aintsh1t · 10 months
01. Intro
A cliché start to any new blog: I don't know how to start but here goes nothing..
Lucky for you (and by you, I mean most probably me as I'm not sure I'll be actively sharing this blog with the world), I am a rambler, and whether or not it makes sense, I have the gift of word vomit.
I am a nearly 30-year old gal who has decided to create a blog. Mainly as a creative outlet for myself. As a way of journaling. As a way of trying to figure out what 'this' is. A way to reflect on my navigation through these weird lil times.
I've been in a weird space this past year, but more accurately since I was thrust into the real world - so much change has happened. A recent break up has been the straw that broke the camel's back and BOOM - I think I'm having some form of midlife crisis. Now, when I say that, I don't mean it from the stereotypical male perspective of getting a rose tattoo on my sad bicep and buying a motorcycle that I'd never ride. I mean I think reality has finally set in that the way I've been navigating life has to change. In one way, it's exciting. I feel that this is a necessary evil and from here I can grow and flourish and be a healthy well-rounded human blah blah. But being honest, I'm absolutely fucking terrified.
Another reason I wanted to jump on and create a blog is because I've never had an outlet that was solely mine. Something that I have full autonomy over (irony as I'm using tumblr lol). And here I want to share my thoughts, feelings, ups and downs, my interests, my thoughts. And who knows? If anyone stumbles across this, they may resonate, or they may think what the fuck. Either way I'll have done my job.
But anyway, here goes. Welcome to my blog - you're in for a interesting, real, fun (at times), emotional (most of the time) probably inconsistent ride.
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