ahrimin-blog · 7 years
he didn’t know what led him to drive out to the park - perhaps it was the frustration of staying indoors all the time, too occupied with his thoughts as they swirled in his idle mind. they seemed to be taunting him, mocking him for his shameful actions and everything reminded him of them, one way or another. thus without another word, he leaves his room, slamming the door in the process and runs out so quickly he was breathless by the time he reached the apartment gates. as the cold night air greeted him, the suffocation seemed to have lessened and the constrictions, gone. he looks up at the night sky, littered with stars and satellites before sighing in relief. it wasn’t as if he wanted to escape these thoughts, but he simply didn’t know how to resolve them. he felt like a hamster who was running itself to death on a wheel, for an exit that didn’t exist. getting in his car, he allows the music to drown out his thoughts as he drove and before he knew it, lines of trees began to enter his vision. thinking it might do him some good to take a walk there, he gets down from the car after parking it, before coming to a stop altogether when he sees a familiar figure. he peers in closer, his footsteps silent as he approached the figure. no way … ahri ? of all the people he could have met it had to be her - no, but what if this was his chance to finally make up with her ? god had given him the perfect chance to do so by leaving her unattended to and alone ( she seemed to have something troubling in her mind as well ). while he was by no means a criminal nor does he ever want to be one, he couldn’t help but think that kidnapping her off the streets and into his car would be the best way to get her to sit silently and listen. so he puts his plan into action by first creeping up behind her, and while she was out of it, threw a rock in the opposite direction to distract her. a twinge of guilt formed in him as he hears the fear in her words, but he chooses to ignore it knowing ( hoping ) that she’ll eventually forgive him. then he sweeps her off her feet by holding her in his arms before making a run for it to his car.
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                                       —* the moment her feet separated from the ground and hovered in the air, all ahri could do was to scream at him. she was just a police officer in training and despite passing the test, her petite body frame only offered her a limited amount of strength. moving around her body and kicking with her feet appeared to be useless and although she kept doing it soon she realised it was pointless to waste her energy. her mind was drowned with question. what did he want and why it was her ? she wasn’t particularly rich nor did she do anything outraging. then as if waves of thoughts suddenly disappeared and only ebb was left, she realised that it must have been the same person who already had once ruined her. her life and her family. of course, her attempts of getting revenge wouldn’t get unnoticed and of course she would get in trouble. still, ahri didn’t plan on dying today, not when she still had to get revenge and not when her dog was still waiting for her to be fed. ❝ i told you to leave me alone ! ❞ she screamed, the sight of a car nearing inflicting terror upon her whole body. ❝ i’m not going into that stupid car and i won’t shut my mouth about that damn murderer.❞ fury mixed with fear flickered in her like a fire just waiting to break out. the dim light of the shining stars barely illuminated the kidnapper’s face and she couldn’t recognise his features, all she knew was that he must’ve been a man, judging his statue and that she had no chance to win against him , depending solely on her strength. ❝ i told you to let me go, if you don’t you will get even in bigger trouble later !❞
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ahrimin-blog · 7 years
                                            —* SINCE SHE WAS A LITTLE GIRL,  ahri couldn’t let go off things easily. while it was her favourite pastel pink seal plushie when she was only ten, it were old stamps, letters, paintings and people she couldn’t let go off , when she was twenty-one. but it were people for her. especially people, she just couldn’t cut off her life. no matter how much she would get hurt by someone , and no matter how often she’d tell herself, that she finally got over someone and pretend that they never existed in her life. she couldn’t let go off them. somehow in the deepest corner of her mind, still some deranged part of her brain was present, stirring up some old emotions once in a while and whenever she felt lonely. it blinded her with nostalgia, wrapping memories like a lovely gift and creating the illusion of something better. although the actual thing was rotten. 
but she was lonely. the last weeks had been difficult for her and even though she had friends she could talk to, she still felt lonely. they couldn’t bring out that thing ( even though she didn’t now what it was ), she was searching for. it was as if she just wanted to dwell in her past again and pretend that everything that came after and was weighting her down, had not happened yet. maybe,  that’s why she found herself standing in front of his door. 1am. staring at the doormat. two bottles soju ( packed in some randomly picked out plastic bag ) in her hand and her body enguled in the awfully bright reflective waste ( to make her lie more believable ).  when she raised her hand, she halted before she finally knocked at his door,  as if her body knew it hadn’t been a good idea to come at the first place.  ❝ hello ?  ❞ and still, she knocked again, talking against the door. ❝ we need to talk. ❞ ( @ofcdaniels )
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ahrimin-blog · 7 years
                                        —* IT WAS DARK and the slight night breeze chilled her nose. her dark hair spilled over a park bench and the dim light of the flickering lantern barely illuminated her face. a rare sight. ahri hated the darkness and yet she was siting on a bench in the middle of the night. since a while she was acting out of character. as if someone had just taken her soul out of her body and exchanged it with another, causing her to be anyone but herself. constantly she’d forget something, space out in the middle of a conversation,  just be reminded again to smile a little more. to act less gloomy. and while ahri could force a smile on her lips for half of the day, deep down she knew something was wrong with her. what, no, who was responsible for that change. since then, ahri had often taken a stroll to the park, to free her mind and distract herself by marvelling at the night sky, pretending that she was okay. but she knew she wasn’t. the fight she had with kihyun rattled her to the bones, and still sent a cold shiver her spine every time she thought about it. with him living in the same complex, it was even more difficult now to ignore his existence. and though she was trying hard it would be a lie to say that she didn’t miss him, that she wasn’t tempted to just knock at his door and tell him she wanted her best friend back. but it was the bitterness that still clung to her like a second skin and the keen disappointment that made some kind of a reconciliation appear impossible. and again she was thinking about him, though she just wanted to forget. forget about the anything that happened before she moved to jinhaegu.  and before she could scold herself the rustling in the trees already interrupted her and caught her attention. instantly her body froze and despite of being trained for several kind of worst case situations, she still couldn’t move, as she was glued to the bench. ❝ don’t you dare. ❞ fear choked her words. ❝ don’t you dare to come close to me. ❞  ( @ofkihyuns )
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ahrimin-blog · 7 years
So delicate and damned, poor thing. Quite damned. Yet I do believe she scarcely knows what she is doing.
Angela Carter, from The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories; “The Lady of the House of Love” (via malglories)
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ahrimin-blog · 7 years
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Cutie Pie ^^
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ahrimin-blog · 7 years
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[ @ahrimin ]
“ahri! you almost made me drop my ice cream.” she pouted but smiled in the end. she kept a firm grip on her strawberry ice cream after the recent event. “so, what’s been up with you? any drama, gossip, or boys? maybe girls, who knows!” she laughed a bit. she had been occupied with work and hadn’t seen a few of her friends unless they visited her. luckily, she owned her own business and could do whatever she wanted. so, she took a day off. 
                                             —* AT HER FRIENDS WORDS, HER GAZE WANDERED down her own body. even though ahri was actually the one who almost flinched at everything that would move a little too quickly, most of the people reacted similar to the way siyeon did whenever ahri would talk to someone. she didn’t mean to startle anyone but perhaps it was just the way she moved, her steps always silent but quick, or it was just her uniform that startled them. ❝ i didn’t mean to —❞ she rubbed her neck, her voice laced with sincerity & guilt as she made slowly bowed her head automatically ( a habit of hers ) despite of the fact that she was younger and most importantly her close friend.  ❝ nothing.❞ she immediately answered. ahri wasn’t someone who overshared details of her life, even with close friends, yet she couldn’t help to feel guily, causing her to hesitate a little before she opened her mouth again. ❝ my ex-best friend somehow appeared after years and wants to be friends with me again , yeah ...❞ she kicked in the air, playing with her ponytail, obviously uncomfortable talking about him.  ❝ if you mean if there’s anything up with my love life. there isn’t and i’m actually happy about it.. relationships are just so tiring and i’m tired enough.❞ she yawned, stretching her arms behind her body to get rid off the fatigue. ❝ what about you ? you’re the prettiest girl in the complex, i’m sure there’re many who asked you out ! or perhaps even a client ? ❞ she quriked a brow, when a grin appeared on her lips.
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ahrimin-blog · 7 years
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puppyeul: YOU’RE GOING TO ARREST ME!?!? puppyeul: no, please don’t arrest me!! i’ll help u pick up trash but don’t arrest me puppyeul: if i come over…you’re gonna arrest me
ahtree: YES! i think i saw a guy who looked like you throwing something at the ground. i think that’s enough to arrest you? ahtree: of course you dont have to say anything till your lawyer will be with you.. while you’re rotting in jail... ahtree: WELL... i don;t know if you meet the requirements... you know? for being good at picking up trash. ahtree: noooo, of course not.... just come over, i have a dog and sweets.
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ahrimin-blog · 7 years
he never wrote me poems. we would fuck in his car or on his bed where others girls had been or in the shower or while i was crying. we saw each other naked so often i have the image painted on the back of my eyelids. he ripped my underwear off. i was always vulnerable. i woke him up with kisses, he woke me up with hickies. for a long time, i thought they were the same thing.
i asked him once while we both got high why it was that i could write novels about him until the words got tired of being anagrams of his name - but at the same time he would never reciprocate. he blew a smoke ring and broke it with his finger. “dunno,” he said. we would fuck again later.
i found him once sitting on my floor staring at a picture from when i was young. “god,” he said, “i really fucked you up.”
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ahrimin-blog · 7 years
「」 — ┊ @ahrimin
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puppyeul: i’m bored! puppyeul: can u entertain me?? puppyeul: and do u have any candy??
ahtree: i’m like the most boring person walking on earth... ahtree: like u shouldn’t ask a police officer for fun? ahtree: but you know what’s fun? ahtree: PICKING UP TRASH IN THE PARK ! YES PLS!!!
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ahtree: or putting you into jail for texting me at that hour ahtree: yeah come over and i will give u some
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ahrimin-blog · 7 years
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ahrimin-blog · 7 years
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of course, after coming so many times in the span of a week, haesung would remember her face. although he wasn’t showing it out of professionalism, he was quite excited. excited about a prospect new regular that is. from his memories, she had always ordered the same thing which meant she liked it enough to eat it so often. he was glad that someone else liked his pastries. no matter how many customers he had, he appreciated all of them. that’s why he was so surprised by her words. he was mentally prepared to treat her like royalty but she thought he was ignoring her? he was speechless for a couple of seconds before he realized he should answer her. ❛ mhm — i’m sorry you thought that way. i believe i haven’t been ignoring you and treated you like i should’ve but i might have given off that attitude, i’m sorry for making you uncomfortable. it’s my mistake. i’ll do better from now on. ❜, he said as he bowed his head. he was confused, yes — but customers are always right. he didn’t want to lose a potential regular simply because they thought he somehow ignored them. ❛ the cake will be free of charge as an apology. ❜
                                              —*DURING THE SHORT TIME OF HER CAREER, many people had tried to deceive her in different and sometimes even in the most absurd ways, and although ahri had fallen for their tricks a few times, after some time she’d learned to recognise the people who tried to use some ( lame ) tricks on her, just because they thought that she would be stupid enough to fall for them. however, with haesung it was different. although the logical part of her brain told her that he was lying & pretending ( for whatever reason ), something like her sixth sense told her that were was probably more behind his odd behaviour. and yet, despite of this knowledge, his reaction hurt her. of course she didn’t except him to break out in tears at her sight and pull her into some kdrama-esque hug, actually she didn’t know what reaction she wanted from him, still she expected more than just some cake and politeness ( something she didn’t from him ) that only drew a bigger distance between them. ❝ i don’t want that cake for free, i’m not that pitiful, although i might look like that.❞ she said, almost sulking a little over the way he kept treating her. did he really thought that giving her some cake would cause her to leave ? the answer was no.  ❝ i can’t believe that i thought you’ve changed just because you’re now the owner of some bakery.❞ she muttered under her breath, rather talking and scolding herself instead of directly talking to him.   ❝ i don’t know if you still believe that treating people like scum makes you appear to be cool or something, seo haesung. but you could at least have thanked me for the things i’ve done for you  instead of ignoring me. that would make you ... cool.  ❞
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ahrimin-blog · 7 years
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It was a mistake, it turns out.
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ahrimin-blog · 7 years
                     as a summer breeze blew through, it reminded kihyun of many things - of the past, of the present and of the future. memories of making fun of each other in the school halls, lunches by the bench in the field, helping each other out when it comes to dates, going over to each other’s place as an escape from their own - they were attached by the hip, and if someone had asked him back then if he were to ever be separated from ahri, his immediate answer would have been no, and that the notion was insane and ought not to be spoken of. yet here they were, standing right in front of each other with nothing but cold tension between them. one unable to speak a word while the other spewing hatred from the depths of her bones. kihyun couldn’t even say anything to defend himself, not when she was adamant that what she thought was right - that he abandoned her and left when she needed him the most, that he was just like everyone else - judging her for what had happened. he had wanted to go to her, to comfort and assure her that he was there for her, but his circumstance simply didn’t allow it. and when he finally thought he was free, it had been too late. the damage was done and there was no going back. at least that was what kihyun had thought then. but years have passed and if kihyun was given a chance to go though everything again, he would most definitely choose to be by her side no matter what. and god as though having heard his plea, had answered it by allowing them to meet once more - and kihyun would be a fool to let her go again. “ ahri, listen - ” her words stung, but he could only bet that it was only a fraction of what she felt when he had left her, so he swallows down his frustration, fists curled as he croaks out a reply. “ you’re right, as foolish as it sounds, that’s exactly what i want. ” he holds back his emotions then, his tone gentle and coaxing as he went on. “ it was all a misunderstanding ahri, don’t you see ? you knew me, knew what i was like and would the kihyun you had known back then abandoned you- ” the word made him flinch still, even after all these years because he wanted so hard to believe he didn’t - “ -without a single word ? ” seeing the imminent tears in her eyes, his hands almost reached out as an instinct, but he kept them in his pockets instead, knowing skinship was the last thing ahri would want now. “ and no, i’m not going to leave you alone, not this time, not when i finally have the chance to set things right. so please, ” he pleads softly, looking at ahri as if she held the weight of his world in her hands. “ at least give me a chance to explain. ”
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                                        —* AGONY FLASHED THROUGH HER EYES, before she blinked it away and her eyes became hard again. at his words, she almost went soft again, her entire mind screaming for her best friend, telling her to just let go off the remains of bitterness lingering inside her and finally fill the void she had felt since he left. it wasn’t as if she was alone now, she had a few friends that she trusted enough to call them at times and talk about her problems, but despite of her effort to form any meaningful connection with anyone, nothing could ever been compared to the friendship she had with kihyun. perhaps the possibility even existed that she could again find something similar to what she had with kihyun but it was the mental scar & the memories that kihyun had left that  she thought it was impossible to ever find someone like him again. since the day he had abandoned her she realised that things would never went back to normal again and even if she missed him all the time, not only the memories she had shared with him but just having his presence around her that would put her into ease, all of that didn’t matter anymore. she gave up on the idea to returning to her her past , all she needed to do was move on after she would’ve finally taking her revenge, and only then she could leave all the painful memories behind including the one where kihyun had just left her. ❝ no, i won’t listen to you.❞  she spat out, her words sharpened with hatred. images of the empty room she woke up in clogged her brain; begging for only one phone call to talk to her best friend, to listen to his voice or just asking him to tell her that everything would be okay, even if it wouldn’t. what a waste of time. ❝ don’t even dare to ask me to listen to your lame excuses, you couldn’t even listen to me once, so why should i listen to you now ?❞ she bit her trembling lips. why did his presence still affected her so much ? why couldn’t she just push him to some corner of her heart and pretend that he’d never existed in her life ?   ❝i think the only misunderstanding that’d ever existed between us was that i thought  that you were my best friend. ❞ she muttered. ❝ and you’re wrong, it seems as if i didn’t know you at all - ❞  there was a pause befor a sob broke her own silence and she couldn’t stop the words streaming out of her mouth anymore.❝ i thought you wouldn’t leave me, i thought that you would answer that damn call or any of them, i thought everything would be okay with you by my side, i thought i wouldn’t need to go through this alone and that you would eventually come back after some time  -.❞ she wiped the tears, dripping down her cheeks . ❝ but i was wrong, you never came back and i had to deal with that shit alone. and i got through this on my own and i’m fine without you by my side.❞ she took a deep breath, when her gaze meet his again. ❝ so i don’t need you anymore. i hate you and all the things you’ve done to me, so leave me alone and i won’t do something stupid that will only harm us both. ❞ and with that, despite of tears still streaming down her cheeks, she turned around, her head held high and clinging to the shreds of pride she still had left.
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ahrimin-blog · 7 years
                                               —* SHE DIDN’T KNOW WHETHER someone would think that ahri was just some extraordinarily creepy person or that she was just doing her job as a police officer it was already the third time ( in only one day ) that she entered the bakery again just to buy the same piece of cake  she had ordered one yesterday , two days and a week ago.  it wasn’t as if she was still hungry after forcing another piece of cake into her mouth or that she was trying  to gain some weight by eating three slices of cake on a single day ( she could have ordered something different but she didn’t thought of it ) but the desperate attempt to get the owner’s attention. however, already a week had passed and despite of dropping some hints and even burying out and wearing some clothes she had worn in her high school days, it seemed as if he kept ignoring her, without any explanation. ahri didn’t know why he didn’t want to talk to her, after everything she had tried to do for him, but for her it seemed as if he was hating her for no reason. something that even nagged on her patience ( and perhaps even on her pride ).of course she could’ve ignored that feeling, but as she was reaching for cake packed in the pastel blue box, she couldn’t keep her mouth shut. ❝ could you stop - ❞ she paused, swallowing hard before she opened her mouth again.  ❝ you know... i mean ignoring me and that stuff. ❞                ( @shaesung​ )
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ahrimin-blog · 7 years
                      IF it had been any other day, and someone had told him that he would meet ahri again in such a way, kihyun would probably have laughed it off as a silly joke and warned the other never to speak of such a thing again. but what was happening now was anything but an imagination, it was harsh and brutal reality - the girl whom he … did he miss her ? did he think of her ? or had he already tried to erase her from his memory ? there were no suitable words to describe his feelings towards her, moreover his feelings now. he could only stare at her every movement, observe her features and subconsciously compare it to the last time he had seen her - her hair was longer now, her baby fats from high school gone and replaced, and her eyes - cold and unforgiving as she looked up at him. before he could even get his thoughts together, he heard her request for him to move - and he should. of all people in the world, he should be listening and obeying to her every whim. after all he had let her down right when she needed him the most. but there was nothing in his power that he could do back then, and since fate has given him a chance to set things right, he wasn’t about to let it go so easily. so instead he stays rooted, hands curling into fists to control himself from reaching out to her. “no.” he says firmly. taking a deep breath, he tries to piece his thoughts together - what even are words ? kihyun looks at her pleadingly, his tone soft and careful - something he should have done years ago. “ahri, i do care - please just - at least let me explain?”
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                      —* FOR ONLY A SPLIT OF A SECOND, the usual softness adorning her features peaked through the cold demeanour. ahri had always been prone to lose herself nostalgia, she hated letting of things, of people go and often recalled old memories in her head as if they were a movie, ( especially the good ones ). it would be a lie to say that kihyun’s face alone didn’t dig out some memories, memories she would have loved to kept alone without the one which threw a dark shadow over their friendship. and it would be a lie to say, that they didn’t have any good moments, actually these even overpowered the bad ones, yet,  for ahri that moment she had cried out for her best friend only to realise that she lost more than two people still felt to real and it was something branded into her heart that caused her to be more wary about the people called her friends. of course, she hadn’t become bitter, she was just more careful now : about easy promised people tend to make or people who liked to label themselves as her friend, even when they weren’t. was kihyun one of these people ? when she was honest with herself, she didn’t know. even after years, she still hadn’t find out the truth. she could only guess that it was her pregnancy and that he was probably ashamed of calling someone like her his friends, but back then he didn’t seem like someone who be like that. and even know, it didn’t seem as if he had changed. in her eyes he was still the same boy back then, the one she had spent her high school years with, the one she had thought would always be her friend. but again, she was wrong.         ❝ how dare you to even talk to me - ❞ ahri didn’t lose her temper easily, but at this very moment her voice was trembling and she had clenched her fist that hard, that her digging nails into her palms left scarlet marks. she didn’t want to make a fuss with all the people surrounding them, but it felt as if she returned to the moment where she would wake up with the same nightmare over and over again only to find herself looking for her best friend, who wasn’t there. ❝ and then what ? what do you expect from me after you’ve told me some excuse ? a happy reunion, perhaps ?❞ she asked, swallowing back the lump that sat in her throat. ❝ you turned your back on me when i needed you the most.❞ she said, tears that formed in her eyes shattering the cool in her voice. ❝ so at least do me one favour and don’t make me cry again over someone who isn’t worth it . now move, i don’t want to talk with you here or anywhere. lets treat each other as stranger, we’re nothing more than that anyway.❞
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ahrimin-blog · 7 years
closed starter for @ahrimin !
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the crowd was insane today, as shown by bodies constantly bumping against each other in an attempt to get to where they were going. kihyun was caught in such a crowd, squeezing and pushing in order to get through. and here he was thinking that no one would come out due to the heat - guess barbecues do work as a good source of motivation, huh? closing his eyes for a moment, he lets out a sigh in relief as he felt as if he had escaped one whole mess of a crowd, but another bump seemed to pull him back into harsh reality. it had been quite a hard bump too, and kihyun’s mind worked quickly, peering down upon locks of hair and delicate hands - “ hey, are you alright ? ” little did he know that the person he was about to see would give him, as cliched as it sounds - the shock of his life.
                       —*  THE MOMENT SHE FOUND HERSELF on the ground with her knees buried in the cool grass, she’d thought that getting rid off the green stain ( now marking her jeans ) would be the biggest problem she would’ve to deal with today. but, as soon as few seconds of shock passed, there was only another surprise waiting for her. and perhaps, if only this one moment in her life could be obliterated and be rewritten with another memory, ahri would’ve been happy. pleasantly surprised seeing her best friend ( perhaps another word would be more suitbale now ) after years where she failed to contact him. however, it was a known fact that ahri had never been one to forget things easily - whether it was going on a walk with her dog or forgetting about her best friend who’d abandoned her when she needed him the most -  forgetting just wasn’t min ahri’s thing. wiping the dust off her knees, the petite girl ( appearing even more like a dwarf in front of the tall male ) forced her trembling legs up , as she straightened her back, meeting the eyes of the person she once thought she could depend on. a lie she believed back then.  her look was a cold, accompanied with an equally cold voice when she opened her mouth to speak. ❝ move away.❞ she simply said, not even bothering to answer his question. her body was pulsing with anger and at this point she didn’t even know if she’d be able to control herself if she would remain here for only more than a second. ❝ you shouldn’t even bother to ask if i’m alright. acting as if you care. ❞
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ahrimin-blog · 7 years
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hello !!! i want to write this intro in a cool way so everyone will think i’m cool & stuff, but actually i’m just the usual loser aka freya who's super uncreative, loves to make my muses suffer and nearly changed nothing about my old muses (except for the name). anyway, i’m super excited to be here and i already love you all, okay ? pls don’t be afraid to shoot me a message if you want to plot because i’m just a loser *plays big bang’s loser* who’s afraid 99% of the time and gets overwhelmed by the simplest things. you can also hit the LIKE button if you want to plot and i will jump into your IMs instead ( even in free running style when i get your love in return ) ! i also apologise in advance if i’m a little slow with messaging and doing replies & stuff, at times i just get a little overwhelmed and idek what’s wrong with me. and wow this is getting long that’s why i will stop here now. under the cut you will also find some information about ahri , it’s messy and i’m sorry. !! death, murder, miscarriage tw !!
-this little bean is a little too passionate police officer and just likes to get herself into trouble 
-regarding her background, ahri  is the second child out of three children. she has an older sibling (if anyone wants a dumb sibling message me) and a younger sibling
-her family is  neither poor nor rich, her mother works in a small restaurant and her father is an independent journalist.  her parents never really payed much attention to her and gave all their attention to her older and younger sibling. often she would wear her older sibling’s old clothes ( but well at least they were comfortable ? )
- though she knew that her parents preferred her siblings, she never really acted up? she was just accepting it and tried to get their attention with good grades , but well even that didn’t work but she was glad that at least she had more freedom because her parents were like constantly focusing on her siblings.
-so in the second year of high school her life took a dramatic turn. ahri got pregnant and of course her parents weren’t very happy about it and ahri as well. they didn’t have money to raise another kid and ahri  wasn’t ready to raise a child. nevertheless, she decided to keep it.
-it was a very difficult time for them and , her father was a rather unknown journalist back then which meant they struggled with money.  that’s why her dad was constantly looking for new stories to push his career and actually one day he found a interesting story which also could actually ruin someone’s life. this story was about a scandal happening at a big and well-known company in korea and if he published that story they would be ruined. that’s why her father tried to blackmail them  (his family didn’t know) and demanded a huge amount of money. however, the head of the company refused to give him the money and tried to get rid off this problem with a different approach. ( we all know what i’m talking about)
-so one day ahri, her father and her younger sibling took a ride home. this day ahri had finally convinced her family to keep the child and the day was just going well.  but of course after some peace something had to happen (blame me). 
-while they were getting back, they noticed a car following them and her father immediately knew what it was about. still, he couldn’t escape and a huge car “accident” (we all know it wasn’t an accident) happened. her younger sibling died before he got to the hospital and her father and ahri were badly injured. although ahri survived her unborn baby didn’t.
-since then everything seemed to go downhill. her parents couldn’t deal with the loss of their child and ahri was just angry. angry about the loss of her unborn child and her younger sibling, that her father ruined everything due to his greed and that the company got away without any damage, just because they had the money and connections.
-her grades started to drop because she was was obsessed for revenge and of course her social life suffered as well and one day she just snapped.
-she had this very twisted idea that she needed some revenge, she wanted to take something from that person (the ceo) , she just wanted to hurt him. but she couldn’t do anything, that’s why she wanted to become a police officer, to investigate on this case again and at least have the opportunity to do something
-so she moved away and although she still loves her family, she’s on bad terms with her father because she blames him for everything. 
now to her personality:
-ahri is a very dedicated person, basically that someone who would rather skip sleep for three days instead of not doing well? she might seem a little detached at times, but actually she’s one soft-hearted and awkward dork who is just overwhelmed by life? she’s a huge cry baby but acts as if she isn’t and seriously takes everything to heart (but well she’s trying to be cool). she might be a little blunt but (she doesn’t realise it) and just pours her heart into everything. she’s like the biggest pushover when it comes to her friends and will always blame herself and feels like she doesn’t deserve them. she also likes picking up trash in the middle of the night, because she’s really into the protecting environment kind of thing. at times she can be a goody two shoes, because she really hates injustice and just tries to make the world a better world and sometimes she takes this justice thing a little too serious. actually  she’s just a huge dork, who actually irons her socks, is very old-fashioned and still has a flip phone and reads newpaper because she hates changes in her life. but if you hurt her she’ll most likely never forgive you.
some plot ideas would be the father of their unborn child (GIMME THE ANGST) ( it’s up to the player what he thought about it and to make it even more dramatic he could’ve been the son of the ceo), a friend who knew her before the accident, someone who witnessed the “accident”, her best friend she could always lean on during this phase of her life, someone who reminds her of her younger sibling or perhaps a friend of her sibling, just give me anything and i will love you! please hurt her but i also have a connection page so you can check this out for ideas as well !
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