airfieldddrive · 4 hours
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My  sister and brother . Detail from a pencil crayon drawing of mine ( Walter )
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airfieldddrive · 6 hours
Supermaning Is My Brother
Strong emotions
And his self appointed
Heavy on opinions
with plenty to say
Face to face
with the outside world
comes easy
Moving in another dimension
State your case
Black or white
And when one absent little
cross on a tee disappoints
In too deep doesnt mean much
when you care
Day after day
Nice or teaching
Supermaning is my brother
Don't do what is wrong
and what can do you harm
Supermaning is my brother
Wanting you to listen to him
Supermaning is my brother
Strong emotions
From year one
Lately not like himself
You should see
No fears
If you fall
he'll pick you up
until you can walk on your own
Not seeking validation
nor opinions of others
It's a shock
if you can't be moved
by something deep you feel
I'm a future
soft and hard cover writer
One day
Don't do what is wrong
and what can do you harm
Supermaning is my brother
Wanting you to listen to him
Supermaning is my brother
Hating is easy
most believe
Loving comes easy to me
Right or wrong roads
Right here
Loving comes easy to me
Undercover of the night
Once the day is done
Rough stuff
Hard earned money in earnings
It's when you take the wrong antidose
brings on the fall from the throne
You'll recover soon enough
before the heat
gets to not be okay
Don't do what is wrong
and what can do you harm
Supermaning is my brother.
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airfieldddrive · 6 hours
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airfieldddrive · 6 hours
Looking up at the stars, I know quite well
That, for all they care, I can go to hell,
But on earth indifference is the least
We have to dread from man or beast.
How should we like it were stars to burn
With a passion for us we could not return?
If equally affection cannot be,
Let the more loving one be me.
Admirer as I think I am
Of stars that do not give a damn,
I cannot, now I see them, say
I missed one terribly all day.
Were all stars to disappear or die,
I should learn to look at an empty sky
And feel its total dark sublime
Though this might take me a little time.
- W. H. Auden (1907 - 1973), from "Homage to Clio"
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airfieldddrive · 6 hours
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as I walked out one evening
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airfieldddrive · 7 hours
W.H. Auden
As I Walked Out One Evening - W.H. Auden - UK
As I walked out one evening,    Walking down Bristol Street, The crowds upon the pavement    Were fields of harvest wheat.
And down by the brimming river    I heard a lover sing Under an arch of the railway:    ‘Love has no ending.
‘I’ll love you, dear, I’ll love you    Till China and Africa meet, And the river jumps over the mountain    And the salmon sing in the street,
‘I’ll love you till the ocean    Is folded and hung up to dry And the seven stars go squawking    Like geese about the sky.
‘The years shall run like rabbits,    For in my arms I hold The Flower of the Ages,    And the first love of the world.’
But all the clocks in the city    Began to whirr and chime: ‘O let not Time deceive you,    You cannot conquer Time.
‘In the burrows of the Nightmare    Where Justice naked is, Time watches from the shadow    And coughs when you would kiss.
‘In headaches and in worry    Vaguely life leaks away, And Time will have his fancy    To-morrow or to-day.
‘Into many a green valley    Drifts the appalling snow; Time breaks the threaded dances    And the diver’s brilliant bow.
‘O plunge your hands in water,    Plunge them in up to the wrist; Stare, stare in the basin    And wonder what you’ve missed.
‘The glacier knocks in the cupboard,    The desert sighs in the bed, And the crack in the tea-cup opens    A lane to the land of the dead.
‘Where the beggars raffle the banknotes    And the Giant is enchanting to Jack, And the Lily-white Boy is a Roarer,    And Jill goes down on her back.
‘O look, look in the mirror,    O look in your distress: Life remains a blessing    Although you cannot bless.
‘O stand, stand at the window    As the tears scald and start; You shall love your crooked neighbour    With your crooked heart.’
It was late, late in the evening,    The lovers they were gone; The clocks had ceased their chiming,    And the deep river ran on.
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airfieldddrive · 7 hours
life goes on no matter what and that’s both comforting and heartbreaking
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airfieldddrive · 7 hours
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Reality Drive
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airfieldddrive · 7 hours
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airfieldddrive · 7 hours
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The open road
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airfieldddrive · 4 days
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Reality Drive .
Early morning pick up .
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airfieldddrive · 4 days
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Winding down of the summer.
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airfieldddrive · 4 days
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Road to Mars
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airfieldddrive · 4 days
"Got To Choose(This World's Forgotten Boy, Always Somewhere)"
Got to choose
This world's forgotten boy
Always somewhere
Got to choose
Thriving over mere survival
Each and every day
The chase
Beginning in childhood dreams
in Malton
You are in my vision
Precognitive dreams
Psychic dreams
In the night
before the next day
Got to choose
This world's forgotten boy
Always somewhere
Looking around
Searching and destroying
negative emotions
capable of moving super fast
Looking around
Love explosion fireworks
fired up above
from the ground
Like any decent man
appreciative of being
in the company of a Queen
Taking a chance
Out on the streets
Out of Malton
Thinking of a love
I once knew
Got to choose
This world's forgotten boy
Always somewhere
I remember a day
Always somewhere
Cruising the local streets
Now on an over the road highway
Day or night
Clearing the overpass
Mining diamonds
Knowing myself
and living in a world
I know and understand
Saving a lot for latter
Making it to the promised land
Got to choose
Claiming the prize
of a new dream
Moving on
Healing from pain
Try just a little bit harder
Once again
In a white room
Projecting movies
after dark
Friends together
Tearing this world apart
Got to choose
Healing from pain
A healthy feeling
Got to choose
Peace of mind.
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airfieldddrive · 4 days
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Three railways cross Northern Ontario but there's only one main road
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airfieldddrive · 4 days
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Looking up the Fraser Canyon from an observation point on the Trans Canada Highway, B.C.
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airfieldddrive · 4 days
The Perfectly Complete, Supersonic  Anaesthetist
“The Perfectly Complete, Supersonic  Anaesthetist”
The perfectly complete, supersonic  anaesthetist Living a life of the   fantastic And if she feels the need to include you,  you’ll never forget it Her and her friends are financiers, women with illustrious career’s and are women  who have most of the answers.
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