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A majority of the fics will be moved & posted both here and there - Others will be re-written and then posted on the new blog. Masterlists that are here have been tweaked and the links should still work (if a link does not work - please let me know on the new blog). 
ALL TAG LISTS WILL BE DELETED AND RE-MADE!!! So if you wish to be on a tag list - PLEASE check out the new blog.
All NEW fics will be posted to the new blog. NO NEW CONTENT WILL BE POSTED HERE!!!
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Folks - I am sorry
I have been MIA. I haven’t been posting, even though I have a couple things done - I haven’t been sharing anything - I’ve been completely silent.
Both here & @waywardsons-imagines
And I am sorry!
Back in February - a litter of 7 puppies was dumped on a doorstep of a friend (there were 12 - but the person who found them had gotten rid of 5 before a mutual friend could pick them up). They had been stuffed in a trash can with the lid screwed shut - and tossed from a moving vehicle. These 7 babies started an adventure I never expected to be on right now.
I have since opened the doors of an animal rescue - and been swamped with pets ever since! Being spring here - it means it’s baby season - so we have had 3 other litters if abandoned puppies, 3 abandoned momma pups who have given birth, 3 momma cats that have given birth & an abundance of kittens that have been found abandoned in some way/shape/form.
On top of this - add in the COVID crisis around the world - and we are all stuck inside. Which I know is having an effect on all different types of mental health for everyone (myself included)
SO! With all that said! Here is what I hope to do!::
On the @waywardsons-imagines blog! I will be doing a give-away again! 2 to be exact - 1 that will be Supernatural based, and 1 for any/all fandoms.
I will also be slotting time each day to post stories & add to the queue - whether it is reblogs or new work, it will at least be something coming across your timeline for both accounts! THIS WILL INCLUDE ANYTHING YOU TAG ME/US IN!!!! So, if you are a writer, or artist - and make something you want shared? TAG ONE OF THESE ACCOUNTS! I will share stuff on both!
Now - strictly for your enjoyment - enjoy pix of some of our babies in our rescue 😊
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The Bringer Of Balance Part 1
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader, Sam Winchester
Summary: In a world of Angels and Demons, Y/N and the Winchester’s team up to stop the rising numbers of the Demon kind. Forming unbreakable bonds, will they be able to hold up against unknown truths and be able to stand tall against the forces of evil?
A/N: I am SO excited for this series, I’ve put a lot of thought into it and I really hope that you guys like it, the summary will change every few chapters depending on what is revealed in each one, warnings will also differ. Please let me know what you guys think! As always, I hope you enjoy!!
A/N 2: In this series, only angels and demons exist. Ghouls, vampires, werewolves, none of those exist. Spoilers for seasons 9-11.
Warnings: Slight gore (very very slight).
Italics are thoughts.
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Demon Hunter.
That’s what you were called. 
“To protect the integrity of our world, and to prevent more souls from becoming suspect to evil.” That was the motto, the code all demon hunters adhered to. 
You had started hunting a few months ago, looking back to it, you never realized how you knew anything about demon hunting. It was like all of a sudden the knowledge was just in your head. You didn’t really question it, instead embarking on your hunting journey, meeting other hunters and teaching them stuff even they didn’t know. You had never trained before in your life but the second you picked up a gun, you knew exactly how to use it. The second you got into a fight, you knew exactly what to do, read your opponents moves, strike accordingly. You assumed you were just a natural hunter, brushing it off and continuing to move through life. 
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Writers may write for themselves because the story idea excites them, but they post because they’re excited to share with you.
If readers don’t reciprocate that excitement after reading, then writers will keep the joy of writing for themselves.
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Finding Home - Chapter 3
Word Count - 892
Join Series Tag List - HERE  -  Series Master list
Tags - @lilulo-12​
Chapter 2
Ch. 2
I may have been in hiding for a while, but I was still always looking over my shoulder. Instinct, second nature, habit, call it what you will.
It didn’t matter that I took up residence in a relatively quiet country. Somewhere no one would think to search for me. It didn’t matter that Hydra put the soldier back on ice.
My life was still at risk.
You don’t just walk - or in my case run - out on Hydra, and live. You don’t have The Winter Soldier sent after you, and survive. So being over cautious, continually looking over my shoulder was a small price to pay.
Immediately upon walking into my small cottage, I knew there was another presence, a change in the air, an unfamiliar scent. I chose to wait for them to make themselves visible before I acknowledged them.
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Finding Home - Chapter 3
Word Count - 892
Join Series Tag List - HERE  -  Series Master list
Tags - @lilulo-12​
Chapter 2
Ch. 2
I may have been in hiding for a while, but I was still always looking over my shoulder. Instinct, second nature, habit, call it what you will.
It didn’t matter that I took up residence in a relatively quiet country. Somewhere no one would think to search for me. It didn’t matter that Hydra put the soldier back on ice.
My life was still at risk.
You don’t just walk - or in my case run - out on Hydra, and live. You don’t have The Winter Soldier sent after you, and survive. So being over cautious, continually looking over my shoulder was a small price to pay.
Immediately upon walking into my small cottage, I knew there was another presence, a change in the air, an unfamiliar scent. I chose to wait for them to make themselves visible before I acknowledged them.
I went into the kitchen first. Setting down my bags and putting things away. I never kept much in the house since it was far easier to escape unnoticed if they couldn’t judge timing by food decay.
As I stood at the sink, washing off the vegetables I had bought at the market, I heard the quiet footsteps approach.
“You’re not here to kill me, or you’d have tried by now. So what do you want?” I spoke without turning away from my task.
“Miss Petrova. My name is -”
I see his reflection in the chrome of the coffee machine. “Nick Fury.” I cut off his introduction with a calm tone. “You’re the director of S.H.I.E.L.D, I know. That’s not what I asked, though.”
“I want to talk to you about a job.” He took a couple more steps into the kitchen.
“Want something to drink?” I asked, finally turning around to face him.
“No. Thank you.” His features remained blank.
I grabbed the towel next to the sink, drying off my hands, not saying anything to the man in front of me.
“I am putting together a group of the very best men and women -”
“Like who?” I asked flatly, interrupting him yet again.
“Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Clint Barton,” he paused for a moment, judging my reactions to the names, “Natasha Romanoff.” I clenched my jaw slightly, hearing her name, “I would like to add you to the team as well, Miss Petrova.”
“I don’t do teams. Sorry.” I started to walk toward the living room.
“You don’t do much of anything with the threat of the Winter Soldier hanging over your head.” He quipped in reply, causing me to stop in my tracks.
“The Winter Soldier himself isn’t a threat to me. It’s the fact that I would be greatly outnumbered were he to find me again.”
“Because you are the only one capable of taking out the soldier yourself, isn’t that right, Shadow?”
Hearing that name, I quickly turned to face him again. “What did you call me?”
“‘The Shadow’ I believe, wasn’t it? A ghost story, much like the soldier himself.” He paused briefly, “The Darkness to those closest to you, but merely Shadow to the rest.”
“How do you -”
“I know a lot about you, Miss Petrova.” This time it was he who interrupted me, “A Winter Soldier yourself, trained by the best, surpassing your teacher - and Hydra as a whole - with ease.” His voice had a smug, yet impressed undertone.
“None of that is in any file anywhere. How did you find out about me?”
“I have my ways, ‘Shadow.’ Outside Hydra and their facilities, I am the only one who knows about your secrets. To my knowledge, even most of Hydra doesn’t know you exist, isn’t that correct?”
I looked at him with narrow, suspicious eyes. “Yes. Only those that were a part of the program knew of my existence. The Black Widows knew of me when I was there, but they didn’t know anything more than my name, and that I wasn’t one of them. That I was a chosen one by Strucker himself.”
“Why keep you so secret?”
I shrugged. “Never asked. For the same reason, the Soldier was kept quiet - I'd assume - someone untraceable to make their hits. The difference was, I wasn’t the first. They kept a record of him, so they could try to repeat the process. After failed attempts, they succeeded. No sense in making that public knowledge and ruining the surprise.”
“You are the absolute best at what you do, Kali. Please, consider joining S.H.I.E.L.D. Consider joining the Avengers.”
“I already said, Nick, I work alone. Last time I was part of a team effort, it didn’t end well.”
“Think about it, at least?” he asked as he turned toward the front door.
“I already did.”
“The time will come when you won’t have a choice, Kali.” His voice was cold as he opened the door. “Natasha will be none too pleased you’ve chosen to remain against her when given a choice.”
I let out a heavy sigh.“Tell Natasha; I’m not against her. If the Avengers need me, I’ll help. But I’m not a part of the team. I’m not a part of S.H.I.E.L.D. I’m still on my own.”
He didn’t say a word, just nodded with a small smile on his face before walking out, closing the door behind him.
Chapter 4 *coming Monday*
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Very occasionally, Twitter has some good advice.
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I AM SOOOOO SORRY!!! Baby puppies arrived & needed saving, and things took off unexpectedly 😢 But I vow to get this posted ASAP!!!
Finding Home - Chapter 2
Word Count - 1570
Join Series Tag List - HERE  -  Series Master list
Tags - @lilulo-12​
Chapter 1
Ch. 2
I watched as the Avengers landed and surrounded the building below.
Three years. I managed to avoid them - virtually - for three years.
Why now? Why here? Why couldn’t they have just waited a little longer? I could have made this so much easier for them.
I had already taken out three guards within the compound from my nest. Knowing there was only one target left before my mission was complete, I held my position. If I had already been made, then this last shot would only take seconds away from the time I needed for my escape, critical seconds.
Lying prone on the ground, the butt of the rifle pulled tight into my shoulder, I took aim. Blissfully unaware of the approaching danger, I found myself slipping into the zone — that moment before every shot when the crosshairs and the mark are almost perfectly aligned. Without fully immersing oneself into that zone, it’s hard to find that precise moment patiently.
A hair off at 1000 yards, and the shot will miss by 15 feet, alerting your target and giving away your position. All of your scouting and preparation can be wasted if you didn’t get every last calculation right. Timing the rise and fall of the crosshairs with each bated breath. Visualizing the bullet’s path as it travels through its natural arc, rising from the moment it exits the weapon’s barrel until it reaches apogee and begins its descent to the earth. If all is perfect, somewhere along the bullet’s path lies your mark. It all comes down to the moment your finger squeezes the trigger sending the firing pin forward to set off the primer, sending the bullet on its way.
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Happy 103rd Birthday James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes! (March 10th, 1917) (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧★
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My loves, I am SO sorry that I seemingly disappeared. I am going to do my absolute best to get online one day this week to schedule out the entire rest of the Finding Home series.
My writing took a back seat rather quickly & unexpectedly recently. You see...
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These sweet babies, are brothers & sisters. There are 7 in total (there were 12 in the litter, but the person we saved these 7 from had given away 5 before we arrived). They are, roughly, 6-7 weeks old, and are guessed to be mastiff/Heeler puppies.
These babies, were abandoned in the middle of no where. They were found where they were dumped. Inside a cardboard box, that had been tapped shut - and then stuffed inside a trash can that was then screwed shut. They never stood a chance.
These babies sparked an animal rescue program being formed within my non-profit organization, and has since taken up all of my time. In 2 weeks time we have saved - 2 litters of puppies, 3 run-away/abandoned pups, 5 run aways returned to their families, 3 owner surrenders, and helped several more owners to re-home their babies on their own.
Please - Adopt don’t shop. Donate to local rescues if you’re able. Volunteer with local rescues! (Trust me, I’m sure they have some puppies that a foster mom/dad would gladly let someone else play with for a while 😂)
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pairing: Ivar x Y/N
summary: you were born with an extraordinary gift that led you to an injured prince in need, who’s stubborn and cruel but your duty always comes first
warnings: blasphemy (aka mention of Odin)
word count: 1220
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You lived in the woods but not by preference, you were banned or so told the others, the men and women dreaded you, but you paid them no attention, you had higher purpose that they could never understand, you were guided by Odin, father of all gods, the god of enlightenment, he’d show you the way and help you understand things beyond their understanding.
It started when you were young, you stood in the middle of the market ground and cried, not for something that happened, but for what will happen, hours later, Ragnar Lothbrok blood eagled Jarl Borg, and ever since then similar events kept frequenting you until the villagers decided that you were descendant from Loki and that you must be isolated. 
Your family abandoned the city, escaping from their disturbing words and dagger stares, you took shelter in the woodlands, where you can’t be bothered by anyone, you rarely visited the center, unless Odin requests you to do so.
That’s how you found yourself in the main hall, sitting on a table of your own, you ate what they offered and looked around “Odin, I know you wouldn’t ask me to be here unless it’s important, show my the way father, show me the way” you muttered as you talked to your god, while everyone else thought you were madly talking to yourself, perhaps they are right, possibly, not everything is explainable.
You eyed the Ragnarssons and that was the only table you were able to focus on ever since, the boys murmured among themselves, but that didn’t bother you, you just felt right when you looked at them, Odin was giving you a clue. 
You saw the youngest Ivar, getting taunted by his brother Sigurd, who was talking rudely about how vulnerable his cripple brother is, how he can’t even walk, the most simplistic thing anyone could do, how he’s nothing but a spoiled mama boy, Ivar’s face you couldn’t see, but hearing your own blood saying that about you, definitely was enough to start a raging fire inside of you.
What happened next was what explained what Odin wanted, Sigurd choked on his own spit, he almost died but he didn’t, at first, Ivar seemed indifferent, then he was genuinely worried about his brother, that’s when the blond was saved, you knew it instantly, Ivar was favored by the gods, and your task involves him indeed, you also knew, his rage will end Sigurd’s life, your senses were never wrong.
You discerned Ivar snaking his way out of the hall, you followed, you felt everyone’s eyes on you, looking at you as if you were wicked news “go away” he yelled as he kept moving forward “I can’t” you answered “our destinies are crossing” you followed, he stopped when he reached the small cabin he was living in and opened the door “no they’re not” he got inside then slammed the door in your face.
You breathed then looked at the lock, Odin showed you how to unlock it, it was certain now, he wanted you there, so you did, you entered and found Ivar, laying on the floor, wailing of pain “go away” he cried at you but you ignored him entirely, instead, you closed the door behind and started a flame in his fireplace “what are you doing sorceress?” he demanded “it’s the cold that’s making your legs hurt, trust me Ivar the boneless, I’m here to help” you swore to him.
You drew a chair and put it in front of the fire, and a container as well, you headed back to Ivar and tried to help him move but he refused, he barely crawled halfway before squealing of pain, you sighed and transported the man, then seated him on the chair, lifting his legs on the chest “am I dying? Is that’s why you’re here? To take my soul to Valhalla?” he grumbled as you loosened the straps around his legs “I’m not an angel of death Ivar” you declared.
Your hands scanned his dysfunctioning legs until you found the source of the pain, he’d cut them while crawling very deeply, you sighed and undid his pants, he protested, but you disregarded him, you didn’t care about what he wanted, you only cared about why Odin sent you “what are you doing?” he commanded.
“I’m stopping the pain, treating the wound,” you said as you cleaned the bloody cut “you didn’t feel this?” you asked curiously, he shook his head no “among all the other pain I feel, this was nothing” he replied as he watched you, you burned the infected areas and cleaned them again with alcohol, then you covered the wound with a clean piece of cloth to make sure it won’t get infected again “well, it could’ve killed you,” you said and gazed at the man, who’s hands were hiding his private area, you giggled a little “don’t worry, I’m not interested in anything but fulfilling my duty” 
You got up and headed to his bed, grabbing the fur on it, he watched you questioning every move you’re making, waiting for a disaster to fall upon him, you covered him and made sure he was warm enough especially his legs “cold makes bones hurt, you should stay warm, do you have any herbs for the pain?” you asked, he nodded “on the nightstand, the healer said to boil them and drink the water” he mumbled and that’s what you did.
You handed him a horn of the boiled water and he supped it, eyeing you “why are you here?” he wondered “I’m here because Odin wanted me here” you replied with confidence and the sweetest smile “Odin? The god, he talks to you?” he asked, now more engaged “not necessarily, he shows me signs, and I follow them, and this time, he led me to you, you are favored by gods Ivar Ragnarsson” you noted, he nodded “they say father is descendant of Odin himself” you giggled “perhaps, or perhaps it’s you who Odin sees as a son, either way, he wanted you alive”
“You only show up if a bad thing happens, I’ve heard the people say it, what is it that will happen to me?”
“I don’t know, as I said, I only know what I’m allowed to know, nothing less, nothing more” 
“Are you a witch?”
“Gods no! I’m simply a woman with a gift! Witches are united to Loki, while I’m united to Odin, I see him in my sleep, he tells me what to do sometimes, other times he shows me”
“How can you be certain it’s Odin? Perhaps it’s Loki in his form, he’s tricky”
“I have faith my prince, although I must admit, I didn’t take you as a skeptic, I thought you of all people would understand” 
You stood up and planted a kiss on his cheek “perhaps our paths will meet again my boneless prince” you whispered in his ears “what’s this supposed to mean?” Ivar demanded but it was too late, you’ve already made your way to the door, you already left his cabin, leaving him yelling and pleading for you to return but you knew, returning was vain, you did what Odin wanted you to do, now it was time for a new duty, a new calling.
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tags: @youbloodymadgenius​
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Sooooo cute! ❤️
I need them to take care of me when I’m sick 😂
Added Comfort
Genre: Fan Fiction Pairing: Henry Cavill/Reader Warnings: N/A Rating: G Length: Drabble Disclaimer: a strict work of fiction, I own nothing except the original characters and the plot line. In no way am I affiliated to any of it.  
A/N: @cavillish had an anon ask about Henry and being sick. It’s not much, but here you go anon. 
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CHAPTER 3 coming soon!!!!
Finding Home - Chapter 2
Word Count - 1570
Join Series Tag List - HERE  -  Series Master list
Tags - @lilulo-12​
Chapter 1
Ch. 2
I watched as the Avengers landed and surrounded the building below.
Three years. I managed to avoid them - virtually - for three years.
Why now? Why here? Why couldn’t they have just waited a little longer? I could have made this so much easier for them.
I had already taken out three guards within the compound from my nest. Knowing there was only one target left before my mission was complete, I held my position. If I had already been made, then this last shot would only take seconds away from the time I needed for my escape, critical seconds.
Lying prone on the ground, the butt of the rifle pulled tight into my shoulder, I took aim. Blissfully unaware of the approaching danger, I found myself slipping into the zone — that moment before every shot when the crosshairs and the mark are almost perfectly aligned. Without fully immersing oneself into that zone, it’s hard to find that precise moment patiently.
A hair off at 1000 yards, and the shot will miss by 15 feet, alerting your target and giving away your position. All of your scouting and preparation can be wasted if you didn’t get every last calculation right. Timing the rise and fall of the crosshairs with each bated breath. Visualizing the bullet’s path as it travels through its natural arc, rising from the moment it exits the weapon’s barrel until it reaches apogee and begins its descent to the earth. If all is perfect, somewhere along the bullet’s path lies your mark. It all comes down to the moment your finger squeezes the trigger sending the firing pin forward to set off the primer, sending the bullet on its way.
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Chapter 3 coming tomorrow!!
Finding Home - Chapter 2
Word Count - 1570
Join Series Tag List - HERE  -  Series Master list
Tags - @lilulo-12​
Chapter 1
Ch. 2
I watched as the Avengers landed and surrounded the building below.
Three years. I managed to avoid them - virtually - for three years.
Why now? Why here? Why couldn’t they have just waited a little longer? I could have made this so much easier for them.
I had already taken out three guards within the compound from my nest. Knowing there was only one target left before my mission was complete, I held my position. If I had already been made, then this last shot would only take seconds away from the time I needed for my escape, critical seconds.
Lying prone on the ground, the butt of the rifle pulled tight into my shoulder, I took aim. Blissfully unaware of the approaching danger, I found myself slipping into the zone — that moment before every shot when the crosshairs and the mark are almost perfectly aligned. Without fully immersing oneself into that zone, it’s hard to find that precise moment patiently.
A hair off at 1000 yards, and the shot will miss by 15 feet, alerting your target and giving away your position. All of your scouting and preparation can be wasted if you didn’t get every last calculation right. Timing the rise and fall of the crosshairs with each bated breath. Visualizing the bullet’s path as it travels through its natural arc, rising from the moment it exits the weapon’s barrel until it reaches apogee and begins its descent to the earth. If all is perfect, somewhere along the bullet’s path lies your mark. It all comes down to the moment your finger squeezes the trigger sending the firing pin forward to set off the primer, sending the bullet on its way.
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Awe 🖤
And I totally approve of puppy snuggles 🐶😁
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Kal Comfort *Anon Request*
Summary: Kal helps comfort you through some bad Period pain, and Henry grow concerned and worried about it.
Pairing: Henry Cavill/Reader
Word Count: 669
Rating: Fluff
Inspiration: Anon Request (x)
Author’s Note: Comforted by a fluffy bear and a handsome man. Sorry its not all that long.
Tag List: @jennylovelyheart, @peakygroupie, @jessevans​ @MITZWINCHESTER @rosie-loves-things​, @ohjules​, @mary-ann84​, @omgkatinka​, @hm-fck​, @the-freak-cassie-131​, @heelsamizayn​, @agniavateira​
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Finding Home - Chapter 2
Word Count - 1570
Join Series Tag List - HERE  -  Series Master list
Tags - @lilulo-12​
Chapter 1
Ch. 2
I watched as the Avengers landed and surrounded the building below.
Three years. I managed to avoid them - virtually - for three years.
Why now? Why here? Why couldn’t they have just waited a little longer? I could have made this so much easier for them.
I had already taken out three guards within the compound from my nest. Knowing there was only one target left before my mission was complete, I held my position. If I had already been made, then this last shot would only take seconds away from the time I needed for my escape, critical seconds.
Lying prone on the ground, the butt of the rifle pulled tight into my shoulder, I took aim. Blissfully unaware of the approaching danger, I found myself slipping into the zone — that moment before every shot when the crosshairs and the mark are almost perfectly aligned. Without fully immersing oneself into that zone, it’s hard to find that precise moment patiently.
A hair off at 1000 yards, and the shot will miss by 15 feet, alerting your target and giving away your position. All of your scouting and preparation can be wasted if you didn’t get every last calculation right. Timing the rise and fall of the crosshairs with each bated breath. Visualizing the bullet’s path as it travels through its natural arc, rising from the moment it exits the weapon’s barrel until it reaches apogee and begins its descent to the earth. If all is perfect, somewhere along the bullet’s path lies your mark. It all comes down to the moment your finger squeezes the trigger sending the firing pin forward to set off the primer, sending the bullet on its way.
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