airaril · 6 years
My translation of【李蚊香】: 与君知—— PV for《天官赐福》 (loose translation bc this was so hard to translate jfc)
一夕火树银花 琉璃台黄金甲 | A display of fireworks and lanterns in the night, a glazed stand of chrysanthemums. 一念无间有道 桃园入画 | A thought forms a path in the abyss, a paradise like a painting. 一别故国天下 少年挥剑饮马 | A farewell to the ancient city to roam the world, a youth brandishes his sword and wines and races. 与君红衣出嫁 血夜逢花 | In a red gown he marries, on a night of blood he encounters flowers. 寒露染蒹葭 | It is a night where reeds are frosted over. 君不见 执花仗剑 春风妒少年 | Without seeing his beloved, the youth holds a flower in one hand and a sword in the other. He is radiant and beautiful and even the spring wind envies him. 岁岁年年 此恨已千千 | Year after year has passed and this hatred-regret is a thousand years old. 明月半弯 黄沙舞乱 曾记霜林晚暮 | The half moon hangs in the sky, the yellow sands dance like the wind, the frosted forest of that evening is remembered. 红颜未老 白骨已枯 又见银蝶簌簌 | These rosy cheeks have yet to age but these bones are withered and once again the rustling silver butterflies are seen. 俗世一方 浊酒一壶 管他天煞孤独 | The unfitting world aside, a pot of rice wine – look away from his loneliness. 苍凉处 万鬼同窟破铜炉 | This bleak and desolate place, this cave where ten thousand demons dwell is also the furnace he broke out from. 玲珑骰子相思误 | A pair of exquisite dice, a yearning delayed.
“风光无限的是你,跌落尘埃的也是你 | The you full of infinite glory, the you who has fallen into the dust – 重点是“你”,而不是“怎样”的你 | What matters is that they are both ‘you’. ‘Which’ you does not matter.”
残酒易冷 烽烟难阻 莫问劫缘几度 | The remaining wine turns cold, the fire beacon is difficult to stop – do not ask of the the fate that binds them. 弯刀厄命 若邪忆情 一件芳心倾诉 | The curved dagger, Er Ming; Ruoye still remembers, and an attempt to spill his heart. 碧水长碧 苍山已苍 风月红尘不负 | The jade waters turn evermore green, Cang Mountain turns ash-gray, the romance of the mortal world cannot be borne. 君且住 何日千灯共一壶 | His beloved has yet to stay; when will they share a flask on the night of Thousand Lamps? 春色蹉跎无数 | Spring has slipped away countless times.
君不见 碧落黄泉 何处觅谪仙 | Unable to see his beloved, the Yellow Springs have turned jade-green. Where can he seek the banished immortal? 旧貌新颜 无名空牵念 | An old face gains a new countenance; Nameless holds on to empty worries and concerns. 残酒易冷 烽烟难阻 莫问劫缘几度 | The remaining wine easily cold, the fire beacon is difficult to stop – do not ask of the the fate that binds them. 弯刀厄命 若邪忆情 一件芳心倾诉 | The curved dagger, Er Ming; Ruoye still remembers, and an attempt to spill his heart. 碧水长碧 苍山已苍 风月红尘不负 | The jade waters turn evermore green, Cang Mountain turns ash-gray, the romance of the mortal world is not borne. 君且住 何日千灯共一壶 | His beloved has yet to stay; when will they share a flask on the night of Thousand Lamps? 春色蹉跎无数 | Spring has slipped away countless times.
终不悔 这傲骨痴狂 | Never regretting to the end; he who is lofty and unyielding is devoted and violent. 难归乡 相逢方知无常 有何妨 | It is hard to return home. Only upon meeting do they understand fickleness – yet, what harm is there? 可怜花谢 可堪折枝 一城阑珊半城痴 | How can one bear the withering flowers and broken branches? A city comes to an end and Huacheng becomes madly devoted. 巫山盟誓 沧海成诗 | Mount Wu takes an oath of alliance and the sea becomes a poem. 天涯咫尺 与君知 | The end is so close; his beloved knows, too.
“我永远是你最忠诚的信徒 | I will always be your most devoted follower.”
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