aioe09 · 2 years
The bubble in NFT is dissipating. What direction is the future taking?MadCanner NFT’s Future
“It takes time to transition from disorder to order.https://discord.gg/Wduk7zNjPM
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NFT is rapidly cooling.
According to reports from overseas media, Twitter founder Jack Dorsey sold the first tweet he ever sent in the form of NFT in March 2021, when Sina Estavi, CEO of Malaysian blockchain company Bridge Oracle, successfully bid for 1,630 ETH, or $2.9 million.
Sina Estavi was recently prepared to resell the NFT via the Opensea platform for 14,969 ETH, or approximately $48 million. To my surprise, there were only seven bidders until the end of the first auction, with bids ranging from 0.0019ETH (approximately $6) to 0.09ETH (approximately $277).
After just one year, the price of the “sky tweet” has dropped to less than a tenth of what it once was, and this is only a microcosm of the cooling NFT market.MadCanner NFT’s Future
According to Stephen Moore, monthly NFT buyers have fallen below 800,000 for the first time, and the average price of NFT has decreased from $6,800 in January to $2,000; secondary sales have also decreased from 38,000 per day in January to 7,900; and the decline has impacted the entire NFT market: According to Coin Market Cap data, the value of the NFT market has decreased by more than half, from $23 billion to around $10 billion.
From “hustle and bustle” to “cold,” many in the industry have even begun to declare that the NFT is “dead.” However, the market value of NFT is no longer as high as it once was, and NFT is actually a collection of bubbles? Or is it a “meat and potatoes” sandwich?
The speculative wave that retail investors have fueled
Most people who are interested in NFT speculation are unaware that the majority of NFT collections do not generate cash flow.
This means that when comparing NFT collections to stocks on the capital market, the valuation logic of the majority of NFTs is similar to that of a “zero dividend growth stock,” in which the investor earns almost entirely through trading.
Therefore, one must ask: Is it risky to have a large number of investors burning money on the NFT platform at the moment to support a large number of “zero dividend assets”?
Naturally, it is.
Previously, the CTS Han Xiaochen team discovered through statistical analysis that the influx of funds caused by the tide of speculation, the NFT market head effect is obvious, and that the majority of trading participants are losing money. At the moment, the market head effect of NFT trading is obvious. Simultaneously, the whitelist is critical for profitably trading new issue NFT, as 78 percent of participants not on the whitelist resell at a loss.
In theory, all products such as audio and music can be NFT; therefore, when additional content creators such as Oil Tube, B Station, and Jitterbug enter the market and offer “interest-bearing collections” to a degree, can the value of the existing large number of non-cash-flowing NFT collections be maintained? I’m afraid it’s challenging.
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Indeed, NFT is exhibiting signs of a bubble burst. According to overseas media reports, blockchain analytics firm Nansen discovered that one in three NFT projects had almost no trading activity and another third were already trading below the cost of issuance after analyzing 19.3 million NFTs. According to data from the cryptographic data site DappRadar, trading volume on OpenSea, the largest NFT trading platform, fell 67 percent in March alone this year.MadCanner NFT’s Future
Along with their unstable value, NFT remain flawed in terms of property rights protection and technology. As a result, high-value NFT have become the target of some unscrupulous elements and hackers, resulting in incident after incident of NFT theft. Jay recently posted on social media that he received a phone call informing him that the BAYC #3738 NFT he was previously given had been stolen by a phishing website. Jay’s stolen NFT was worth over $500,000 at the time, based on the price of ETH at the time.
Growing in the face of skepticism
While the NFT fever has subsided, industries continue to accelerate their integration with NFT.
Beginning in the second half of 2021, a number of well-known brand owners will experiment with NFT, mapping it to physical objects and even creating their own metaverse (Metaverse). Clearly, Utility has become the first litmus test for major brands entering the Metaverse via NFT.
Utility can be roughly defined as the ability of a user who purchases a concert NFT to not only attend the corresponding offline concert, but also to participate in the singer/exclusive performer’s activities and product sales in advance.
Redeemability is the most widely used utility of NFT in current practice. When a user owns a “Redeemability NFT,” he or she will be able to obtain the corresponding physical items, and the NFT acts as a bridge between two parallel universes, one online and one offline. Consider how foreign famous brands are experimenting with the “meta-universe” era via NFT.
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At the end of 2021, Adidas attempted to enter the meta-universe by selling 30,000 original NFTs, which sold out within minutes of going on sale.
Holders of these Adidas NFTs will be able to initiate an exclusive Sandbox experience and exchange them for one-of-a-kind physical counterparts.
Additionally, these NFT holders will receive complimentary access to four exclusive physical products throughout 2022: when they redeem a physical item, the NFT will be destroyed (burned) and a new NFT with a higher serial number will be issued (the smaller the number of such NFTs, the higher the value in general).
This type of physical NFT is a good experiment for Adidas, as consumers are accustomed to queuing days in advance to secure limited-edition sneakers and apparel, and the NFT essentially provides the brand with a new way to launch limited-edition products, with the resulting community and word-of-mouth spreading to a wider audience, akin to free communication and buzz.
Coca-Cola partnered with Tafi, a 3D avatar application platform, in August 2021 to launch the NFT collectible “Coca-Cola Friendship Box,” which was auctioned off for approximately $540,000 on the OpenSea platform. Coca-Cola made the donation to the Paralympic Games in Tokyo.MadCanner NFT’s Future
The “Friendship Box” includes a classic Coca-Cola cooler, a wearable jacket for use in the virtual reality world of Decentraland, a friendship card, and a sound visualizer that plays the sound of an open bottle, the sound of a drink being poured over ice, and the sound of carbonated beverage bubbles.
“Each NFT in the Friendship Box pays tribute to a core element of the Coca-Cola brand,” Coca-Cola stated. And to give those elements a new spin in a novel and exciting way in the virtual world.”
MadCanner NFT’s Future
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Overall, within the confines of today’s domestic regulatory framework, but applicable to all projects involving blockchain asset transactions, the relevant entities must conduct anti-fraud and anti-manipulation audits of the projects, ascertain the business substance of each platform, and guard against illegal fundraising, false fraud, and other financial security issues.
Simultaneously, we must focus on the creation of NFT artwork, its identification, pricing, circulation, and traceability, as well as other aspects of the underlying support. Currently, the characteristics of NFT financial instruments are not obvious enough, the scale of financial derivatives is small, and the entire market is still in its infancy, so we must explore the path of appropriate price evaluation for blockchain assets before it is too late.
However, putting financial considerations aside, NFT digital collectibles retain their artistic value, much like the current hot bubble Mart, which is made up of various series of blind box hand-me-downs. Of course, we all know that the value is primarily in the IP creation. The same is true for digital collectibles, which are more valuable to collect due to their decentralization and uniqueness. Both artistic and scarcity are superior NFT, and the future will be similar to the scarce artwork in the display, the most desired in the meta-universe to meet people’s display needs of hard currency.MadCanner NFT’s Future
Because the development of NFT artworks has been relatively brief, we lack sufficient data for empirical analysis. As a result, we can only analyze the problem through the lens of market phenomena; how to improve the art market’s transformation, enhance supervision, and value evaluation will become the direction of this field to be studied.
What direction will NFT take in the future? At the very least, speculation should not be one of the possible routes.https://discord.gg/Wduk7zNjPM
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aioe09 · 2 years
In 2022, the Web3’s Three Frontiers will be NFT, Metaverse, and DAO. MadCannner Metaverse
We predicted this two years ago in our LongHash newsletter, when the DeFi protocol reached a total locked-in value of $1 billion (TVL).https://discord.com/invite/Wduk7zNjPM
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The essential components of DeFi, namely stablecoins, lending, and a decentralized exchange, formed the trifecta that enabled minimal viability, spurring innovation and growth while pushing the value of assets in the space above $200 billion. Today, DeFi’s meteoric rise has slowed somewhat, and additional growth catalysts, such as institutional engagement and regulatory clarity, appear to be within reach.
Simultaneously, new innovations have emerged, and the debates over NFTs and “meta-universes” have not only become a major industry issue, but have also permeated after-dinner conversation. The New York Times and Time Magazine have both published articles on DAO, raising both doubts and curiosity. As a venture capital firm, we recognize that these new phenomena will serve as the foundation for the next phase of Web3 development. However, how precisely will it evolve?MadCannner Metaverse
Every day, we are swept up in a wave of Web3 experimentation, torn between boldness and caution. However, we must ultimately choose our own position. As such, this article serves as both an honest personal reflection and a call to action for entrepreneurs and investors.
Enhancing the utility of NFT
NFT centered on music on Royal
NFTs have the potential to dwarf even tokens, as they more accurately reflect the value of an asset without evoking the sensation of “printing your own currency.” It’s unsurprising that NFTs have set auction records and garnered widespread attention due to their cute, or not-so-cute, image.
However, the majority of NFTs are used exclusively for speculation today. The market is establishing a price for future uses or values. Even with the current high-performing lead project, Bored Ape Yacht Club, which raised $450 million, acquired Larva Labs (the company behind CryptoPunks and Meebits), and launched ApeCoin, the project’s primary value remains in its bullishness about its potential. We should be more attuned to the creation of genuine value — both intrinsic and practical value.
intrinsic worth
As with privately owned public goods, NFT can be art, music, video, 3D environments, or blueprints. While everyone is welcome to enjoy the artwork on display for free, the items themselves have a clear ownership history. Tokenizing these valuable assets (as opposed to merely generative art) enables creators to connect with their thousands of genuine fans. In the case of music NFTs, several investors have already expressed similar sentiments (for example, Delphi Digital and Coopahtroopa), and there are already examples such as Audius and Royal. Given widespread acceptance and extensive experimentation with NFT, the time for adoption may be approaching. We are looking for infrastructure, such as platforms and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), that have a clear advantage in their target markets and can attract a sufficient number of creators and collectors.
utilitarian worth MadCannner Metaverse
Utility NFTs are more comparable to privately held private goods — games, communities, events, or any crypto product/service requiring access. Ownership and access to these NFTs enables individuals to form an instant bond with a brand or business, or they can be transferred as the user base or community grows. To begin, almost every PFP NFT project has created a Discord server with token-based access that is only accessible to verified holders. We’ve invested in infrastructure to support a variety of use cases, including the Smart Token Lab, the Grape Protocol, and the Lit Protocol. These initiatives are well-positioned to support any project that generates NFT.
NFT Prospects
As these practical NFTs become more prevalent, datasets emerge organically as a result of ownership and access, and user and collector purchases and interactions can be verified. This social graph will be indispensable for derived use cases such as experience evaluation, reputation management, and personalization.
Increasing the number of creators in the game/meta-universe
By now, Axie Infinity’s big bang has established one thing: Web3 games have established a foothold. Returning ownership to players and allowing them to benefit from the game’s development establishes a strong feedback loop that can drive value creation and increase user stickiness. Of course, in order to ensure long-term viability, the project’s token mechanism must be improved, such as by implementing participation cash and utilizing the free model to lower the participation threshold. Simultaneously, the influx of players, developers, and capital into the space over the last few years will produce abundant results, as several highly anticipated games, such as Ember Sword, Illuvium, and Guild of Guardians, are scheduled to launch in 2022.
Web3 Games, on the other hand, is currently exaggerating the importance of large 3A titles. These titles typically take longer to complete, cost more money, and thus carry a higher risk. Rather than that, we’re looking for alternatives with shorter iteration cycles.
Games for the masses
Casual games are less expensive to produce, appeal to a broader demographic, and have generated significant revenue in web2. In terms of revenue and growth, handheld games, in particular, are miles ahead. Web3 games will continue to be dominated by browser-based page-based games, which represent the game’s tiniest segment. This is partly due to official censorship of the console and handheld markets, while Web3 games are frequently blocked due to a variety of bad actors (see Steam). This opens up new platforms and markets for Web3 casual game developers to capitalize on the long tail. We are looking for platforms with a strong network and track record in the gaming and Web3 space. OPGames is one of the companies in our portfolio that offers an SDK and an aggregator. Expansion of existing game projects and publishers into a broader ecosystem, such as Gala Games, is also possible.MadCannner Metaverse
Games Based on the Metaverse
Meta-universes harness the power of communities to catalyze large-scale innovation. Sandbox games such as My World and Roblox are extremely popular in Web2 because they encourage creativity. Similarly, open-world or MMO games with active modding or role-playing communities, such as GTA V, The Elder Scrolls, and World of Warcraft, attracted a sizable and devoted audience. In Web3, these games are referred to as metaverse — an ever-present virtual reality in which assets can be truly owned, thereby enabling the creation of a real economy with real commerce via open integration. These worlds rely heavily on early momentum, which is frequently generated by the founding developers, and then explicitly transition to community-driven content creation. With Decentraland, Sandbox, Cryptovoxels, and Somnium Space, we have seen some initial success. We will continue to invest in teams that have demonstrated market leadership in their respective markets, such as Realy in the Solana ecosystem, Mona Gallery in the Filecoin ecosystem, and Bitcountry in the Polkadot ecosystem.
Meta-universe Prospects
With the maturation of Web3 games, a so-called meta-universe native economy has also emerged. Players formed guilds, developers collaborated to create DAOs, and tools for Web3 features were created. When combined with hardware advancements that enable immersive digital experiences such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality, the world is approaching a tipping point that will usher in a metaverse-based social and work life.
On empowering the DAO’s objectives and scaling
Zodiac’s DAO module
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It’s natural to derive digital organizational and working methods from digital assets in the form of NFT and digital experiences in the metaverse. The DAO concept originated in the ethereum white paper and has evolved into more contemporary forms in recent years, including regulated investment DAOs like The Lao, product-focused DAOs like MakerDAO, and product-focused DAOs like ConstitutionDAO, which raised $47 million to bid on the United States Constitution. It is no coincidence that the rise of DAOs parallels the rise of the freelance economy and the Big Quit, in which individuals seek more flexible, equitable, and personalized work opportunities. Clearly, the disruption of traditional work forms has begun.
DAOs work best when there is a clear purpose and mission, as in the aforementioned examples of investment, product development, and crowdfunding. However, none of these DAOs have achieved the global scale that a DAO’s orchestration capabilities are capable of. While there are a few DAOs with a more ambitious vision, such as GitcoinDAO, which aims to build and fund public goods, mechanisms for recognizing large-scale contributions and contributors remain necessary.
Infrastructure as “Proof of Contribution”
We need to be able to standardize and gamify DAO activity, creating new prototypes for a new economy in the process. At the individual and project levels, implementations such as liquidity mining with DeFi or social tokens that incentivize participation and consumption of products/services — such as Roll — already exist. There are also some compelling examples in terms of infrastructure. For example, despite the trade-offs, Bitcoin’s proof-of-work mechanism is a reasonable proxy for security contributions. The proof-of-storage for filecoin has accumulated an incredible 15 million TB of storage space. A more recent experiment is Genopets’ and Stepn’s move-to-earn model, which encourages governments, employers, and insurance companies to sponsor exercise-related health improvements. Consider “carbon capture proofs” or “research replication proofs.” Each of these could result in the birth of a massive industry. From this vantage point, the attention economy that continues to fuel Internet giants today is largely founded on the discovery of a simple underlying principle: “proof of clicks.” “evidence of clicks”.
Mechanisms of Governance
On the other hand, targeted governance bridges the divide created by nonstandard interactions or strategic contributions. In Web3, the tamper-evident nature of the blockchain frequently precludes legal recourse, making code execution governance mechanisms a critical piece of infrastructure. Snapshot X is an early example in our portfolio, as it connects voting to on-chain execution. Additionally, as DAOs evolve and efforts toward decentralization are made, the requirement for governance will evolve over time. Scalable, modular tools such as Zodiac enable a seamless experience throughout the DAO lifecycle. To accomplish the ultimate goal, we need to fund more targeted infrastructure to improve the setup and operation of DAOs.MadCannner Metaverse
DAO Prospects
As we increasingly integrate ourselves into digital tribes via DAO clusters, digital nation-states divided by culture are gradually taking shape around the underlying blockchain’s security. Arguably, tailoring rights, benefits, and taxation mechanisms (voluntary or mandatory) to each nation-state is not impossible.
Dorian Gray’s Portrait, a gothic remembrance
As is the case with venture capital, our understanding and outlook will continue to evolve as new pieces of the puzzle are added. Simultaneously, we must work collaboratively in our respective roles to define what Web3 should accomplish — challenging and enhancing the existing order in the direction of a more open, transparent, and inclusive world.MadCannner Metaverse
The same is true for this article. We will be monitoring and promoting Web3 as our blog posts are updated. Please contact me if you have any feedback. If you are working on something related to the aforementioned subjects, you are also welcome to contact us and collaborate with us.
We’re going to make it work, folks.https://discord.com/invite/Wduk7zNjPM
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aioe09 · 2 years
NFT can be used in a variety of ways. Which of the following will be the next hot spot in the MadCanner NFT market?
Nowadays, our lives are dominated by a plethora of social media platforms, and many people require personal space dressing.https://discord.com/invite/Wduk7zNjPM
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Along with avatars on personal homepages, banners (banners), as the decorations with the most space and exposure, provide ample scope for creativity in the NFT field.
The NFT banner class can be used in a variety of ways, not just as a personal social tag, but also to determine the strength of a player’s collection.
Thus, what is NFT banner class?MadCanner NFT market
Banner is a generic term that refers to banner advertisements, i.e. the images at the top of the page. The banner NFT is also known as the PFB (picture for profile banners) NFT, as it is smaller in size than the PFP NFT (avatar NFT) and is typically used as the homepage’s background image.
NFTs with typical banners
Breeze at Midnight (Midnight Breeze)
The Midnight Breeze series is a banner NFT that launched on December 11, 2021, with nearly 7,000 cumulative views.
The series is classified as vaporwave artworks, and the author uses a delicate painting style to combine gas stations, neon lights, and wilderness. The gas station series implies that capitalism is wreaking havoc on our environment and satirizes the phenomenon of “economic prosperity preceding human well-being.”
#6140 Midnight Breeze
Many players embraced the Midnight Breeze series, changing their Twitter homepage images to promote the NFT.
Neko Mura (Cat Mura) Neko Mura is a collection of over 5000 images depicting various scenes of cherry blossoms, snow, beaches, valleys, and faraway places.
NFT is currently in the whitelisting phase, and players can obtain it by entering a sweepstakes, creating a drawing, or replacing a banner on social media in order to participate in early project promotion.
Additionally, the campaign serves as a social connection for players, allowing them to connect with a community and strengthen their sense of identity.
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PFB Neko Mura Cat Village
Meta Dollars
Meta Bucks created a banner with a bill background that is differentiated by various characters on the bill’s print; it is a dynamic banner, which is its best feature.
Users can use it on their Discord personal pages, but Twitter does not currently support dynamic banners.
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*Meta Bucks designed the banner.MadCanner NFT market
The banner NFT’s effect
Banner NFTs, like avatar NFTs, have a strong social component. It can be used in conjunction with the avatar to enhance the richness and beauty of the personal homepage. When the personal homepage is displayed, it can inform visitors about their interests, personal propositions, and moods, among other things, and promote eager communication within the community.
Banners are larger than avatars, allowing for more elements, more room for creation, and a stronger narrative. They are better suited for collections and may appear as a pop-up item similar to Bored Ape in the future.
Almost any type of collectible has investment potential, and banner NFT is no exception. As the project matures and its influence grows, its perceived value and price skyrocket, increasing the owner’s wealth.
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Simultaneously, banner NFT can be used to augment avatar wealth by stacking additional “social capital.”MadCanner NFT market
Additionally, the combination of an avatar and a banner allows for the integration of multiple community consensuses, as opposed to the single community consensus associated with a single avatar.
Nowadays, there are numerous types of banner NFT on the market; some are painted, while others are information displays; some are static images, while others are cycling images. Additionally, there are numerous project parties promoting banner NFT in a variety of ways, in order to allow an increasing number of users to hold banners. Banner NFT may be the next frontier area.
However, it is worth noting that banner NFT does have some drawbacks.
To begin, the exposure is significantly less than that of an avatar, which is visible only upon entering one’s home page and is not as intuitive.MadCanner NFT market
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Second, different social platforms have unique banner size requirements, and a single banner size cannot be adapted to all platforms.
Additionally, avatars and banners should be reasonably matched to create a more pleasing appearance, and an ill-matched pair may not work well.
Finally, the larger size of banenr places a greater burden on creators, as creation is relatively slow.
At the moment, the banner project is still in the melee stage without a leader; each project has a distinct style, and the participants are all rushing to establish their own territory; this is both an opportunity and a challenge, and I hope that all parties can find a new path as soon as possible.https://discord.com/invite/Wduk7zNjPM
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aioe09 · 2 years
What is the “fight” about MadCanner digital collections all about: copyright pitfalls and responses
The right to exhibit under current copyright law has become incompatible with digital collections in cyberspace, and it is necessary to revise the existing law to make it more compatible with the accelerating digital economy.https://discord.com/invite/Wduk7zNjPM
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Digital collections: a less secure basis for intellectual property rights
Because NFT (non-homogenized pass) has always emphasized its uniqueness, there are frequently multiple limited editions of NFT digital collections, and domestic NFT platforms are particularly fond of collaborating with various museums to cast digital collections following 3D scanning of cultural relics.MadCanner digital collections
Recently, some media discovered a digital collection titled “Tang Gilt Double Moths Group Flower Pattern Silver Incense Bag” from the Famen Temple Museum in the preview of the Phantom Core sale, which overlaps with the Hi Yuan Universe digital collection, and the authorized party is from the Famen Temple Museum. Although the collection is identical, the pricing is not: Phantom Core costs 118 yuan, while Hi Yuan Universe costs 399 yuan.
With such a disparate price for NFT, more or less everyone will have a “broken defense.” Later, the two platforms investigated and discovered that the Famenji Museum’s copyright owner acted negligently, that there is a duplicate license, and that after the two platforms took the digital collection off the shelves and sold out, the rights to the digital collection will continue to be enjoyed.
Intellectual property rights have impacted more than just the sale of digital collections in China. Quentin Tarantino intended to announce a partnership with SCRT Labs (Secret Network) to digitally replicate seven scenes from the original handwritten screenplay without using any media or signage related to “Lowlife,” cast each copy as a “Secret NFT,” and sell them individually on Opensea to the highest bidder. However, Miramax, the film’s producer, sued Tarantino in a California federal court, alleging copyright infringement and breach of contract, as well as infringement of his copyright, trademark, and contractual rights to “Lowlife.” Additionally, the lawsuit has put Quentin’s plans on hold.
Limited Edition Digital Postcards from Digital Collections
To ensure the uniqueness of each copy of the collection, digital collections are typically stored as NFTs. The term NFT, or Non-Fungible Token, refers primarily to homogeneous passwords such as Bitcoin. In French, an NFT asset is a unique object; each “copy” of the NFT is unique, whereas a homogeneous token such as Bitcoin has the same “copy,” i.e., the 0.1 bitcoin in your wallet is identical to the 0.1 bitcoin in my wallet. There is no intrinsic distinction.
To access their digital collections, data collection owners must log into their platform accounts and view their collections in the platform’s “pavilion.” While these digital collections are now part of the chain, the data collection owners retain only a limited amount of control over their own digital collections. In essence, these collections are similar to the equipment in your backpack when you log into an online game, and the circulation is even worse due to the platform’s limitations.
Digital collections based on NFT are more akin to limited edition digital postcards. Postcards have always been a popular item in museum gift shops, and their content is typically a stunning photograph of an artifact from the museum’s own collection. On the other hand, the digital collection of artifacts brings the physical postcard online.
Unlike digital collection platforms such as OpenSea, which allow users to use their own crypto wallets, several domestic platforms do not appear to support digital collection holders using their own crypto wallets, and instead require users to log into their accounts to operate and dispose of their digital collections. This is undoubtedly due to legal constraints, but it also significantly reduces the amount of control data collection owners have over their own collections. With cryptocurrency wallets, data collection owners can more easily dispose of their digital collections, for example, by transporting them from one platform to another for trading. Of course, using crypto wallets does not automatically imply that they are safer. It is not uncommon to see instances of digital asset theft from crypto wallets, such as Jay Chou’s recent “Bored Monkey” theft, and it is also not uncommon to see crypto wallets flee.MadCanner digital collections
The digital collection’s copyright conundrum
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Repeated licensing of a brand’s own collection is comparable to an author signing an exclusive licensing agreement with two companies for the same work, licensing the same work to two publishers. For instance, Jia Pingwa’s “Ancient Furnace” was once licensed to both People’s Literature Press and NetEase Books, causing controversy.
The “evolution” of a work into a digital collection via NFT entails a number of personal and property rights protected by copyright, with the right of reproduction being one of the most important, “i.e. the right to make one or more copies of a work by printing, copying, topping, recording, videotaping, reproducing, filming, digitizing, etc.” The reproduction right enables the producer to convert the copyrighted work from its original format to a digital format.
The right to exhibit is a unique privilege granted to digital collections such as “Bored Ape” that are entirely comprised of NFT creations. The right to exhibit “is the right to publicly display an original work of art or photography or a copy thereof.” The right to exhibit is critical because it dictates whether or not a data collection holder who purchases a digital collection can exhibit it. After acquiring the “boring ape,” the data collection holder essentially acquires the work’s original, and acquisition of such “ownership” of the work can directly confer on the data collection holder the right to exhibit the work (Article 20 of the Copyright Law), i.e., the right to exhibit. However, the original intent of the right of exhibition was for offline exhibition, which does not include exhibition in cyberspace, and if the digital collection is exhibited online, the right of information network dissemination is involved.
The right of information network dissemination is one of the most critical copyright rights in cyberspace, as it “entitles the owner to make the work available to the public via wire or wireless means, allowing the public to access the work at their convenience.” Unlike the right of exhibition, however, the right to disseminate information via a network does not transfer with the transfer of data asset owners. What’s more concerning is that domestic digital asset platforms will frequently state in their agreements that intellectual property rights belong to the original author, effectively blocking digital asset holders’ ability to showcase their collections to the public via social media platforms such as Weibo and WeChat.
The Phantom Core Software License and Service Agreement stipulates that 7.2 You acknowledge and agree that the issuer or other rights holders own the intellectual property rights to the digital collections. Your purchase of the Digital Collections does not transfer or share these rights. You may not use the Digital Collections for commercial purposes without obtaining prior written consent from the right holder who owns the Digital Collections’ intellectual property rights. Without the written consent of Tencent or the relevant right holder, you agree not to implement, utilize, or transfer the foregoing intellectual property rights for commercial or non-commercial purposes, or to license any third party to do so.
The Antchain Digital Collection Platform User Service Agreement (version 20220319) between WhaleQuest and Antchain provides that 4.1.6 You acknowledge and agree that the issuer or original author retains ownership of the Digital Collections. You are not permitted to use the Digital Collections for commercial purposes without the express written consent of the copyright owner. Except as permitted by the Platform’s rules or functionality, you may use the Digital Collections you acquire solely for your own collection, study, research, enjoyment, and display purposes.MadCanner digital collections
Only the “Notice of Rights and Interests” contained in Art.
To begin, the exclusive copyright rights and interests in works of art Nota bene: the copyright owner agrees that upon transaction completion, you will receive the digital artwork in addition to any other copyright personal rights (including reproduction rights, distribution rights, rental rights, exhibition rights, performance rights, screening rights, broadcasting rights, information network transmission rights, filming rights, adaptation rights, translation rights, compilation rights, etc.). Special Note: If you intend to license or authorize the commercial use of the digital artwork, it is recommended that you enter into a written “copyright transfer agreement” with the copyright owner and register the copyright transfer. Second, the exclusive rights and interests in derivative works of art Nota bene: the offerer agrees and guarantees that, upon completion of the transaction, you will have the right to possess, use, and dispose of the digital artwork. Nota bene: your possession, use, and disposal of the digital artwork shall not constitute an infringement of the author’s copyright; you may only display, exhibit, and compile the works contained in the digital assets in a reasonable or foreseeable manner, or transfer the digital artwork to others. If you wish to reproduce, rent, adapt, screen, broadcast, or network transmit the digital artwork, you must obtain the appropriate authorization from the work’s copyright owner and enter into a relevant agreement.MadCanner digital collections
Due to copyright deficiencies in the aforementioned authorization agreement (which cannot cover the right of information network transmission), digital asset owners are unable to publicly display their digital collections online, but only in “private domain traffic.”
Dealing with the Intellectual Property Risks Associated with Digital Collections
The legal risks associated with intellectual property rights are sufficiently structural to cause a good digital collection project to be put on hold or even terminated entirely.
When everyone is burying their heads in the meta-universe, the exhibition rights in the current copyright law already appear somewhat incompatible with digital collections in cyberspace, and it is necessary to pay attention to the situation of original works in digital form being exhibited in cyberspace when the subsequent law is revised, and to make appropriate amendments to the existing law to adapt to the galloping digital economy.https://discord.com/invite/Wduk7zNjPM
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aioe09 · 2 years
By the end of the year, Starbucks will be involved in the NFT business. Why are tea brands venturing into the NFT market?MadCanner NFT market!
Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz stated this Monday during a corporate meeting dubbed “Partner Open Forum” that the coffee chain will enter the NFT business by the end of the year.https://discord.com/invite/Wduk7zNjPM
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Indeed, a number of tea brands have entered the NFT space and are continuing to do so.
Brands of tea beverages to enter the NFT MadCanner NFT market!
December 7, 2021, Naixue’s tea celebrated the brand’s sixth anniversary, the official announcement of brand ambassador “NAYUKI” (a virtual IP), and the launch online of 300 copies of NFT digital artwork, including hidden models, totaling seven models, sold out within one second of the opening, the degree of fire equal to any other NFT artwork.
According to sources, the release of the NFT artwork signals the beginning of “Naisetsu’s exploration of the meta-universe.”MadCanner NFT market!
On January 11, 2022, Xiang Piao Piao milk tea officially announced the launch of the first NFT digital collection, “Ideal Planet Trailblazer.” Peopeo created eight different ideal planet scenarios using №85 Milk Tea Star Exploration Team as the protagonist, including True Fragrance Code, Happy Take-off, Anti-EMO, and Tea Enjoying Freedom. Each planet corresponds to a different level of the SSR, SR, and R digital collections.
According to the person in charge of Peopeo, each digital collection of the “Peopeo Ideal Planet Pathfinder” has a unique and exclusive number, making it a one-of-a-kind and irreplaceable digital asset.
According to news reports, Austrian sports beverage company Red Bull filed a trademark application on March 9, 2022, for a virtual environment, virtual currency, and cryptocurrency.
According to Michael Kondoudis, a registered trademark attorney with the United States Patent and Trademark Office, Red Bull’s trademark application indicates that the company is interested in offering multimedia with NFT, virtual clothing or beverages, virtual environments, and financial transaction services.MadCanner NFT market!
Along with the introduction of NFT by tea brands, the world’s first NFT tea trading platform, “NFTCHA,” was launched.
NFTCHA launched with four limited edition NFT Puerh teas in the Four Seasons series “Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter” on July 31, 2021.
NFTCHA will perform NFT mapping on each cake of pu-erh tea based on unique “tea patterns,” allowing each cake of pu-erh tea to obtain a unique “digital ID” and thereby completing the “digitalization of pu-erh tea.” “Puerh Tea’s Digitalization”. All “numbers” are stored on the blockchain, which eliminates traditional offline transaction time and location constraints, resolving the core issues of traceability, storage, and value transfer that have plagued collectible pu-erh tea for a long period of time.
According to the World Tea Industry Alliance (Global) Limited, NFTCHA is a platform dedicated to empowering the real economy through blockchain, accelerating the development of the tea industry through digitalization, and realizing the two-way empowerment of the blockchain and real economies.
The plight of brands in the tea beverage category
Brands in the tea beverage category are rapidly expanding, and the competitive pressure is increasing, posing an increasing number of dilemmas.
In 2021, all tea beverage brands will face significant homogenization and cost increases.
For example, following the April launch of Ruixing raw coconut latte, the entire tea drinking community was engulfed in a “coconut war,” in which raw coconut fever not only increased the price of coconut, but also drove some coconut “off the market.”
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According to tea drink investors, in 2021, the majority of the head tea drink brand’s SKU (generally refers to the smallest stock unit) update speed will be significantly faster than in 2018, owing to the market’s “homogenization” competition, which is shortening the consumer’s product freshness maintenance cycle.
“This means that tea brands must not only accelerate R&D, but also dig deeper to gain control of the supply chain or even build their own.” As stated by the investor.
Additionally, the labor costs associated with tea beverage brands are increasing.
Major brands continue to expand; as a result, some tea drinkers, baristas, and store managers have become a scarce resource that is fought over. Additionally, with the borderless expansion of coffee and tea beverages, both parties are expanding into their respective hinterlands, raising labor costs further.
For example, in Beijing and Shanghai, the average income of tea drinkers and baristas has surpassed the average for 2019 and 2020.
At the same time, challenges represent new opportunities.MadCanner NFT market!
With the addition of NFT and the meta-universe boom, these challenges can further stimulate the exploration of tea beverage brands, while also providing a new path for the industry, bringing new ideas for development and gradually expanding influence.
Nowadays, the cost of acquiring new stores continues to rise, and the conversion of the virtual world remains an undeveloped area, which means that market prospects are extremely attractive.MadCanner NFT market!
Additionally, there are fans who are quite concerned about the tea beverage brands hidden behind the NFT, meta-universe. Thus, how to attract target users to their “product universe” is a critical issue for a brand to address.https://discord.com/invite/Wduk7zNjPM
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aioe09 · 2 years
How to make an MadCanner avatar NFT project step by step
A, NFT core three elements: design, rules, rights and interestshttps://discord.com/invite/Wduk7zNjPM
1.1 Design
As an image-based NFT, specifically the PFP avatar project, the design can no longer be overemphasized.
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More important than the appearance of the picture seen, is the core of the design, that is, the soul of this NFT. Like CryptoPunks’ rebellion, BAYC’s misanthropy, mfer’s laziness. The entire NFT Collection must be a spiritual whole and match perfectly with its worldview, mission, Roadmap, etc.
The design of NFT is not done by designers, but by all the people in charge, all team members, product managers and designers who share the same concern and participate in the completion. Although the final actual implementation is mainly designers, but the successful design can not be separated from the overall control of the team.
A usual avatar NFT will be broken down into a variety of attributes, the general design of the attributes, after the combination to see the effect of trade-offs and modifications.
The most needed designers here are artists, graphic designers.MadCanner avatar NFT
1.2 Rules
This includes, but is not limited to.
on what chain
How many Collections to send
If you send 1 Collection, how many NFTs are in it
Is it divided into Public Sale and Presale, how much is the price respectively, and what kind of selling method is used?
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Is it an auction? In what form of auction
How many whitelists will be sent, how many Mint limit per whitelist, whether Public Sale will have single wallet Mint limit MadCanner avatar NFT
How much time between PreSale and Public Sale
Mint out is not blind box, blind box after how long Reveal, etc.
Many factors are also very critical in this. On ETH is a logic, on Polygon, Solana or other chains that goes completely different logic; if you go RMB purchase, that is to go domestic digital collection logic, usually to the Alliance chain, that is more completely different.
The number of NFTs in the Collection is actually also critical. Now people buy NFT, more than 95% of the motivation is investment, buy low and sell high. If the number of NFT in the Collection is too much, people will think that the risk of Mint is not finished, and Mint is not finished means that the price in the secondary market is not significantly higher than the Mint price, which is basically the same as a bust, and that in turn, people’s willingness to Mint The lower the willingness to Mint. Therefore, the number of NFT of Collection will affect the enthusiasm of people’s Mint, need to be carefully considered.
It goes without saying that pricing is very critical.
The overall rules need to be carefully thought out and polished.
At present, the regular configuration of the avatar NFT is probably as follows.
Only on ETH, send 1 Collection, there are a small few thousand NFT
Divided into Public Sale and Presale, sold at a fixed price, generally less than 0.1ETH, Presale slightly cheaper
There are generally thousands of whitelists, usually limited to 2 Mint, Public Sale can not be limited
Presale and Public Sale are usually 24 hours apart
Mint out is blind box, after a few days for Reveal
1.3 Rights and Interests
I have observed about 40 head NFT projects and some other NFT projects, and the interests involved can be roughly categorized into several types.
Virtual community interests MadCanner avatar NFT
Exclusive Discord communication channel
Exclusive WeChat group (national project)
DAO governance rights
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Whitelist draw for other projects
Member draws for other programs
The Sandbox and other exclusive event participation rights, such as meta-universe land, meta-universe concerts, etc.
Entity Interests
Right to participate in offline activities, such as parties, concerts, art exhibitions, etc.
Physical peripherals, such as clothes and other things
Other physical prize giveaways/raffles MadCanner avatar NFT
Product Benefits
With this NFT, you unlock the paid membership features of this product (commonly found in some tool products)
Will do chain tour in the future, hold NFT can enjoy certain privileges (many NFT has such a promise)
Will do social products in the future, holding NFT can enjoy certain privileges (such as Monaco)
Token Equity
More NFT projects will be issued in the future, and will give away/raffle NFT whitelist, or give away NFT directly
Will issue coins in the future, can receive free token airdrop
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Rights and interests are inseparable from the project’s Roadmap. The better the project is done, the greater the benefit as Holder, and we all understand this.
BAYC’s Roadmap
Second, the product & design
2.1 Website products
Usually avatar NFT project needs to do an official website of their own.
The official website has two big roles: Mint, show. To show the spirit, soul, qualities of the project, express clearly what should be expressed.
I had a detailed look at the official website of the top 40 NFT with a friend a month or two ago, organized their official website modules, forced classification can be divided into the following categories of content.
Project: project profile, vision, philosophy, values, worldview, story background, brand, rights, Roadmap, partners, media coverage, etc. MadCanner avatar NFT
Token: NFT Mint/Claim related, data situation, gallery/database/rarity, marketplace (links to OpenSea, etc. or have your own marketplace), Claim or related situation for your own Token, etc.
Users: Tutorials, FAQ, submission suggestions, proposal links, user agreement, image editor, etc.
Media Links, Contacts
Account System and Login
Of course, most of the official websites will not have such detailed content, many of which are features that mature head projects have gradually improved since, and each project can just take it or leave it depending on the situation.
AZUKI’s Mindmap
2.2 Website design
Website design is not as important as the NFT picture design, but also has a preemptive effect, and is also a key factor.
The special design seen on the official website of NFT in the top 40 market capitalization are mainly
Home page whole screen, can not slide
Cool dynamic effects, or a combination of motion and static
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Music playback
News/Update Floating Window
Glossary of Terms
Falling effect
3D space activities, etc.
can be appropriately referred to.
Among the official websites of this project, we believe that the official websites of these projects can be highlighted for reference.
Azuki: the most attentive and fulfilling and reasonable product design
CryptoPunks: old, simple and comprehensive
Punks Comic: comic style, comprehensive information
BAYC: Club-style website, typical, more comprehensive
World of Women: big pattern, heavy concept, detailed roadmap, comprehensive
Art Blocks: Artwork collection, special type of representation
RTFKT: more gorgeous, 3D
Meebits: partial pixel style, more comprehensive
The Sandbox: game land, etc., special type of representative
Loot: NFT play, special type of representative
Hape Prime: extremely simple but high-end
Creature World NFT: 3D, ugly wind?
Adidas Originals Into the Metaverse: Simple Kanban form
Hashmasks: Dynamic scarcity, Mayan civilization sense
NFT Worlds: land, technicality MadCanner avatar NFT
PhantaBear: standard, less information
Vox Collectibles: Exploratory presentation project, strong interaction
Pudgy Penguins: warmth and memory
AZUKI’s home page effect, although no cool dynamic effects, but the overall effect is definitely the best
III. Technology
Overall the technical difficulty of the avatar NFT project is relatively low, the technical workload is also relatively small.
3.1 Front-end
Front-end work is mainly focused on the NFT website. Usually, it is still relatively simple.
However, if the modules are complete and the design is complex, there can be a significant amount of work.
The front end also has to consider whether to do some anti-bot work.
3.2 Contracts, back-end
This piece is mainly the NFT contract. You can refer to the open source code of major NFT projects, you need to avoid many pits.
For example, the need to restrict the inability to Mint directly through the contract, must be Mint through the front end of the project.
Gas reduction is a more important point, such as AZUKI use ERC-721A protocol, while Mint multiple NFT can significantly reduce Gas, at the time the project publicity is also a more important point, played a very good effect.
Do not exclude that sometimes there may be back-end work.
3.3 Testing, auditing
The usual situation by the front-end, back-end, contract engineers self-test, product, design and other walking checks, team members can crowd test, generally do not need a dedicated tester.
Large projects can consider finding an auditing agency to audit, security is more guaranteed. But I’m afraid that ordinary NFT project may not be willing to pay this six-figure cost up front, and to be honest, most users do not care whether the NFT project code is audited.
3.4 Operations and maintenance MadCanner avatar NFT
Here the so-called operation and maintenance work, mainly refers to the rental and maintenance of servers, etc., requires a certain cost.
Here to consider the issue of concurrency. Concurrency levels may be able to reach thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands. In the NFT bull market, for NFT popular projects, also do not exclude the possibility of reaching a larger number of levels. The key point is that popular projects will have a large number of robots, repeatedly related to the request, causing a variety of problems.
Of course, for the vast majority of projects, it is estimated that there is no need to consider the issue of concurrency, Mint does not finish and then break is the norm.https://discord.com/invite/Wduk7zNjPM
0 notes
aioe09 · 2 years
OpenSea will begin accepting credit card payments via MoonPay. MadCanner via MoonPay!
Data from DeFihttps://discord.com/invite/Wduk7zNjPM
1. The market capitalization of DeFi tokens as a whole is $140.231 billion.
2. Decentralized exchange trading volume in the last 24 hours: $6.577 billion
3. DeFi’s locked-up assets total $222.74 billion.
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NFT Information
1. The total market capitalization of NFTs is $49.35 billion.
2. Volume of 24-hour NFT trading: $12.084 billion
3. Top NFT in less than 24 hours
Hotspots for NFT MadCanner via MoonPay!
1.The price of the Azuki floor exceeds 23ETH, setting a new record high.
According to NFTGo.io data, the Azuki series NFT floor price broke through 23ETH on April 1 and is currently 23.76ETH, a record high and a 25.68 percent 24-hour increase. Additionally, the NFT series’ total transaction volume has surpassed $480 million, with a market value of approximately $270 million and a transaction volume of more than $2 million in the last 24 hours.
2. “Jay Chou’s NFT was stolen” ranked №7 on Baidu’s Hot Search.
According to Golden Finance, “Jay Chou’s NFT was stolen” was the seventh most popular search on Baidu. Jay announced on social media today that his NFT had been stolen, with the hashtags “Everyone please be careful” and “This is not an April Fool’s Day joke,” which garnered a lot of attention. According to reports, Jay’s stolen NFT belongs to BAYC, one of the circle’s hottest projects, and the NFT is worth more than 3.2 million RMB at the current exchange rate.
3. The NFT trading platform OpenSea will accept credit card payments via MoonPay.
According to a MoonPay spokesperson, OpenSea’s NFT trading platform will begin accepting credit card payments through MoonPay, simplifying the process of acquiring NFT for users who do not own cryptocurrency. MoonPay stated that the feature will be phased in for large users.
4. The NFT market Starly.io to introduce NFT pledge functionality
NFT Launchpad and marketplace Starly.io will introduce the NFT Staking feature on April 1. Users will be able to pledge Starly NFT, with the pledge reward equal to the Card Score expressed in STARLY tokens, which will be distributed linearly according to the following formula: Card Score/365 equals the number of tokens distributed in a 24-hour period. In short, one year is required to collect all of the tokens locked in the NFT deck. Pledgers are limited to claiming one token per day, and the number of tokens available depends on the STARLY token pledge level. According to Starly.io, this feature will be implemented in about a month and will affect all previous and future Starly decks.MadCanner via MoonPay!
5. Security team: Doodles’ discord account for the NFT project is under attack
News for April 1, At 1:45 p.m. on April 1, the BlockSec alert system discovered Doodles’ discord account was under attack; hackers are spreading fake mint website links; please do not click any links.
6. BAYC “boring ape” Discord was hacked; the issue has been resolved.
On April 1, BAYC’s “Bored Ape” Discord channel was hacked, with hackers posting fake links in the channel using bot accounts. BAYC responded to the Discord attack by stating that the attack was caused by a brief intrusion into a Discord webhook (bot), which has since been fixed, and that the project had no April Fool’s Day hidden casting or airdrops scheduled.
Public Wi-Fi Hotspots
1. Protocol DeFi StaFi Q2 Roadmap: Enhanced Open Architecture, Pledge Infrastructure Development, and Token Economy Design
News about Golden Finance and the DeFi protocol StaFi has released its second quarter roadmap. The second quarter will focus on improving the StaFi Open Architecture (SOA), while the future may see the addition of support for StaFi subnets to meet the requirements for Staking Derivative subnets. Additionally, the team intends to develop pledge infrastructure, as well as the StaFiHub token economy, in Q2.
2. Protocol for DeFi Lending Alchemix Announces the Launch of a Migration Tool to Enable Automatic Migration of User Funds from Version 1 to Version 2
News about Golden Finance and the DeFi lending protocol Alchemix announced the launch of migration tools. Previously, users had to close v1 positions, withdraw funds, and then create new positions in v2. Now, Alchemix has built-in convenient tools to support user funds migration from v1 to v2. As previously reported, Alchemix launched Alchemix v2 on March 15, with flexible deposit acceptance forms, funding caps, and time constraints on repayment, liquidation, and casting.MadCanner via MoonPay!
3. Agreement on fixed-rate lending Element Finance issues the governance token ELFI, which will be distributed via airdrop to nearly 16,000 addresses.
Element Finance, a protocol for fixed-rate lending, announced the launch of Element DAO and the issuance of the token ELFI on April 1. 100 million ELFIs in total, 10% of which will be used for the airdrop, 9,989 Element users will receive 7.5 percent of the total token airdrop, 500 Element community members, and 5,381 Element users will receive 7.5 percent of the total token airdrop. The 500 members of the Element community and the 5,381 ethereum contributors will each receive 2.5 percent of the total tokens. Additionally, to commemorate the launch of the Element DAO, Element will distribute 5,000 copies of the Elfiverse series NFT. For additional information, please refer to the original link.
Hotspots for the DAO
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1. ShapeShift DAO Announces the Launch of the NFT Auction to Benefit Female Artists
1 April — ShapeShift DAO, a non-custodial cryptocurrency platform, has launched a new non-custodial cryptocurrency auction to benefit female artists in the non-custodial cryptocurrency and blockchain industries. The auction, which runs from April 4 to 11, will feature the NFT series “Block 495559-Crypto Kitties and the Great Hairball,” which was created in collaboration with female artist LunaHawk and ShapeShift DAO Director GrayMachine. ShapeShift DAO intends to donate 10% of proceeds to the Women in Crypto Art Fund, a community organization dedicated to advancing women in digital art.
Hotspots for Gaming MadCanner via MoonPay!
1. The Blockchain Infrastructure Alliance Announces an Investment in Coow NFT’s Ground-Breaking Gamefi Platform
Coow NFT, a comprehensive new platform that integrates NFT pledging, publishing, and gaming, has received funding from the Blockchain Infrastructure Alliance, whose members include Polygon, Avalanche, and Alchemy. The BIA’s initial round of funding raised $50 million from its members. Alchemy Pay conceived the Blockchain Infrastructure Alliance, which has gained numerous members since its inception in Q4 2021.
2. chain tour of the metauniverse Binary X is now available on the IGO platform.
BinaryX announced on April 1 that it will go live on the IGO platform, allowing users to use BNX to earn new Tokens and NFT airdrops for distribution games, as well as pledge BNX to earn Tokens for other games. Binance Labs, the company’s venture capital and innovation incubation arm, has invested in Binary X, as previously reported. BinaryX created CyberDragon, a meta-universe chain game that incorporates DeFi, NFT, and crypto-economy elements.https://discord.com/invite/Wduk7zNjPM
0 notes
aioe09 · 2 years
The ten-point path will teach you how to transform into an NFT circle.MadCanner NFT upcoming!
At the moment, as BAYC, Disney, and other related entities continue to break the circle, I’m afraid the hottest concept in the Internet world and investment world is NFT. Many people within the circle have taken it as faith, erecting fortifications and extending upward; but a sizable portion of the outsiders, who do not understand what it is, wish to enter but are unable to, see cannot see.https://discord.com/invite/Wduk7zNjPM
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This article will introduce ten fundamental learning paths that will assist anyone outside the white circle or new players in quickly entering the circle. I hope you can follow these paths after gaining some of their own insights and experiencing the joy of joining a genuine NFT circle of people.MadCanner NFT upcoming!
1. is familiar with the circle of black words and acronyms for high-frequency words
The NFT circle circulates a plethora of terms, abbreviations, confusing slang, and deliberate misspellings, some of which are required knowledge to enter the NFT circle and others of which are simply “boring” hackneyed; and this is a lot of new information for the “white” confused.
What does the term “Mint” mean? As in mint?
What exactly is Airdrop? I’ve only heard of Apple’s Airpods; is that a new product?
What is OS, an abbreviation for SOS?
Why is it that everyone sends GM first thing in the morning?
And as each of these issues, such as the Gas War, the Floor Price, and the Whale, becomes more and more familiar, those outside the circle become increasingly resistant; however, familiarity with these issues is actually the way to enter the circle. Additionally, the public can access NFT Labs via the NFT Labs website “How to quickly become an insider of the NFT? The following is a list of 32 slang terms used in the community “, I believe you can quickly become acquainted with and recall.
By mastering some significant or minor, or interesting or boring terminology, I believe they can help you integrate more easily into the positive, friendly NFT circle.
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2, with a wallet in the shape of a “little fox” and some Token
The circle of “wallet” does not refer to the physical wallet to which we frequently refer, but to a virtual wallet. MetaMask, also referred to as “Little Fox,” is the most straightforward and convenient wallet, and is also the most popular among newcomers to NFT. The most frequently used by players, the most widely available option on the market today. You can search and learn, register and get a feel for it, but keep in mind to save the helper word and private key — they will serve as your gateway to the wallet.
A token is analogous to money in an account. Purchases, fees, and some routine operations all require Token, so having the appropriate amount is also critical.
The subsequent operations of 6 and 7 are inextricably linked to these.
3By means of a Twitter, Telegram, or Discord account
Twitter, Telegram, and Discord have developed into a hub and discussion forum for NFT projects and fans.MadCanner NFT upcoming!
Twitter is the international equivalent of “microblogging,” and in the absence of a comprehensive aggregation platform for early NFT projects, Twitter is the best tool for searching for and exposing early NFT projects.
Telegram is more akin to an international version of WeChat, but whereas WeChat limits users to 500 in a single group chat, Telegram limits users to 200,000 in a super group chat. Unlike WeChat, Telegram is primarily a messaging platform, which provides community members with a variety of communication options and access to a larger, more authentic community and user opinions.
Discord is the international equivalent of “YY” and is the primary social tool in the NFT space. Discord is a gathering place for fans of all NFT projects, a platform for direct conversations, events, and actions, and a tool for you to gain the most insight into the project and community, all thanks to its functional design. Once you’ve passed this point, you’ll feel the tool’s strength and understand why it’s become a popular social tool in the crypto world.
Although these tools are primarily in English, they contain a significant amount of Chinese content. And, with the advancement of powerful translation software, even users who are not native English speakers need not be concerned.
4Join some Web3 communities and increase your communication.
Web3 is a relatively broad concept, involving the concept of decentralization. Elements of the Web3 field include the DAO, NFT, and meta-universe. (See “Internet users’ revolution — three critical points to understand Web 3.0”); and in the Web 3.0 field in general, talent is the carrier, and the user is the core.
At the moment, the entire Web3 industry is in its infancy, and there is no one-size-fits-all learning path; therefore, in addition to active participation, the most effective method of learning is to communicate with users and industry insiders, solicit additional advice, and gradually transform it into your own understanding.
“One day on earth, one year on Web3” is an apt metaphor for the Web3 industry’s rapid evolution. If there is only one person in the field to figure out, it is easy to miss out on cutting-edge news, solidify one’s thinking, and eventually fall behind.
Of course, community is not limited; the WeChat community, the Discord community, and the Telegram community are all places where anyone can communicate. However, exercise caution when it comes to projects recommended by “unknown groupmates” and fancy advertising in the community.
5Create a new NFT avatar MadCanner NFT upcoming!
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Because there are no two identical goods in the real world, they are referred to as non-homogeneous goods, which means unique, irreplaceable goods; similarly, because there are no two identical NFTs in the field of NFT, they are referred to as non-homogeneous tokens.
NFT insiders are delighted to purchase collectible NFTs and exchange them for their avatars — as each NFT is unique, each avatar is unique as well.
For new players, they may not have attempted to purchase NFTs yet, or they may discover that they enjoy NFTs — or that their favorite NFTs are prohibitively expensive; however, there is no rule stating that only the NFT holder may use the NFT as an avatar, just as there are far more BAYC users on the Internet who use BAYCs as avatars than there are BAYCs in existence.
Therefore, choosing an NFT that you like and incorporating it into your social media avatar may provide a unique chatting experience; why not give it a try?
6. Make a single attempt to be whitelisted.
Whitelisting is typically an incentive for early stage project backers, equating to granting backers a spot to cast one (or more) NFTs, and for some hot projects, whitelisting eliminates the need for users to pay high Gas fees to be first to Mint, thereby saving significant amounts of money. As a result, many users will engage in the activities of whitelisted projects; after all, they can opt out of Mint after being whitelisted, so there is no loss.
There are a variety of ways to become whitelisted, and they are constantly evolving as NFT’s popularity grows. Many projects begin by being randomly selected, and then require participation in activities, project-related art, and even now, many projects require you to sing, dance, or write a “small essay” in order to be considered for, can be said to be “increasing in volume.”
Naturally, the project establishes the specific rules. The whitelist of user-approved projects may be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, while the whitelist of unapproved projects may not be requested.
7Experiment with Mint and purchase an NFT
Mint refers to the direct “casting” of an NFT, which falls under the primary market category; purchase refers to the direct purchase of an NFT from a trading platform, which falls under the secondary market category.
Mint is generally classified into two types: one that is directly related to the Mint project side of the contract established in the NFT, and another that is dedicated to preparing their own images, videos, and other content formats in order to Mint their own NFT. Generally, users refer to the “punch project” in one of two ways: the first, as a good long-term hold or as Mint after selling for a quick profit; and the second, as “Mint”. The second method is primarily used for commemorative purposes or to gain firsthand experience of the process.
Purchasing an NFT on the secondary market is the simplest way to obtain one, and it only takes a minute or two once you’ve chosen an NFT and prepared a specified number of Tokens. There are currently several different types of trading platforms available, each with their own distinct characteristics, but OpenSea remains the market leader, accounting for more than 90% of trading volume.
Whether using Mint or purchasing, it is an excellent way to quickly become acquainted with the NFT circle and logic.
8, acquire proficiency in the use of pertinent tools
If you’ve gotten this far, I believe you’re already a qualified NFT circle, but if you use the tools effectively, you’ll be able to see additional NFT market opportunities.
Photograph courtesy of Foresight News
Just as a chef cannot survive without a refined palate, tools greatly benefit NFT users. With the tool’s volume indicator, we can quickly understand changes in the market’s heat; with the tool’s giant whale indicator, we can learn about the projects that big investors are interested in, allowing us to assess the spread effect or risk of a crash; and with the tool’s rarity indicator, we can effectively choose the most cost-effective NFT.
Nftgo.io is the source of this image.
9, capture the instantaneous exchange of industry information
As stated in the article “a day on earth, a year on Web3,” the industry is changing at a breakneck pace, and with no particularly intelligent first-line news aggregation platform, all first-line news discovery and dissemination are artificial. If you are able to identify cutting-edge changes in the industry, obtain information about front-line projects, or have a keen sense of market sentiment and the ability to respond quickly, you are a very good NFT insider.
However, what if you can only see the data and lack the ability to analyze and respond? Post the information you discover to the community, engage in discussion with others, and incorporate the process and results into your own thinking, and you’re sure to gain something in the long run. While this may appear to be a simple task, it is one that many users are incapable of performing.
And let us not forget that the most profitable way to earn money is through the information gap.
ten, go over the entire NFT Labs release “from 0 to 1: NFT masteryMadCanner NFT upcoming!
From 0 to 1: NFT mastery “It can be used as a first step to introduce white people to the NFT circle and pique their interest in NFT; it can also be used as a final step once they have entered the NFT circle to help them advance a step closer to perfect knowledge of the entire NFT industry and even the Web3 ecology.
As I previously stated, there is no complete learning path for the entire circle. Numerous enthusiastic individuals in the industry are assisting those outside the circle in opening the door of NFT in their own unique way, as well as assisting those inside the circle in climbing to the top — even if they fail one day, they can provide a green shade for your Web3 friends to rest.https://discord.com/invite/Wduk7zNjPM
0 notes
aioe09 · 2 years
Who can become a status symbol in the Metaverse?
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Azuki (Red Bean) is a series of picture NFTs with a Japanese anime style theme, with a delicate style, and 10,000 pieces were released for the first time.https://discord.com/invite/Wduk7zNjPM
Each NFT is unique, with differences in hairstyles, eyes, mouth and neck, clothing accessories, background types, etc., and has a high aesthetic appreciation. Many players are attracted by beautiful pictures.
The team’s goal is to make Azuki the largest decentralized brand in the Metaverse. Community ownership of Azuki allows players to explore the upcoming Metaverse. In short, Azuki is the user’s status symbol in the Metaverse.
Some of Azuki’s future plans:
1.Azuki is considering deploying 3D scenes on Sandbox VR, Decentraland, Cryptovoxels and Somnium Space platforms in an effort to provide users with an immersive 3D experience. In addition, Azuki is exploring the field of games to enhance the user’s playability.
2. Azuki will launch the Azuki store in the real world, selling streetwear and other items, and community members will be able to enjoy exclusive discounts. Additionally, Azuki will launch associated collectibles, toys and figurines, and will host meetups, exhibitions, music festivals and other live events.
3. Establish a DAO organization. To achieve better community governance, Azuki plans to launch the platform token $BEAN and establish a DAO organization to manage the community.
As of press time, OpenSea’s trading volume has reached about 64,700 ETH, (it has held the number one position for several days in a row) close to $160 million at the time of writing. Meanwhile, the floor price has climbed to 7.7 ETH!
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MadCanner is an NFT collection of 10,000 canned man images built on Ethereum.
Each of MadCanner’s NFTs is also unique, its head, straw, body, gestures, mouth look different.
MadCanner also aims to become a status symbol in the Metaverse. Compared with Azuki, MadCanner’s biggest advantage is that in addition to its unique image, it can also change the appearance of the image by splitting and compositing.
Imagine if you buy and use MadCanner as a metaverse avatar, your status symbol will no longer be static, you can go to the market to buy accessories, change the elements in the avatar according to your mood, and get a new image.
MadCanner is an early NFT project. Users can exchange MadCanner in Opensea as well as MadCanner’s market place. Once released, the good NFT project gain attention from all major NFT platform ranking. To users want to find good NFT project, it might be the best early NFT project.https://discord.com/invite/Wduk7zNjPM
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aioe09 · 2 years
Programmable NFT
1. AsyncArt
What if art was programmed? To explore this problem, AsyncArt was born. This is a programmable crypto art platform on Ethereum. The experimental art movement initiated by AsyncArt was born out of the call for “when to program art”.https://discord.gg/Wduk7zNjPM
It is not new to NFT and trade artworks, and there is precedent for the minting of programmable NFTs. But has anyone ever imagined that if a large-scale painting like “The Last Supper” is deconstructed, multiple artists work together to complete different characters, furniture, scenery, etc., and then program and combine them, and then The owner can change the appearance of the artwork in real time by modifying the parameters, what a fun experience it will be! Today, AsyncArt presents us with the results.
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Here we have to mention two concepts: Master (main canvas) and Layer (layer). Master is the main embodiment of the work, and Layer is the specific visible layer of the work. Take “First Supper” in the above picture as an example. It is currently the only work completed by multiple artists. A total of 13 artists have created 22 layers.
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Each Layer has a variety of built-in parameters. The owner who purchased the Layer has the right to modify the parameters. And once you make changes on the Layer, no matter who owns the Master, it will be reflected on the image.
According to rough statistics, most Layers have at least 3 styles. Then the Master has at least 3 to the 22nd power, that is, 31.3 billion different representations. It is very likely that you can observe the N forms of the Master in just an hour. Isn’t it amazing?
2. MadCanner
If AsyncArt promotes the evolution of programmable NFT, it has operable and modifiable properties. Then, MadCanner pushes the programmable NFT to the peak and opens a new era of NFT.
During the AsyncArt period, the owner of NFT could only modify the image through the parameters built in by the project creator, with little degree of freedom. In the era of MadCanner, NFT owners can freely modify, upgrade, and replace the form of NFT, as well as any image element.
For example, if you purchased MadCanner’s Canned Man image, this NFT would represent your image in the Metaverse. One day you want to change your skin or wear a pair of sunglasses, you just need to go to the market to choose and buy them, and put them on for yourself.
MadCanner is one of the projects of Particle Protocol. The design of Particle Protocol implements the programming capability of NFT metadata, that is, meta-programming. Through meta-programming, NFT can be disassembled or synthesized at will, which is much more advanced than the way AsyncArt has built-in parameters, giving users a great degree of freedom.
MadCanner is an early NFT project. Users can exchange MadCanner in Opensea as well as MadCanner’s market place. Once released, the good NFT project gain attention from all major NFT platform ranking. To users want to find good NFT project, it might be the best early NFT project.https://discord.gg/Wduk7zNjPM
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