ahintofblue · 4 months
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ahintofblue · 4 months
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天行健 | Floating World/Heroes E19 ° One sword, six moves. Each move has seven variations, right? But it's still just one sword, isn't it?
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ahintofblue · 4 months
To New Beginnings
Ship: Antares/Sung Jin-Woo Rating: T Chapter: 3/? Summary: Jin-Woo is thrown into a timeline where he is bound to the Monarch of Destruction as his husband and an army of dragons are now his to care for. Antares has no memories of their previous fights, the desire to destroy and ruin is entirely gone, so a new challenge awaits for Jin-Woo instead.
It is not what Jin-Woo expects his new life to be.
Perhaps a change of heart is required?
Tags: Alternate Timeline, Fluff, Romance, Family, Bond, Interspecies Relationship, No Beta We Die Like Antares Notes: Chapter 3 is up with only 3 short parts for today! AO3!
Bellion is the first to ask Jin-Woo what he plans on doing next. He suggests he should leave Antares’ side and find a way to communicate to the Rulers, to which Jin-Woo takes a minute to consider his options but he’s certain Antares isn’t so easily tricked especially by the unfamiliarity of this timeline. As much as Jin-Woo finds it oddly pleasant to spend time with Antares on some domestic level, he knows some part of this isn’t real. 
Antares must know this as well. Husband or not. If so, then what is the old man waiting for? “Should you choose to battle him or not, we will abide by your orders.” Then again, Jin-Woo wishes it doesn’t have to come to that and looks at Bellion with a defeated sigh, the mere thought of fighting Antares again is a tiring notion. He’s done enough to protect those he cares about. Deep inside, he thinks it’s time to give himself a decent rest and this world offers it. Just not in the case he expects.
“I will think about this.” Then, Jin-Woo waves his hand dismissing Bellion. With a bow, Bellion disappears into the pool of shadows, and Beru watches with almost teary eyes, worrying about his liege’s turmoil he faces. 
“Don’t cry.” Jin-Woo looks at the radiant sea of stars. “At least the view is beautiful here.”  
Jin-Woo knows the castle is a home to the dragons, no longer a haven for humans who built it originally. Sections of the fortification already toppled over, giving new paths for the youngins to venture in and play a game of hide and seek. The larger drakes rest inside in the upper parts of the ruins and others enjoy the outside walls, even one sleeps on top of a pointed tower, wings covering its body and a long tail sways back and forth. 
The building is bigger than he realizes when Antares lets him ride on top of him in his full form, revealing a larger scale of the territory that goes beyond the human’s creation. Compared to the cottage Jin-Woo lives in, it is but a small dot on the map and with this discovery of a lake behind their home, he asks Antares to tell him a story about this land as he enjoys the wind in his hair.
The smallest of the dragonets is by the name of Rukie. Her white scales remind Jin-Woo of a pristine winter while her underside is the color of ashen gray. She greets her master with a tittering of screes, her wings taking her atop of Antares’ right shoulder. Jin-Woo discovers it is her favorite place and finds Antares’ hair is a chew toy for her to nibble on. It seems Antares doesn’t mind and with a gentlest of touches, his fingers rub Rukie’s head in circles and down her neck.
“She was the weakest out of her brothers and sisters,” Antares says, watching her like a proud father. “Even the mother did not hope for her survival but she came out strong. Refusing to let fate dictate her end.” Antares speaks in a foreign language to her next. 
Jin-Woo doesn’t recognize it but it sparks an instant joy in Rukie’s amber eyes as she lets go of her treat and takes flight towards Jin-Woo at an unexpected speed.
“I will give her to you,” Antares states.
“Huh—Whoa! Oh you’re a fast one.” Jin-Woo catches the bullet in his arms. Rukie is the size of a pigeon but a fiery one wrapped up in scales. She is adorable, no doubt melting his heart in seconds and one can tell Beru is already captivated in his head. Certainly, Jin-Woo can’t say no when she starts making her way on top of his left shoulder and proudly stays in her spot, looking at Antares with a good huff through her nostrils. “Do I take it that she accepts?” Repeating what Antares did prior, Jin-Woo strokes her head and receives a lick over his thumb. Distracted by Rukie’s happiness, Jin-Woo misses Antares closing the distance and stealing a kiss from him, giving him a firm acknowledgement and his turn for Jin-Woo’s attention, something Jin-Woo also learns, while Rukie watches them with curiosity before a soft growl comes out. 
Antares pulls away first, while Jin-Woo hides his face in Antares’ shirt. “Little one, you must learn to be patient.”
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ahintofblue · 4 months
To New Beginnings
Ship: Antares/Sung Jin-Woo Rating: T Chapter: 2/? Summary: Jin-Woo is thrown into a timeline where he is bound to the Monarch of Destruction as his husband and an army of dragons are now his to care for. Antares has no memories of their previous fights, the desire to destroy and ruin is entirely gone, so a new challenge awaits for Jin-Woo instead.
It is not what Jin-Woo expects his new life to be.
Perhaps a change of heart is required?
Tags: Alternate Timeline, Fluff, Romance, Family, Bond, Interspecies Relationship, No Beta We Die Like Antares Notes: Chapter 2 is here with more drabbles AO3!
“You were right.” Antares dips his head, having a little fill of his husband with a delicate nip along his neck, sending Jin-Woo into a state of embarrassment, the latter hitches his breath at the slight graze of Antares’ pointed teeth that sends tingles down his back. “You do not require an army to get what you want, my dear. But know our dragons will take to the skies if you desire. You only need to say the word.” Jin-Woo grips Antares’ shirt, needing to hold onto something for support because Antares’ voice, he learns, has a certain effect on him, his body shudders in response and he spills an illicit noise that erupts into a pleasant sensation like fireworks through their connection. He knows he can’t let this go on for any longer. Before he loses himself, he makes another attempt to converse, “Thank you… And I believe you were in the middle of something before I arrived?” Jin-Woo swallows down the inhibitions to let this continue and doesn’t push Antares away exactly but gently tugs Antares’ hair back, signaling him for a break. “Since I’m back, let me help you—Oh.” The retaliation comes in the form of a bite, enough to mark Jin-Woo’s skin and a tongue licks the forming red beads. Antares likes his hair pulled, Jin-Woo discovers. It comes in the form of a sharp melody. The King of Dragons hums in thought, agreeing to Jin-Woo’s statement almost immediately and adds a more fervor kiss on the lips, another spoil he takes because he misses his lover and Jin-Woo is indeed having an internal crisis. “They are in need of a bath,” he answers after pulling back, and Jin-Woo has a strong, strong feeling that he will soon learn about Antares’ mouth being the death of him.
Jin-Woo hasn’t seen the familiar human envoy anywhere, so he can’t ask his questions but he thinks this is their answer to his ultimate happiness or whatever they’re calling it—Antares as the perfect sacrifice to fit Jin-Woo’s needs and wants. They fought as enemies, so why not switch it up? Funny. Jin-Woo doesn’t appreciate the silence he’s given, he deserves to know the reasoning behind their plan. So for now, Jin-Woo cleans the young brood with renewed focus and finds he’s having a bit of fun, watching them squirm and cuddling against his hand for head rubs. They are cute and mischievous in their own way too, some attempt to splash Jin-Woo with water in the wooden tub, while their wings beat with excitement because they wanted to play with Jin-Woo after. Antares’ laugh sings, and Jin-Woo is quick to snatch one from escaping before placing it back into the warm water. He’s not pouting when a tail swishes water at his face and sees Antares brushing away the wet hair from his eyes with such a delightful expression that causes a squeeze in his chest. “They think it is your turn for a bath.”  There it is again. Their bond melts into two shooting stars soaring across the black sea. “Oh really?” Jin-Woo surprises Antares with a handful of water at him. His face drops at the sight of sharp teeth, a menacing grin before Jin-Woo cools him down with more.
Jin-Woo knows nothing about how bonds work except understanding the emotions that Antares feels when they’re close or a touch is enough to form an idea in his head. Antares probably understands him the same way but he should be careful. These idle thoughts of his should be kept guarded before Antares catches that something is off, and Jin-Woo doesn’t want any of it to slip through the cracks. It is as if they cannot lie to each other. Antares is a highly smart individual, he probably knows Jin-Woo is hiding something already but bothers not to ask and continues life with him, content as his days remain.
What Jin-Woo does know is that Antares enjoys the sound of his voice when he speaks, how Antares can easily fall asleep in his arms with a brief smile on his face, and Jin-Woo finds himself unable to move away and tentatively strokes Antares’ head, convincing himself that Antares deserves his sleep, deserves the peace that he’s built with him. Jin-Woo has no memories of the past with him, only the sheer ferocity of their battle and carving a path of destruction in their wake. In their bond, it’s a relief at the end of the day and the awe of a setting sun casting its warm glow on the horizon. And when Antares’ open his eyes and looks at him, Jin-Woo sees a sleepy king whose heart only belongs to him.
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ahintofblue · 4 months
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Art trade with @shuubaba, who basically introduced me to HypMic.
Sensei always had the loveliest hair.
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ahintofblue · 4 months
To New Beginnings
Ship: Antares/Sung Jin-Woo Rating: T Chapter: 1/? Summary: Jin-Woo is thrown into a timeline where he is bound to the Monarch of Destruction as his husband and an army of dragons are now his to care for. Antares has no memories of their previous fights, the desire to destroy and ruin is entirely gone, so a new challenge awaits for Jin-Woo instead.
It is not what Jin-Woo expects his new life to be. Perhaps a change of heart is required? Tags: Alternate Timeline, Fluff, Romance, Family, Bond, Interspecies Relationship, No Beta We Die Like Antares Notes: After finishing the comic, I wanted to write something about these two. There's not enough of them...! I wish I can do some kind of slow burn, multi-chapter with proper story setup but due to irl, I can only write my ideas in bullet points. Anyone is welcome to take inspiration from this and make it a story of their own! I love to put this on AO3 but I'm a coward.
Maybe it’s a joke. Certainly not what he expects when Jin-Woo requests to use the Cup of Reincarnation and ends up in an unfamiliar vast land and blue skies stretching over the horizon. A grand stone-walled castle a short distance away, the roar of dragons echoes in the air, and Jin-Woo spots the dark figures flying about, large wings flapping with grace as they soar proudly.
Was this a mistake? It can’t be. Did the Rulers decided to fuck with him? He remembers the cup having enough for one last rewind but he’s thrown into what seems to be a different timeline altogether. Is he even on Earth or is this a new world? How many years did he venture back? Too many questions come at him, so he continues on for answers.
Jin-Woo walks through the field of flowers, his army awaits his command in his shadow if necessary. He doesn’t sense any looming threats but he’s careful, wondering what is the meaning in all of this. Of course he receives no answer. He sees nothing but an endless green, no villages around but a castle home to the dragons and admits this kind of peace is breathtaking.
He then notices a man at a well. A startling revelation comes to him. The familiar crimson hair tied in a ponytail and beard, a handsome face reflects a gentle look, the sun paints his skin in a faint ethereal glow, and Jin-Woo finds himself stunned at the sight. The King of Dragons stands without his armor, wearing a comfortable attire of a loose shirt and pants instead. How entirely human that it has Jin-Woo questioning the possibility of Antares’ memories already. If he remembers him or not.
Who is the Antares he’s looking at now?
Jin-Woo stops in his tracks as Antares looks up from his work. He makes no attempt to run and heads to Antares with calm strides. As he stops in front of the taller man, he traces the faint red mana around Antares and discovers it mingling with his own as it is meant to be, a warm welcome serves as a protective shield over him. It’s surprising. How it easily curls around him. Safe.
Above, Kamish flies over them and lands on a patch of flowers nearby, white petals disperse as he lands with a careful thump, watching them, while the other smaller-sized dragons settle around, their heads raise with anticipation. Freedom. Knowing Kamish isn’t behind metal walls as a preserved corpse gives Jin-Woo an air of relief.  
“You are home.” Antares’ smile is sweet, endearing. No longer plagued by the instincts to kill him. “I pray your trip was eventful?” He pulls the bucket of water up by the rope and sets it down. “Come and regale me with your tales. It has been long since the day you left.” Left for what exactly?
Jin-Woo doesn’t know what Antares means. He still recalls the immense battle as they clashed, then Antares’ body pierced from multiple spears by Rulers above, signaling his defeat and an end to everything. Jin-Woo was tired and on the ground, panting to regain his breath. His muscles ached but victory belonged to him. His world was saved. And there we shall meet again. Antares disappeared.
“What do you—” Jin-Woo pauses. Antares isn’t one without affection as he presses a kiss on Jin-Woo’s forehead in greeting. Eyes wide open. A hand cups Jin-Woo’s cheek next, and the memories of war wash away from his mind and in return, a box of unexplained emotions Jin-Woo experiences opens up.  Jin-Woo’s face heats up. “Wait…” He tries pulling back to give himself space but Antares has an arm around his waist. He feels the stubble rubbing against his skin, sensing a smile across his cheek, and when he looks Antares in the eyes, a brilliant red shines like a jewel, and no words come out. Jin-Woo feels he has stumbled upon something dangerous, Antares’ claws gently brush along his face, memorizing every single detail worth his attention. Even a few more dragons land around them, excited to see Jin-Woo’s return but remain ever watchful. “What is it?” Antares asks, curious and amused with a teasing smirk. “You are… Ah, is my husband suddenly shy now? Do you want me to send them away?” In the background, one hears Kamish snorting.
Jin-Woo’s heart stops as if his soul retreats from his body and never returns. How does one respond to this? It’s not as if he’s not into men but rather the idea of romance catches him off guard when it is your ex-enemy he has to deal with. There are still questions looming over his head but if he wants the answers, then maybe the first step is to play the game without getting caught. But Antares isn’t an ordinary man, he will figure it out. Antares wears a patient face and a deep laugh comes out of his mouth. “I understand. You do prefer your privacy, after all.” “It has been a while,” Jin-Woo manages to lie, his heart still beating fast. He’s not even sure anymore. How did he even end up as Antares’ husband? This has to be some kind of trick for someone’s entertainment but it seems Antares isn’t aware of their past history. That this current Antares is very much in love with him and nothing more. Antares hums. “I sense your hesitance.” He bumps their foreheads together in a light manner. “But our bond is still strong. Did something happen during your travels?” He shows a slight bit of teeth as if ready to hunt down the person who dares hurt Jin-Woo in any way. At least, that’s what Jin-Woo is able to tell through their connection, the flame burns bright and wraps around him in an almost possessive state. “All is well. You have nothing to worry about. There were… minor issues but nothing I can’t handle.”
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ahintofblue · 4 months
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SOLO LEVELING ‣ 나 혼자만 레벨업
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ahintofblue · 4 months
To New Beginnings
Ship: Antares/Sung Jin-Woo Rating: T Chapter: 1/? Summary: Jin-Woo is thrown into a timeline where he is bound to the Monarch of Destruction as his husband and an army of dragons are now his to care for. Antares has no memories of their previous fights, the desire to destroy and ruin is entirely gone, so a new challenge awaits for Jin-Woo instead.
It is not what Jin-Woo expects his new life to be. Perhaps a change of heart is required? Tags: Alternate Timeline, Fluff, Romance, Family, Bond, Interspecies Relationship, No Beta We Die Like Antares Notes:
After finishing the comic, I wanted to write something about these two. There's not enough of them so I had to try despite my shortcomings. I wish I can do some kind of slow burn, multichapter with justice but due to irl, I can only write my ideas in bullet points because I don't have energy/time. You can think of each part is its own drabble because I wrote whatever came to mind.
Now on AO3!
Maybe it’s a joke. Certainly not what he expects when Jin-Woo requests to use the Cup of Reincarnation and ends up in an unfamiliar vast land and blue skies stretching over the horizon. A grand stone-walled castle a short distance away, the roar of dragons echoes in the air, and Jin-Woo spots the dark figures flying about, large wings flapping with grace as they soar proudly.
Was this a mistake? It can’t be. Did the Rulers decided to fuck with him? He remembers the cup having enough for one last rewind but he’s thrown into what seems to be a different timeline altogether. Is he even on Earth or is this a new world? How many years did he venture back? Too many questions come at him, so he continues on for answers.
Jin-Woo walks through the field of flowers, his army awaits his command in his shadow if necessary. He doesn’t sense any looming threats but he’s careful, wondering what is the meaning in all of this. Of course he receives no answer. He sees nothing but an endless green, no villages around but a castle home to the dragons and admits this kind of peace is breathtaking.
He then notices a man at a well. A startling revelation comes to him. The familiar crimson hair tied in a ponytail and beard, a handsome face reflects a gentle look, the sun paints his skin in a faint ethereal glow, and Jin-Woo finds himself stunned at the sight. The King of Dragons stands without his armor, wearing a comfortable attire of a loose shirt and pants instead. How entirely human that it has Jin-Woo questioning the possibility of Antares’ memories already. If he remembers him or not.
Who is the Antares he’s looking at now?
Jin-Woo stops in his tracks as Antares looks up from his work. He makes no attempt to run and heads to Antares with calm strides. As he stops in front of the taller man, he traces the faint red mana around Antares and discovers it mingling with his own as it is meant to be, a warm welcome serves as a protective shield over him. It’s surprising. How it easily curls around him. Safe.
Above, Kamish flies over them and lands on a patch of flowers nearby, white petals disperse as he lands with a careful thump, watching them, while the other smaller-sized dragons settle around, their heads raise with anticipation. Freedom. Knowing Kamish isn’t behind metal walls as a preserved corpse gives Jin-Woo an air of relief.  
“You are home.” Antares’ smile is sweet, endearing. No longer plagued by the instincts to kill him. “I pray your trip was eventful?” He pulls the bucket of water up by the rope and sets it down. “Come and regale me with your tales. It has been long since the day you left.” Left for what exactly?
Jin-Woo doesn’t know what Antares means. He still recalls the immense battle as they clashed, then Antares’ body pierced from multiple spears by Rulers above, signaling his defeat and an end to everything. Jin-Woo was tired and on the ground, panting to regain his breath. His muscles ached but victory belonged to him. His world was saved. And there we shall meet again. Antares disappeared.
“What do you—” Jin-Woo pauses. Antares isn’t one without affection as he presses a kiss on Jin-Woo’s forehead in greeting. Eyes wide open. A hand cups Jin-Woo’s cheek next, and the memories of war wash away from his mind and in return, a box of unexplained emotions Jin-Woo experiences opens up.  Jin-Woo’s face heats up. “Wait…” He tries pulling back to give himself space but Antares has an arm around his waist. He feels the stubble rubbing against his skin, sensing a smile across his cheek, and when he looks Antares in the eyes, a brilliant red shines like a jewel, and no words come out. Jin-Woo feels he has stumbled upon something dangerous, Antares’ claws gently brush along his face, memorizing every single detail worth his attention. Even a few more dragons land around them, excited to see Jin-Woo’s return but remain ever watchful. “What is it?” Antares asks, curious and amused with a teasing smirk. “You are… Ah, is my husband suddenly shy now? Do you want me to send them away?” In the background, one hears Kamish snorting.
Jin-Woo’s heart stops as if his soul retreats from his body and never returns. How does one respond to this? It’s not as if he’s not into men but rather the idea of romance catches him off guard when it is your ex-enemy he has to deal with. There are still questions looming over his head but if he wants the answers, then maybe the first step is to play the game without getting caught. But Antares isn’t an ordinary man, he will figure it out. Antares wears a patient face and a deep laugh comes out of his mouth. “I understand. You do prefer your privacy, after all.” “It has been a while,” Jin-Woo manages to lie, his heart still beating fast. He’s not even sure anymore. How did he even end up as Antares’ husband? This has to be some kind of trick for someone’s entertainment but it seems Antares isn’t aware of their past history. That this current Antares is very much in love with him and nothing more. Antares hums. “I sense your hesitance.” He bumps their foreheads together in a light manner. “But our bond is still strong. Did something happen during your travels?” He shows a slight bit of teeth as if ready to hunt down the person who dares hurt Jin-Woo in any way. At least, that’s what Jin-Woo is able to tell through their connection, the flame burns bright and wraps around him in an almost possessive state. “All is well. You have nothing to worry about. There were… minor issues but nothing I can’t handle.”
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ahintofblue · 4 months
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You’re with me now. - Ore dake Level Up na Ken - Episode 12
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ahintofblue · 7 months
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ahintofblue · 9 months
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rhyme anima s2 ed ✧ NEXT STAGE
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ahintofblue · 10 months
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MATENRO 『 Hypnosis Mic -Division Rap Battle- 』Rhyme Anima PLUS : Ending
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ahintofblue · 11 months
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ahintofblue · 1 year
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ahintofblue · 1 year
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83 notes · View notes
ahintofblue · 1 year
while I’m here
If you watched the NIMONA movie, enjoyed it, and want to support it and other (gay) media like it, consider slamming that double-thumbs-up button on Netflix. I know what you’re thinking: Netflix has a double-thumbs-up button?! That’s what I said too. But I have it on good authority that this is a metric with serious weight for Netflix and it’s something they take into account when deciding whether to invest in other similar (gay) properties. So send Netflix a message and give that sucker the ol’
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16K notes · View notes
ahintofblue · 1 year
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we love one unhinged Devil God jsajhjhj
Till The End Of The Moon 长月烬明 | episode 05
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