ahobbitinerebor · 6 months
I saw your post about a game where Bilbo (or another hobbit) helps other dwarves. And i made a small sketch, how does it look in my understanding? (I was wondering if our thoughts on this matter coincide hehe) In my head, the dialogues would look like in standard novels, and the gameplay would be similar to Stardue Valley?
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I cannot deal with how amazing this sketch is!!!! @scruffydogcreative check this out!!!
This is exactly how I envision it, (while I haven’t played stardue valley a quick google gave me a vague idea) but yes, a cute little game and a very visual novel style character interactions and storyline with choices of reply’s and actions while in that format.
If you haven’t already check out my page @ahobbitinerebor that I made to keep all of the project in one spot (and check out the discord page if you have it) it would be awesome to get you on board!
Seriously though, your sketch is awesome, thank you so much!!!
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ahobbitinerebor · 6 months
Pre Game Plot
As this game is technically an everyone lives AU, here is a simply story to help you understand what happened to get us here!
Warning: a small amount of fantasy war.
Thorin fell to the icy ground with a grunt, the pale orc bringing his blade down from above him aimed at his chest. His reaction was that of instinct and the clang of steel hitting steel filled the air as the dwarven king used the last of his strength to hold back the foul creatures attack with Orcrist. His arms shook and his body burned but the vision of a honey curled hobbit stood in the back of his mind, forcing him to keep going, to survive. Though as the snow began to fall around them and his dwarven strength weakened, his will was slowly crumbling down to the earth with it. He could hear Dwalin somewhere in the battle behind him and the sharp voice of his hobbit a few levels down the narrow cliffs, but alone he stood against his enemy. Or so he thought.
The arrow hit before its whistle met Thorin’s ears, the sharp steel imbedding itself into the orcs flesh. The beast stumbled, its focus lost and not gained quick enough to dodge the glittering steel that cut through its throat. Thorin’s vision was blinded with the splatter of black blood as the beast’s head come off only returning to the sight of a pair of two worried eyes watching him from above. One a deep hazel, the other bluer that the depth of the ocean.
“Fili? Kili?” he questioned with a quiver in his voice.
The young dwarrow only grinned in return, bringing their uncle towards them in a desperate embrace.
And just like that, the battle was won.
The orcs fled, the races of men and elf were met with honor and aid for their allyship, the dwarves retuned to the mountain, and soon things began to heal. Soldiers healed their wounds and minds. Food healed hungry bellies. The mountain healed her stone and hallways. All things seemed well in the world once again. All things but one. The charcoaled earth that surrounded the mighty dwarven mountain, scorched by the hatred and hunger of the fire drake refused to bear life once more. Thorin took note of the way his husband’s eyes would skim over the lifeless dirt with anguish (and how the distributions of food grew smaller with each delivery, Erebor’s and Dale’s dependency on the elves supplies slowly wearing thin) and an idea began to form in his mind. So when Bilbo returned to the shire to collect what belongings he deemed worthy of bringing back to the Lonely Mountain, the small hobbit returned with not only a crate of old toby he had lost in a bet with Nori, but with three other hobbits, all wide eyed and open to wondrous possibilities. Though he had asked for three dozen, only three were willing to leave the cozy life of the Shire to help regrow the life around Erebor. But three would be enough, for Thorin had long ago learnt you should never underestimate a hobbit.
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ahobbitinerebor · 6 months
An Introduction to Thorn
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Name: Thorn Goodchild (sister of Bell Goodchild who later married Hamfast Gamgee)
Height: 107cm (3 foot 5)
Age: 27
AFAB she/her pronouns (enjoys being called lad by dwarves), Bi disaster, ADHD,
Description: Straight long hair, a dark coffee brown hair on top and platinum blond/white hair underneath. Think coffee brown fur on feet thinning mid shin. Cornflower blue eyes. Warm ivory skin that shows of pink blush. Wears shades of green, brown, and prefers gold and pearl (she loves dwarven made jewellery and wears it constantly once in Erebor despite her knack of always getting dirty. Will always take of her rings while in the garden. Loves earrings most of all and has many piercings in her pointy ears)
Common Inventory: Notebook, charcoal pencil, three different types of seeds, gold hair pin (gifted to her from King Thorin), scissors, candle, flint, comb, probably a whole bunch of leaves
Blueberries (only when fresh), cinnamon rolls, Po-ta-tos (yes this is where Sam get his love of potatos from), Hearty stews, noodles with broth
Books (essentially myths and legends, history, made-up adventure)
Ecosystems (all hobbits love to grow things, Thorn loves the way each plant, bird and bug interact with each other to bring life and studies it extensively)
Cats, ravens, worms, bees
Gold and Pearl jewelry (earrings especially)
Flowing skirts
Candles and fire/firelight
Natural earthy tones and purple
The markets
Lots of loud noises over the top of each other (which can be a problem because she loves the markets)
Ale (prefers mead or wine)
Folded book pages
Bows and frills
Clothes without pockets (she has trinkets to collect!!)
Visual write up coming soon!
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ahobbitinerebor · 6 months
Background Information Masterlist
The MC: An Introduction to Thorn
The Pre Game Plot
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ahobbitinerebor · 6 months
This project will require and amazing community to help bring it together! If you are wanting to get involved join the discord page here! Writers, readers, artists, and those who want to contribute though are unsure how, we would love to see you there!
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ahobbitinerebor · 6 months
I need a comfort game set in Erebor after the battle of the five armies where everyone survived, you play as Bilbo or maybe as a hobbit that has come to help Bilbo and the whole point of the game is to help regrow the mountain.
Like, you have to find rooms in the mountain with the best sunlight or rooms you can put in windows. You have to find which plants grow best where and can choose to put in garden beds in the balconies. You can add big trees outside where Smaug destroyed and put veggie and medical flower gardens inside, a special garden to attract Beorns bees ect. All the while you can interact with dwarves that wonder in to see what your doing and every now and again Thorin comes to check up on you or maybe Fili and Kili come to pull a prank or help you to get out of their royal meetings. The better your gardens, the more dwarves come to see and interact each with their own craft skill that you can work with to improve your gardens more. For example if a dwarf that can smith likes your garden and talks with you a lot they might offer to craft you new metal gardening tools or if they work with glass they can make you a stained glass window with deco that will still let in the sun. Stone workers can craft you beautiful pillars or raised garden beds ect.
I just need this to be a thing…
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ahobbitinerebor · 6 months
This page will serve as an archive to the project
A Hobbit In Erebor
Asks are open!
Discord link - here
The original spark
Background Information Masterlist
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