpoyke-blog Ā· 5 years
who wants to come boil milk with me
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aggpoyke-blog Ā· 5 years
my dog thinks that she is a cat.
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aggpoyke-blog Ā· 5 years
most of politics is just middle school-level drama. have a view that is shared with the right? youā€™re an ignorant redneck who drives a tractor to work. share a view with the left? lol u triggered libtard. no one actually cares what anyone has to say and thatā€™s why nothing ever gets done.
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aggpoyke-blog Ā· 5 years
water is generally under-appreciated
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aggpoyke-blog Ā· 5 years
being a stray cat in an old people neighborhood is the height of luxury. you get 73 meals a day.
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aggpoyke-blog Ā· 5 years
just because my problem isnā€™t as significant as yours doesnā€™t mean i canā€™t talk about it
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aggpoyke-blog Ā· 5 years
apparently the makers of caillou made him not have hair so that kids with different hair colors wouldnā€™t feel left out and with that logic why does he still have skin?
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aggpoyke-blog Ā· 5 years
what do you think dogs think an electric fence is
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aggpoyke-blog Ā· 5 years
what does an immortal being have to do for some human teeth around here
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aggpoyke-blog Ā· 5 years
imagine a world where the monotonous drone of consumerism has shaped the public to the point where personifying your brand is a better selling tactic than actually trying to sell your product
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aggpoyke-blog Ā· 5 years
me, in court: thereā€™s no ā€˜iā€™ in guilty
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